Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime;

import com.opengamma.timeseries.DoubleTimeSeries;
import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;

 * Description of an transaction on a Federal Funds Futures.
//CSOFF Check style seems to have a problem with >[]>
public class FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition
        implements InstrumentDefinitionWithData<FederalFundsFutureTransaction, DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime>[]> {
     * The underlying future security.
    private final FederalFundsFutureSecurityDefinition _underlyingFuture;
     * The quantity of the transaction. Can be positive or negative.
    private final int _quantity;
     * The transaction date.
    private final ZonedDateTime _tradeDate;
     * The transaction price. The price is in relative number and not in percent. This is the quoted price of the future.
    private final double _tradePrice;

     * Constructor.
     * @param underlyingFuture The underlying future security.
     * @param quantity The quantity of the transaction. Can be positive or negative.
     * @param tradeDate The transaction date.
     * @param tradePrice The transaction price. The price is in relative number and not in percent. This is the quoted price of the future.
    public FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition(final FederalFundsFutureSecurityDefinition underlyingFuture,
            final int quantity, final ZonedDateTime tradeDate, final double tradePrice) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(underlyingFuture, "Future");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(tradeDate, "Trade date");
        _underlyingFuture = underlyingFuture;
        _quantity = quantity;
        _tradeDate = tradeDate;
        _tradePrice = tradePrice;

     * Gets the underlying future security.
     * @return The future.
    public FederalFundsFutureSecurityDefinition getUnderlyingFuture() {
        return _underlyingFuture;

     * Gets the quantity of the transaction. Can be positive or negative.
     * @return The quantity.
    public int getQuantity() {
        return _quantity;

     * Gets the transaction date.
     * @return The date.
    public ZonedDateTime getTradeDate() {
        return _tradeDate;

     * Gets the transaction price. The price is in relative number and not in percent. This is the quoted price of the future.
     * @return The trade price.
    public double getTradePrice() {
        return _tradePrice;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @deprecated Use the method that does not take yield curve names
    public FederalFundsFutureTransaction toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date, final String... yieldCurveNames) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "The method toDerivative of FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition does not support the two argument method (without ON fixing and margin price data).");

    public FederalFundsFutureTransaction toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "The method toDerivative of FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition does not support the two argument method (without ON fixing and margin price data).");

     * @param date The reference date.
     * @param data Two time series. The first one with the ON index fixing; the second one with the future closing (margining) prices.
     * @param yieldCurveNames The yield curve names
     * The last closing price at a date strictly before "date" is used as last closing.
     * @return The derivative form
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @deprecated Use the method that does not take yield curve names
    public FederalFundsFutureTransaction toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date,
            final DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime>[] data, final String... yieldCurveNames) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(date, "Date");
        ArgumentChecker.isTrue(data.length >= 2, "At least two time series: ON index and future closing");
        final FederalFundsFutureSecurity underlying = _underlyingFuture.toDerivative(date, data[0],
        if (_tradeDate.equals(date)) {
            return new FederalFundsFutureTransaction(underlying, _quantity, _tradePrice);
        final DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime> pastClosing = data[1].subSeries(date.minusMonths(1), date);
        ArgumentChecker.isTrue(!pastClosing.isEmpty(), "No closing price"); // There should be at least one recent margining.
        final double lastMargin = pastClosing.getLatestValue();
        return new FederalFundsFutureTransaction(underlying, _quantity, lastMargin);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param date The reference date.
     * @param data Two time series. The first one with the ON index fixing; the second one with the future closing (margining) prices.
     * The last closing price at a date strictly before "date" is used as last closing.
     * @return The derivative form
    public FederalFundsFutureTransaction toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date,
            final DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime>[] data) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(date, "Date");
        ArgumentChecker.isTrue(data.length >= 2, "At least two time series: ON index and future closing");
        final FederalFundsFutureSecurity underlying = _underlyingFuture.toDerivative(date, data[0]);
        if (_tradeDate.equals(date)) {
            return new FederalFundsFutureTransaction(underlying, _quantity, _tradePrice);
        final DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime> pastClosing = data[1].subSeries(date.minusMonths(1), date);
        ArgumentChecker.isTrue(!pastClosing.isEmpty(), "No closing price"); // There should be at least one recent margining.
        final double lastMargin = pastClosing.getLatestValue();
        return new FederalFundsFutureTransaction(underlying, _quantity, lastMargin);

    public <U, V> V accept(final InstrumentDefinitionVisitor<U, V> visitor, final U data) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitFederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition(this, data);

    public <V> V accept(final InstrumentDefinitionVisitor<?, V> visitor) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(visitor, "visitor");
        return visitor.visitFederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition(this);

    public String toString() {
        final String result = "Quantity: " + _quantity + " of " + _underlyingFuture.toString();
        return result;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + _quantity;
        result = prime * result + _tradeDate.hashCode();
        long temp;
        temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_tradePrice);
        result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
        result = prime * result + _underlyingFuture.hashCode();
        return result;

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition other = (FederalFundsFutureTransactionDefinition) obj;
        if (_quantity != other._quantity) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equals(_tradeDate, other._tradeDate)) {
            return false;
        if (Double.doubleToLongBits(_tradePrice) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other._tradePrice)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equals(_underlyingFuture, other._underlyingFuture)) {
            return false;
        return true;
