Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2015, Kasra Faghihi, All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.
package com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;

 * Encapsulates a {@link RouteTree}. May provide additional functionality in the future.
 * @author Kasra Faghihi
public final class Router {
    // NOTE: Right now this class just encapsulates a RouteTree, but it may be refactored in the future to support more elaborate logic
    // (e.g. keeping track of the number of times a node didn't respond in time and locking that node/marking it stale)
    private final Id baseId;
    private final RouteTree routeTree;

    private Instant lastTouchTime;

     * Constructs a {@link Router} object.
     * @param baseId ID of the node that this router is for
     * @param branchStrategy branching strategy for the route tree to be created by this router (dictates how many branches to create at
     * each depth)
     * @param bucketStrategy bucket strategy for the route tree to be created by this router (dictates k-bucket parameters for each
     * k-bucket)
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalStateException if either {@code branchStrategy} or {@code bucketStrategy} generates invalid data (see interfaces for
     * restrictions)
    public Router(Id baseId, RouteTreeBranchStrategy branchStrategy, RouteTreeBucketStrategy bucketStrategy) {

        this.baseId = baseId;
        this.routeTree = new RouteTree(baseId, branchStrategy, bucketStrategy);
        this.lastTouchTime = Instant.MIN;

     * Constructs a {@link Router} object where the route tree created by this router uses a {@link SimpleRouteTreeStrategy} for the
     * branching strategy and the bucket strategy.
     * @param baseId ID of the node that this router is for
     * @param branchesPerLevel number of branches to generate whenever a k-bucket splits
     * @param maxNodesPerBucket maximum number of nodes allowed in each k-bucket
     * @param maxCacheNodesPerBucket maximum number of cache nodes allowed in each k-bucket
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any numeric argument is {@code 0} or less, or if
     * {@code branchesPerLevel < 2 || !isPowerOfTwo(branchesPerLevel)}, or if {@code baseId.getBitLength() % branchesPerLevel != 0} (if the
     * number of branches per level doesn't divide evenly in to bit length, the routing tree will have too many branches at the last level)
    public Router(Id baseId, int branchesPerLevel, int maxNodesPerBucket, int maxCacheNodesPerBucket) {
                new SimpleRouteTreeStrategy(baseId, branchesPerLevel, maxNodesPerBucket, maxCacheNodesPerBucket),
                new SimpleRouteTreeStrategy(baseId, branchesPerLevel, maxNodesPerBucket, maxCacheNodesPerBucket));

     * Updates the appropriate k-bucket in the route tree associated with this router router by touching it. When the Kademlia node that
     * this router is for receives a request or response from some other node in the network, this method should be called.
     * <p>
     * See {@link KBucket#touch(java.time.Instant, com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model.Node) } for more information.
     * @param time time which request or response came in
     * @param node node which issued the request or response
     * @return changes to collection of stored nodes and replacement cache of the k-bucket effected
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
     * @throws IdLengthMismatchException if the bitlength of {@code node}'s ID doesn't match the bitlength of the owning node's ID (the ID
     * of the node this router is for)
     * @throws BaseIdMatchException if {@code node}'s ID is the same as the owning node's ID (the ID of the node this router is for)
     * @throws BackwardTimeException if {@code time} is less than the time used in the previous invocation of this method
     * @throws LinkMismatchException if this router already contains a node with {@code node}'s ID but with a different link (SPECIAL
     * CASE: If the contained node is marked as stale, this exception will not be thrown. Since the node is marked as stale, it means it
     * should have been replaced but the replacement cache was empty. As such, this case is treated as if this were a new node replacing
     * a stale node, not a stale node being reverted to normal status -- the fact that the IDs are the same but the links don't match
     * doesn't matter)
     * @see KBucket#touch(java.time.Instant, com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model.Node) 
    public RouterChangeSet touch(Instant time, Node node) {

        InternalValidate.forwardTime(lastTouchTime, time); // time must be >= lastUpdatedTime
        this.lastTouchTime = time;

        Id nodeId = node.getId();
        InternalValidate.matchesLength(baseId.getBitLength(), nodeId);
        InternalValidate.notMatchesBase(baseId, nodeId);

        // Touch routing tree
        RouteTreeChangeSet routeTreeChangeSet = routeTree.touch(time, node);

        return new RouterChangeSet(routeTreeChangeSet);

     * Get all k-bucket prefixes in the route tree associated with this router.
     * @return all k-bucket prefixes in the route tree associated with this router
    public List<BitString> dumpBucketPrefixes() {
        return routeTree.dumpBucketPrefixes();

     * Searches the route tree associated with this router for the closest nodes to some ID. Node closeness is determined by the XOR metric
     * -- Kademlia's notion of distance.
     * <p>
     * Note this method will never return yourself (the node that this routing table is for).
     * @param id ID to search for
     * @param max maximum number of results to give back
     * @param includeStale if {@code true}, includes stale nodes in the results
     * @return up to {@code max} closest nodes to {@code id} (less are returned if this route table contains less than {@code max} nodes)
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any numeric argument is negative
     * @throws IdLengthMismatchException if the bitlength of {@code id} doesn't match the bitlength of the ID that this router is for
     * (the ID of the node this router belongs to)
    public List<Node> find(Id id, int max, boolean includeStale) {
        Validate.isTrue(max >= 0); // why would anyone want 0 items returned? let thru anyways

        InternalValidate.matchesLength(baseId.getBitLength(), id);
        // do not stop from finding self (base) -- you may want to update closest

        List<Activity> closestNodesInRoutingTree = routeTree.find(id, max, includeStale);

        ArrayList<Node> res = new ArrayList<>(closestNodesInRoutingTree.size()); -> x.getNode()).forEachOrdered(res::add);

        return res;

     * Marks a node within the route tree associated with this router as stale (meaning that you're no longer able to communicate with it),
     * evicting it and replacing it with the most recent node in the effected k-bucket's replacement cache. 
     * <p>
     * See {@link KBucket#stale(com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model.Node) } for more information.
     * @param node node to mark as stale
     * @return changes to collection of stored nodes and replacement cache of the k-bucket effected
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
     * @throws IdLengthMismatchException if the bitlength of {@code node}'s ID doesn't match the bitlength of the owning node's ID (the ID
     * of the node this router is for)
     * @throws BaseIdMatchException if {@code node}'s ID is the same as the owning node's ID (the ID of the node this router is for)
     * @throws NodeNotFoundException if this router doesn't contain {@code node}
     * @throws LinkMismatchException if this router contains a node with {@code node}'s ID but with a different link
     * @throws BadNodeStateException if this router contains {@code node} but {@code node} is marked as locked
     * @see KBucket#stale(com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model.Node) 
    public RouterChangeSet stale(Node node) {

        Id nodeId = node.getId();

        InternalValidate.matchesLength(baseId.getBitLength(), nodeId);
        InternalValidate.notMatchesBase(baseId, nodeId);

        RouteTreeChangeSet routeTreeChangeSet = routeTree.stale(node);

        return new RouterChangeSet(routeTreeChangeSet);

    // lock means "avoid contact" AKA avoid returning on "find" until unlocked. unlocking only happens on unlock(), not on touch()...
    // according to kademlia...
    // A related problem is that because Kademlia uses UDP, valid contacts will sometimes fail to respond when network packets are dropped.
    // Since packet loss often indicates network congestion, Kademlia locks unresponsive contacts and avoids sending them any further RPCs
    // for an exponentially increasing backoff interval.
    // that means because we're in a "backoff period", even if we get touch()'d by that node, we still want to keep it unfindable/locked...
    // up until the point that we explictly decide to to make it findable/unlocked.
    //    public void lock(Node node) {
    //        Validate.notNull(node);
    //        Id nodeId = node.getId();
    //        InternalValidate.matchesLength(baseId.getBitLength(), nodeId);
    //        InternalValidate.notMatchesBase(baseId, nodeId); 
    //        routeTree.lock(node); // will throw exc if node not in routetree
    //    }
    //    public void unlock(Node node) {
    //        Validate.notNull(node);
    //        Id nodeId = node.getId();
    //        InternalValidate.matchesLength(baseId.getBitLength(), nodeId);
    //        InternalValidate.notMatchesBase(baseId, nodeId); 
    //        routeTree.unlock(node); // will throw exc if node not in routetree
    //    }