Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2015 Walmart, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package com.oneops.daq.dao; import com.eaio.uuid.UUID; import com.eaio.uuid.UUIDGen; import com.oneops.cassandra.ClusterBootstrap; import com.oneops.daq.domain.*; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.BasicColumnFamilyDefinition; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.ConfigurableConsistencyLevel; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.BytesArraySerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.StringSerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.TimeUUIDSerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCfDef; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftKsDef; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Cluster; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.HConsistencyLevel; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Keyspace; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.ColumnSlice; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HColumn; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Row; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Rows; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.ddl.ColumnType; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.ddl.ComparatorType; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HInvalidRequestException; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.MultigetSliceQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.QueryResult; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SliceQuery; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory.createKeyspace; /** * LogDao - encapsulates cassandra data access for log data * clients: * write: LogSink uses process() and constructor or property setters for cassandra connection * read: web.PerfAndLogController uses getLogData() * */ @Component public class LogDao { private String clusterName; private String clusterHostPort; private String keyspaceName; protected static final StringSerializer stringSerializer = StringSerializer.get(); protected static final BytesArraySerializer bytesSerializer = BytesArraySerializer.get(); protected static final TimeUUIDSerializer timeuuidSerializer = TimeUUIDSerializer.get(); protected Cluster cluster; protected Keyspace keyspace; private ClusterBootstrap daqCluster; protected static final String LOG_AUTH_CF = "log_auth"; protected static final String LOG_DATA_CF = "log_data"; protected static final String CI_LOG_TYPE_CF = "ci_log_type"; protected static final String LOG_ACTION_WORKORDER_MAP_CF = "log_action_workorder_map"; private static final String[] basicLogClasses = { "Inductor", "Syslog", "AuthLog" }; private static final String[] allLogLevels = { "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "CRITICAL", "FATAL" }; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LogDao.class); // few setters and init outside of constructor to workaround spring @Value no worky issue /** * Sets the cluster name. * * @param name the new cluster name */ public void setClusterName(String name) { clusterName = name; } /** * Sets the keyspace name. * * @param name the new keyspace name */ public void setKeyspaceName(String name) { keyspaceName = name; } /** * Sets the cluster host port. * * @param cb the new cluster host port */ public void setClusterBootstrap(ClusterBootstrap cb) { daqCluster = cb; } /** * Inits the. */ public void init() {"LogDao: " + clusterHostPort + ":" + clusterName + ":" + keyspaceName); cluster = daqCluster.getCluster(clusterName, 4, 5 * 1000); try { cluster.addKeyspace( new ThriftKsDef(keyspaceName, "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy", 1, null));"adding keyspace: " + keyspaceName); } catch (HInvalidRequestException e) {" adding " + keyspaceName + " keyspace: " + e.getMessage()); } ConfigurableConsistencyLevel cl = new ConfigurableConsistencyLevel(); cl.setDefaultWriteConsistencyLevel(HConsistencyLevel.QUORUM); cl.setDefaultReadConsistencyLevel(HConsistencyLevel.ONE); keyspace = createKeyspace(keyspaceName, cluster, cl); // log data CF BasicColumnFamilyDefinition cfo = new BasicColumnFamilyDefinition(); cfo = new BasicColumnFamilyDefinition(); cfo.setColumnType(ColumnType.STANDARD); cfo.setName(LOG_DATA_CF); cfo.setComparatorType(ComparatorType.BYTESTYPE); cfo.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName); try { cluster.addColumnFamily(new ThriftCfDef((cfo)));"adding cf: " + LOG_DATA_CF); } catch (HInvalidRequestException e) {"adding " + LOG_DATA_CF + " " + e.getMessage()); } // ci_log_type cfo = new BasicColumnFamilyDefinition(); cfo.setColumnType(ColumnType.STANDARD); cfo.setName(CI_LOG_TYPE_CF); cfo.setComparatorType(ComparatorType.BYTESTYPE); cfo.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName); try { cluster.addColumnFamily(new ThriftCfDef((cfo)));"adding cf: " + CI_LOG_TYPE_CF); } catch (HInvalidRequestException e) {"adding " + CI_LOG_TYPE_CF + " " + e.getMessage()); } // log_auth cfo = new BasicColumnFamilyDefinition(); cfo.setColumnType(ColumnType.STANDARD); cfo.setName(LOG_AUTH_CF); cfo.setComparatorType(ComparatorType.BYTESTYPE); cfo.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName); try { cluster.addColumnFamily(new ThriftCfDef((cfo)));"adding cf: " + LOG_AUTH_CF); } catch (HInvalidRequestException e) {"adding " + LOG_AUTH_CF + " " + e.getMessage()); } // log_action_workorder_map cfo = new BasicColumnFamilyDefinition(); cfo.setColumnType(ColumnType.STANDARD); cfo.setName(LOG_ACTION_WORKORDER_MAP_CF); cfo.setComparatorType(ComparatorType.BYTESTYPE); cfo.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName); try { cluster.addColumnFamily(new ThriftCfDef((cfo)));"adding cf: " + LOG_ACTION_WORKORDER_MAP_CF); } catch (HInvalidRequestException e) {"adding " + LOG_ACTION_WORKORDER_MAP_CF + " " + e.getMessage()); } } /* * sets the long timestamp, string value of a given ci_id */ protected HColumn<UUID, String> createDataColumn(UUID uuid, String value) { return HFactory.createColumn(uuid, value, timeuuidSerializer, stringSerializer); } /* * process - called from flume sink. Given time, key, entry persists into cassandra */ /* * checks to see if ip can write to the key * TODO: add caching so only does 1 lookup */ /** * Authz. * * @param key the key * @param ip the ip * @return the boolean */ public Boolean authz(String key, String ip) { try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SliceQuery<byte[], String, String> query = HFactory.createSliceQuery(keyspace, bytesSerializer, stringSerializer, stringSerializer); query.setColumnFamily(LOG_AUTH_CF); QueryResult<ColumnSlice<String, String>> result = query.setKey(key.getBytes()).setColumnNames(ip) .execute(); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.debug("authz lookup took: " + duration + "ms"); if (result.get() != null) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Gets the log data by action or workorder. * * @param req the req * @return the log data by action or workorder */ public GetLogDataByIdResponse getLogDataByActionOrWorkorder(GetLogDataByIdRequest req) { GetLogDataByIdResponse resp = new GetLogDataByIdResponse(req); int maxColumns = 10000; List<LogData> logData = new ArrayList<LogData>(); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); MultigetSliceQuery<byte[], com.eaio.uuid.UUID, String> multigetSliceQuery = HFactory .createMultigetSliceQuery(keyspace, bytesSerializer, timeuuidSerializer, stringSerializer); multigetSliceQuery.setColumnFamily(LOG_ACTION_WORKORDER_MAP_CF); List<byte[]> keys = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); // keys.add(new Long(req.getId()).toString().getBytes()); keys.add(Long.valueOf(req.getId()).toString().getBytes()); multigetSliceQuery.setKeys(keys); UUID startUuid = new UUID(0, UUIDGen.getClockSeqAndNode()); UUID endUuid = new UUID(99992313900691274L, UUIDGen.getClockSeqAndNode()); multigetSliceQuery.setRange(startUuid, endUuid, false, maxColumns); QueryResult<Rows<byte[], UUID, String>> result = multigetSliceQuery.execute(); Rows<byte[], UUID, String> rows = result.get(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cassDuration = endTime - startTime; List<UUID> columnList = new ArrayList<UUID>(); String dataRowKey = null; for (Row<byte[], UUID, String> row : rows) { List<HColumn<UUID, String>> cols = row.getColumnSlice().getColumns(); Iterator<HColumn<UUID, String>> listIter = cols.listIterator(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { HColumn<UUID, String> c = (HColumn<UUID, String>); columnList.add(c.getName()); if (dataRowKey == null) { dataRowKey = c.getValue(); } } } if (dataRowKey == null) { logger.debug("no results for id:" + req.getId()); return resp; } SliceQuery<byte[], com.eaio.uuid.UUID, String> sliceQuery = HFactory.createSliceQuery(keyspace, bytesSerializer, timeuuidSerializer, stringSerializer); sliceQuery.setColumnFamily(LOG_DATA_CF).setKey(dataRowKey.getBytes()); // setColumnNames needs UUID[] UUID[] columns = new UUID[columnList.size()]; int i = 0; for (UUID col : columnList) { columns[i] = col; i++; } sliceQuery.setColumnNames(columns); QueryResult<ColumnSlice<UUID, String>> res = sliceQuery.execute(); ColumnSlice<UUID, String> columnSlice = res.get(); String[] keyParts = dataRowKey.split(":"); String logClass = keyParts[1]; String level = keyParts[2]; int colCount = 0; List<HColumn<UUID, String>> cols = columnSlice.getColumns(); Iterator<HColumn<UUID, String>> listIter = cols.listIterator(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { HColumn<UUID, String> c = (HColumn<UUID, String>); LogData logEntry = new LogData(); UUID uuid = c.getName(); logEntry.setTimestamp(uuid.getTime()); logEntry.setMessage(c.getValue()); logEntry.setLevel(level); logEntry.setLogClass(logClass); logData.add(logEntry); colCount++; } resp.setLogData(logData); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = endTime - startTime; logger.debug("getLogData took: " + duration + " ms (cass query:" + cassDuration + " ms) returning:" + colCount + " rows"); } catch (HectorException he) { he.printStackTrace(); } return resp; } /* * given a set of key,start,end (typed request) does a cassandra query and returns typed response; */ /** * Gets the log data. * * @param req the req * @return the log data */ public GetLogDataResponse getLogData(GetLogDataRequest req) { // Long start = new Long(req.getStart()); Long start = Long.valueOf(req.getStart()); // Long end = new Long(req.getEnd()); Long end = Long.valueOf(req.getEnd()); int maxColumns = 10000; GetLogDataResponse resp = new GetLogDataResponse(req); List<LogData> logData = new ArrayList<LogData>(); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); MultigetSliceQuery<byte[], com.eaio.uuid.UUID, String> multigetSliceQuery = HFactory .createMultigetSliceQuery(keyspace, bytesSerializer, timeuuidSerializer, stringSerializer); multigetSliceQuery.setColumnFamily(LOG_DATA_CF); List<byte[]> keys = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); // can be null=all or debug, info, warn, error, fatal String levelList = req.getLevelList(); List<String> levels = null; if (levelList == null || levelList.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { levels = Arrays.asList(allLogLevels); } else { levels = Arrays.asList(levelList.split(",")); } // String keyBase = new Long(req.getCi_id()).toString(); String keyBase = Long.valueOf(req.getCi_id()).toString(); String classList = req.getClassList(); List<String> classes = null; if (classList == null) { classes = Arrays.asList(basicLogClasses); } else { classes = Arrays.asList(levelList.split(",")); } for (String logClass : classes) { /* if ( logClass.equalsIgnoreCase("all") ) { for (int j=0; j<basicLogClasses.length; j++) { classes.add(basicLogClasses[j]); } continue; } */ for (String level : levels) { /* if ( level.contains("+") ) { String startingLevel = logClass.replace("+",""); Boolean logLevelPassed = false; for (int j=0; j<allLogTypes.length; j++) { String lc = allLogTypes[j]; if (lc.equalsIgnoreCase(startingLevel)) { logLevelPassed = true; } if (logLevelPassed) { levels.add(lc); } } continue; } */ logger.debug("appending level:" + level); keys.add((keyBase + ":" + logClass + ":" + level).getBytes()); } } multigetSliceQuery.setKeys(keys); UUID startUuid = new UUID(start, UUIDGen.getClockSeqAndNode()); UUID endUuid = new UUID(end, UUIDGen.getClockSeqAndNode()); multigetSliceQuery.setRange(startUuid, endUuid, false, maxColumns); logger.debug("start:" + start + " end:" + end + " for: " + keyBase + ":" + levelList); QueryResult<Rows<byte[], UUID, String>> result = multigetSliceQuery.execute(); Rows<byte[], UUID, String> rows = result.get(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cassDuration = endTime - startTime; // put the by-metric results into 1 csv-like table (time,metric1,metric2,etc) // ... should find faster way to do this, but still 10x faster than gwt DataTable serialization int rowCount = 0; for (Row<byte[], UUID, String> row : rows) { String rowName = new String(row.getKey()); String[] keyParts = rowName.split(":"); String logClass = keyParts[1]; String level = keyParts[2]; List<HColumn<UUID, String>> cols = row.getColumnSlice().getColumns(); Iterator<HColumn<UUID, String>> listIter = cols.listIterator(); while (listIter.hasNext()) { HColumn<UUID, String> c = (HColumn<UUID, String>); LogData logEntry = new LogData(); UUID uuid = c.getName(); logEntry.setTimestamp(uuid.getTime()); logEntry.setMessage(c.getValue()); logEntry.setLevel(level); logEntry.setLogClass(logClass); logData.add(logEntry); rowCount++; } } resp.setLogData(logData); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = endTime - startTime; logger.debug("getLogData took: " + duration + " ms (cass query:" + cassDuration + " ms) returning:" + rowCount + " rows"); } catch (HectorException he) { he.printStackTrace(); } return resp; } /* * given a ciId does a cassandra query and returns json (array if multiple) ci_id,metrics[string of metric:datasource] */ /** * Gets the available log types. * * @param ciList the ci list * @return the available log types */ public String getAvailableLogTypes(String[] ciList) { StringBuilder jsonOut = new StringBuilder(""); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); MultigetSliceQuery<byte[], String, String> multigetSliceQuery = HFactory .createMultigetSliceQuery(keyspace, bytesSerializer, stringSerializer, stringSerializer); multigetSliceQuery.setColumnFamily(CI_LOG_TYPE_CF); List<byte[]> keys = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < ciList.length; i++) { String ciId = ciList[i]; keys.add(ciId.getBytes()); } multigetSliceQuery.setKeys(keys); multigetSliceQuery.setRange("", "", false, 100000); long cassStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); QueryResult<Rows<byte[], String, String>> result = multigetSliceQuery.execute(); Rows<byte[], String, String> rows = result.get(); long cassEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cassDuration = cassEnd - cassStart; // put the by-metric results into 1 csv-like table (time,metric1,metric2,etc) // ... should find faster way to do this, but still 10x faster than gwt DataTable serialization int rowCount = 0; for (Row<byte[], String, String> row : rows) { if (rowCount > 0) { jsonOut.append(","); } jsonOut.append("{\"ci_id\":" + new String(row.getKey()) + ", \"metrics\":["); List<HColumn<String, String>> cols = row.getColumnSlice().getColumns(); Iterator<HColumn<String, String>> listIter = cols.listIterator(); int colCount = 0; while (listIter.hasNext()) { HColumn<String, String> c = (HColumn<String, String>); if (colCount > 0) { jsonOut.append(","); } String dsAttributes = c.getValue(); String[] dsAtrributeParts = dsAttributes.split(":"); String unit = dsAtrributeParts[0]; String min = dsAtrributeParts[1]; String max = dsAtrributeParts[2]; // nan is not json compliant so using 'null' if (min.length() == 0) { min = "null"; } if (max.length() == 0) { max = "null"; } // make json compliant null if (unit.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { unit = "null"; } else { unit = "\"" + unit + "\""; } jsonOut.append("{\"metricDs\":\"" + c.getName() + "\",\"unit\":" + unit + "\",\"min\":" + min + ",\"max\":" + max + "}"); colCount++; } jsonOut.append("]}\n"); rowCount++; } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = endTime - startTime; logger.debug("getAvailableMetrics took: " + duration + " ms (cass query:" + cassDuration + " ms) returning: " + rowCount + " rows of ci metric lists"); } catch (HectorException he) { he.printStackTrace(); } return jsonOut.toString(); } /* * write ci_metric map */ }