Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 "Oh no sequences!" * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ package com.ohnosequences.xml.model; import com.ohnosequences.xml.api.model.XMLElement; import com.ohnosequences.xml.api.model.XMLElementException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * * @author <a href="">Pablo Pareja-Tobes</a> */ public class PredictedRna extends XMLElement implements Comparable<PredictedRna> { public static final String TAG_NAME = "predicted_rna"; public static final String ID_TAG_NAME = "id"; public static final String SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME = "sequence"; public static final String EVALUE_TAG_NAME = "evalue"; public static final String CONTIG_ID_TAG_NAME = "contig_id"; public static final String ANNOTATION_UNIPROT_ID_TAG_NAME = "annotation_uniprot_id"; public static final String ANNOTATION_SCORE_EVALUE_TAG_NAME = "annotation_score_evalue"; public static final String BLAST_HIT_START_TAG_NAME = "blast_hit_start"; public static final String BLAST_HIT_END_TAG_NAME = "blast_hit_end"; public static final String DNA_SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME = "dna_sequence"; public static final String STRAND_TAG_NAME = "strand"; public static final String HIT_DEF_TAG_NAME = "hit_def"; public static final String RNA_NAME_TAG_NAME = "name"; public static final String POSITIVE_STRAND = "+"; public static final String NEGATIVE_STRAND = "-"; public static final String START_POSITION_TAG_NAME = "start_position"; public static final String START_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME = "start_is_canonical"; public static final String END_POSITION_TAG_NAME = "end_position"; public static final String END_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME = "end_is_canonical"; public static final String START_CODON_TAG_NAME = "start_codon"; public static final String STOP_CODON_TAG_NAME = "stop_codon"; public static final String EXTRA_STOP_CODONS_TAG_NAME = "extra_stop_codons"; public static final String FRAME_SHIFTS_TAG_NAME = "frameshifts"; //--------------POSSIBLE STATUS------------ public static final String STATUS_DISMISSED = "dismissed"; public static final String STATUS_SELECTED = "selected"; public static final String STATUS_SELECTED_MINOR_THRESHOLD = "selected_minor_threshold"; //--------------------------------------- public PredictedRna() { super(new Element(TAG_NAME)); } public PredictedRna(Element elem) throws XMLElementException { super(elem); if (!elem.getName().equals(TAG_NAME)) { throw new XMLElementException(XMLElementException.WRONG_TAG_NAME, new XMLElement(elem)); } } public PredictedRna(String value) throws Exception { super(value); if (!root.getName().equals(TAG_NAME)) { throw new XMLElementException(XMLElementException.WRONG_TAG_NAME, new XMLElement(value)); } } public void addExtraStopCodon(Codon codon) { initExtraStopCodonsTag(); root.getChild(EXTRA_STOP_CODONS_TAG_NAME).addContent(codon.getRoot()); } public void addFrameShift(Frameshift frameshift) { initFrameshiftsTag(); root.getChild(FRAME_SHIFTS_TAG_NAME).addContent(frameshift.getRoot()); } //----------------SETTERS------------------- public void setId(String value) { setNodeText(ID_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setRnaName(String value) { setNodeText(RNA_NAME_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setSequence(String value) { setNodeText(SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setHitDef(String value) { setNodeText(HIT_DEF_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setEvalue(double value) { setNodeText(EVALUE_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setContigId(String value) { setNodeText(CONTIG_ID_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setStartPosition(int value) { setNodeText(START_POSITION_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setStartIsCanonical(boolean value) { setNodeText(START_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setEndPosition(int value) { setNodeText(END_POSITION_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setEndIsCanonical(boolean value) { setNodeText(END_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setStrand(String value) { setNodeText(STRAND_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setStrand(boolean value) { if (value) { setNodeText(STRAND_TAG_NAME, POSITIVE_STRAND); } else { setNodeText(STRAND_TAG_NAME, NEGATIVE_STRAND); } } public void setAnnotationUniprotId(String value) { setNodeText(ANNOTATION_UNIPROT_ID_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setAnnotationScoreEvalue(String value) { setNodeText(ANNOTATION_SCORE_EVALUE_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setBlastHitStart(int value) { setNodeText(BLAST_HIT_START_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setBlastHitEnd(int value) { setNodeText(BLAST_HIT_END_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setDnaSequence(String value) { setNodeText(DNA_SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setStartCodon(Codon codon) { initStartCodonTag(); Element temp = root.getChild(START_CODON_TAG_NAME); temp.removeChildren(Codon.TAG_NAME); temp.addContent(codon.getRoot()); } public void setStopCodon(Codon codon) { initStopCodonTag(); Element temp = root.getChild(STOP_CODON_TAG_NAME); temp.removeChildren(Codon.TAG_NAME); temp.addContent(codon.getRoot()); } public void setHspSet(HspSet value) { root.removeChildren(HspSet.TAG_NAME); root.addContent(value.toXML().getRoot()); } //----------------GETTERS--------------------- public String getId() { return getNodeText(ID_TAG_NAME); } public String getRnaName() { return getNodeText(RNA_NAME_TAG_NAME); } public String getHitDef() { return getNodeText(HIT_DEF_TAG_NAME); } public String getSequence() { return getNodeText(SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME); } public double getEvalue() { return Double.parseDouble(getNodeText(EVALUE_TAG_NAME)); } public String getContigId() { return getNodeText(CONTIG_ID_TAG_NAME); } public int getStartPosition() { return Integer.parseInt(getNodeText(START_POSITION_TAG_NAME)); } public boolean getStartIsCanonical() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getNodeText(START_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME)); } public int getEndPosition() { return Integer.parseInt(getNodeText(END_POSITION_TAG_NAME)); } public boolean getEndIsCanonical() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getNodeText(END_IS_CANONICAL_TAG_NAME)); } public String getStrand() { return getNodeText(STRAND_TAG_NAME); } public String getAnnotationUniprotId() { return getNodeText(ANNOTATION_UNIPROT_ID_TAG_NAME); } public String getAnnotationScoreEvalue() { return getNodeText(ANNOTATION_SCORE_EVALUE_TAG_NAME); } public String getBlastHitStart() { return getNodeText(BLAST_HIT_START_TAG_NAME); } public String getBlastHitEnd() { return getNodeText(BLAST_HIT_END_TAG_NAME); } public String getDnaSequence() { return getNodeText(DNA_SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME); } public HspSet getHspSet() throws XMLElementException { HspSet set = null; Element temp = root.getChild(HspSet.TAG_NAME); if (temp != null) { set = new HspSet(temp); } return set; } public int getHspSetHitFrom() throws XMLElementException { return getHspSet().getHspHitFrom(); } public int getHspSetHitTo() throws XMLElementException { return getHspSet().getHspHitTo(); } public Codon getInitCodon() throws XMLElementException { Codon temp = null; Element elem = root.getChild(START_CODON_TAG_NAME); if (elem != null) { Element elem2 = elem.getChild(Codon.TAG_NAME); if (elem2 != null) { temp = new Codon(elem2); } } return temp; } public Codon getStopCodon() throws XMLElementException { Codon temp = null; Element elem = root.getChild(STOP_CODON_TAG_NAME); if (elem != null) { Element elem2 = elem.getChild(Codon.TAG_NAME); if (elem2 != null) { temp = new Codon(elem2); } } return temp; } public ArrayList<Frameshift> getFrameshifts() throws XMLElementException { ArrayList<Frameshift> array = new ArrayList<>(); Element temp = root.getChild(FRAME_SHIFTS_TAG_NAME); if (temp != null) { List<Element> list = temp.getChildren(Frameshift.TAG_NAME); for (Element elem : list) { Frameshift frameshift = new Frameshift(elem); array.add(frameshift); } } return array; } private void initStartCodonTag() { Element temp = root.getChild(START_CODON_TAG_NAME); if (temp == null) { root.addContent(new Element(START_CODON_TAG_NAME)); } } private void initStopCodonTag() { Element temp = root.getChild(STOP_CODON_TAG_NAME); if (temp == null) { root.addContent(new Element(STOP_CODON_TAG_NAME)); } } private void initExtraStopCodonsTag() { Element temp = root.getChild(EXTRA_STOP_CODONS_TAG_NAME); if (temp == null) { root.addContent(new Element(EXTRA_STOP_CODONS_TAG_NAME)); } } private void initFrameshiftsTag() { Element temp = root.getChild(FRAME_SHIFTS_TAG_NAME); if (temp == null) { root.addContent(new Element(FRAME_SHIFTS_TAG_NAME)); } } @Override public int compareTo(PredictedRna o) { int beginPos, endPos, beginOtherPos, endOtherPos; beginPos = this.getStartPosition(); endPos = this.getEndPosition(); if (this.getStrand().equals(PredictedRna.NEGATIVE_STRAND)) { int swapPos = beginPos; beginPos = endPos; endPos = swapPos; } beginOtherPos = o.getStartPosition(); endOtherPos = o.getEndPosition(); if (o.getStrand().equals(PredictedRna.NEGATIVE_STRAND)) { int swapPos = beginOtherPos; beginOtherPos = endOtherPos; endOtherPos = swapPos; } if (beginPos < beginOtherPos) { return -1; } else if (beginPos > beginOtherPos) { return 1; } else { if (endPos < endOtherPos) { return -1; } else if (endPos > endOtherPos) { return 1; } else { if (this.getEvalue() < o.getEvalue()) { return -1; } else if (this.getEvalue() > o.getEvalue()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } } }