Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.tuple.DoublesPair; import com.opengamma.util.tuple.Triple; /** * Method to computes the present value and sensitivities of physical delivery European swaptions with a Libor Market Model calibrated exactly to SABR prices. * The LMM displacements and volatility weights are hard coded. * <p> Reference: M. Henrard, Algorithmic differentiation and calibration: optimization, September 2012. */ public class SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborSABRLMMAtBestMethod implements PricingMethod { /** * The SABR method used for European swaptions with physical delivery. */ private static final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborSABRMethod METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR = SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborSABRMethod .getInstance(); /** * The LMM method used for European swaptions with physical delivery. */ private static final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborLMMDDMethod METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM = SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborLMMDDMethod .getInstance(); /** * The method used to create the calibration basket. */ private static final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborBasketMethod METHOD_BASKET = SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborBasketMethod .getInstance(); /** * The matrix algebra used. */ private static final CommonsMatrixAlgebra ALGEBRA = new CommonsMatrixAlgebra(); /** * The noneyness of strikes used in the calibration basket. Difference between the swaption rate and the basket rates. */ private final double[] _strikeMoneyness; /** * The initial value of the LMM parameters for calibration. The initial parameters are not modified by the calibration but a new copy is created for each calibration. */ private final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionParameters _parametersInit; /** * Constructor. * @param strikeMoneyness The noneyness of strikes used in the calibration basket. Difference between the swaption rate and the basket rates. * @param parametersInit The initial value of the LMM parameters for calibration. The initial parameters are not modified by the calibration but a new copy is created for each calibration. */ public SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborSABRLMMAtBestMethod(final double[] strikeMoneyness, final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionParameters parametersInit) { _strikeMoneyness = strikeMoneyness; _parametersInit = parametersInit; } /** * The method calibrates a LMM on a set of vanilla swaption priced with SABR. The set of vanilla swaptions is given by the CalibrationType. * The original swaption is priced with the calibrated LMM. * This should not be used for vanilla swaptions (the price is equal to the SABR price with a longer computation type and some approximation). * This is useful for non-standard swaptions like amortized swaptions. * @param swaption The swaption. * @param curves The curves and SABR data. * @return The present value. */ public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor swaption, final SABRInterestRateDataBundle curves) { Validate.notNull(swaption); Validate.notNull(curves); final int nbStrikes = _strikeMoneyness.length; final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionParameters lmmParameters = _parametersInit.copy(); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective objective = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective( lmmParameters); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine calibrationEngine = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine( objective, nbStrikes); final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor[] swaptionCalibration = METHOD_BASKET .calibrationBasketFixedLegPeriod(swaption, _strikeMoneyness); calibrationEngine.addInstrument(swaptionCalibration, METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR); calibrationEngine.calibrate(curves); final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle lmmBundle = new LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle( lmmParameters, curves); final CurrencyAmount pv = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValue(swaption, lmmBundle); return pv; } @Override public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor, "Physical delivery swaption"); Validate.isTrue(curves instanceof SABRInterestRateDataBundle, "Bundle should contain SABR data"); return presentValue((SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor) instrument, (SABRInterestRateDataBundle) curves); } public PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle presentValueSABRSensitivity( final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor swaption, final SABRInterestRateDataBundle curves) { Validate.notNull(swaption); Validate.notNull(curves); final int nbStrikes = _strikeMoneyness.length; final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionParameters lmmParameters = _parametersInit.copy(); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective objective = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective( lmmParameters); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine calibrationEngine = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine( objective, nbStrikes); final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor[] swaptionCalibration = METHOD_BASKET .calibrationBasketFixedLegPeriod(swaption, _strikeMoneyness); calibrationEngine.addInstrument(swaptionCalibration, METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR); calibrationEngine.calibrate(curves); final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle lmmBundle = new LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle( lmmParameters, curves); final int nbCalibrations = swaptionCalibration.length; final int nbPeriods = nbCalibrations / nbStrikes; final int nbFact = lmmParameters.getNbFactor(); final List<Integer> instrumentIndex = calibrationEngine.getInstrumentIndex(); final double[] dPvdPhi = new double[2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the priced swaptions wrt the calibration parameters (multiplicative factor and additive term) // Implementation note: Phi is a vector with the multiplicative factors on the volatility and then the additive terms on the displacements. final double[][] dPvdGamma = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueLMMSensitivity(swaption, lmmBundle); final double[] dPvdDis = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueDDSensitivity(swaption, lmmBundle); for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopsub = instrumentIndex.get(loopperiod * nbStrikes); loopsub < instrumentIndex .get((loopperiod + 1) * nbStrikes); loopsub++) { for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFact; loopfact++) { dPvdPhi[loopperiod] += dPvdGamma[loopsub][loopfact] * lmmParameters.getVolatility()[loopsub][loopfact]; dPvdPhi[nbPeriods + loopperiod] += dPvdDis[loopsub]; } } } final double[][] dPvCaldPhi = new double[nbCalibrations][2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the calibration swaptions wrt the calibration parameters (multiplicative factor and additive term) final double[][][] dPvCaldGamma = new double[nbCalibrations][][]; for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dPvCaldGamma[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueLMMSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], lmmBundle); } final double[][] dPvCaldDis = new double[nbCalibrations][]; for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dPvCaldDis[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueDDSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], lmmBundle); } for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopsub = instrumentIndex.get(loopperiod * nbStrikes); loopsub < instrumentIndex .get((loopperiod + 1) * nbStrikes); loopsub++) { for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFact; loopfact++) { dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopperiod] += dPvCaldGamma[loopcal][loopsub][loopfact] * lmmParameters.getVolatility()[loopsub][loopfact]; dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][nbPeriods + loopperiod] += dPvCaldDis[loopcal][loopsub]; } } } } final double[][] dPvCaldTheta = new double[nbCalibrations][3 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the calibration swaptions wrt the SABR parameters as a unique array. // Implementation note: Theta is vector with first the Alpha, the the Rho and finally the Nu. for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopstrike = 0; loopstrike < nbStrikes; loopstrike++) { final PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle dPvCaldSABR = METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR .presentValueSABRSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike], curves); final Set<DoublesPair> keySet = dPvCaldSABR.getAlpha().getMap().keySet(); final DoublesPair[] keys = keySet.toArray(new DoublesPair[keySet.size()]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][loopperiod] += dPvCaldSABR.getAlpha().getMap() .get(keys[0]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][nbPeriods + loopperiod] = dPvCaldSABR.getRho() .getMap().get(keys[0]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][2 * nbPeriods + loopperiod] = dPvCaldSABR.getNu() .getMap().get(keys[0]); } } final double[][] dfdTheta = new double[2 * nbPeriods][3 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of f wrt the SABR parameters. for (int loopp = 0; loopp < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp++) { for (int loops = 0; loops < 3 * nbPeriods; loops++) { for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dfdTheta[loopp][loops] += -2 * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp] * dPvCaldTheta[loopcal][loops]; } } } final double[][] dfdPhi = new double[2 * nbPeriods][2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of f wrt the calibration parameters. This is an approximation: the second order derivative part are ignored. for (int loopp1 = 0; loopp1 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp1++) { for (int loopp2 = 0; loopp2 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp2++) { for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dfdPhi[loopp1][loopp2] += 2 * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp1] * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp2]; } } } final DoubleMatrix2D dfdThetaMat = new DoubleMatrix2D(dfdTheta); final DoubleMatrix2D dfdPhiMat = new DoubleMatrix2D(dfdPhi); final DoubleMatrix2D dPhidThetaMat = (DoubleMatrix2D) ALGEBRA .scale(ALGEBRA.multiply(ALGEBRA.getInverse(dfdPhiMat), dfdThetaMat), -1.0); final DoubleMatrix1D dPvdPhiMat = new DoubleMatrix1D(dPvdPhi); final DoubleMatrix2D dPvdThetaMat = ALGEBRA .getTranspose(ALGEBRA.multiply(ALGEBRA.getTranspose(dPhidThetaMat), dPvdPhiMat)); final double[] dPvdTheta = dPvdThetaMat.getData()[0]; // Storage in PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle final PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle sensi = new PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle(); for (int loopp = 0; loopp < nbPeriods; loopp++) { final DoublesPair expiryMaturity = new DoublesPair( swaptionCalibration[loopp * nbStrikes].getTimeToExpiry(), swaptionCalibration[loopp * nbStrikes].getMaturityTime()); sensi.addAlpha(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[loopp]); sensi.addRho(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[nbPeriods + loopp]); sensi.addNu(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[2 * nbPeriods + loopp]); } return sensi; } public Triple<CurrencyAmount, PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle, InterestRateCurveSensitivity> presentValueAndSensitivity( final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor swaption, final SABRInterestRateDataBundle curves) { Validate.notNull(swaption); Validate.notNull(curves); final int nbStrikes = _strikeMoneyness.length; final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionParameters lmmParameters = _parametersInit.copy(); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective objective = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective( lmmParameters); final SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine calibrationEngine = new SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine( objective, nbStrikes); final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor[] swaptionCalibration = METHOD_BASKET .calibrationBasketFixedLegPeriod(swaption, _strikeMoneyness); calibrationEngine.addInstrument(swaptionCalibration, METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR); calibrationEngine.calibrate(curves); final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle lmmBundle = new LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle( lmmParameters, curves); // 1. PV final CurrencyAmount pv = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValue(swaption, lmmBundle); final int nbCalibrations = swaptionCalibration.length; final int nbPeriods = nbCalibrations / nbStrikes; final int nbFact = lmmParameters.getNbFactor(); final List<Integer> instrumentIndex = calibrationEngine.getInstrumentIndex(); // 2. SABR sensitivities final double[] dPvdPhi = new double[2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the priced swaptions wrt the calibration parameters (multiplicative factor and additive term) final double[][] dPvdGamma = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueLMMSensitivity(swaption, lmmBundle); final double[] dPvdDis = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueDDSensitivity(swaption, lmmBundle); for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopsub = instrumentIndex.get(loopperiod * nbStrikes); loopsub < instrumentIndex .get((loopperiod + 1) * nbStrikes); loopsub++) { for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFact; loopfact++) { dPvdPhi[loopperiod] += dPvdGamma[loopsub][loopfact] * lmmParameters.getVolatility()[loopsub][loopfact]; dPvdPhi[nbPeriods + loopperiod] += dPvdDis[loopsub]; } } } final double[][] dPvCaldPhi = new double[nbCalibrations][2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the calibration swaptions wrt the calibration parameters (multiplicative factor and additive term) final double[][][] dPvCaldGamma = new double[nbCalibrations][][]; for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dPvCaldGamma[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueLMMSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], lmmBundle); } final double[][] dPvCaldDis = new double[nbCalibrations][]; for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dPvCaldDis[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueDDSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], lmmBundle); } for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopsub = instrumentIndex.get(loopperiod * nbStrikes); loopsub < instrumentIndex .get((loopperiod + 1) * nbStrikes); loopsub++) { for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFact; loopfact++) { dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopperiod] += dPvCaldGamma[loopcal][loopsub][loopfact] * lmmParameters.getVolatility()[loopsub][loopfact]; dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][nbPeriods + loopperiod] += dPvCaldDis[loopcal][loopsub]; } } } } final double[][] dPvCaldTheta = new double[nbCalibrations][3 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of the calibration swaptions wrt the SABR parameters as a unique array. for (int loopperiod = 0; loopperiod < nbPeriods; loopperiod++) { for (int loopstrike = 0; loopstrike < nbStrikes; loopstrike++) { final PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle dPvCaldSABR = METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR .presentValueSABRSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike], curves); final Set<DoublesPair> keySet = dPvCaldSABR.getAlpha().getMap().keySet(); final DoublesPair[] keys = keySet.toArray(new DoublesPair[keySet.size()]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][loopperiod] += dPvCaldSABR.getAlpha().getMap() .get(keys[0]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][nbPeriods + loopperiod] = dPvCaldSABR.getRho() .getMap().get(keys[0]); dPvCaldTheta[loopperiod * nbStrikes + loopstrike][2 * nbPeriods + loopperiod] = dPvCaldSABR.getNu() .getMap().get(keys[0]); } } final double[][] dfdTheta = new double[2 * nbPeriods][3 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of f wrt the SABR parameters. for (int loopp = 0; loopp < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp++) { for (int loops = 0; loops < 3 * nbPeriods; loops++) { for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dfdTheta[loopp][loops] += -2 * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp] * dPvCaldTheta[loopcal][loops]; } } } final double[][] dfdPhi = new double[2 * nbPeriods][2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of f wrt the calibration parameters. This is an approximation: the second order derivative part are ignored. for (int loopp1 = 0; loopp1 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp1++) { for (int loopp2 = 0; loopp2 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp2++) { for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dfdPhi[loopp1][loopp2] += 2 * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp1] * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp2]; } } } final DoubleMatrix2D dfdThetaMat = new DoubleMatrix2D(dfdTheta); final DoubleMatrix2D dfdPhiMat = new DoubleMatrix2D(dfdPhi); final DoubleMatrix2D dfdPhiInvMat = ALGEBRA.getInverse(dfdPhiMat); final DoubleMatrix2D dPhidThetaMat = (DoubleMatrix2D) ALGEBRA .scale(ALGEBRA.multiply(dfdPhiInvMat, dfdThetaMat), -1.0); final DoubleMatrix1D dPvdPhiMat = new DoubleMatrix1D(dPvdPhi); final DoubleMatrix2D dPvdThetaMat = ALGEBRA .getTranspose(ALGEBRA.multiply(ALGEBRA.getTranspose(dPhidThetaMat), dPvdPhiMat)); final double[] dPvdTheta = dPvdThetaMat.getData()[0]; // Storage in PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle final PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle sensiSABR = new PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle(); for (int loopp = 0; loopp < nbPeriods; loopp++) { final DoublesPair expiryMaturity = new DoublesPair( swaptionCalibration[loopp * nbStrikes].getTimeToExpiry(), swaptionCalibration[loopp * nbStrikes].getMaturityTime()); sensiSABR.addAlpha(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[loopp]); sensiSABR.addRho(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[nbPeriods + loopp]); sensiSABR.addNu(expiryMaturity, dPvdTheta[2 * nbPeriods + loopp]); } // 3. Curve sensitivities final InterestRateCurveSensitivity[] dPvCalBasedC = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity[nbCalibrations]; final InterestRateCurveSensitivity[] dPvCalLmmdC = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity[nbCalibrations]; final InterestRateCurveSensitivity[] dPvCalDiffdC = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity[nbCalibrations]; for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dPvCalBasedC[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_SABR.presentValueCurveSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], curves); dPvCalLmmdC[loopcal] = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueCurveSensitivity(swaptionCalibration[loopcal], lmmBundle); dPvCalDiffdC[loopcal] = dPvCalBasedC[loopcal].plus(dPvCalLmmdC[loopcal].multipliedBy(-1.0)).cleaned(); } final InterestRateCurveSensitivity[] dfdC = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity[2 * nbPeriods]; // Implementation note: Derivative of f wrt the curves. This is an approximation: the second order derivative part are ignored. for (int loopp = 0; loopp < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp++) { dfdC[loopp] = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity(); for (int loopcal = 0; loopcal < nbCalibrations; loopcal++) { dfdC[loopp] = dfdC[loopp].plus(dPvCalDiffdC[loopcal].multipliedBy(-2 * dPvCaldPhi[loopcal][loopp])) .cleaned(); } } final InterestRateCurveSensitivity[] dPhidC = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity[2 * nbPeriods]; for (int loopp1 = 0; loopp1 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp1++) { dPhidC[loopp1] = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity(); for (int loopp2 = 0; loopp2 < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp2++) { dPhidC[loopp1] = dPhidC[loopp1] .plus(dfdC[loopp2].multipliedBy(-dfdPhiInvMat.getEntry(loopp1, loopp2))).cleaned(); } } InterestRateCurveSensitivity dPvdC = METHOD_SWAPTION_LMM.presentValueCurveSensitivity(swaption, lmmBundle); for (int loopp = 0; loopp < 2 * nbPeriods; loopp++) { dPvdC =[loopp].multipliedBy(dPvdPhi[loopp])).cleaned(); } return new Triple<CurrencyAmount, PresentValueSABRSensitivityDataBundle, InterestRateCurveSensitivity>(pv, sensiSABR, dPvdC); } }