Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; /** * Class containing methods to generate the premium leg cash-flow schedule for a CDS (following the market conventions for CDS) */ public class ISDAPremiumLegScheduleGenerator { // TODO : Add a check if the calendar is 'null' to signify no adjustment of business dates? Overloaded method // TODO : Fix the code for the back stubs (is there a better way of handling this than just duplicating code?) - front stubs seem to work okay // TODO : Add the code for the first coupons // TODO : Should convertDatesToDoubles be put somewhere else? To use it, need to create a GenerateCreditDefaultSwapPremiumLegSchedule object which is a bit wasteful // TODO : Look at TemporalAdjuster class for IMM date handling // TODO : FrontLong stubs - e.g. startDate = 20/12/2007, effDate = 21/12/2007; first coupon at 20/6/2008. ISDA model first coupon at 20/3/2008 (seems to use start date not eff date) // TODO : Remove one of the overloaded convertdatesToDoubles methods // TODO : Rewrite and integrate constructISDACompliantCashflowSchedule into the code better // TODO : Need to hook in the flags for adjusting various dates again // TODO : Add WORKDAY equivalent function public ZonedDateTime[] constructISDACompliantCreditDefaultSwapPremiumLegSchedule( final CreditDefaultSwapDefinition cds) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(cds, "cds"); final ZonedDateTime startDate = cds.getStartDate(); final ZonedDateTime endDate = cds.getMaturityDate(); final boolean protectStart = cds.getProtectionStart(); final StubType stubType = cds.getStubType(); if (protectStart && endDate.equals(startDate)) { //note no adjustment of either date return new ZonedDateTime[] { startDate, startDate.plusDays(1) }; } // Is the stub at the front end of the payment schedule if (stubType == StubType.FRONTSHORT || stubType == StubType.FRONTLONG) { final List<ZonedDateTime> reversedCashflowSchedule = new ArrayList<>(); ZonedDateTime date = endDate; while (date.isAfter(startDate)) { reversedCashflowSchedule.add(date); date = date.minus(cds.getCouponFrequency().getPeriod()); } // TODO : Check the FRONTSHORT/FRONTLONG logic here if (reversedCashflowSchedule.size() == 1 || date.isEqual(startDate) || stubType == StubType.FRONTSHORT) { reversedCashflowSchedule.add(startDate); } else { reversedCashflowSchedule.set(reversedCashflowSchedule.size() - 1, startDate); } //TODO this logic assumes list was populated with decreasing dates final int nDatesInSchedule = reversedCashflowSchedule.size(); final ZonedDateTime[] cashflowSchedule = new ZonedDateTime[nDatesInSchedule]; //TODO not handling protectStart // Remember if protectStart = TRUE then there is an extra day of accrued that is not captured here cashflowSchedule[nDatesInSchedule - 1] = reversedCashflowSchedule.get(0); final Calendar calendar = cds.getCalendar(); final BusinessDayConvention bdc = cds.getBusinessDayAdjustmentConvention(); for (int i = nDatesInSchedule - 2; i > 0; i--) { cashflowSchedule[nDatesInSchedule - i - 1] = bdc.adjustDate(calendar, reversedCashflowSchedule.get(i)); } cashflowSchedule[0] = reversedCashflowSchedule.get(nDatesInSchedule - 1); return cashflowSchedule; } // TODO : Add the code for the back stub // Is the stub at the back end of the payment schedule throw new NotImplementedException(); } //Public method to extract just the adjusted maturity date for a CDS according to the contract specifications (don't have to go through the whole schedule gen process) public ZonedDateTime getAdjustedMaturityDate(final CreditDefaultSwapDefinition cds) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(cds, "CDS"); // Set the adjusted maturity date to be equal to the (user input) maturity date ZonedDateTime adjustedMaturityDate = cds.getMaturityDate(); // If specified by the user adjust the maturity date to fall on the next IMM date if (cds.getIMMAdjustMaturityDate()) { adjustedMaturityDate = immAdjustDate(cds.getMaturityDate()); } return adjustedMaturityDate; } // Method to adjust the specified maturity date to the next IMM date private ZonedDateTime immAdjustDate(final ZonedDateTime date) { // Start at the current maturityDate ZonedDateTime immAdjustedDate = date; // Get the year of the contract maturity final int year = date.getYear(); // Construct an IMM object with the IMM dates for 'year' final IMMDates immDates = new IMMDates(year); // First of all check that the maturity date isn't one of the IMM dates for 'year' if (date.equals(immDates.getImmDateMarch())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateMarch(); return immAdjustedDate; } if (date.equals(immDates.getImmDateJune())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateJune(); return immAdjustedDate; } if (date.equals(immDates.getImmDateSeptember())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateSeptember(); return immAdjustedDate; } if (date.equals(immDates.getImmDateDecember())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateDecember(); return immAdjustedDate; } // Determine where the maturity date is in relation to the IMM dates // Is the maturity date between 20/12 of the previous year and 20/3 of the current year if (date.isAfter(immDates.getImmDatePreviousDecember()) && date.isBefore(immDates.getImmDateMarch())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateMarch(); return immAdjustedDate; } // Is the maturity date between 20/3 of the current year and 20/6 of the current year if (date.isAfter(immDates.getImmDateMarch()) && date.isBefore(immDates.getImmDateJune())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateJune(); return immAdjustedDate; } // Is the maturity date between 20/6 of the current year and 20/9 of the current year if (date.isAfter(immDates.getImmDateJune()) && date.isBefore(immDates.getImmDateSeptember())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateSeptember(); return immAdjustedDate; } // Is the maturity date between 20/9 of the current year and 20/12 of the current year if (date.isAfter(immDates.getImmDateSeptember()) && date.isBefore(immDates.getImmDateDecember())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateDecember(); return immAdjustedDate; } // Is the maturity date between 20/12 of the current year and 20/3 of the next year if (date.isAfter(immDates.getImmDateDecember()) && date.isBefore(immDates.getImmDateNextMarch())) { immAdjustedDate = immDates.getImmDateNextMarch(); return immAdjustedDate; } return immAdjustedDate; } }