Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2015 Walmart, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package com.oneops.cms.transmitter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.oneops.cms.simple.domain.CmsCISimpleWithTags; import com.oneops.cms.transmitter.dal.EventMapper; import com.oneops.cms.transmitter.domain.CMSEvent; import com.oneops.cms.transmitter.domain.CMSEventRecord; import com.oneops.cms.transmitter.domain.EventSource; import com.oneops.cms.util.CmsUtil; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; public class CIEventReader extends BaseEventReader { private static final String CI_EVENT_PUB_LOCK = "CI_EVENT_PUBLISHER_LOCK"; private static final String EVENT_TYPE_DELETE = "delete"; private static final String CI_CLASS_ORG = "account.Organization"; private static final String ATTR_KEY_TAGS = "tags"; private CmsUtil cmsUtil = new CmsUtil(); private Gson gson = new Gson(); private long orgCacheTtlInMins = 30; private long orgCacheMaxSize = 1000; private Cache<String, Map<String, String>> orgCache; public void init() { super.init(); orgCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(orgCacheMaxSize) .expireAfterWrite(orgCacheTtlInMins, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(); } @Override public int getBacklog(EventMapper eventMapper) { return eventMapper.getCiEventsQueueBacklog(); } @Override public void removeEvent(long eventId, EventMapper eventMapper) { eventMapper.removeCiEvent(eventId); } @Override public List<CMSEventRecord> getEvents(EventMapper eventMapper) { return eventMapper.getCiEvents(); } @Override public String getLockName() { return CI_EVENT_PUB_LOCK; } @Override protected CMSEvent populateEvent(CMSEventRecord record) { switch (EventSource.toEventSource(record.getSourceName())) { case cm_ci: return getCi(record); case cm_ci_rel: return getCiRel(record); case rfc_ci: return getRfcCi(record); case rfc_relation: return getRfcRelation(record); case namespace: return getNsEvent(record); default: logger.warn("Bad event source " + record.getSourceName()); return null; } } private CMSEvent getNsEvent(CMSEventRecord record) { CMSEvent event = new CMSEvent(); event.setEventId(record.getEventId()); event.addHeaders("source", EventSource.namespace.toString()); event.addHeaders("clazzName", "Namespace"); event.addHeaders("action", record.getEventType()); event.addHeaders("sourceId", String.valueOf(record.getSourcePk())); event.setPayload(null); return event; } private CMSEvent getCi(CMSEventRecord record) { CMSEvent event = new CMSEvent(); event.setEventId(record.getEventId()); event.addHeaders("action", record.getEventType()); try (SqlSession session = sqlsf.openSession()) { if (EVENT_TYPE_DELETE.equals(record.getEventType())) { //TODO add method to read ci from the log table event.addHeaders("source", "cm_ci"); event.addHeaders("clazzName", ""); event.setPayload(null); event.addHeaders("sourceId", String.valueOf(record.getSourcePk())); } else { event.addHeaders("source", "cm_ci_new"); CIMapper ciMapper = session.getMapper(CIMapper.class); CmsCI ci = ciMapper.getCIById(record.getSourcePk()); if (ci != null) { List<CmsCIAttribute> attrs = ciMapper.getCIAttrs(ci.getCiId()); attrs.forEach(ci::addAttribute); CmsCISimpleWithTags simpleCI = cmsUtil.cmsCISimpleWithTags(ci, "df"); addTags(simpleCI, ciMapper); event.addHeaders("clazzName", ci.getCiClassName()); event.setPayload(simpleCI); } else { logger.warn("Can not get ci object for id=" + record.getSourcePk()); } } } return event; } private void addTags(CmsCISimpleWithTags ci, CIMapper ciMapper) { String org = ci.getOrg(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(org)) { Map<String, String> tagMap = null; try { tagMap = orgCache.get(org, () -> getOrgDetails(org, ciMapper)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { logger.error("Exception while getting org tags from cache ", e); } if (tagMap == null) { tagMap = Collections.emptyMap(); } ci.setTags(tagMap); } } private Map<String, String> getOrgDetails(String org, CIMapper ciMapper) { Map<String, String> tagMap = null; List<CmsCI> ciList = ciMapper.getCIby3("/", CI_CLASS_ORG, null, org); if (ciList != null && !ciList.isEmpty()) { CmsCI orgCi = ciList.get(0); List<CmsCIAttribute> attrs = ciMapper.getCIAttrs(orgCi.getCiId()); if (attrs != null) { Optional<CmsCIAttribute> optional = .filter(a -> ATTR_KEY_TAGS.equals(a.getAttributeName())).findFirst(); if (optional.isPresent()) { CmsCIAttribute tagAttr = optional.get(); String tagValue = tagAttr.getDfValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tagValue)) { try { tagMap = gson.fromJson(tagValue, Map.class); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { logger.error("exception while parsing tag attribute for org " + org, e); } } } } } if (tagMap == null) { tagMap = Collections.emptyMap(); } return tagMap; } private CMSEvent getCiRel(CMSEventRecord record) { CMSEvent event = new CMSEvent(); event.setEventId(record.getEventId()); event.addHeaders("source", "cm_ci_rel"); event.addHeaders("action", record.getEventType()); try (SqlSession session = sqlsf.openSession()) { CIMapper ciMapper = session.getMapper(CIMapper.class); CmsCIRelation relation = ciMapper.getCIRelation(record.getSourcePk()); if (relation != null) { List<CmsCIRelationAttribute> attrs = ciMapper.getCIRelationAttrs(relation.getCiRelationId()); attrs.forEach(relation::addAttribute); event.addHeaders("clazzName", relation.getRelationName()); } event.addHeaders("sourceId", String.valueOf(record.getSourcePk())); event.setPayload(relation); } return event; } private CMSEvent getRfcCi(CMSEventRecord record) { CMSEvent event; try (SqlSession session = sqlsf.openSession()) { DJMapper djMapper = session.getMapper(DJMapper.class); CmsRfcCI rfcCi = djMapper.getRfcCIById(record.getSourcePk()); if (rfcCi != null) { populateRfcCIAttributes(rfcCi, djMapper); } event = new CMSEvent(); event.setEventId(record.getEventId()); event.addHeaders("source", "rfc_ci"); event.addHeaders("clazzName", "RfcCi"); event.addHeaders("action", record.getEventType()); event.setPayload(rfcCi); } return event; } private CMSEvent getRfcRelation(CMSEventRecord record) { CMSEvent event; try (SqlSession session = sqlsf.openSession()) { DJMapper djMapper = session.getMapper(DJMapper.class); CmsRfcRelation relationRfc = djMapper.getRfcRelationById(record.getSourcePk()); if (relationRfc != null) { populateRfcRelationAttributes(relationRfc, djMapper); } event = new CMSEvent(); event.setEventId(record.getEventId()); event.addHeaders("source", "rfc_relation"); event.addHeaders("clazzName", "RfcRelation"); event.addHeaders("action", record.getEventType()); event.setPayload(relationRfc); } return event; } private CmsRfcRelation populateRfcRelationAttributes(CmsRfcRelation relationRfc, DJMapper djMapper) { if (relationRfc == null) return null; djMapper.getRfcRelationAttributes(relationRfc.getRfcId()).forEach(relationRfc::addAttribute); return relationRfc; } private CmsRfcCI populateRfcCIAttributes(CmsRfcCI ciRfc, DJMapper djMapper) { if (ciRfc == null) return null; djMapper.getRfcCIAttributes(ciRfc.getRfcId()).forEach(ciRfc::addAttribute); return ciRfc; } public void setOrgCacheTtlInMins(long orgCacheTtlInMins) { this.orgCacheTtlInMins = orgCacheTtlInMins; } public void setOrgCacheMaxSize(long orgCacheMaxSize) { this.orgCacheMaxSize = orgCacheMaxSize; } }