Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;

import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;

 * Describes a fixed coupon bond issue.
public class BondFixedSecurity extends BondSecurity<PaymentFixed, CouponFixed> {

     * The yield (to maturity) computation convention.
    private final YieldConvention _yieldConvention;
     * The accrued interest at the settlement date. The accrued interest is an amount (in line with the nominal).
    private final double _accruedInterest;
     * Number of coupon per year.
    private final int _couponPerYear;
     * The accrual factor to the first coupon. Used for yield computation.
    private final double _factorToNextCoupon;

     * Fixed coupon bond constructor from the nominal and the coupons.
     * @param nominal The notional payments. For bullet bond, it is restricted to a single payment.
     * @param coupon The bond fixed coupons. The coupons notional should be in line with the bond nominal.
     * @param settlementTime The time (in years) to settlement date.
     * @param accruedInterest The accrued interest at the settlement date. The accrued interest is an amount (in line with the nominal).
     * @param factorToNextCoupon The factor from spot up to the next coupon.
     * @param yieldConvention The yield (to maturity) computation convention.
     * @param couponPerYear Number of coupon per year.
     * @param repoCurveName The name of the curve used for settlement amount discounting.
     * @param issuer The bond issuer name.
     * @deprecated Use the constructor that does not take curve names
    public BondFixedSecurity(final AnnuityPaymentFixed nominal, final AnnuityCouponFixed coupon,
            final double settlementTime, final double accruedInterest, final double factorToNextCoupon,
            final YieldConvention yieldConvention, final int couponPerYear, final String repoCurveName,
            final String issuer) {
        super(nominal, coupon, settlementTime, repoCurveName, issuer);
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(yieldConvention, "Yield convention");
        _yieldConvention = yieldConvention;
        _accruedInterest = accruedInterest;
        _couponPerYear = couponPerYear;
        _factorToNextCoupon = factorToNextCoupon;

     * Fixed coupon bond constructor from the nominal and the coupons.
     * @param nominal The notional payments. For bullet bond, it is restricted to a single payment.
     * @param coupon The bond fixed coupons. The coupons notional should be in line with the bond nominal.
     * @param settlementTime The time (in years) to settlement date.
     * @param accruedInterest The accrued interest at the settlement date. The accrued interest is an amount (in line with the nominal).
     * @param factorToNextCoupon The factor from spot up to the next coupon.
     * @param yieldConvention The yield (to maturity) computation convention.
     * @param couponPerYear Number of coupon per year.
     * @param issuer The bond issuer name.
    public BondFixedSecurity(final AnnuityPaymentFixed nominal, final AnnuityCouponFixed coupon,
            final double settlementTime, final double accruedInterest, final double factorToNextCoupon,
            final YieldConvention yieldConvention, final int couponPerYear, final String issuer) {
        super(nominal, coupon, settlementTime, issuer);
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(yieldConvention, "Yield convention");
        _yieldConvention = yieldConvention;
        _accruedInterest = accruedInterest;
        _couponPerYear = couponPerYear;
        _factorToNextCoupon = factorToNextCoupon;

     * Gets the yield computation convention.
     * @return The yield convention.
    public YieldConvention getYieldConvention() {
        return _yieldConvention;

     * Gets the accrued interest at the settlement date.
     * @return The accrued interest.
    public double getAccruedInterest() {
        return _accruedInterest;

     * Gets the number of coupon per year.
     * @return The number of coupon per year.
    public int getCouponPerYear() {
        return _couponPerYear;

     * Gets the accrual factor to the first coupon.
     * @return The accrual factor to the first coupon.
    public double getAccrualFactorToNextCoupon() {
        return _factorToNextCoupon;

    public <S, T> T accept(final InstrumentDerivativeVisitor<S, T> visitor, final S data) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitBondFixedSecurity(this, data);

    public <T> T accept(final InstrumentDerivativeVisitor<?, T> visitor) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitBondFixedSecurity(this);

    public String toString() {
        String result = super.toString();
        result += "\nFixed coupon bond: " + _yieldConvention.toString() + ", accrued=" + _accruedInterest
                + ", coupon=" + _couponPerYear + ", factor=" + _factorToNextCoupon;
        return result;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = super.hashCode();
        long temp;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_accruedInterest);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        result = prime * result + _couponPerYear;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_factorToNextCoupon);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        result = prime * result + _yieldConvention.hashCode();
        return result;

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (!super.equals(obj)) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final BondFixedSecurity other = (BondFixedSecurity) obj;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(_accruedInterest) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other._accruedInterest)) {
            return false;
        if (_couponPerYear != other._couponPerYear) {
            return false;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(_factorToNextCoupon) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other._factorToNextCoupon)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equals(_yieldConvention, other._yieldConvention)) {
            return false;
        return true;
