Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import; import; /** * For an instrument, computes the sensitivity of a value (often the present value or a par spread) to the parameters used in the curve. * The meaning of "parameters" will depend of the way the curve is stored (interpolated yield, function parameters, etc.). * In case a curve is the spread to another curve included in the bundle, the sensitivity is with respect to the underlying curve parameters. * The "underlying" curves taken into account are only to one level deep. * The return format is a vector (DoubleMatrix1D) with length equal to the total number of parameters in all the curves, * and ordered as the parameters to the different curves themselves in increasing order. */ public class ParameterUnderlyingSensitivityCalculator extends AbstractParameterSensitivityCalculator { /** * Constructor * @param curveSensitivityCalculator The curve sensitivity calculator. */ public ParameterUnderlyingSensitivityCalculator( InstrumentDerivativeVisitor<YieldCurveBundle, InterestRateCurveSensitivity> curveSensitivityCalculator) { super(curveSensitivityCalculator); } /** * Computes the sensitivity with respect to the parameters from the point sensitivities to the continuously compounded rate. * The sensitivity computed is only to the curves not in the fixedCurves set. When a curve depend on another underlying curve and the underlying curve is a fixed curve, * its sensitivity is not reported. * @param sensitivity The point sensitivity. * @param fixedCurves The fixed curves names (for which the parameter sensitivity are not computed even if they are necessary for the instrument pricing). * The curve in the list may or may not be in the bundle. Not null. * @param bundle The curve bundle with all the curves with respect to which the sensitivity should be computed. Not null. * @return The sensitivity (as a DoubleMatrix1D). */ @Override public DoubleMatrix1D pointToParameterSensitivity(final InterestRateCurveSensitivity sensitivity, final Set<String> fixedCurves, final YieldCurveBundle bundle) { Set<String> curveNamesSet = bundle.getAllNames(); int nbCurve = curveNamesSet.size(); String[] curveNamesArray = new String[nbCurve]; int loopname = 0; LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> curveNum = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (final String name : curveNamesSet) { // loop over all curves (by name) curveNamesArray[loopname] = name; curveNum.put(name, loopname++); } int[] nbNewParameters = new int[nbCurve]; // Implementation note: nbNewParameters - number of new parameters in the curve, parameters not from an underlying curve which is another curve of the bundle. int[][] indexOther = new int[nbCurve][]; // Implementation note: indexOther - the index of the underlying curves, if any. loopname = 0; for (final String name : curveNamesSet) { // loop over all curves (by name) final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = bundle.getCurve(name); List<String> underlyingCurveNames = curve.getUnderlyingCurvesNames(); nbNewParameters[loopname] = curve.getNumberOfParameters(); List<Integer> indexOtherList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String u : underlyingCurveNames) { Integer i = curveNum.get(u); if (i != null) { indexOtherList.add(i); nbNewParameters[loopname] -= nbNewParameters[i]; } } indexOther[loopname] = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indexOtherList.toArray(new Integer[0])); loopname++; } int nbSensiCurve = 0; for (final String name : bundle.getAllNames()) { // loop over all curves (by name) if (!fixedCurves.contains(name)) { nbSensiCurve++; } } int[] nbNewParamSensiCurve = new int[nbSensiCurve]; // Implementation note: nbNewParamSensiCurve int[][] indexOtherSensiCurve = new int[nbSensiCurve][]; // Implementation note: indexOtherSensiCurve - int[] startCleanParameter = new int[nbSensiCurve]; // Implementation note: startCleanParameter - for each curve for which the sensitivity should be computed, the index in the total sensitivity vector at which that curve start. int[][] startDirtyParameter = new int[nbSensiCurve][]; // Implementation note: startDirtyParameter - for each curve for which the sensitivity should be computed, the indexes of the underlying curves. int nbSensitivityCurve = 0; int nbCleanParameters = 0; int currentDirtyStart = 0; for (final String name : curveNamesSet) { // loop over all curves (by name) if (!fixedCurves.contains(name)) { int num = curveNum.get(name); final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = bundle.getCurve(name); List<Integer> startDirtyParameterList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> underlyingCurveNames = curve.getUnderlyingCurvesNames(); for (String u : underlyingCurveNames) { Integer i = curveNum.get(u); if (i != null) { startDirtyParameterList.add(currentDirtyStart); currentDirtyStart += nbNewParameters[i]; } } startDirtyParameterList.add(currentDirtyStart); currentDirtyStart += nbNewParameters[nbSensitivityCurve]; startDirtyParameter[nbSensitivityCurve] = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(startDirtyParameterList.toArray(new Integer[0])); nbNewParamSensiCurve[nbSensitivityCurve] = nbNewParameters[num]; indexOtherSensiCurve[nbSensitivityCurve] = indexOther[num]; startCleanParameter[nbSensitivityCurve] = nbCleanParameters; nbCleanParameters += nbNewParamSensiCurve[nbSensitivityCurve]; nbSensitivityCurve++; } } final List<Double> sensiDirtyList = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (final String name : curveNamesSet) { // loop over all curves (by name) if (!fixedCurves.contains(name)) { final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = bundle.getCurve(name); List<Double> oneCurveSensitivity = pointToParameterSensitivity( sensitivity.getSensitivities().get(name), curve); sensiDirtyList.addAll(oneCurveSensitivity); } } double[] sensiDirty = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(sensiDirtyList.toArray(new Double[0])); double[] sensiClean = new double[nbCleanParameters]; for (int loopcurve = 0; loopcurve < nbSensiCurve; loopcurve++) { for (int loopo = 0; loopo < indexOtherSensiCurve[loopcurve].length; loopo++) { if (!fixedCurves.contains(curveNamesArray[indexOtherSensiCurve[loopcurve][loopo]])) { for (int loops = 0; loops < nbNewParamSensiCurve[indexOtherSensiCurve[loopcurve][loopo]]; loops++) { sensiClean[startCleanParameter[indexOtherSensiCurve[loopcurve][loopo]] + loops] += sensiDirty[startDirtyParameter[loopcurve][loopo] + loops]; } } } for (int loops = 0; loops < nbNewParamSensiCurve[loopcurve]; loops++) { sensiClean[startCleanParameter[loopcurve] + loops] += sensiDirty[startDirtyParameter[loopcurve][indexOtherSensiCurve[loopcurve].length] + loops]; } } return new DoubleMatrix1D(sensiClean); } }