Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; import com.opengamma.util.CalculationMode; import com.opengamma.util.timeseries.DoubleTimeSeries; import com.opengamma.util.timeseries.TimeSeriesException; /** * Base class for historical volatility calculators. */ public abstract class HistoricalVolatilityCalculator implements VolatilityCalculator { private static final CalculationMode DEFAULT_CALCULATION_MODE = CalculationMode.STRICT; private static final double DEFAULT_PERCENT_BAD_DATA_POINTS = 0.0; private final CalculationMode _mode; private final double _percentBadDataPoints; /** * Sets the calculation mode and acceptable percentage of bad data points to the default value (strict and 0 respectively) */ public HistoricalVolatilityCalculator() { this(DEFAULT_CALCULATION_MODE, DEFAULT_PERCENT_BAD_DATA_POINTS); } /** * Sets the acceptable percentage of bad data points to the default value, 0 * @param mode The calculation mode */ public HistoricalVolatilityCalculator(final CalculationMode mode) { this(mode, DEFAULT_PERCENT_BAD_DATA_POINTS); } /** * * @param mode The calculation mode * @param percentBadDataPoints The acceptable percentage of bad data points * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the percentage of bad data points $p$ does not satisfy $0 \leq p \leq 1$ */ public HistoricalVolatilityCalculator(final CalculationMode mode, final double percentBadDataPoints) { ArgumentChecker.isInRangeInclusive(0, 1, percentBadDataPoints); _mode = mode; _percentBadDataPoints = percentBadDataPoints; } protected void testTimeSeries(final DoubleTimeSeries<?>[] tsArray, final int minLength) { Validate.notNull(tsArray, "array of time series"); Validate.notEmpty(tsArray, "array of time series"); testNotNullOrEmpty(tsArray[0]); final DoubleTimeSeries<?> ts = tsArray[0]; testTimeSeriesSize(ts, minLength); for (int i = 1; i < tsArray.length; i++) { testTimeSeriesSize(tsArray[i], minLength); testTimeSeriesDates(ts, tsArray[i]); } } /** * Tests that the high price for a date is greater than the low value for the same date. * @param high The period high price time series * @param low The period low price time series * @throws IllegalArgumentException Strict calculation mode: if the low value for a date is greater than the high value. Lenient calculation mode: if the percentage of times * that the low value for a date is greater than the high value is greater than the maximum allowed */ protected void testHighLow(final DoubleTimeSeries<?> high, final DoubleTimeSeries<?> low) { final double size = high.size(); int count = 0; final Iterator<Double> highIter = high.valuesIterator(); final Iterator<Double> lowIter = low.valuesIterator(); boolean compare; while (highIter.hasNext()) { compare = <; if (compare) { if (_mode == CalculationMode.STRICT) { throw new TimeSeriesException( "Not all values in the high series were greater than the values in the low series"); } count++; } } final double percent = count / size; if (percent > _percentBadDataPoints) { throw new TimeSeriesException( "Percent " + percent + " of bad data points is greater than " + _percentBadDataPoints); } } /** * Tests that the high price for a date is greater than the low value for the same date and that the close price falls in this (inclusive) range * @param high The period high price time series * @param low The period low price time series * @param close The period close price time series * @throws IllegalArgumentException Strict calculation mode: if the low value for a date is greater than the high value or if the close value is not in the range bounded * by the high and low prices. Lenient calculation mode: if the percentage of times that the low value for a date is greater than the high value or that the close value is * not in the range bounded by the high and low values is greater than the maximum allowed */ protected void testHighLowClose(final DoubleTimeSeries<?> high, final DoubleTimeSeries<?> low, final DoubleTimeSeries<?> close) { final double size = high.size(); int count = 0; final Iterator<Double> highIter = high.valuesIterator(); final Iterator<Double> lowIter = low.valuesIterator(); final Iterator<Double> closeIter = close.valuesIterator(); boolean compare; double highValue, lowValue, closeValue; while (highIter.hasNext()) { highValue =; lowValue =; closeValue =; compare = highValue < lowValue || closeValue > highValue || closeValue < lowValue; if (compare) { if (_mode == CalculationMode.STRICT) { throw new TimeSeriesException( "Not all values in the high series were greater than the values in the low series"); } count++; } } final double percent = count / size; if (percent > _percentBadDataPoints) { throw new TimeSeriesException( "Percent " + percent + " of bad data points is greater than " + _percentBadDataPoints); } } /** * * @return The default calculation mode */ protected static CalculationMode getDefaultCalculationMode() { return DEFAULT_CALCULATION_MODE; } /** * * @return The default percentage of bad data points */ protected static double getDefaultBadDataPoints() { return DEFAULT_PERCENT_BAD_DATA_POINTS; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((_mode == null) ? 0 : _mode.hashCode()); long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(_percentBadDataPoints); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final HistoricalVolatilityCalculator other = (HistoricalVolatilityCalculator) obj; if (_mode != other._mode) { return false; } if (Double.doubleToLongBits(_percentBadDataPoints) != Double .doubleToLongBits(other._percentBadDataPoints)) { return false; } return true; } }