Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Pekka Enberg <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; public class CsJniNetWrapperGenerator { private String getCLRType(String javaType) { int literalLengh = javaType.indexOf('['); String literal = javaType; String arrayLiteral = ""; if (literalLengh != -1) { literal = javaType.substring(0, literalLengh); arrayLiteral = javaType.substring(literalLengh, javaType.length()); } return normalize(literal) + arrayLiteral; } /** * Defines the direct base class and the interfaces implemented by * <code>clazz</code>. * * @see Section 10.1.2. of the C# language specification. */ private void emitClassBase(PrintStream out, Element clazz) { String parent = clazz.attributeValue("parent"); Element interfacesRoot = clazz.element("implements"); if (parent == null && interfacesRoot == null) return; out.print(" : "); if (parent != null) { out.print(normalize(parent)); if (interfacesRoot != null) out.print(", "); } if (interfacesRoot != null) { Iterator interfaces = interfacesRoot.elementIterator("interface"); while (interfaces.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); out.print(normalize(e.attributeValue("name"))); if (interfaces.hasNext()) out.print(", "); } } } private final static HashMap JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES = new HashMap(); static { JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("boolean", "Z"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("byte", "B"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("char", "C"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("double", "D"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("float", "F"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("int", "I"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("long", "J"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("short", "S"); JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.put("void", "V"); } private boolean isTypeArray(String type) { return type.endsWith("[]"); } private String getBaseType(String arrayType) { return arrayType.substring(0, arrayType.length() - 2); } private String getTypeSignature(String type) { boolean isArray = false; if (isTypeArray(type)) { type = getBaseType(type); isArray = true; } String ret = (String) JVM_BUILT_IN_TYPE_SIGNATURES.get(type); if (ret == null) { ret = "L" + type + ";"; } if (isArray) ret = "[" + ret; return ret.replace('.', '/'); } private String parameterSignatures(Element method) { if (method.element("parameters") == null) return ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Iterator parameters = method.element("parameters").elementIterator("parameter"); while (parameters.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); buf.append(getTypeSignature(e.attributeValue("type"))); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Return method JVM type signature for a Java method definition. * * The convention is described here: * */ private String getMethodSignature(Element method) { return "(" + parameterSignatures(method) + ")" + getTypeSignature(method.element("return-type").attributeValue("type")); } private String getCtorSignature(Element ctor) { return "(" + parameterSignatures(ctor) + ")V"; } private void emitIndented(PrintStream out, String line, int level) { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) out.print("\t"); out.println(line); } private void emitConstant(PrintStream out, Element constant) { String clrType = getCLRType(constant.attributeValue("type")); String value = constant.attributeValue("value"); if (clrType.equals("double")) { if ("Infinity".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Double.PositiveInfinity"; else if ("-Infinity".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Double.NegativeInfinity"; else if ("NaN".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Double.NaN"; } else if (clrType.equals("float")) { if ("Infinity".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Single.PositiveInfinity"; else if ("-Infinity".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Single.NegativeInfinity"; else if ("NaN".equals(value)) value = "DotNetSystem.Single.NaN"; } emitIndented(out, "public const " + clrType + " " + constant.attributeValue("name") + " = (" + clrType + ")" + value + ";", 2); } private void emitConstants(PrintStream out, Element clazz) { List constants = clazz.elements("constant"); Iterator iter = constants.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); emitConstant(out, e); } } /** * Marks whether to generate the java.lang.String to System.String * implicit conversation operators. */ private static int ctrIndex = -1; private void emitCtorAndMethodIds(PrintStream out, Element clazz, String className, boolean isImplementation) { List ctors = clazz.elements("constructor"); if (!isImplementation) { for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) ctors.get(i); emitIndented(out, "readonly static JConstructor ctor" + i + ";", 2); } } List methods = clazz.elements("method"); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) methods.get(i); boolean isAbstract = e.attributeValue("abstract") != null; if (!isImplementation || (isImplementation && isAbstract)) { out.println("\t\treadonly static JMethod " + e.attributeValue("name") + "_mid" + i + ";"); } } out.println(); emitIndented(out, "static " + className + "() {", 2); String qualifiedName = clazz.attributeValue("name").replace('.', '/'); emitIndented(out, "clazz = JClass.ForName(\"" + qualifiedName + "\");", 3); if (!isImplementation) { for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) ctors.get(i); String ctrSignature = getCtorSignature(e); emitIndented(out, "ctor" + i + " = clazz.GetConstructor(" + "\"" + ctrSignature + "\");", 3); /* * Force the creation of the implicit operators between * java.lang.String and System.String */ if ("java/lang/String".equals(qualifiedName) && "([C)V".equals(ctrSignature)) ctrIndex = i; } } for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) methods.get(i); boolean isAbstract = e.attributeValue("abstract") != null; if (isImplementation && !isAbstract) continue; String methodName = e.attributeValue("name"); boolean isStatic = e.attributeValue("static") != null; String callString = isStatic ? "GetStaticMethod" : "GetMethod"; emitIndented(out, methodName + "_mid" + i + " = clazz." + callString + "(\"" + methodName + "\", \"" + getMethodSignature(e) + "\");", 3); } emitIndented(out, "}", 2); out.println(); } private void appendMethodParameterList(StringBuffer methodHeader, Element method) { if (method.element("parameters") == null) return; Iterator parameters = method.element("parameters").elementIterator("parameter"); int index = 0; while (parameters.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); methodHeader.append(getCLRType(e.attributeValue("type"))); methodHeader.append(" arg" + index++); if (parameters.hasNext()) methodHeader.append(", "); } } /** Caffeine JNI.NET API type names for built-ins. */ private final static HashMap API_TYPES = new HashMap(); static { API_TYPES.put("bool", "Boolean"); API_TYPES.put("byte", "Byte"); API_TYPES.put("sbyte", "Byte"); API_TYPES.put("char", "Char"); API_TYPES.put("double", "Double"); API_TYPES.put("float", "Float"); API_TYPES.put("int", "Int"); API_TYPES.put("long", "Long"); API_TYPES.put("short", "Short"); API_TYPES.put("void", "Void"); } /** * Returns a JNI.NET wrapper call code snippet. * * A variable called <code>ret</code> is defined with the proper type * in the generated C# code if return type is not <code>void</code>. */ private String wrapperCall(Element method, int methodIndex, String returnType, String apiType) { StringBuffer call = new StringBuffer(); if (!returnType.equals("void")) { if (!isTypeArray(returnType)) call.append(returnType + " ret = "); else call.append("JObject ret = "); } boolean useCopyCtor = !returnType.equals("void") && !isTypeArray(returnType) && apiType.equals("Object"); if (useCopyCtor) { call.append("new " + returnType + "("); } call.append(method.attributeValue("name") + "_mid" + methodIndex + ".Call"); if (!isTypeArray(returnType)) call.append(apiType); else call.append("Object"); call.append("("); call.append((!isMethodStatic(method) ? "this" : "null")); int numParams = 0; if (method.element("parameters") != null) { numParams = method.element("parameters").elements("parameter").size(); } for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { call.append(", arg" + i); } call.append(")"); if (useCopyCtor) call.append(")"); call.append(";"); return call.toString(); } private String getApiType(String returnType) { String ret = null; if (!isTypeArray(returnType)) ret = (String) API_TYPES.get(returnType); else ret = (String) API_TYPES.get(getBaseType(returnType)); if (ret == null) ret = "Object"; return ret; } private String interfaceToImplClass(String type) { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); int firstArraySubscript = type.indexOf('['); if (firstArraySubscript == -1) { ret.append(type); ret.append("JNIImpl"); } else { ret.append(type.substring(0, firstArraySubscript)); ret.append("JNIImpl"); ret.append(type.substring(firstArraySubscript)); } return ret.toString(); } private void emitMethodWrapperBody(PrintStream out, Element method, int methodIndex) { String returnType = getCLRType(method.element("return-type").attributeValue("type")); String apiType = getApiType(returnType); boolean nonInstantiable = method.element("return-type").attributeValue("non-instantiable") != null; if (nonInstantiable) returnType = interfaceToImplClass(returnType); emitIndented(out, wrapperCall(method, methodIndex, returnType, apiType), 3); if (!returnType.equals("void")) { if (!isTypeArray(returnType)) { emitIndented(out, "return ret;", 3); } else { String arrayType = "J" + apiType + "Array"; emitIndented(out, arrayType + " array = new " + arrayType + "(ret);", 3); emitIndented(out, "return (" + returnType + ") array.Elements;", 3); } } } private String getCtorBaseCallParams(Element ctor) { if (ctor.element("parameters") == null) return ""; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int numParams = ctor.element("parameters").elements("parameter").size(); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { buf.append(", arg" + i); } return buf.toString(); } private void emitCtor(PrintStream out, String className, Element ctor, int index) { StringBuffer ctorHeader = new StringBuffer(); ctorHeader.append("public " + className + "("); appendMethodParameterList(ctorHeader, ctor); ctorHeader.append(") :"); emitIndented(out, ctorHeader.toString(), 2); emitIndented(out, "base(ctor" + index + getCtorBaseCallParams(ctor) + ")", 3); emitIndented(out, "{ }", 2); out.println(); } private void emitCtors(PrintStream out, Element clazz, String className) { List ctors = clazz.elements("constructor"); for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) ctors.get(i); emitCtor(out, className, e, i); } } private void emitDefaultCtors(PrintStream out, String className, boolean isImplementation) { if (!isImplementation) { emitIndented(out, "protected " + className + "(JConstructor ctr, params object[] args) : " + "base(ctr, args) { }", 2); out.println(); } emitIndented(out, "public " + className + "(JObject other) : base(other) { }", 2); out.println(); } private void emitSpecialStringCtor(PrintStream out, String className) { emitIndented(out, "public static implicit operator string (java.lang.String s) {", 2); emitIndented(out, "return (new JString((JObject)s)).String;", 3); emitIndented(out, "}", 2); emitIndented(out, "", 2); emitIndented(out, "public static implicit operator java.lang.String (string s) {", 2); emitIndented(out, "JString native = new JString(s);", 3); emitIndented(out, "return new java.lang.String((JObject)native);", 3); emitIndented(out, "}", 2); emitIndented(out, "", 2); } private void emitClassAccessor(PrintStream out, boolean emitNewModifier) { String propertySignature = "public static "; if (emitNewModifier) propertySignature += "new "; propertySignature += "JClass JClass {"; emitIndented(out, propertySignature, 2); emitIndented(out, "get {", 3); emitIndented(out, "return clazz;", 4); emitIndented(out, "}", 3); emitIndented(out, "}", 2); out.println(); } private boolean isMethodStatic(Element method) { return method.attributeValue("static") != null; } private void emitMethod(PrintStream out, String type, String className, Element method, int methodIndex, boolean isClassFinal, boolean isClassInterface, boolean forceNonAbstract) { StringBuffer methodHeader = new StringBuffer(); boolean isAbstract = method.attributeValue("abstract") != null; boolean isFinal = method.attributeValue("final") != null; boolean isOverride = method.attributeValue("override") != null; boolean isStatic = method.attributeValue("static") != null; if (forceNonAbstract) { /* * Don't generate non-abstract methods if we were * asked to forcefully generate abstract methods * because the parent class already has an * implementation for them. */ if (!isAbstract) return; } if (!isClassInterface || (isClassInterface && forceNonAbstract)) { methodHeader.append("public "); if (isStatic) methodHeader.append("static "); else { if (isAbstract && !forceNonAbstract) methodHeader.append("abstract "); if (isFinal && isOverride) methodHeader.append("sealed "); if (isOverride || (isAbstract && forceNonAbstract && !isClassInterface)) methodHeader.append("override "); if (!isFinal && !isAbstract && !isOverride && !isClassFinal) methodHeader.append("virtual "); } } methodHeader.append(getCLRType(method.element("return-type").attributeValue("type"))); methodHeader.append(" "); String methodName = normalize(method.attributeValue("name")); if (methodName.equals(className)) { // TODO document this fix // avoid name class // member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type System.out.println(type + ": method `" + methodName + "' renamed to `" + methodName + "_' because it is same as the " + "class name."); methodName = methodName + "_"; } methodHeader.append(methodName); methodHeader.append("("); appendMethodParameterList(methodHeader, method); methodHeader.append(")"); if (!forceNonAbstract && (isClassInterface || isAbstract)) { methodHeader.append(";"); emitIndented(out, methodHeader.toString(), 2); return; } methodHeader.append(" {"); emitIndented(out, methodHeader.toString(), 2); emitMethodWrapperBody(out, method, methodIndex); emitIndented(out, "}", 2); out.println(); } private void emitMethods(PrintStream out, Element clazz, boolean isClassFinal, boolean isClassInterface, boolean forceNonAbstract) { String type = normalize(clazz.attributeValue("name")); String className = getClassNameFromType(type); List methods = clazz.elements("method"); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) methods.get(i); boolean isAbstract = e.attributeValue("abstract") != null; if (!forceNonAbstract || (forceNonAbstract && isAbstract)) emitMethod(out, type, className, e, i, isClassFinal, isClassInterface, forceNonAbstract); } } private String getPackageNameFromType(String type) { int end = type.lastIndexOf('.'); if (end == -1) return null; return type.substring(0, end); } private String getClassNameFromType(String type) { int start = type.lastIndexOf('$'); if (start == -1) start = type.lastIndexOf('.'); return type.substring(start + 1, type.length()); } private final static HashMap KEYWORDS = new HashMap(); static { KEYWORDS.put("internal", "internal_"); KEYWORDS.put("ref", "ref_"); KEYWORDS.put("event", "event_"); KEYWORDS.put("as", "as_"); KEYWORDS.put("is", "is_"); KEYWORDS.put("lock", "lock_"); KEYWORDS.put("out", "out_"); KEYWORDS.put("params", "params_"); KEYWORDS.put("object", "object_"); KEYWORDS.put("string", "string_"); KEYWORDS.put("boolean", "bool"); KEYWORDS.put("byte", "sbyte"); } private String normalize(String typeOrMethod) { if (typeOrMethod == null) return null; if (typeOrMethod.length() == 0) return ""; String mangledType = (String) mangledTypes.get(typeOrMethod); if (mangledType != null) return mangledType; String[] tokens = typeOrMethod.split("\\."); final int nTokens = tokens.length; String normalizedType = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nTokens; i++) { String replacement = (String) KEYWORDS.get(tokens[i]); if (replacement != null) normalizedType += replacement; else normalizedType += tokens[i]; if (i < nTokens - 1) normalizedType += '.'; } return normalizedType.replace('$', '.'); } private void emitInterfaceImplementationClass(PrintStream out, Element clazz, boolean isInterface) { String origType = clazz.attributeValue("name"); String baseClassName = getClassNameFromType(normalize(origType)); String className = getClassNameFromType(normalize(origType) + "JNIImpl"); if (isInterface) emitIndented(out, "public sealed class " + className + " : java.lang.Object, " + baseClassName + " {", 1); else emitIndented(out, "public sealed class " + className + " : " + baseClassName + " {", 1); emitIndented(out, "readonly static JClass clazz;", 2); emitConstants(out, clazz); emitCtorAndMethodIds(out, clazz, className, true); emitDefaultCtors(out, className, true); // abstract class implementation uses parent's JClass property // interface class implementation defines new JClass property if (isInterface) emitClassAccessor(out, true); int modifiers = Integer.parseInt(clazz.attributeValue("modifiers")); emitMethods(out, clazz, Modifier.isFinal(modifiers), isInterface, true); emitIndented(out, "}", 1); } private void emitInnerClasses(PrintStream out, Element parentClass) { List declaredClasses = parentClass.elements("class"); for (int i = 0; i < declaredClasses.size(); i++) { Element clazz = (Element) declaredClasses.get(i); emitClassDeclaration(out, clazz, parentClass); } } private void emitClassDeclaration(PrintStream out, Element clazz, Element parentClass) { String origType = clazz.attributeValue("name"); // Skip anonymous classes. String[] tokens = origType.split("\\$"); if (tokens != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { String token = tokens[i]; if (Character.isDigit((char) token.charAt(0))) { System.out.println(origType + ": skipped anonymous class."); return; } } } out.print("\t"); int modifiers = Integer.parseInt(clazz.attributeValue("modifiers")); if (parentClass == null) // C# language specification: namespaces only // have public and internal types if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) out.print("public "); else out.print("internal "); else if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) out.print("public "); else if (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)) out.print("protected "); else out.print("internal "); boolean isInterface = Modifier.isInterface(modifiers); boolean isAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers); if (isAbstract && !isInterface) out.print("abstract "); if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) out.print("sealed "); if (isInterface) out.print("interface "); else out.print("class "); String className = getClassNameFromType(normalize(origType)); out.print(className); emitClassBase(out, clazz); out.println(" {"); if (!isInterface) { emitIndented(out, "readonly static JClass clazz;", 2); emitConstants(out, clazz); emitCtorAndMethodIds(out, clazz, className, false); /* * If we are dealing with java.lang.String, emit * implicit operators */ if (ctrIndex > 0) { emitSpecialStringCtor(out, className); ctrIndex = -1; } emitCtors(out, clazz, className); emitDefaultCtors(out, className, false); emitClassAccessor(out, !"java.lang.Object".equals(origType)); } emitMethods(out, clazz, Modifier.isFinal(modifiers), Modifier.isInterface(modifiers), false); if (!isInterface) { emitInnerClasses(out, clazz); emitIndented(out, "}", 1); } else { emitIndented(out, "}", 1); emitInnerClasses(out, clazz); } /* * C# interfaces and abstract classes also need a companion * implementation class so we can pass references around. */ if (isAbstract || isInterface) { out.println(); emitInterfaceImplementationClass(out, clazz, isInterface); } } private void emitWrapperClass(Element clazz, String dir) { try { int modifiers = Integer.parseInt(clazz.attributeValue("modifiers")); if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) return; String origType = clazz.attributeValue("name"); // Normalize to avoid clash with C# keywords String type = normalize(origType); File outFile = new File(dir + File.separatorChar + type + ".cs"); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile))); emitIndented(out, "using DotNetSystem = System;", 0); emitIndented(out, "using Caffeine.Jni;", 0); out.println(); String packageName = normalize(getPackageNameFromType(origType)); if (packageName != null) emitIndented(out, "namespace " + packageName + " {", 0); emitClassDeclaration(out, clazz, null); if (packageName != null) emitIndented(out, "}", 0); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void generate(Element root, String dir) { int count = 0; try { Iterator iter = root.elementIterator("class"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); emitWrapperClass(e, dir); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { System.out.println(count + " proxy classes generated into directory `" + dir + "'."); } } private void mangleType(Element clazz, Element parentClass) { int parentModifers = 0; if (parentClass != null) parentModifers = Integer.parseInt(parentClass.attributeValue("modifiers")); if (Modifier.isInterface(parentModifers)) { String typeName = clazz.attributeValue("name"); String mangledType = normalize(typeName.replace('$', '_')); System.out.println("Mangled " + typeName + " as " + mangledType); mangledTypes.put(typeName, mangledType); } List declaredClasses = clazz.elements("class"); for (int i = 0; i < declaredClasses.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) declaredClasses.get(i); mangleType(e, clazz); } } private final HashMap mangledTypes = new HashMap(); private void populateMangleMap(Element root) { try { Iterator iter = root.elementIterator("class"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); mangleType(e, null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void generate(String filename, String dir) { try { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document apiDocument = File(filename)); Element root = apiDocument.getRootElement(); if (root != null && root.getName().equals("api")) { populateMangleMap(root); generate(root, dir); } else { throw new RuntimeException(filename + " does not contain root " + "element `api'."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static void usage() { System.out.println("CsJniNetWrapperGenerator [filename] [output-dir]"); System.exit(1); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) usage(); CsJniNetWrapperGenerator gen = new CsJniNetWrapperGenerator(); gen.generate(args[0], args[1]); } }