Java tutorial
/* This file is part of the project Elliptic_SDK, which is an elliptical cryptographic library under GPL license v3. Copyright (C) 2013 Olivier Goutay Elliptic_SDK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Elliptic_SDK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Elliptic_SDK. If not, see <>. */ package com.og.elliptic.sdk; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.Random; public class main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Test begins"); WeierStrassCurve curve; BigInteger P = new BigInteger( "8884933102832021670310856601112383279507496491807071433260928721853918699951"); BigInteger R = new BigInteger( "8094458595770206542003150089514239385761983350496862878239630488323200271273"); BigInteger N = new BigInteger( "8884933102832021670310856601112383279454437918059397120004264665392731659049"); BigInteger A4 = new BigInteger( "2481513316835306518496091950488867366805208929993787063131352719741796616329"); BigInteger A6 = new BigInteger( "4387305958586347890529260320831286139799795892409507048422786783411496715073"); BigInteger R4 = new BigInteger( "5473953786136330929505372885864126123958065998198197694258492204115618878079"); BigInteger R6 = new BigInteger( "5831273952509092555776116225688691072512584265972424782073602066621365105518"); BigInteger GX = new BigInteger( "7638166354848741333090176068286311479365713946232310129943505521094105356372"); BigInteger GY = new BigInteger( "762687367051975977761089912701686274060655281117983501949286086861823169994"); curve = new WeierStrassCurve(P, R, N, A4, A6, R4, R6, GX, GY); // testDiffieHelman(curve); // // testDiffieHelmanAndSign(curve); // // elGamalString(curve); testElGamal(); } private static void testElGamal() { CryptoEngine cryptoEngine = new CryptoEngine(); cryptoEngine.generateKeyPair(); String encoded = cryptoEngine.encodeString("test test test", cryptoEngine.getKeyPair().getPublicKey()); System.out.println(cryptoEngine.decodeString(encoded)); } private static void testDiffieHelman(WeierStrassCurve curve) { PointGMP generateur = new PointGMP(curve.getGx(), curve.getGy(), curve);// le // point // gnrateur // qui // servira // calculer // notre // clef // secrte Random rnd = new Random(); // calcul chez Alice BigInteger clefSecreteAlice = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// la // clef // secrte // n'appartient // qu' // Alice PointGMP pA = generateur.mult(clefSecreteAlice);// pA est la clef // publique que l'on va // partager Bob if (pA.isOnCurve()) { System.out.println("On Curve"); } else { System.out.println("Not on curve"); } // calcul chez Bob BigInteger clefSecreteBob = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// la clef // secrte // n'appartient // qu' // Bob PointGMP pB = generateur.mult(clefSecreteBob);// pB est la clef publique // que l'on va partager // alice // on partage donc en clair pB et pA (pas scuris mais pas de de // serveur dans ce cas l) // calcul chez Alice BigInteger kA = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// un chiffre random // pour Alice PointGMP middleA = generateur.mult(kA);// middleA est la clef // intermdiaire d'Alice // Calcul chez Bob BigInteger kB = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// un chiffre random // pour Bob PointGMP middleB = generateur.mult(kB);// middleB est la clef // intermdiaire de Bob // tout est vrifi chacun calcule leur clef partage finale PointGMP finBob = middleA.mult(kB); PointGMP finAlice = middleB.mult(kA); if (finBob.equal(finAlice)) System.out.println("Diffie Hellman STS complet"); else System.out.println("Probleme Diffie Hellman STS"); System.out.println("fin Bob " + finBob.toString()); System.out.println("fin Ali " + finAlice.toString()); } private static void testDiffieHelmanAndSign(WeierStrassCurve curve) { PointGMP generateur = new PointGMP(curve.getGx(), curve.getGy(), curve); Random rnd = new Random(); // calcul chez Alice BigInteger clefSecreteAlice = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd); PointGMP pA = generateur.mult(clefSecreteAlice); if (pA.isOnCurve()) { System.out.println("On Curve"); } else { System.out.println("Not on curve"); } // on partage donc en clair pB et pA // calcul chez Alice BigInteger kA = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// un chiffre random // pour Alice PointGMP middleA = generateur.mult(kA);// middleA est la clef // intermdiaire d'Alice MessageDigest digest = null; try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); // calcul chez Alice BigInteger hashA = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest(middleA.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"))); // calcul chez Alice PointGMP signatureA = curve.sign_ECDSA(hashA, clefSecreteAlice); if (signatureA.isOnCurve()) { System.out.println("On Curve"); } else { System.out.println("Not on curve"); } // on envoie donc middleA et signature A Bob // calcul chez bob ==> on vrifie la signature avant de continuer boolean resA = curve.verif_ECDSA(signatureA.getX(), signatureA.getY(), pA, hashA); if (resA) System.out.println("Signature ok d'Alice"); else System.out.println("Probleme de signature d'Alice"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void elGamalString(WeierStrassCurve curve) { // Droulement de El Gamal // Cryptage PointGMP generateur = new PointGMP(curve.getGx(), curve.getGy(), curve);// le point gnrateur qui servira calculer notre clef // secrte Random rnd = new Random(); BigInteger clefSecrete = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd); PointGMP publicKey = generateur.mult(clefSecrete);// on calcule notre clef secrte, qui nous servira crypter les messages (h) BigInteger m = new BigInteger(Base64.decodeBase64("bonjour lesil")); BigInteger k = BigInteger.probablePrime(7, rnd);// on choisit un k random PointGMP C1 = generateur.mult(k);// on multiplie le gnrateur par k PointGMP tmp = publicKey.mult(k); BigInteger C2 = m.add(tmp.getX());// on multiplie notre clef secrte par k // Dcryptage PointGMP temp = C1.mult(clefSecrete);// on multiplie C1 par notre clef secrte BigInteger messageTraduit = C2.subtract(temp.getX());// et on obtient le message en ajoutant m2 avec l'oppos de temp messageTraduit = messageTraduit.mod(curve.getP()); if (m == messageTraduit) System.out.println("El Gamal fonctionnel"); else System.out.println("El Gamal non fonctionnel"); System.out.println("Message a retrouver " + m + " " + Base64.encodeBase64String(m.toByteArray()) + "\n"); System.out.println("Resultat El gamal " + messageTraduit + " " + Base64.encodeBase64String(messageTraduit.toByteArray()) + "\n"); } }