Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.CompareUtils; /** * Get the single fixed rate that makes the PV of the instrument zero. For fixed-float swaps this is the swap rate, for FRAs it is the forward etc. * For instruments that cannot PV to zero, e.g. bonds, a single payment of -1.0 is assumed at zero (i.e. the bond must PV to 1.0) */ public final class ParRateCalculator extends AbstractInstrumentDerivativeVisitor<YieldCurveBundle, Double> { /** * The unique instance of the calculator. */ private static final ParRateCalculator INSTANCE = new ParRateCalculator(); /** * Gets the calculator instance. * @return The calculator. */ public static ParRateCalculator getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Constructor. */ private ParRateCalculator() { } /** * The methods and calculators. */ private static final PresentValueCalculator PVC = PresentValueCalculator.getInstance(); private static final CouponOISDiscountingMethod METHOD_OIS = CouponOISDiscountingMethod.getInstance(); private static final CouponIborDiscountingMethod METHOD_IBOR = CouponIborDiscountingMethod.getInstance(); // private static final CouponIborGearingDiscountingMethod METHOD_IBOR_GEARING = CouponIborGearingDiscountingMethod.getInstance(); private static final DepositZeroDiscountingMethod METHOD_DEPOSIT_ZERO = DepositZeroDiscountingMethod .getInstance(); private static final ForwardRateAgreementDiscountingMethod METHOD_FRA = ForwardRateAgreementDiscountingMethod .getInstance(); private static final InterestRateFutureDiscountingMethod METHOD_IRFUT = InterestRateFutureDiscountingMethod .getInstance(); private static final SwapFixedCouponDiscountingMethod METHOD_SWAP = SwapFixedCouponDiscountingMethod .getInstance(); @Override public Double visit(final InstrumentDerivative derivative, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { Validate.notNull(curves); Validate.notNull(derivative); return derivative.accept(this, curves); } // TODO: review @Override public Double visitCash(final Cash cash, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = curves.getCurve(cash.getYieldCurveName()); final double ta = cash.getStartTime(); final double tb = cash.getEndTime(); final double yearFrac = cash.getAccrualFactor(); // TODO need a getForwardRate method on YieldAndDiscountCurve if (yearFrac == 0.0) { if (!CompareUtils.closeEquals(ta, tb, 1e-16)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Year fraction is zero, but payment time greater than trade time"); } final double eps = 1e-8; final double rate = curve.getInterestRate(ta); final double dRate = curve.getInterestRate(ta + eps); return rate + ta * (dRate - rate) / eps; } return (curve.getDiscountFactor(ta) / curve.getDiscountFactor(tb) - 1) / yearFrac; } @Override public Double visitDepositZero(final DepositZero deposit, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { return METHOD_DEPOSIT_ZERO.parRate(deposit, curves); } @Override public Double visitForwardRateAgreement(final ForwardRateAgreement fra, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { return METHOD_FRA.parRate(fra, curves); } @Override /** * Compute the future rate (1-price) without convexity adjustment. */ public Double visitInterestRateFuture(final InterestRateFuture future, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { return METHOD_IRFUT.parRate(future, curves); } /** * Computes the par rate of a swap with one fixed leg. * @param swap The Fixed coupon swap. * @param curves The curves. * @return The par swap rate. If the fixed leg has been set up with some fixed payments these are ignored for the purposes of finding the swap rate */ @Override public Double visitFixedCouponSwap(final SwapFixedCoupon<?> swap, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final double pvSecond = PVC.visit(swap.getSecondLeg(), curves); final double pvbp = PVC.visit(swap.getFixedLeg().withUnitCoupon(), curves); return -pvSecond / pvbp; } /** * Computes the swap convention-modified par rate for a fixed coupon swap. * <P>Reference: Swaption pricing - v 1.3, OpenGamma Quantitative Research, June 2012. * @param swap The swap. * @param dayCount The day count convention to modify the swap rate. * @param curves The curves. * @return The modified rate. */ public Double visitFixedCouponSwap(final SwapFixedCoupon<?> swap, final DayCount dayCount, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final double pvbp = METHOD_SWAP.presentValueBasisPoint(swap, dayCount, curves); return visitFixedCouponSwap(swap, pvbp, curves); } /** * Computes the swap convention-modified par rate for a fixed coupon swap with a PVBP externally provided. * <P>Reference: Swaption pricing - v 1.3, OpenGamma Quantitative Research, June 2012. * @param swap The swap. * @param pvbp The present value of a basis point. * @param curves The curves. * @return The modified rate. */ public Double visitFixedCouponSwap(final SwapFixedCoupon<?> swap, final double pvbp, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final double pvSecond = -PVC.visit(swap.getSecondLeg(), curves) * Math.signum(swap.getSecondLeg().getNthPayment(0).getNotional()); return -pvSecond / pvbp; } /** * The assumption is that spread is on the second leg. * @param swap The tenor swap. * @param curves The valuation curves. * @return The spread on the second leg of a basis swap */ @Override public Double visitTenorSwap(final TenorSwap<? extends Payment> swap, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final AnnuityCouponIborSpread firstLeg = (AnnuityCouponIborSpread) swap.getFirstLeg(); final AnnuityCouponIborSpread secondLeg = (AnnuityCouponIborSpread) swap.getSecondLeg(); final double pvFirst = PVC.visit(firstLeg.withZeroSpread(), curves); final double pvSecond = PVC.visit(secondLeg.withZeroSpread(), curves); final double pvSpread = PVC.visit(secondLeg.withUnitCoupons(), curves); if (pvSpread == 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot calculate spread. Please check setup"); } return (-pvFirst - pvSecond) / pvSpread; } /** * This assumes that the spread is pay on the foreign leg (i.e. foreign ibor + spread against domestic ibor) * @param ccs The Cross Currency Swap. * @param curves The valuation curves. * @return The spread on the foreign leg of a CCS */ @Override public Double visitCrossCurrencySwap(final CrossCurrencySwap ccs, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { FloatingRateNote dFRN = ccs.getDomesticLeg(); FloatingRateNote fFRN = ccs.getForeignLeg(); AnnuityCouponIborSpread dFloatLeg = dFRN.getFloatingLeg().withZeroSpread(); AnnuityCouponIborSpread fFloatLeg = fFRN.getFloatingLeg().withZeroSpread(); AnnuityCouponFixed fAnnuity = fFRN.getFloatingLeg().withUnitCoupons(); double dPV = PVC.visit(dFloatLeg, curves) + PVC.visit(dFRN.getFirstLeg(), curves); //this is in domestic currency double fPV = PVC.visit(fFloatLeg, curves) + PVC.visit(fFRN.getFirstLeg(), curves); //this is in foreign currency double fAnnuityPV = PVC.visit(fAnnuity, curves); //this is in foreign currency double fx = ccs.getSpotFX(); //TODO remove having CCS holding spot FX rate return (dPV - fx * fPV) / fx / fAnnuityPV; } // TODO: review @Override public Double visitForexForward(final ForexForward fx, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { //TODO this is not a par rate, it is a forward FX rate final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve1 = curves.getCurve(fx.getPaymentCurrency1().getFundingCurveName()); final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve2 = curves.getCurve(fx.getPaymentCurrency2().getFundingCurveName()); final double t = fx.getPaymentTime(); return fx.getSpotForexRate() * curve2.getDiscountFactor(t) / curve1.getDiscountFactor(t); } // TODO: review /** * This gives you the bond coupon, for a given yield curve, that renders the bond par (present value of all cash flows equal to 1.0) * For a bonds yield use ??????????????? //TODO * @param bond the bond * @param curves the input curves * @return the par rate */ @Override public Double visitBondFixedSecurity(final BondFixedSecurity bond, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { final Annuity<CouponFixed> coupons = bond.getCoupon(); final int n = coupons.getNumberOfPayments(); final CouponFixed[] unitCoupons = new CouponFixed[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { unitCoupons[i] = coupons.getNthPayment(i).withUnitCoupon(); } final Annuity<CouponFixed> unitCouponAnnuity = new Annuity<CouponFixed>(unitCoupons); final double pvann = PVC.visit(unitCouponAnnuity, curves); final double matPV = PVC.visit(bond.getNominal(), curves); return (1 - matPV) / pvann; } @Override public Double visitCouponIbor(final CouponIbor payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) { return METHOD_IBOR.parRate(payment, data); } @Override public Double visitCouponIborSpread(final CouponIborSpread payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) { final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = data.getCurve(payment.getForwardCurveName()); return (curve.getDiscountFactor(payment.getFixingPeriodStartTime()) / curve.getDiscountFactor(payment.getFixingPeriodEndTime()) - 1.0) / payment.getFixingYearFraction(); } @Override public Double visitCouponIborGearing(final CouponIborGearing payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) { final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = data.getCurve(payment.getForwardCurveName()); return (curve.getDiscountFactor(payment.getFixingPeriodStartTime()) / curve.getDiscountFactor(payment.getFixingPeriodEndTime()) - 1.0) / payment.getFixingAccrualFactor(); } @Override public Double visitCouponOIS(final CouponOIS payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) { return METHOD_OIS.parRate(payment, data); } @Override public Double visitCapFloorIbor(final CapFloorIbor payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) { return visitCouponIborSpread(payment.toCoupon(), data); } @Override public Double visitFixedFloatSwap(final FixedFloatSwap swap, final YieldCurveBundle data) { return visitFixedCouponSwap(swap, data); } }