Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Kasra Faghihi, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.ClassInformationRepository; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.MethodInvokeUtils.getReturnTypeOfInvocation; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SearchUtils.findInvocationsOf; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SearchUtils.findInvocationsWithParameter; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SearchUtils.findLineNumberForInstruction; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SearchUtils.findTryCatchBlockNodesEncompassingInstruction; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SearchUtils.searchForOpcodes; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.SimpleVerifier; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.VariableTable; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.VariableTable.Variable; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.Continuation; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.LockState; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.MethodState; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils.union; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InvokeDynamicInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LineNumberNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame; final class MethodAnalyzer { private static final Type CONTINUATION_CLASS_TYPE = Type.getType(Continuation.class); private static final Method CONTINUATION_SUSPEND_METHOD = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "suspend"); private final ClassInformationRepository classInfoRepo; MethodAnalyzer(ClassInformationRepository classInfoRepo) { Validate.notNull(classInfoRepo); this.classInfoRepo = classInfoRepo; } public MethodAttributes analyze(ClassNode classNode, MethodNode methodNode, InstrumentationSettings settings) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VALIDATE INPUTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Validate.notNull(classNode); Validate.notNull(methodNode); Validate.notNull(settings); // Sanity check to make sure class Validate.isTrue(classNode.methods.contains(methodNode), "Method does not belong to class"); // Check if method is constructor -- we cannot instrument constructor Validate.isTrue(!"<init>".equals(, "Instrumentation of constructors not allowed"); // Check for JSR blocks -- Emitted for finally blocks in older versions of the JDK. Should never happen since we already inlined // these blocks before coming to this point. This is a sanity check. Validate.isTrue(searchForOpcodes(methodNode.instructions, Opcodes.JSR).isEmpty(), "JSR instructions not allowed"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIND SUSPEND / CONTINUATION INVOCATIONS + ALSO FIND SYNCHRONIZATION INSTRUCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find invocations of continuation invocation/suspend List<AbstractInsnNode> suspendInvocationInsnNodes = findInvocationsOf(methodNode.instructions, CONTINUATION_SUSPEND_METHOD); List<AbstractInsnNode> contInvocationInsnNodes = findInvocationsWithParameter(methodNode.instructions, CONTINUATION_CLASS_TYPE); // If there are no continuation points, we don't need to instrument this method. It'll be like any other normal method // invocation because it won't have the potential to pause or call in to another method that may potentially pause. if (suspendInvocationInsnNodes.isEmpty() && contInvocationInsnNodes.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Check for continuation points that use invokedynamic instruction, which are currently only used by lambdas. See comments in // validateNoInvokeDynamic to see why we need to do this. validateNoInvokeDynamic(suspendInvocationInsnNodes); validateNoInvokeDynamic(contInvocationInsnNodes); // Find MONITORENTER/MONITOREXIT instructions List<AbstractInsnNode> monitorInsnNodes = searchForOpcodes(methodNode.instructions, Opcodes.MONITORENTER, Opcodes.MONITOREXIT); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMPUTE FRAMES FOR INSTRUCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compute frames for each instruction in the method Frame<BasicValue>[] frames; try { frames = new Analyzer<>(new SimpleVerifier(classInfoRepo)).analyze(, methodNode); } catch (AnalyzerException ae) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Analyzer failed to analyze method", ae); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CREATE SUSPEND/CONTINUATION/SYNCHRONIZATION OBJECTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<ContinuationPoint> continuationPoints = new LinkedList<>(); // Create SuspendContinuationPoint objects for suspend points for (AbstractInsnNode suspendInvocationInsnNode : suspendInvocationInsnNodes) { int instructionIndex = methodNode.instructions.indexOf(suspendInvocationInsnNode); Frame<BasicValue> frame = frames[instructionIndex]; LineNumberNode lineNumberNode = findLineNumberForInstruction(methodNode.instructions, suspendInvocationInsnNode); Integer lineNumber = lineNumberNode != null ? lineNumberNode.line : null; SuspendContinuationPoint suspendPoint = new SuspendContinuationPoint(lineNumber, (MethodInsnNode) suspendInvocationInsnNode, frame); continuationPoints.add(suspendPoint); } // Create NormalInvokeContinuationPoint / TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint objects for suspend points for (AbstractInsnNode contInvocationInsnNode : contInvocationInsnNodes) { int instructionIndex = methodNode.instructions.indexOf(contInvocationInsnNode); boolean withinTryCatch = findTryCatchBlockNodesEncompassingInstruction(methodNode.instructions, methodNode.tryCatchBlocks, contInvocationInsnNode).size() > 0; Frame<BasicValue> frame = frames[instructionIndex]; LineNumberNode lineNumberNode = findLineNumberForInstruction(methodNode.instructions, contInvocationInsnNode); Integer lineNumber = lineNumberNode != null ? lineNumberNode.line : null; ContinuationPoint continuationPoint; if (withinTryCatch) { continuationPoint = new TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint(lineNumber, (MethodInsnNode) contInvocationInsnNode, frame); } else { continuationPoint = new NormalInvokeContinuationPoint(lineNumber, (MethodInsnNode) contInvocationInsnNode, frame); } continuationPoints.add(continuationPoint); } // Create SynchronizationPoint objects for MONITORENTER/MONITOREXIT opcodes List<SynchronizationPoint> synchPoints = new LinkedList<>(); for (AbstractInsnNode monitorInsnNode : monitorInsnNodes) { int instructionIndex = methodNode.instructions.indexOf(monitorInsnNode); Frame<BasicValue> frame = frames[instructionIndex]; SynchronizationPoint synchPoint = new SynchronizationPoint((InsnNode) monitorInsnNode, frame); synchPoints.add(synchPoint); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DETERMINE TYPES RETURNED FROM SUSPEND / CONTINUATION POINTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For each non-suspend invocation node found, see what the return type is and figure out if it's in a try/catch block. // // The return type scanning is needed because the instrumenter needs to temporarily cache the results of the invocation. The // variable slots for these caches are assigned lower on in the code. // // The try/catch information is needed because the instrumenter needs to temporarily cache a throwable if the invocation throws one. // The variable slot for the throwable is assigned lower on in the code. TypeTracker invocationReturnTypes = new TypeTracker(); boolean invocationFoundWrappedInTryCatch = false; for (AbstractInsnNode invokeInsnNode : contInvocationInsnNodes) { if (findTryCatchBlockNodesEncompassingInstruction(methodNode.instructions, methodNode.tryCatchBlocks, invokeInsnNode).size() > 0) { invocationFoundWrappedInTryCatch = true; } Type returnType = getReturnTypeOfInvocation(invokeInsnNode); if (returnType.getSort() != Type.VOID) { invocationReturnTypes.trackType(returnType); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DETERMINE TYPES ON THE LOCAL VARIABLES TABE AT SUSPEND / CONTINUATION POINTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For each invocation node found, see whats on the locals. // // We need on scan the types on the locals because the instrumenter needs to know which extra variable slots to allot to the // storage containers for those types. The variable slots for these storage containers are assigned lower on in the code. TypeTracker localsTypes = new TypeTracker(); for (AbstractInsnNode invokeInsnNode : union(contInvocationInsnNodes, suspendInvocationInsnNodes)) { int instructionIndex = methodNode.instructions.indexOf(invokeInsnNode); Frame<BasicValue> frame = frames[instructionIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < frame.getLocals(); i++) { BasicValue basicValue = frame.getLocal(i); Type type = basicValue.getType(); // If type == null, basicValue is pointing to uninitialized var -- basicValue.toString() will return '.'. This means that // this slot contains nothing to save. We don't store anything in this case so skip this slot if we encounter it. // // If type is 'Lnull;', this means that the slot has been assigned null and that "there has been no merge yet that would // 'raise' the type toward some class or interface type" (from ASM mailing list). We know this slot will always contain null // at this point in the code so we can avoid saving it. When we load it back up, we can simply push a null in to that slot, // thereby keeping the same 'Lnull;' type. if (type == null || "Lnull;".equals(type.getDescriptor())) { continue; } localsTypes.trackType(type); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DETERMINE TYPES ON THE OPERAND STACK AT SUSPEND / CONTINUATION POINTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For each invocation node found, see whats on the operand stack. // // We need on scan the types on the operand stack because the instrumenter needs to know which extra variable slots to allot to the // storage containers for those types. The variable slots for these storage containers are assigned lower on in the code. TypeTracker operandStackTypes = new TypeTracker(); for (AbstractInsnNode invokeInsnNode : union(contInvocationInsnNodes, suspendInvocationInsnNodes)) { int instructionIndex = methodNode.instructions.indexOf(invokeInsnNode); Frame<BasicValue> frame = frames[instructionIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < frame.getStackSize(); i++) { BasicValue basicValue = frame.getStack(i); Type type = basicValue.getType(); // If type is 'Lnull;', this means that the slot has been assigned null and that "there has been no merge yet that would // 'raise' the type toward some class or interface type" (from ASM mailing list). We know this slot will always contain null // at this point in the code so we can avoid saving it. When we load it back up, we can simply push a null in to that slot, // thereby keeping the same 'Lnull;' type. if ("Lnull;".equals(type.getDescriptor())) { continue; } operandStackTypes.trackType(type); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DETERMINE WHICH INDEX IN LOCAL VARIABLE TABLE CONTAINS CONTINUATION OBJECT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find index of continuation object int contArgIdx = getLocalVariableIndexOfContinuationParameter(methodNode); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CALCULATE EXTRA VARIABLES REQUIRED BY INSTRUMENTATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VariableTable varTable = new VariableTable(classNode, methodNode); // Create variable for the continuation object passed in as arg + variable for storing/loading method state Variable continuationArgVar = varTable.getArgument(contArgIdx); Variable methodStateVar = varTable.acquireExtra(MethodState.class); CoreVariables coreVars = new CoreVariables(continuationArgVar, methodStateVar); // Create variables for storing/loading locals -- only create ones we need StorageVariables localsStorageVars = allocateStorageVariableSlots(varTable, localsTypes); // Create variables for storing/loading operand stack -- only create ones we need StorageVariables stackStorageVars = allocateStorageVariableSlots(varTable, operandStackTypes); // Create variables to locals and operand stack storage containers -- these must exist StorageContainerVariables storageContainerVars = allocateStorageContainerVariableSlots(varTable); // Create variables to cache return values and thrown exceptions of invocations -- only create ones we need CacheVariables cacheVars = allocateCacheVariableSlots(varTable, invocationReturnTypes, invocationFoundWrappedInTryCatch); // Create variables to for holding on to monitors -- only create if we need them LockVariables lockVars = allocateLockVariableSlots(varTable, !synchPoints.isEmpty()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RETURN RESULTS OF ANALYSIS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MethodSignature signature = new MethodSignature(,, Type.getMethodType(methodNode.desc)); return new MethodAttributes(signature, settings, continuationPoints, synchPoints, coreVars, cacheVars, storageContainerVars, localsStorageVars, stackStorageVars, lockVars); } private int getLocalVariableIndexOfContinuationParameter(MethodNode methodNode) { // If it is NOT static, the first index in the local variables table is always the "this" pointer, followed by the arguments passed // in to the method. // If it is static, the local variables table doesn't contain the "this" pointer, just the arguments passed in to the method. boolean isStatic = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == Opcodes.ACC_STATIC; Type[] argumentTypes = Type.getMethodType(methodNode.desc).getArgumentTypes(); int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) { Type type = argumentTypes[i]; if (type.equals(CONTINUATION_CLASS_TYPE)) { if (idx == -1) { idx = i; } else { // should never really happen because we should be checking before calling this method throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Multiple Continuation arguments found in method " +; } } } return isStatic ? idx : idx + 1; } private CacheVariables allocateCacheVariableSlots(VariableTable varTable, TypeTracker invocationReturnTypes, boolean invocationFoundWrappedInTryCatch) { Variable intReturnCacheVar = null; Variable longReturnCacheVar = null; Variable floatReturnCacheVar = null; Variable doubleReturnCacheVar = null; Variable objectReturnCacheVar = null; Variable throwableCacheVar = null; if (invocationReturnTypes.intFound) { intReturnCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Integer.TYPE); } if (invocationReturnTypes.longFound) { longReturnCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Long.TYPE); } if (invocationReturnTypes.floatFound) { floatReturnCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Float.TYPE); } if (invocationReturnTypes.doubleFound) { doubleReturnCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Double.TYPE); } if (invocationReturnTypes.objectFound) { objectReturnCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Object.class); } if (invocationFoundWrappedInTryCatch) { throwableCacheVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Throwable.class); } return new CacheVariables(intReturnCacheVar, longReturnCacheVar, floatReturnCacheVar, doubleReturnCacheVar, objectReturnCacheVar, throwableCacheVar); } private StorageVariables allocateStorageVariableSlots(VariableTable varTable, TypeTracker storageTypes) { Variable intStorageVar = null; Variable longStorageVar = null; Variable floatStorageVar = null; Variable doubleStorageVar = null; Variable objectStorageVar = null; if (storageTypes.intFound) { intStorageVar = varTable.acquireExtra(int[].class); } if (storageTypes.longFound) { longStorageVar = varTable.acquireExtra(long[].class); } if (storageTypes.floatFound) { floatStorageVar = varTable.acquireExtra(float[].class); } if (storageTypes.doubleFound) { doubleStorageVar = varTable.acquireExtra(double[].class); } if (storageTypes.objectFound) { objectStorageVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Object[].class); } return new StorageVariables(intStorageVar, longStorageVar, floatStorageVar, doubleStorageVar, objectStorageVar); } private StorageContainerVariables allocateStorageContainerVariableSlots(VariableTable varTable) { Variable containerVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Object[].class); return new StorageContainerVariables(containerVar); } private LockVariables allocateLockVariableSlots(VariableTable varTable, boolean containsSyncPoints) { Variable lockStateVar = null; Variable lockCounterVar = null; Variable lockArrayLenVar = null; if (containsSyncPoints) { lockStateVar = varTable.acquireExtra(LockState.class); lockCounterVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Type.INT_TYPE); lockArrayLenVar = varTable.acquireExtra(Type.INT_TYPE); } return new LockVariables(lockStateVar, lockCounterVar, lockArrayLenVar); } private void validateNoInvokeDynamic(List<AbstractInsnNode> insnNodes) { // Why is invokedynamic not allowed? because apparently invokedynamic can map to anything... which means that we can't reliably // determine if what is being called by invokedynamic is going to be a method we expect to be instrumented to handle Continuations. // // In Java8, this is the case for lambdas. Lambdas get translated to invokedynamic calls when they're created. Take the following // Java code as an example... // // public void run(Continuation c) { // String temp = "hi"; // builder.append("started\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Consumer<Integer> consumer = (x) -> { // temp.length(); // pulls in temp as an arg, which causes c (the Continuation object) to go in as a the second argument // builder.append(x).append('\n'); // System.out.println("XXXXXXX"); // c.suspend(); // } // consumer.accept(i); // } // } // // This for loop in the above code maps out to... // L5 // LINENUMBER 18 L5 // ALOAD 0: this // ALOAD 2: temp // ALOAD 1: c // INVOKEDYNAMIC accept(LambdaInvokeTest, String, Continuation) : Consumer [ // // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC // LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(MethodHandles$Lookup, String, MethodType, MethodType, MethodHandle, MethodType) : CallSite // // arguments: // (Object) : void, // // handle kind 0x7 : INVOKESPECIAL // LambdaInvokeTest.lambda$0(String, Continuation, Integer) : void, // (Integer) : void // ] // ASTORE 4 // L6 // LINENUMBER 24 L6 // ALOAD 4: consumer // ILOAD 3: i // INVOKESTATIC Integer.valueOf (int) : Integer // INVOKEINTERFACE Consumer.accept (Object) : void // L7 // LINENUMBER 17 L7 // IINC 3: i 1 // L4 // ILOAD 3: i // BIPUSH 10 // IF_ICMPLT L5 // // Even though the invokedynamic instruction is calling a method called "accept", it doesn't actually call Consumer.accept(). // Instead it just creates the Consumer object that accept() is eventually called on. This means that it makes no sense to add // instrumentation around invokedynamic because it isn't calling what we expected it to call. When accept() does eventually get // called, it doesn't take in a Continuation object as a parameter so instrumentation won't be added in around it. // // There's no way to reliably instrument around the accept() method because we don't know if an accept() invocation will be to a // Consumer that we've instrumented. // // The instrumenter identifies which methods to instrument and which method invocations to instrument by checking to see if they // explicitly take in a Continuation as a parameter. Using lambdas like this is essentially like creating an implementation of // Consumer as a class and setting the Continuation object as a field in that class. Cases like that cannot be reliably // identified for instrumentation. for (AbstractInsnNode insnNode : insnNodes) { if (insnNode instanceof InvokeDynamicInsnNode) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("INVOKEDYNAMIC instructions are not allowed"); } } } private static final class TypeTracker { private boolean intFound = false; private boolean longFound = false; private boolean floatFound = false; private boolean doubleFound = false; private boolean objectFound = false; public void trackType(Type type) { switch (type.getSort()) { case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.BYTE: case Type.CHAR: case Type.SHORT: case Type.INT: intFound = true; break; case Type.LONG: longFound = true; break; case Type.FLOAT: floatFound = true; break; case Type.DOUBLE: doubleFound = true; break; case Type.OBJECT: case Type.ARRAY: objectFound = true; break; case Type.VOID: case Type.METHOD: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // this should never happen } } } }