Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.onsemi.cdars.config; import com.onsemi.cdars.dao.EmailConfigDAO; import com.onsemi.cdars.dao.WhStatusLogDAO; import com.onsemi.cdars.model.EmailConfig; import com.onsemi.cdars.model.WhStatusLog; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling; /** * * @author fg79cj */ @Configuration @EnableScheduling public class FtpConfigUSL24hrs { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FtpConfigUSL24hrs.class); String[] args = {}; @Autowired ServletContext servletContext; // @Scheduled(cron = "0 43 10 * * ?") //every 8:00 AM - cron (sec min hr daysOfMth month daysOfWeek year(optional)) public void cronRun() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { "Upper Spec Limit (USL Shipping) executed at everyday on 8:00 am. Current time is : " + new Date()); String username = System.getProperty(""); if (!"fg79cj".equals(username)) { username = "imperial"; } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyyyy"); Date date = new Date(); String todayDate = dateFormat.format(date); String reportName = "C:\\Users\\" + username + "\\Documents\\CDARS\\HIMS USL for Sending to SBN Factory Report (" + todayDate + ").xls"; FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(reportName); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("HIMS PROCESS EXCEED USL"); CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); Font font = workbook.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); font.setFontName(HSSFFont.FONT_ARIAL); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); font.setBold(true); font.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); style.setFont(font); sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1); // Freeze 1st Row HSSFRow rowhead = sheet.createRow((short) 0); rowhead.setRowStyle(style); HSSFCell cell1_0 = rowhead.createCell(0); cell1_0.setCellStyle(style); cell1_0.setCellValue("HARDWARE TYPE"); HSSFCell cell1_1 = rowhead.createCell(1); cell1_1.setCellStyle(style); cell1_1.setCellValue("HARDWARE ID"); HSSFCell cell1_2 = rowhead.createCell(2); cell1_2.setCellStyle(style); cell1_2.setCellValue("MATERIAL PASS NO"); HSSFCell cell1_3 = rowhead.createCell(3); cell1_3.setCellStyle(style); cell1_3.setCellValue("DURATION"); HSSFCell cell1_4 = rowhead.createCell(4); cell1_4.setCellStyle(style); cell1_4.setCellValue("CURRENT STATUS"); // WhUSLDAO whUslDAO = new WhUSLDAO(); // List<WhUSL> whUslList = whUslDAO.getWhUSLLog(); String materialPassNo = ""; String hardwareId = ""; String hardwareType = ""; String duration = ""; String status = ""; String text = ""; WhStatusLogDAO statusD = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList = statusD.getTLReqToApproveAndApproveToMpCreatedList(); boolean checksize1 = false; boolean checksize2 = false; for (int i = 0; i < whUslList.size(); i++) { checksize1 = true; hardwareType = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourReqApp = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApprove24(); String hourReqAppIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApproveTemp24(); String hourAppMp = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreated24(); String hourAppMpIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreatedTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourReqAppIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourReqAppIfNull) >= 24 && hourReqApp == null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApproveTemp(); status = "Pending Approval"; flag = true; } } if (hourAppMpIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourAppMpIfNull) >= 24 && hourAppMp == null && hourReqApp != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreatedTemp(); status = "Pending Material Pass Number"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { HSSFRow contents = sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1); // HSSFCell cell2_0 = contents.createCell(0); cell2_0.setCellValue(hardwareType); HSSFCell cell2_1 = contents.createCell(1); cell2_1.setCellValue(hardwareId); HSSFCell cell2_2 = contents.createCell(2); cell2_2.setCellValue(materialPassNo); HSSFCell cell2_3 = contents.createCell(3); cell2_3.setCellValue(duration); HSSFCell cell2_4 = contents.createCell(4); cell2_4.setCellValue(status); } } WhStatusLogDAO statusD2 = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList2 = statusD2.getTLMpCreatedToFinalInventoryDateList(); for (int i = 0; i < whUslList2.size(); i++) { checksize2 = true; hardwareType = whUslList2.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList2.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList2.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourMpTt = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScan24(); String hourMpTtIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScanTemp24(); String hourTtBs = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScan24(); String hourTtBsIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScanTemp24(); String hourBsShip = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShip24(); String hourBsShipIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShipTemp24(); String hourShipInv = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventory24(); String hourShipInvIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventoryTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourMpTtIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourMpTtIfNull) >= 24 && hourMpTt == null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScanTemp(); status = "Pending Trip Ticket Scanning"; flag = true; } } if (hourTtBsIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourTtBsIfNull) >= 24 && hourTtBs == null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScanTemp(); status = "Pending Barcode Sticker Scanning"; flag = true; } } if (hourBsShipIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourBsShipIfNull) >= 24 && hourBsShip == null && hourTtBs != null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShipTemp(); status = "Pending Shipping Packing List"; flag = true; } } if (hourShipInvIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourShipInvIfNull) >= 24 && hourShipInv == null && hourBsShip != null && hourTtBs != null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventoryTemp(); status = "Pending Inventory in Seremban Factory"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { HSSFRow contents = sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1); // HSSFCell cell2_0 = contents.createCell(0); cell2_0.setCellValue(hardwareType); HSSFCell cell2_1 = contents.createCell(1); cell2_1.setCellValue(hardwareId); HSSFCell cell2_2 = contents.createCell(2); cell2_2.setCellValue(materialPassNo); HSSFCell cell2_3 = contents.createCell(3); cell2_3.setCellValue(duration); HSSFCell cell2_4 = contents.createCell(4); cell2_4.setCellValue(status); } } if (checksize1 == true || checksize2 == true) { workbook.write(fileOut); workbook.close(); //send email"send email to person in charge"); EmailSender emailSender = new EmailSender(); com.onsemi.cdars.model.User user = new com.onsemi.cdars.model.User(); user.setFullname("All"); List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); String emailApprover = ""; String emaildistList1 = ""; String emaildistList2 = ""; String emaildistList3 = ""; String emaildistList4 = ""; emailApprover = ""; a.add(emailApprover); EmailConfigDAO econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList1 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 1"); if (countDistList1 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList1 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 1"); emaildistList1 = distList1.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList1); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList2 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 2"); if (countDistList2 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList2 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 2"); emaildistList2 = distList2.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList2); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList3 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 3"); if (countDistList3 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList3 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 3"); emaildistList3 = distList3.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList3); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList4 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 4"); if (countDistList4 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList4 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 4"); emaildistList4 = distList4.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList4); } String[] myArray = new String[a.size()]; String[] emailTo = a.toArray(myArray); // String[] to = {""}; emailSender.htmlEmailWithAttachment(servletContext, user, //user name requestor emailTo, new File("C:\\Users\\" + username + "\\Documents\\CDARS\\HIMS USL for Sending to SBN Factory Report (" + todayDate + ").xls"), "List of Hardware Exceed USL (24 hours) for Sending to SBN Factory", //subject "Report for Hardware Process from HIMS(Hadware Sending to SBN Factory) that exceed Upper Specs Limit (24 hours) has been made. <br />" + "Hence, attached is the report file for your view and perusal. <br /><br />" + "<br /><br /> " + "<style>table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;} </style>" + "<table style=\"width:100%\">" //tbl + "<tr>" + "<th>HARDWARE TYPE</th> " + "<th>HARDWARE ID</th> " + "<th>MATERIAL PASS NO.</th>" + "<th>DURATION</th>" + "<th>CURRENT STATUS</th>" + "</tr>" + table() + "</table>" + "<br />Thank you." //msg ); } // } } // @Scheduled(cron = "0 45 10 * * ?") //every 8:00 AM - cron (sec min hr daysOfMth month daysOfWeek year(optional)) public void cronRun2() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {"Upper Spec Limit (USL Retrieval) executed at everyday on 8:00 am. Current time is : " + new Date()); String username = System.getProperty(""); if (!"fg79cj".equals(username)) { username = "imperial"; } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyyyy"); Date date = new Date(); String todayDate = dateFormat.format(date); String reportName = "C:\\Users\\" + username + "\\Documents\\CDARS\\HIMS USL for Retrieving from SBN Factory Report (" + todayDate + ").xls"; FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(reportName); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("HIMS PROCESS EXCEED USL"); CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); Font font = workbook.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); font.setFontName(HSSFFont.FONT_ARIAL); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL); font.setBold(true); font.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); style.setFont(font); sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1); // Freeze 1st Row HSSFRow rowhead = sheet.createRow((short) 0); rowhead.setRowStyle(style); HSSFCell cell1_0 = rowhead.createCell(0); cell1_0.setCellStyle(style); cell1_0.setCellValue("HARDWARE TYPE"); HSSFCell cell1_1 = rowhead.createCell(1); cell1_1.setCellStyle(style); cell1_1.setCellValue("HARDWARE ID"); HSSFCell cell1_2 = rowhead.createCell(2); cell1_2.setCellStyle(style); cell1_2.setCellValue("MATERIAL PASS NO"); HSSFCell cell1_3 = rowhead.createCell(3); cell1_3.setCellStyle(style); cell1_3.setCellValue("DURATION"); HSSFCell cell1_4 = rowhead.createCell(4); cell1_4.setCellStyle(style); cell1_4.setCellValue("CURRENT STATUS"); String materialPassNo = ""; String hardwareId = ""; String hardwareType = ""; String duration = ""; String status = ""; String text = ""; WhStatusLogDAO statusD = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList = statusD.getTLRetrieveRequestToCloseList(); boolean checksize1 = false; for (int i = 0; i < whUslList.size(); i++) { checksize1 = true; hardwareType = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourReqVer = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDate24(); String hourReqVerIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDateTemp24(); String hourVerShip = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDate24(); String hourVerShipIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDateTemp24(); String hourShipBScan = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScan24(); String hourShipBScanIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScanTemp24(); String hourBScanTT = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScan24(); String hourBScanTTIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScanTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourReqVerIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourReqVerIfNull) >= 24 && hourReqVer == null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDateTemp(); status = "Pending Box Barcode Verification at SBN Factory"; flag = true; } } if (hourVerShipIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourVerShipIfNull) >= 24 && hourVerShip == null && hourReqVer != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDateTemp(); status = "Pending Shipping Packing List"; flag = true; } } if (hourShipBScanIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourShipBScanIfNull) >= 24 && hourShipBScan == null && hourVerShip != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScanTemp(); status = "Pending Box Barcode Verification at Rel Lab"; flag = true; } } if (hourBScanTTIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourBScanTTIfNull) >= 24 && hourBScanTT == null && hourShipBScan != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScanTemp(); status = "Pending Trip Ticket Verification at Rel Lab"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { HSSFRow contents = sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1); // HSSFCell cell2_0 = contents.createCell(0); cell2_0.setCellValue(hardwareType); HSSFCell cell2_1 = contents.createCell(1); cell2_1.setCellValue(hardwareId); HSSFCell cell2_2 = contents.createCell(2); cell2_2.setCellValue(materialPassNo); HSSFCell cell2_3 = contents.createCell(3); cell2_3.setCellValue(duration); HSSFCell cell2_4 = contents.createCell(4); cell2_4.setCellValue(status); } } if (checksize1 == true) { workbook.write(fileOut); workbook.close(); //send email"send email to person in charge"); EmailSender emailSender = new EmailSender(); com.onsemi.cdars.model.User user = new com.onsemi.cdars.model.User(); user.setFullname("All"); List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); String emailApprover = ""; String emaildistList1 = ""; String emaildistList2 = ""; String emaildistList3 = ""; String emaildistList4 = ""; emailApprover = ""; a.add(emailApprover); EmailConfigDAO econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList1 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 1"); if (countDistList1 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList1 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 1"); emaildistList1 = distList1.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList1); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList2 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 2"); if (countDistList2 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList2 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 2"); emaildistList2 = distList2.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList2); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList3 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 3"); if (countDistList3 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList3 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 3"); emaildistList3 = distList3.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList3); } econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); int countDistList4 = econfD.getCountTask("Dist List 4"); if (countDistList4 == 1) { econfD = new EmailConfigDAO(); EmailConfig distList4 = econfD.getEmailConfigByTask("Dist List 4"); emaildistList4 = distList4.getEmail(); a.add(emaildistList4); } String[] myArray = new String[a.size()]; String[] emailTo = a.toArray(myArray); // String[] to = {"", ""}; //9/11/16 // String[] to = {""}; emailSender.htmlEmailWithAttachment(servletContext, user, //user name requestor emailTo, new File("C:\\Users\\" + username + "\\Documents\\CDARS\\HIMS USL for Retrieving from SBN Factory Report (" + todayDate + ").xls"), "List of Hardware Exceed USL (24 hours) for Retrieval from SBN Factory", //subject "Report for Hardware Process from HIMS(Hadware Retrieval from SBN Factory) that exceed Upper Specs Limit (24 hours) has been made. <br />" + "Hence, attached is the report file for your view and perusal. <br /><br />" + "<br /><br /> " + "<style>table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;} </style>" + "<table style=\"width:100%\">" //tbl + "<tr>" + "<th>HARDWARE TYPE</th> " + "<th>HARDWARE ID</th> " + "<th>MATERIAL PASS NO.</th>" + "<th>DURATION</th>" + "<th>CURRENT STATUS</th>" + "</tr>" + table2() + "</table>" + "<br />Thank you." //msg ); } // } } private String table() { String materialPassNo = ""; String hardwareId = ""; String hardwareType = ""; String duration = ""; String status = ""; String text = ""; WhStatusLogDAO statusD = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList = statusD.getTLReqToApproveAndApproveToMpCreatedList(); for (int i = 0; i < whUslList.size(); i++) { hardwareType = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourReqApp = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApprove24(); String hourReqAppIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApproveTemp24(); String hourAppMp = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreated24(); String hourAppMpIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreatedTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourReqAppIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourReqAppIfNull) >= 24 && hourReqApp == null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToApproveTemp(); status = "Pending Approval"; flag = true; } } if (hourAppMpIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourAppMpIfNull) >= 24 && hourAppMp == null && hourReqApp != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getApproveToMPCreatedTemp(); status = "Pending Material Pass Number"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { text = text + "<tr align = \"center\">"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareType + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareId + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + materialPassNo + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + duration + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + status + "</td>"; text = text + "</tr>"; } } WhStatusLogDAO statusD2 = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList2 = statusD2.getTLMpCreatedToFinalInventoryDateList(); for (int i = 0; i < whUslList2.size(); i++) { hardwareType = whUslList2.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList2.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList2.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourMpTt = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScan24(); String hourMpTtIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScanTemp24(); String hourTtBs = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScan24(); String hourTtBsIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScanTemp24(); String hourBsShip = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShip24(); String hourBsShipIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShipTemp24(); String hourShipInv = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventory24(); String hourShipInvIfNull = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventoryTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourMpTtIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourMpTtIfNull) >= 24 && hourMpTt == null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getMpCreatedToTtScanTemp(); status = "Pending Trip Ticket Scanning"; flag = true; } } if (hourTtBsIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourTtBsIfNull) >= 24 && hourTtBs == null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getTtScanToBsScanTemp(); status = "Pending Barcode Sticker Scanning"; flag = true; } } if (hourBsShipIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourBsShipIfNull) >= 24 && hourBsShip == null && hourTtBs != null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getBsScanToShipTemp(); status = "Pending Shipping Packing List"; flag = true; } } if (hourShipInvIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourShipInvIfNull) >= 24 && hourShipInv == null && hourBsShip != null && hourTtBs != null && hourMpTt != null) { duration = whUslList2.get(i).getShipToInventoryTemp(); status = "Pending Inventory in Seremban Factory"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { text = text + "<tr align = \"center\">"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareType + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareId + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + materialPassNo + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + duration + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + status + "</td>"; text = text + "</tr>"; } } return text; } private String table2() { String materialPassNo = ""; String hardwareId = ""; String hardwareType = ""; String duration = ""; String status = ""; String text = ""; WhStatusLogDAO statusD = new WhStatusLogDAO(); List<WhStatusLog> whUslList = statusD.getTLRetrieveRequestToCloseList(); for (int i = 0; i < whUslList.size(); i++) { hardwareType = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentType(); hardwareId = whUslList.get(i).getEquipmentId(); materialPassNo = whUslList.get(i).getMpNo(); String hourReqVer = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDate24(); String hourReqVerIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDateTemp24(); String hourVerShip = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDate24(); String hourVerShipIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDateTemp24(); String hourShipBScan = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScan24(); String hourShipBScanIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScanTemp24(); String hourBScanTT = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScan24(); String hourBScanTTIfNull = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScanTemp24(); boolean flag = false; if (hourReqVerIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourReqVerIfNull) >= 24 && hourReqVer == null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getRequestToVerifiedDateTemp(); status = "Pending Box Barcode Verification at SBN Factory"; flag = true; } } if (hourVerShipIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourVerShipIfNull) >= 24 && hourVerShip == null && hourReqVer != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getVerifiedDatetoShipDateTemp(); status = "Pending Shipping Packing List"; flag = true; } } if (hourShipBScanIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourShipBScanIfNull) >= 24 && hourShipBScan == null && hourVerShip != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getShipDateToBsScanTemp(); status = "Pending Box Barcode Verification at Rel Lab"; flag = true; } } if (hourBScanTTIfNull != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(hourBScanTTIfNull) >= 24 && hourBScanTT == null && hourShipBScan != null) { duration = whUslList.get(i).getBsScanToTtScanTemp(); status = "Pending Trip Ticket Verification at Rel Lab"; flag = true; } } if (flag == true) { text = text + "<tr align = \"center\">"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareType + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + hardwareId + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + materialPassNo + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + duration + "</td>"; text = text + "<td>" + status + "</td>"; text = text + "</tr>"; } } return text; } }