Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.tuple.DoublesPair; /** * */ public final class ZSpreadCalculator { private static final PresentValueCalculator PRESENT_VALUE_CALCULATOR = PresentValueCalculator.getInstance(); private static final PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator PV_SENSITIVITY_CALCULATOR = PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator .getInstance(); private static final BracketRoot ROOT_BRACKETER = new BracketRoot(); private static final RealSingleRootFinder ROOT_FINDER = new BrentSingleRootFinder(); private static final ZSpreadCalculator CALCULATOR = new ZSpreadCalculator(); private ZSpreadCalculator() { } public static ZSpreadCalculator getInstance() { return CALCULATOR; } public double calculateZSpread(final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle curves, final double price) { Validate.notNull(annuity, "annuity"); Validate.notNull(curves, "curves"); final Function1D<Double, Double> f = new Function1D<Double, Double>() { @Override public Double evaluate(final Double y) { return calculatePriceForZSpread(annuity, curves, y) - price; } }; final double[] range = ROOT_BRACKETER.getBracketedPoints(f, 0.0, 1.2); return ROOT_FINDER.getRoot(f, range[0], range[1]); } public double calculatePriceForZSpread(final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle curves, final double zSpread) { Validate.notNull(annuity, "annuity"); Validate.notNull(curves, "curves"); double sum = 0; final int n = annuity.getNumberOfPayments(); Payment payment; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { payment = annuity.getNthPayment(i); final double temp = PRESENT_VALUE_CALCULATOR.visit(payment, curves); sum += temp * Math.exp(-zSpread * payment.getPaymentTime()); } return sum; } public double calculatePriceSensitivityToZSpread(final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle curves, final double zSpread) { Validate.notNull(annuity, "annuity"); Validate.notNull(curves, "curves"); double sum = 0; final int n = annuity.getNumberOfPayments(); Payment payment; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { payment = annuity.getNthPayment(i); final double temp = PRESENT_VALUE_CALCULATOR.visit(payment, curves); final double time = payment.getPaymentTime(); sum -= time * temp * Math.exp(-zSpread * time); } return sum; } public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> calculatePriceSensitivityToCurve(final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle curves, final double zSpread) { Validate.notNull(annuity, "annuity"); Validate.notNull(curves, "curves"); final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> temp = PV_SENSITIVITY_CALCULATOR.visit(annuity, curves); if (zSpread == 0.0) { return temp; } final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>(); for (final String name : temp.keySet()) { final List<DoublesPair> unadjusted = temp.get(name); final ArrayList<DoublesPair> adjusted = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>(unadjusted.size()); for (final DoublesPair pair : unadjusted) { final DoublesPair newPair = new DoublesPair(pair.first, pair.second * Math.exp(-zSpread * pair.first)); adjusted.add(newPair); } result.put(name, adjusted); } return result; } public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> calculateZSpreadSensitivityToCurve( final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle curves, final double zSpread) { Validate.notNull(annuity, "annuity"); Validate.notNull(curves, "curves"); final double dPricedZ = calculatePriceSensitivityToZSpread(annuity, curves, zSpread); Validate.isTrue(dPricedZ != 0.0, "Price Sensitivity To ZSpread is zero"); final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> temp = PV_SENSITIVITY_CALCULATOR.visit(annuity, curves); final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>(); for (final String name : temp.keySet()) { final List<DoublesPair> unadjusted = temp.get(name); final ArrayList<DoublesPair> adjusted = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>(unadjusted.size()); for (final DoublesPair pair : unadjusted) { final DoublesPair newPair = new DoublesPair(pair.first, -pair.second * Math.exp(-zSpread * pair.first) / dPricedZ); adjusted.add(newPair); } result.put(name, adjusted); } return result; } }