Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.ok2c.lightmtp.impl.protocol; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.IOSession; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.SessionInputBuffer; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.SessionOutputBuffer; import org.apache.http.util.Args; import org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.SMTPCode; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.SMTPCodes; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.SMTPConsts; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.SMTPProtocolException; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.SMTPReply; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.message.SMTPContent; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.message.SMTPMessageWriter; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.message.SMTPReplyWriter; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.message.content.FileSource; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.message.content.FileStore; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.BasicDeliveryRequest; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.DeliveryHandler; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.DeliveryRequest; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.DeliveryResult; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.ProtocolCodec; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.ProtocolCodecs; import com.ok2c.lightmtp.protocol.RcptResult; public class ReceiveDataCodec implements ProtocolCodec<ServerState> { private final static int BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024; private final static int LINE_SIZE = 1 * 1024; private final SMTPBuffers iobuffers; private final DeliveryHandler handler; private final File workingDir; private final DataAckMode mode; private final SMTPMessageWriter<SMTPReply> writer; private final LinkedList<SMTPReply> pendingReplies; private final CharArrayBuffer lineBuf; private final SMTPOutputBuffer contentBuf; private File tempFile; private FileStore fileStore; private boolean dataReceived; private Future<DeliveryResult> pendingDelivery; private boolean completed; public ReceiveDataCodec(final SMTPBuffers iobuffers, final File workingDir, final DeliveryHandler handler, final DataAckMode mode) { super(); Args.notNull(iobuffers, "IO buffers"); Args.notNull(workingDir, "Working directory"); Args.notNull(handler, "Devliry handler"); this.iobuffers = iobuffers; this.workingDir = workingDir; this.handler = handler; this.mode = mode != null ? mode : DataAckMode.SINGLE; this.writer = new SMTPReplyWriter(true); this.pendingReplies = new LinkedList<SMTPReply>(); this.lineBuf = new CharArrayBuffer(LINE_SIZE); this.contentBuf = new SMTPOutputBuffer(BUF_SIZE, LINE_SIZE, SMTPConsts.ISO_8859_1); this.dataReceived = false; this.pendingDelivery = null; this.completed = false; } public ReceiveDataCodec(final SMTPBuffers iobuffers, final File workingDir, final DeliveryHandler handler) { this(iobuffers, workingDir, handler, DataAckMode.SINGLE); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { cleanUp(); super.finalize(); } @Override public void reset(final IOSession iosession, final ServerState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); cleanUp(); if (!this.workingDir.exists()) { throw new IOException("Invalid working directory '" + this.workingDir + "': directory does not exist"); } if (!this.workingDir.canWrite()) { throw new IOException("Invalid working directory '" + this.workingDir + "': directory is not writable"); } this.tempFile = File.createTempFile("incoming-", ".email", this.workingDir); this.fileStore = new FileStore(this.tempFile); this.lineBuf.clear(); this.pendingReplies.clear(); this.dataReceived = false; this.pendingDelivery = null; this.completed = false; } @Override public void cleanUp() { if (this.fileStore != null) { this.fileStore.reset(); this.fileStore = null; } if (this.tempFile != null) { this.tempFile.delete(); this.tempFile = null; } } @Override public void produceData(final IOSession iosession, final ServerState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionOutputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getOutbuf(); synchronized (sessionState) { if (this.pendingDelivery != null) { if (this.pendingDelivery.isDone()) { deliveryCompleted(sessionState); cleanUp(); } while (!this.pendingReplies.isEmpty()) { this.writer.write(this.pendingReplies.removeFirst(), buf); } } if (buf.hasData()) { buf.flush(; } if (!buf.hasData()) { if (sessionState.getDataType() != null) { this.completed = true; sessionState.reset(); } iosession.clearEvent(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } } private void deliveryCompleted(final ServerState sessionState) { if (this.mode.equals(DataAckMode.SINGLE)) { try { DeliveryResult result = this.pendingDelivery.get(); this.pendingReplies.add(result.getReply()); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause == null) { cause = ex; } this.pendingReplies.add(createErrorReply(cause)); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { this.pendingReplies.add(createErrorReply(ex)); } } else { List<String> recipients = sessionState.getRecipients(); try { DeliveryResult results = this.pendingDelivery.get(); Map<String, SMTPReply> map = new HashMap<String, SMTPReply>(); for (RcptResult res : results.getFailures()) { map.put(res.getRecipient(), res.getReply()); } for (String recipient : recipients) { SMTPReply reply = map.get(recipient); if (reply == null) { reply = results.getReply(); } this.pendingReplies.add(reply); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { SMTPReply reply = createErrorReply(ex); for (String recipient : recipients) { this.pendingReplies.add(reply); } } catch (ExecutionException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause == null) { cause = ex; } SMTPReply reply = createErrorReply(cause); for (String recipient : recipients) { this.pendingReplies.add(reply); } } } } private SMTPReply createErrorReply(final Throwable ex) { if (ex instanceof IOException) { return new SMTPReply(SMTPCodes.ERR_TRANS_PROCESSING_ERROR, new SMTPCode(4, 2, 0), ex.getMessage()); } else if (ex instanceof InterruptedException) { return new SMTPReply(SMTPCodes.ERR_TRANS_PROCESSING_ERROR, new SMTPCode(4, 2, 0), ex.getMessage()); } else { return new SMTPReply(SMTPCodes.ERR_PERM_TRX_FAILED, new SMTPCode(5, 2, 0), ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public void consumeData(final IOSession iosession, final ServerState sessionState) throws IOException, SMTPProtocolException { Args.notNull(iosession, "IO session"); Args.notNull(sessionState, "Session state"); SessionInputBuffer buf = this.iobuffers.getInbuf(); synchronized (sessionState) { boolean hasData = true; while (hasData && !this.dataReceived) { int bytesRead = buf.fill(; if (buf.readLine(this.lineBuf, bytesRead == -1)) { processLine(); if (!this.dataReceived) { this.contentBuf.writeLine(this.lineBuf); } this.lineBuf.clear(); } else { hasData = false; } if (this.dataReceived || this.contentBuf.length() > 4 * 1024 || bytesRead == -1) { this.contentBuf.flush(; } if (bytesRead == -1) { throw new UnexpectedEndOfStreamException(); } } if (this.contentBuf.hasData()) { this.contentBuf.flush(; } if (this.dataReceived && this.pendingDelivery == null) { this.fileStore.reset(); File file = this.fileStore.getFile(); SMTPContent<ReadableByteChannel> content = new FileSource(file); DeliveryRequest deliveryRequest = new BasicDeliveryRequest(sessionState.getSender(), sessionState.getRecipients(), content); String messageId = sessionState.getMessageId(); this.pendingDelivery = this.handler.handle(messageId, deliveryRequest, new OutputTrigger<DeliveryResult>(sessionState, iosession)); } } } private void processLine() { int lineLen = this.lineBuf.length(); if (lineLen == 1) { if (this.lineBuf.charAt(0) == '.') { this.dataReceived = true; } } else if (lineLen > 1) { // Strip away extra dot if (this.lineBuf.charAt(0) == '.' && this.lineBuf.charAt(1) == '.') { char[] buf = this.lineBuf.buffer(); System.arraycopy(buf, 1, buf, 0, lineLen - 1); this.lineBuf.setLength(lineLen - 1); } } } @Override public boolean isCompleted() { return this.completed; } @Override public String next(final ProtocolCodecs<ServerState> codecs, final ServerState sessionState) { if (isCompleted()) { if (sessionState.isTerminated()) { return; } return; } else { return null; } } }