Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate;
import org.threeten.bp.Period;
import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime;

import com.opengamma.timeseries.DoubleTimeSeries;
import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;

 * A variance swap is a forward contract on the realized variance of an underlying security.
 * The floating leg of a variance swap is the realized variance.
public class VarianceSwapDefinition
        implements InstrumentDefinitionWithData<VarianceSwap, DoubleTimeSeries<LocalDate>> {
    private final Currency _currency;

    private final double _volStrike; // _varStrike := _volStrike^2 until we need something more elaborate
    private final double _volNotional; // _varNotional := 0.5 * _volNotional / _volStrike. Provides a rough estimate of the payoff if volatility realizes 1 point above strike
    private final double _varStrike; // Computed internally
    private final double _varNotional; // Computed internally

    private final ZonedDateTime _obsStartDate;
    private final ZonedDateTime _obsEndDate;
    private final ZonedDateTime _settlementDate;
    private final PeriodFrequency _obsFreq;
    private final int _nObsExpected;
    private final double _annualizationFactor;
    private final Calendar _calendar;

     * Constructor based upon vega (volatility) parameterisation - strike and notional.
     * @param obsStartDate Date of first observation, not null
     * @param obsEndDate Date of final observation, not null
     * @param settlementDate Date of cash settlement, not null
     * @param obsFreq The frequency of observations, not null
     * @param currency Currency of cash settlement, not null
     * @param calendar Specification of good business days (and holidays), not null
     * @param annualizationFactor Number of business days per year, not null
     * @param volStrike Fair value of volatility, the square root of variance, struck at trade date
     * @param volNotional Trade pays the difference between realized and strike variance multiplied by 0.5 * volNotional / volStrike
    public VarianceSwapDefinition(final ZonedDateTime obsStartDate, final ZonedDateTime obsEndDate,
            final ZonedDateTime settlementDate, final PeriodFrequency obsFreq, final Currency currency,
            final Calendar calendar, final double annualizationFactor, final double volStrike,
            final double volNotional) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(obsStartDate, "obsStartDate");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(obsEndDate, "obsEndDate");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(settlementDate, "settlementDate");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(obsFreq, "obsFreq");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(currency, "currency");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(calendar, "calendar");

        _obsStartDate = obsStartDate;
        _obsEndDate = obsEndDate;
        _settlementDate = settlementDate;
        _obsFreq = obsFreq;
                "Only DAILY observation frequencies are currently supported. obsFreq = " + obsFreq.toString());
        // TODO CASE Extend to periods longer than daily.
        _currency = currency;
        _calendar = calendar;
        _nObsExpected = countExpectedGoodDays(obsStartDate.toLocalDate(), obsEndDate.toLocalDate(), calendar,
        _annualizationFactor = annualizationFactor;
        _volStrike = volStrike;
        _volNotional = volNotional;
        _varStrike = volStrike * volStrike;
        _varNotional = 0.5 * volNotional / volStrike;

     * Static constructor of a variance swap using a vega parameterisation of the contract.
     * @param obsStartDate Date of the first observation, not null
     * @param obsEndDate Date of the last observation, not null
     * @param settlementDate The settlement date, not null
     * @param obsFreq The observation frequency, not null
     * @param currency The currency, not null
     * @param calendar The calendar used for calculating good business days, not null
     * @param annualizationFactor The annualisation factor
     * @param volStrike The volatility strike
     * @param volNotional The volatility notional
     * @return The contract definition
    public static VarianceSwapDefinition fromVegaParams(final ZonedDateTime obsStartDate,
            final ZonedDateTime obsEndDate, final ZonedDateTime settlementDate, final PeriodFrequency obsFreq,
            final Currency currency, final Calendar calendar, final double annualizationFactor,
            final double volStrike, final double volNotional) {
        return new VarianceSwapDefinition(obsStartDate, obsEndDate, settlementDate, obsFreq, currency, calendar,
                annualizationFactor, volStrike, volNotional);

     * Static constructor of a variance swap using a variance parameterisation of the contract.
     * @param obsStartDate Date of the first observation, not null
     * @param obsEndDate Date of the last observation, not null
     * @param settlementDate The settlement date, not null
     * @param obsFreq The observation frequency, not null
     * @param currency The currency, not null
     * @param calendar The calendar used for calculating good business days, not null
     * @param annualizationFactor The annualisation factor
     * @param varStrike The variance strike, not negative
     * @param varNotional The variance notional
     * @return The contract definition
    public static VarianceSwapDefinition fromVarianceParams(final ZonedDateTime obsStartDate,
            final ZonedDateTime obsEndDate, final ZonedDateTime settlementDate, final PeriodFrequency obsFreq,
            final Currency currency, final Calendar calendar, final double annualizationFactor,
            final double varStrike, final double varNotional) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNegative(varStrike, "variance strike");
        final double volStrike = Math.sqrt(varStrike);
        final double volNotional = 2 * varNotional * volStrike;
        return new VarianceSwapDefinition(obsStartDate, obsEndDate, settlementDate, obsFreq, currency, calendar,
                annualizationFactor, volStrike, volNotional);

     * @param obsStartDate The observation start date
     * @param obsEndDate The observation end date
     * @param calendar The holiday calendar
     * @param obsFreq The observation frequency
     * @return The number of expected business days between the start and end dates
    protected static int countExpectedGoodDays(final LocalDate obsStartDate, final LocalDate obsEndDate,
            final Calendar calendar, final PeriodFrequency obsFreq) {
        int nGood = 0;
        final Period period = obsFreq.getPeriod();
        LocalDate date = obsStartDate;
        while (!date.isAfter(obsEndDate)) {
            if (calendar.isWorkingDay(date)) {
            date =;
        return nGood;

    public VarianceSwap toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date, final String... yieldCurveNames) {
        return toDerivative(date, ImmutableLocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.EMPTY_SERIES, yieldCurveNames);

    public VarianceSwap toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date) {
        return toDerivative(date, ImmutableLocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.EMPTY_SERIES);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * The definition is responsible for constructing a view of the variance swap as of a particular date.
     * In particular,  it resolves calendars. The VarianceSwap needs an array of observations, as well as its *expected* length.
     * The actual number of observations may be less than that expected at trade inception because of a market disruption event.
     * ( For an example of a market disruption event, see )
     * @param valueDate Date at which valuation will occur, not null
     * @param underlyingTimeSeries Time series of underlying observations, not null
     * @param yieldCurveNames Not used
     * @return VarianceSwap derivative as of date
     * @deprecated Use the method that does not take yield curve names
    public VarianceSwap toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime valueDate,
            final DoubleTimeSeries<LocalDate> underlyingTimeSeries, final String... yieldCurveNames) {
        return toDerivative(valueDate, underlyingTimeSeries);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * The definition is responsible for constructing a view of the variance swap as of a particular date.
     * In particular,  it resolves calendars. The VarianceSwap needs an array of observations, as well as its *expected* length.
     * The actual number of observations may be less than that expected at trade inception because of a market disruption event.
     * ( For an example of a market disruption event, see )
     * @param valueDate Date at which valuation will occur, not null
     * @param underlyingTimeSeries Time series of underlying observations, not null
     * @return VarianceSwap derivative as of date
    public VarianceSwap toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime valueDate,
            final DoubleTimeSeries<LocalDate> underlyingTimeSeries) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(valueDate, "date");
                "A TimeSeries of observations must be provided. If observations have not begun, please pass an empty series.");
        final double timeToObsStart = TimeCalculator.getTimeBetween(valueDate, _obsStartDate);
        final double timeToObsEnd = TimeCalculator.getTimeBetween(valueDate, _obsEndDate);
        final double timeToSettlement = TimeCalculator.getTimeBetween(valueDate, _settlementDate);
        DoubleTimeSeries<LocalDate> realizedTS;
        if (timeToObsStart > 0) {
            realizedTS = ImmutableLocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.EMPTY_SERIES;
        } else {
            realizedTS = underlyingTimeSeries.subSeries(_obsStartDate.toLocalDate(), true, valueDate.toLocalDate(),
        final double[] observations = realizedTS.valuesArrayFast();
        final double[] observationWeights = {}; // TODO Case 2011-06-29 Calendar Add functionality for non-trivial weighting of observations
        final int nGoodBusinessDays = countExpectedGoodDays(_obsStartDate.toLocalDate(), valueDate.toLocalDate(),
                _calendar, _obsFreq);
        final int nObsDisrupted = nGoodBusinessDays - observations.length;
        ArgumentChecker.isTrue(nObsDisrupted >= 0, "Have more observations {} than good business days {}",
                observations.length, nGoodBusinessDays);
        return new VarianceSwap(timeToObsStart, timeToObsEnd, timeToSettlement, _varStrike, _varNotional, _currency,
                _annualizationFactor, _nObsExpected, nObsDisrupted, observations, observationWeights);

     * Gets the first observation date.
     * @return the first observation date
    public ZonedDateTime getObsStartDate() {
        return _obsStartDate;

     * Gets the last observation date.
     * @return the last observation date
    public ZonedDateTime getObsEndDate() {
        return _obsEndDate;

     * Gets the settlement date.
     * @return the settlement date
    public ZonedDateTime getSettlementDate() {
        return _settlementDate;

     * Gets the observation frequency.
     * @return the observation frequency
    public PeriodFrequency getObsFreq() {
        return _obsFreq;

     * Gets the number of observations expected. This is the number of good business days as expected at trade inception.
     * The actual number of observations may be less if a market disruption event occurs.
     * @return the nObsExpected
    public int getObsExpected() {
        return _nObsExpected;

     * Gets the currency.
     * @return the currency
    public Currency getCurrency() {
        return _currency;

     * Gets the volatility strike.
     * @return the volatility strike
    public double getVolStrike() {
        return _volStrike;

     * Gets the volatility notional.
     * @return the volatility notional
    public double getVolNotional() {
        return _volNotional;

     * Gets the variance strike.
     * @return the variance strike
    public double getVarStrike() {
        return _varStrike;

     * Gets the variance notional.
     * @return the variance notional
    public double getVarNotional() {
        return _varNotional;

     * Gets the calendar.
     * @return the calendar
    public Calendar getCalendar() {
        return _calendar;

     * Gets the annualization factor.
     * @return The annualization factor
    public double getAnnualizationFactor() {
        return _annualizationFactor;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + _currency.hashCode();
        result = prime * result + _obsEndDate.hashCode();
        result = prime * result + _obsStartDate.hashCode();
        result = prime * result + _settlementDate.hashCode();
        result = prime * result + _calendar.hashCode();
        long temp;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_volNotional);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_volStrike);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_annualizationFactor);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        return result;

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof VarianceSwapDefinition)) {
            return false;
        final VarianceSwapDefinition other = (VarianceSwapDefinition) obj;
        if (, other._volStrike) != 0) {
            return false;
        if (, other._volNotional) != 0) {
            return false;
        if (, other._annualizationFactor) != 0) {
            return false;
        if (!(ObjectUtils.equals(_obsStartDate, other._obsStartDate))) {
            return false;
        if (!(ObjectUtils.equals(_obsEndDate, other._obsEndDate))) {
            return false;
        if (!(ObjectUtils.equals(_settlementDate, other._settlementDate))) {
            return false;
        if (!(ObjectUtils.equals(_currency, other._currency))) {
            return false;
        if (!(ObjectUtils.equals(_calendar, other._calendar))) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public <U, V> V accept(final InstrumentDefinitionVisitor<U, V> visitor, final U data) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitVarianceSwapDefinition(this, data);

    public <V> V accept(final InstrumentDefinitionVisitor<?, V> visitor) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitVarianceSwapDefinition(this);
