Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2015 Walmart, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package com.oneops.daq.dao; import com.oneops.daq.Util; import com.oneops.daq.domain.Chart; import com.oneops.daq.domain.Series; import com.oneops.ops.dao.CassandraConstants; import com.oneops.ops.dao.PerfDataAccessor; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.BytesArraySerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.DoubleSerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.LongSerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.StringSerializer; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HColumn; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HSuperColumn; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.mutation.Mutator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * PerfDao - encapsulates cassandra data access for performance data * clients: * write: PerfSink uses process() and constructor or property setters for cassandra connection * read: web.PerfAndLogController uses getPerfData() getLogData() ; getPerfAvailable() getLogAvailable() */ @Component public class PerfDao implements CassandraConstants { protected static final StringSerializer stringSerializer = StringSerializer.get(); protected static final BytesArraySerializer bytesSerializer = BytesArraySerializer.get(); protected static final LongSerializer longSerializer = LongSerializer.get(); protected static final DoubleSerializer doubleSerializer = DoubleSerializer.get(); protected static final String DATA_CF = "data"; protected static final String HEADER_SCF = "header"; protected static final String CI_METRIC_CF = "ci_metric"; protected static final String CHART_SCF = "chart"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PerfDao.class); private static FileChannel statChannel; private String stateFilename; private PerfDataAccessor perfDataAccessor; public final AtomicLong eventCounter = new AtomicLong(); public final AtomicLong hectorExceptionCount = new AtomicLong(); public final AtomicLong jmsExceptionCount = new AtomicLong(); public final AtomicLong batchDuration = new AtomicLong(); // tmp counters to show conversion public final AtomicLong oldCount = new AtomicLong(); public final AtomicLong newCount = new AtomicLong(); /** * Sets the state filename and open a file channel for writing. * * @param filename file name of state */ public void setStateFilename(String filename) { stateFilename = filename; File sFile = new File(stateFilename); try { if (!sFile.exists()) { sFile.createNewFile(); }"Creating the file channel for " + stateFilename); statChannel =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error setting stat file." + sFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex); System.exit(1); } } /** * Append stats string to the perfsink.state file. * * @param stat stat message * @throws IOException throws if there is any error writing to the channel. */ public void appendStat(String stat) throws IOException { statChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(stat.getBytes())); statChannel.force(false); } /** * Write stats string to the perfsink.state file. This will truncate the * existing content. * * @param stat stat message * @throws IOException throws if there is any error writing to the channel. */ public void writeStat(String stat) throws IOException { statChannel.truncate(0); appendStat(stat); } /** * Closes the stat file channel. */ public void closeStatFile() { if (statChannel != null && statChannel.isOpen()) { try { statChannel.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Error closing the stat channel for " + stateFilename, ex); } } } /** * Gets the chart. * * @param key the key * @return the chart */ public Chart getChart(String key) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.setKey(key); List<HSuperColumn<String, String, String>> superColumns = perfDataAccessor.getChart(key); // create maps for ds,rra,cdp (aggregator will use the zoneMap) Map<String, Series> seriesMap = new HashMap<>(); chart.setSeriesMap(seriesMap); for (int i = 0; i < superColumns.size(); i++) { List<HColumn<String, String>> columns = superColumns.get(i).getColumns(); // SC to Map<String,String> String scName = superColumns.get(i).getName(); Map<String, String> sc = new HashMap<>(); for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) { sc.put(columns.get(j).getName(), columns.get(j).getValue()); } // chart attributes if (scName.equalsIgnoreCase(CHART)) { chart.setCreated(sc.get("created")); chart.setCreator(sc.get("creator")); chart.setName(sc.get(NAME)); chart.setType(sc.get(TYPE)); chart.setTitle(sc.get("title")); chart.setDescription(sc.get("description")); chart.setStart(sc.get("start")); chart.setEnd(sc.get("end")); chart.setYmax(sc.get("ymax")); chart.setYmin(sc.get("ymin")); chart.setTheme(sc.get("theme")); chart.setStep(sc.get(STEP)); chart.setUpdated(sc.get(UPDATED)); // series attributes } else if (scName.indexOf(SERIES) == 0) { Series series = new Series(); String seriesName = sc.get(NAME); series.setName(seriesName); series.setType(sc.get(TYPE)); series.setDatasource(sc.get("datasource")); series.setxAxisId(sc.get("xAxisId")); series.setyAxisId(sc.get("yAxisId")); series.setStackGroup(sc.get("stackGroup")); series.setColor(sc.get("color")); series.setWeight(sc.get("weight")); series.setRenderer(sc.get("renderer")); series.setOffset(Integer.parseInt(sc.get("yAxisId"))); seriesMap.put(seriesName, series); } else { Util.logMapString("couldnt map: " + scName, sc, logger); } } return chart; } /** * Sets the chart. * * @param chart the new chart */ public void setChart(Chart chart) { Map<String, String> columnsMap = new HashMap<>(); columnsMap.put(NAME, chart.getName()); columnsMap.put(TYPE, chart.getType()); columnsMap.put(STEP, chart.getStep()); columnsMap.put("start", chart.getStart()); columnsMap.put("end", chart.getEnd()); columnsMap.put("title", chart.getTitle()); columnsMap.put("creator", chart.getCreator()); columnsMap.put("created", chart.getCreated()); columnsMap.put("updated", chart.getUpdated()); columnsMap.put("ymax", chart.getYmax()); columnsMap.put("ymin", chart.getYmin()); columnsMap.put("height", chart.getHeight()); columnsMap.put("width", chart.getWidth()); columnsMap.put("theme", chart.getTheme()); columnsMap.put("description", chart.getDescription()); Mutator<String> mutator = perfDataAccessor.newMutator(); //TODO: mutator could be contained inside PerfDataCollector. perfDataAccessor.insert(mutator, chart.getKey(), columnsMap, CHART, CHART); logger.debug("write CHART: "); StringBuilder pendingKeys = new StringBuilder("chart"); // update datasource headers Map<String, Series> seriesMap = chart.getSeries(); for (String seriesKey : seriesMap.keySet()) { Series series = seriesMap.get(seriesKey); columnsMap = new HashMap<>(); columnsMap.put(NAME, series.getName()); columnsMap.put(TYPE, series.getType()); columnsMap.put("datasource", series.getDatasource()); columnsMap.put("xAxisId", series.getxAxisId()); columnsMap.put("yAxisId", series.getyAxisId()); columnsMap.put("stackGroup", series.getStackGroup()); columnsMap.put("color", series.getColor()); columnsMap.put("weight", series.getWeight()); columnsMap.put("renderer", series.getRenderer()); columnsMap.put("offset", Integer.valueOf(series.getOffset()).toString()); perfDataAccessor.insert(mutator, chart.getKey(), columnsMap, CHART, SERIES + "_" + series.getName()); pendingKeys.append(", " + seriesKey); } logger.debug("write keys:" + pendingKeys); perfDataAccessor.execute(mutator); } public PerfDataAccessor getPerfDataAccessor() { return perfDataAccessor; } public void setPerfDataAccessor(PerfDataAccessor perfDataAccessor) { this.perfDataAccessor = perfDataAccessor; } }