Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 "Oh no sequences!" * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ package com.ohnosequences.xml.model.genome; import com.ohnosequences.xml.model.genome.feature.Feature; import com.ohnosequences.xml.model.pal.PalindromicityResultXML; import com.ohnosequences.xml.api.model.XMLElement; import com.ohnosequences.xml.api.model.XMLElementException; import com.ohnosequences.xml.model.util.Error; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * * @author ppareja */ public class GenomeElement extends XMLElement { public static final String TAG_NAME = "genome_element"; public static final String ID_TAG_NAME = "id"; public static final String FEATURES_TAG_NAME = "features"; public static final String LENGTH_TAG_NAME = "length"; public static final String SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME = "sequence"; public static final String ERRORS_TAG_NAME = "errors"; //----------PALINDROMICITY----------- public static final String ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME = "odd_axis_pal"; public static final String EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME = "even_axis_pal"; public static final String MAX_WORD_LENGTH_EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME = "mwl_even_axis_pal"; public static final String MAX_WORD_LENGTH_ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME = "mwl_odd_axis_pal"; public GenomeElement() { super(new Element(TAG_NAME)); } public GenomeElement(Element elem) throws XMLElementException { super(elem); if (!elem.getName().equals(TAG_NAME)) { throw new XMLElementException(XMLElementException.WRONG_TAG_NAME, new XMLElement(elem)); } } public GenomeElement(String value) throws Exception { super(value); if (!root.getName().equals(TAG_NAME)) { throw new XMLElementException(XMLElementException.WRONG_TAG_NAME, new XMLElement(value)); } } public void addFeature(Feature feature) { initFeaturesTag(); root.getChild(FEATURES_TAG_NAME).addContent(feature.getRoot()); } //----------------GETTERS--------------------- public Element getFeatures() { return root.getChild(FEATURES_TAG_NAME); } public String getId() { return getNodeText(ID_TAG_NAME); } public int getLength() { return Integer.parseInt(getNodeText(LENGTH_TAG_NAME)); } public Element getErrors() { return root.getChild(ERRORS_TAG_NAME); } public String getSequence() { return getNodeText(SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME); } public PalindromicityResultXML getOddAxisPalindromicityResult() throws XMLElementException { Element elem = root.getChild(ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); if (elem == null) { return null; } else { Element palResult = elem.getChild(PalindromicityResultXML.TAG_NAME); if (palResult == null) { return null; } else { return new PalindromicityResultXML(palResult); } } } public PalindromicityResultXML getEvenAxisPalindromicityResult() throws XMLElementException { Element elem = root.getChild(EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); if (elem == null) { return null; } else { Element palResult = elem.getChild(PalindromicityResultXML.TAG_NAME); if (palResult == null) { return null; } else { return new PalindromicityResultXML(palResult); } } } public PalindromicityResultXML getMaxWordLengthEvenAxisPalindromicityResult() throws XMLElementException { Element elem = root.getChild(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); if (elem == null) { return null; } else { Element palResult = elem.getChild(PalindromicityResultXML.TAG_NAME); if (palResult == null) { return null; } else { return new PalindromicityResultXML(palResult); } } } public PalindromicityResultXML getMaxWordLengthOddAxisPalindromicityResult() throws XMLElementException { Element elem = root.getChild(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); if (elem == null) { return null; } else { Element palResult = elem.getChild(PalindromicityResultXML.TAG_NAME); if (palResult == null) { return null; } else { return new PalindromicityResultXML(palResult); } } } //----------------SETTERS--------------------- public void setId(String value) { setNodeText(ID_TAG_NAME, value); } public void setLength(int value) { setNodeText(LENGTH_TAG_NAME, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setSequence(String value) { setNodeText(SEQUENCE_TAG_NAME, value); } public void addError(Error value) { initErrorsTag(); root.getChild(ERRORS_TAG_NAME).addContent(value.getRoot()); } public void setFeatures(Element features) { root.removeChildren(FEATURES_TAG_NAME); root.addContent(features); } public void setErrors(Element errors) { root.removeChildren(ERRORS_TAG_NAME); root.addContent(errors); } public void setOddAxisPalindromicityResult(PalindromicityResultXML result) { root.removeChildren(ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); Element elem = new Element(ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); elem.addContent(result.getRoot()); root.addContent(elem); } public void setEvenAxisPalindromicityResult(PalindromicityResultXML result) { root.removeChildren(EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); Element elem = new Element(EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); elem.addContent(result.getRoot()); root.addContent(elem); } public void setMaxWordLengthOddAxisPalindromicityResult(PalindromicityResultXML result) { root.removeChildren(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); Element elem = new Element(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_ODD_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); elem.addContent(result.getRoot()); root.addContent(elem); } public void setMaxWordLengthEvenAxisPalindromicityResult(PalindromicityResultXML result) { root.removeChildren(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); Element elem = new Element(MAX_WORD_LENGTH_EVEN_AXIS_PALINDROMICITY_TAG_NAME); elem.addContent(result.getRoot()); root.addContent(elem); } private void initFeaturesTag() { if (root.getChild(FEATURES_TAG_NAME) == null) { root.addContent(new Element(FEATURES_TAG_NAME)); } } private void initErrorsTag() { if (root.getChild(ERRORS_TAG_NAME) == null) { root.addContent(new Element(ERRORS_TAG_NAME)); } } }