Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Kasra Faghihi, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.InternalUtils.validateAndGetContinuationPoint; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.LocalsStateGenerators.loadLocals; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.LocalsStateGenerators.saveLocals; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.SynchronizationGenerators.enterStoredMonitors; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.SynchronizationGenerators.exitStoredMonitors; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.addLabel; import static; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.cloneInvokeNode; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.construct; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.ifIntegersEqual; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.jumpTo; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.loadIntConst; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.loadNull; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.loadVar; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.merge; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.mergeIf; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.saveVar; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.tableSwitch; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.throwThrowable; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.tryCatchBlock; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.MethodInvokeUtils.getArgumentCountRequiredForInvocation; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.MethodInvokeUtils.getReturnTypeOfInvocation; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.asm.VariableTable.Variable; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.Continuation; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.user.Continuation.MODE_NORMAL; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.user.Continuation.MODE_SAVING; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.LockState; import com.offbynull.coroutines.user.MethodState; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.ConstructorUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InvokeDynamicInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TryCatchBlockNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.throwRuntimeException; import com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.DebugGenerators.MarkerType; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.DebugGenerators.debugMarker; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.SynchronizationGenerators.createMonitorContainer; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.PackStateGenerators.packStorageArrays; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.lineNumber; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.OperandStackStateGenerators.loadOperandStack; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.OperandStackStateGenerators.saveOperandStack; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.PackStateGenerators.unpackLocalsStorageArrays; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.PackStateGenerators.unpackOperandStackStorageArrays; import static com.offbynull.coroutines.instrumenter.generators.GenericGenerators.pop; final class ContinuationGenerators { private static final Method CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "getMode"); private static final Method CONTINUATION_SETMODE_METHOD = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "setMode", Integer.TYPE); // Need a primer on how to handle method states with the Continuation class? There are comments in the Continuation class that describe // how things should work. private static final Method CONTINUATION_LOADNEXTMETHODSTATE_METHOD = MethodUtils .getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "loadNextMethodState"); private static final Method CONTINUATION_UNLOADCURRENTMETHODSTATE_METHOD = MethodUtils .getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "unloadCurrentMethodState"); private static final Method CONTINUATION_UNLOADMETHODSTATETOBEFORE_METHOD = MethodUtils .getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "unloadMethodStateToBefore", MethodState.class); private static final Method CONTINUATION_PUSHNEWMETHODSTATE_METHOD = MethodUtils .getAccessibleMethod(Continuation.class, "pushNewMethodState", MethodState.class); private static final Constructor<MethodState> METHODSTATE_INIT_METHOD = ConstructorUtils .getAccessibleConstructor(MethodState.class, Integer.TYPE, Object[].class, LockState.class); private static final Method METHODSTATE_GETCONTINUATIONPOINT_METHOD = MethodUtils .getAccessibleMethod(MethodState.class, "getContinuationPoint"); private static final Method METHODSTATE_GETDATA_METHOD = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(MethodState.class, "getData"); private static final Method METHODSTATE_GETLOCKSTATE_METHOD = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(MethodState.class, "getLockState"); private ContinuationGenerators() { // do nothing } public static InsnList entryPointLoader(MethodAttributes attrs) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); Variable methodStateVar = attrs.getCoreVariables().getMethodStateVar(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); int numOfContinuationPoints = attrs.getContinuationPoints().size(); MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); LabelNode startOfMethodLabelNode = new LabelNode(); return merge(tableSwitch( merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Getting state for switch"), call(CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg))), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unrecognized state"), throwRuntimeException("Unrecognized state")), 0, merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Case 0 -- Fresh invocation"), // create lockstate if method actually has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, "Creating monitors container"), createMonitorContainer(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Jump to start of method point"), jumpTo(startOfMethodLabelNode)), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Case 1 -- Saving state"), throwRuntimeException("Unexpected state (saving not allowed at this point)")), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Case 2 -- Loading state"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Loading method state"), call(CONTINUATION_LOADNEXTMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), saveVar(methodStateVar), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Getting method state data"), call(METHODSTATE_GETDATA_METHOD, loadVar(methodStateVar)), saveVar(storageContainerVar), // get lockstate if method actually has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Method has synch points, so loading lockstate as well"), call(METHODSTATE_GETLOCKSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(methodStateVar)), saveVar(lockStateVar) }), tableSwitch( merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Getting continuation id for switch"), call(METHODSTATE_GETCONTINUATIONPOINT_METHOD, loadVar(methodStateVar))), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unrecognized continuation id"), throwRuntimeException("Unrecognized continuation id")), 0, IntStream.range(0, numOfContinuationPoints) .mapToObj(idx -> restoreState(attrs, idx)).toArray((x) -> new InsnList[x])) // jump to not required here, switch above either throws exception or jumps to restore point )), addLabel(startOfMethodLabelNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Starting method...")); } public static InsnList restoreState(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); ContinuationPoint continuationPoint = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, ContinuationPoint.class); InsnList restoreInsnList; if (continuationPoint instanceof SuspendContinuationPoint) { restoreInsnList = restoreStateFromSuspend(attrs, idx); } else if (continuationPoint instanceof NormalInvokeContinuationPoint) { restoreInsnList = restoreStateFromNormalInvocation(attrs, idx); } else if (continuationPoint instanceof TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint) { restoreInsnList = restoreStateFromInvocationWithinTryCatch(attrs, idx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // should never happen } return restoreInsnList; } private static InsnList restoreStateFromSuspend(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); SuspendContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, SuspendContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); // enterLocks(lockState); // restoreOperandStack(stack); // restoreLocalsStack(localVars); // continuation.setMode(MODE_NORMAL); // goto restorePoint_<number>_continue; return merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring SUSPEND " + idx), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking operand stack storage variables"), unpackOperandStackStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedStackVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring operand stack"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { // We add the line number AFTER locals have been restored, so if you put in a break point at the specified line number // the local vars will all show up. lineNumber(lineNumber) }), // attempt to enter monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Entering monitors"), enterStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Popping off continuation object from operand stack"), pop(), // frame at the time of invocation to Continuation.suspend() has Continuation reference on the // stack that would have been consumed by that invocation... since we're removing that call, we // also need to pop the Continuation reference from the stack... it's important that we // explicitly do it at this point becuase during loading the stack will be restored with top // of stack pointing to that continuation object debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Setting mode to normal"), call(CONTINUATION_SETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), loadIntConst(MODE_NORMAL)), // We've successfully completed our restore and we're continuing the invocation, so we need "discard" this method state debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Discarding saved method state"), call(CONTINUATION_UNLOADCURRENTMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restore complete. Jumping to post-invocation point"), jumpTo(continueExecLabelNode)); } private static InsnList restoreStateFromNormalInvocation(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); NormalInvokeContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, NormalInvokeContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Type returnType = attrs.getSignature().getReturnType(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); MethodInsnNode invokeNode = cp.getInvokeInstruction(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); Type invokeReturnType = getReturnTypeOfInvocation(invokeNode); int invokeArgCount = getArgumentCountRequiredForInvocation(invokeNode); Variable returnCacheVar = attrs.getCacheVariables().getReturnCacheVar(invokeReturnType); // will be null if void MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); boolean debugMode = attrs.getSettings().isDebugMode(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); // enterLocks(lockState); // // Load up enough of the stack to invoke the method. The invocation here needs to be wrapped in a try catch because // // the original invocation was within a try catch block (at least 1, maybe more). If we do get a throwable, jump // // back to the area where the original invocation was and rethrow it there so the proper catch handlers can // // handle it (if the handler is for the expected throwable type). // restoreStackSuffix(stack, <number of items required for method invocation below>); // <method invocation> // if (continuation.getMode() == MODE_SAVING) { // exitLocks(lockState); // continuation.addPending(methodState); // method state should be loaded from Continuation.saved // return <dummy>; // } // // At this point the invocation happened successfully, so we want to save the invocation's result, restore this // // method's state, and then put the result on top of the stack as if invocation just happened. We then jump in to // // the method and continue running it from the instruction after the original invocation point. // tempObjVar2 = <method invocation>'s return value; // does nothing if ret type is void // restoreOperandStack(stack); // restoreLocalsStack(localVars); // place tempObjVar2 on top of stack if not void (as if it <method invocation> were just run and returned that value) // goto restorePoint_<number>_continue; return merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring INVOKE " + idx), // attempt to enter monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Entering monitors"), enterStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), // we MUST re-enter montiors before going further }), // Only unpack operand stack storage vars, we unpack the locals afterwards if we need to debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking operand stack storage variables"), unpackOperandStackStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedStackVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring top " + invokeArgCount + " items of operand stack (just enough to invoke)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, 0, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), mergeIf(debugMode, () -> new Object[] { // If in debug mode, load up the locals. This is useful if you're stepping through your coroutine in a debugger... you // can look at method frames above the current one and introspect the variables (what the user expects if they're // running in a debugger). debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables (for debugMode)"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals (for debugMode)"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), }), mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { // We add the line number AFTER locals have been restored, so if you put in a break point at the specified line number // the local vars will all show up (REMEMBER: they'll show up only if debugMode is set). lineNumber(lineNumber) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Invoking"), cloneInvokeNode(invokeNode), // invoke method (ADDED MULTIPLE TIMES -- MUST BE CLONED) ifIntegersEqual(// if we're saving after invoke, return dummy value call(CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), loadIntConst(MODE_SAVING), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Mode set to save on return"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Popping dummy return value off stack"), popMethodResult(invokeNode), // attempt to exit monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Exiting monitors"), exitStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Returning (dummy return value if not void)"), returnDummy(returnType))), mergeIf(returnCacheVar != null, () -> new Object[] { // save return (if returnCacheVar is null means ret type is void) debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving invocation return value"), saveVar(returnCacheVar) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring operand stack (without invoke args)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, 0, 0, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), mergeIf(returnCacheVar != null, () -> new Object[] { // load return (if returnCacheVar is null means ret type is void) debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Loading invocation return value"), loadVar(returnCacheVar) }), // We've successfully completed our restore and we're continuing the invocation, so we need "discard" this method state debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Discarding saved method state"), call(CONTINUATION_UNLOADCURRENTMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restore complete. Jumping to post-invocation point"), jumpTo(continueExecLabelNode)); } private static InsnList restoreStateFromInvocationWithinTryCatch(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); Variable methodStateVar = attrs.getCoreVariables().getMethodStateVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Variable throwableVar = attrs.getCacheVariables().getThrowableCacheVar(); Type returnType = attrs.getSignature().getReturnType(); // tryCatchBlock() invocation further on in this method will populate TryCatchBlockNode fields TryCatchBlockNode newTryCatchBlockNode = cp.getTryCatchBlock(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); MethodInsnNode invokeNode = cp.getInvokeInstruction(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); LabelNode exceptionExecutionLabelNode = cp.getExceptionExecutionLabel(); Type invokeReturnType = getReturnTypeOfInvocation(invokeNode); int invokeArgCount = getArgumentCountRequiredForInvocation(invokeNode); Variable returnCacheVar = attrs.getCacheVariables().getReturnCacheVar(invokeReturnType); // will be null if void MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); boolean debugMode = attrs.getSettings().isDebugMode(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); // enterLocks(lockState); // continuation.addPending(methodState); // method state should be loaded from Continuation.saved // // Load up enough of the stack to invoke the method. The invocation here needs to be wrapped in a try catch because // // the original invocation was within a try catch block (at least 1, maybe more). If we do get a throwable, jump // // back to the area where the original invocation was and rethrow it there so the proper catch handlers can // // handle it (if the handler is for the expected throwable type). // restoreStackSuffix(stack, <number of items required for method invocation below>); // try { // <method invocation> // } catch (throwable) { // tempObjVar2 = throwable; // restoreOperandStack(stack); // restoreLocalsStack(localVars); // goto restorePoint_<number>_rethrow; // } // if (continuation.getMode() == MODE_SAVING) { // exitLocks(lockState); // return <dummy>; // } // // At this point the invocation happened successfully, so we want to save the invocation's result, restore this // // method's state, and then put the result on top of the stack as if invocation just happened. We then jump in to // // the method and continue running it from the instruction after the original invocation point. // tempObjVar2 = <method invocation>'s return value; // does nothing if ret type is void // restoreOperandStack(stack); // restoreLocalsStack(localVars); // place tempObjVar2 on top of stack if not void (as if it <method invocation> were just run and returned that value) // goto restorePoint_<number>_continue; return merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring INVOKE WITHIN TRYCATCH " + idx), // attempt to enter monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Entering monitors"), enterStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), // we MUST re-enter montiors before going further }), // Only unpack operand stack storage vars, we unpack the locals afterwards if we need to debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking operand stack storage variables"), unpackOperandStackStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedStackVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring top " + invokeArgCount + " items of operand stack (just enough to invoke)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, 0, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), mergeIf(debugMode, () -> new Object[] { // If in debug mode, load up the locals. This is useful if you're stepping through your coroutine in a debugger... you // can look at method frames above the current one and introspect the variables (what the user expects if they're // running in a debugger). debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables (for debugMode)"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals (for debugMode)"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), }), mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { // We add the line number AFTER locals have been restored, so if you put in a break point at the specified line number // the local vars will all show up (REMEMBER: they'll show up only if debugMode is set). lineNumber(lineNumber) }), tryCatchBlock(newTryCatchBlockNode, null, merge(// try debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Invoking (within custom try-catch)"), cloneInvokeNode(invokeNode) // invoke method (ADDED MULTIPLE TIMES -- MUST BE CLONED) ), merge(// catch(any) debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Throwable caught"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving caught throwable"), saveVar(throwableVar), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring operand stack (without invoke args)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, 0, 0, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), // We caught an exception, which means that everything that was invoked after us is pretty much gone and // we're continuing the invocation as if we restore, we need to "discard" this method state along with // everything after it. debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Discarding saved method states up until this point (unwinding)"), call(CONTINUATION_UNLOADMETHODSTATETOBEFORE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), loadVar(methodStateVar)), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restore complete. Jumping to rethrow point (within orig trycatch block)"), jumpTo(exceptionExecutionLabelNode))), ifIntegersEqual(// if we're saving after invoke, return dummy value call(CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), loadIntConst(MODE_SAVING), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Mode set to save on return"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Popping dummy return value off stack"), popMethodResult(invokeNode), // attempt to exit monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Exiting monitors"), exitStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Returning (dummy return value if not void)"), returnDummy(returnType))), mergeIf(returnCacheVar != null, () -> new Object[] { // save return (if returnCacheVar is null means ret type is void) debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving invocation return value"), saveVar(returnCacheVar) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Unpacking locals storage variables"), unpackLocalsStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring operand stack (without invoke args)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, 0, 0, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restoring locals"), loadLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), mergeIf(returnCacheVar != null, () -> new Object[] { // load return (if returnCacheVar is null means ret type is void) debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Loading invocation return value"), loadVar(returnCacheVar) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Discarding saved method state"), call(CONTINUATION_UNLOADCURRENTMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Restore complete. Jumping to post-invocation point"), jumpTo(continueExecLabelNode)); } public static InsnList saveState(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); ContinuationPoint continuationPoint = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, ContinuationPoint.class); InsnList saveInsnList; if (continuationPoint instanceof SuspendContinuationPoint) { saveInsnList = saveStateFromSuspend(attrs, idx); } else if (continuationPoint instanceof NormalInvokeContinuationPoint) { saveInsnList = saveStateFromNormalInvocation(attrs, idx); } else if (continuationPoint instanceof TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint) { saveInsnList = saveStateFromInvocationWithinTryCatch(attrs, idx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // should never happen } return saveInsnList; } private static InsnList saveStateFromSuspend(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); SuspendContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, SuspendContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Type returnType = attrs.getSignature().getReturnType(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); // Object[] stack = saveOperandStack(); // Object[] locals = saveLocals(); // continuation.addPending(new MethodState(<number>, stack, locals, lockState); // continuation.setMode(MODE_SAVING); // exitLocks(lockState); // return <dummy>; // // // restorePoint_<number>_continue: // at this label: empty exec stack / uninit exec var table return merge(mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { lineNumber(lineNumber) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving SUSPEND " + idx), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving operand stack"), saveOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame), // REMEMBER: STACK IS TOTALLY EMPTY AFTER THIS. ALSO, DON'T FORGET THAT // Continuation OBJECT WILL BE TOP ITEM, NEEDS TO BE DISCARDED ON LOAD debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving locals"), saveLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Packing locals and operand stack in to container"), packStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars, savedStackVars), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Creating and pushing method state"), call(CONTINUATION_PUSHNEWMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), construct(METHODSTATE_INIT_METHOD, loadIntConst(idx), loadVar(storageContainerVar), // load lockstate for last arg if method actually has monitorenter/exit in it // (var != null if this were the case), otherwise load null for that arg mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { loadVar(lockStateVar) }) .mergeIf(lockStateVar == null, () -> new Object[] { loadNull() }).generate())), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Setting mode to save"), call(CONTINUATION_SETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), loadIntConst(MODE_SAVING)), // attempt to exit monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Exiting monitors"), exitStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Returning (dummy return value if not void)"), returnDummy(returnType), // return dummy value addLabel(continueExecLabelNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Continuing execution...")); } private static InsnList saveStateFromNormalInvocation(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); NormalInvokeContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, NormalInvokeContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Type returnType = attrs.getSignature().getReturnType(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); MethodInsnNode invokeNode = cp.getInvokeInstruction(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); // Object[] duplicatedArgs = saveOperandStack(<method param count>); -- Why do we do this? because when we want to save the // -- args to this method when we call // -- saveOperandStack(). We need to save here becuase // -- once we invoke the method the args will be consumed // -- off the stack. The args need to be saved because // -- when we load, we need to call in to this method // -- again (see loading code generator above). // <method invocation> // if (continuation.getMode() == MODE_SAVING) { // Object[] stack = saveOperandStack(); // Object[] locals = saveLocals(); // exitLocks(lockState); // continuation.addPending(new MethodState(<number>, stack, locals, lockState); // return <dummy>; // } // // // restorePoint_<number>_continue: int invokeArgCount = getArgumentCountRequiredForInvocation(invokeNode); return merge(mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { lineNumber(lineNumber) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving INVOKE " + idx), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving top " + invokeArgCount + " items of operand stack (args for invoke)"), saveOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Reloading invoke arguments back on to the stack (for invoke)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Invoking"), cloneInvokeNode(invokeNode), // invoke method (ADDED MULTIPLE TIMES -- MUST BE CLONED) ifIntegersEqual(// if we're saving after invoke call(CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), loadIntConst(MODE_SAVING), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Mode set to save on return"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Popping dummy return value off stack"), popMethodResult(invokeNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Reloading invoke arguments back on to the stack (for full save)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving operand stack"), saveOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame), // REMEMBER: STACK IS TOTALLY EMPTY AFTER THIS debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving locals"), saveLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Packing locals and operand stack in to container"), packStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars, savedStackVars), // attempt to exit monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Exiting monitors"), exitStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Creating and pushing method state"), call(CONTINUATION_PUSHNEWMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), construct( METHODSTATE_INIT_METHOD, loadIntConst(idx), loadVar(storageContainerVar), // load lockstate for last arg if method actually has monitorenter/exit in it // (var != null if this were the case), otherwise load null for that arg mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { loadVar(lockStateVar) }) .mergeIf(lockStateVar == null, () -> new Object[] { loadNull() }) .generate())), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Returning (dummy return value if not void)"), returnDummy(returnType))), addLabel(continueExecLabelNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Continuing execution...")); } private static InsnList saveStateFromInvocationWithinTryCatch(MethodAttributes attrs, int idx) { Validate.notNull(attrs); Validate.isTrue(idx >= 0); TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint cp = validateAndGetContinuationPoint(attrs, idx, TryCatchInvokeContinuationPoint.class); Integer lineNumber = cp.getLineNumber(); Variable contArg = attrs.getCoreVariables().getContinuationArgVar(); StorageVariables savedLocalsVars = attrs.getLocalsStorageVariables(); StorageVariables savedStackVars = attrs.getStackStorageVariables(); Variable storageContainerVar = attrs.getStorageContainerVariables().getContainerVar(); LockVariables lockVars = attrs.getLockVariables(); Variable lockStateVar = lockVars.getLockStateVar(); Variable throwableVar = attrs.getCacheVariables().getThrowableCacheVar(); Type returnType = attrs.getSignature().getReturnType(); Frame<BasicValue> frame = cp.getFrame(); MethodInsnNode invokeNode = cp.getInvokeInstruction(); LabelNode continueExecLabelNode = cp.getContinueExecutionLabel(); LabelNode exceptionExecutionLabelNode = cp.getExceptionExecutionLabel(); MarkerType markerType = attrs.getSettings().getMarkerType(); String dbgSig = getLogPrefix(attrs); int invokeArgCount = getArgumentCountRequiredForInvocation(invokeNode); return merge(mergeIf(lineNumber != null, () -> new Object[] { lineNumber(lineNumber) }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving INVOKE WITHIN TRYCATCH " + idx), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving top " + invokeArgCount + " items of operand stack (args for invoke)"), saveOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Reloading invoke arguments back on to the stack (for invoke)"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Invoking"), cloneInvokeNode(invokeNode), // invoke method (ADDED MULTIPLE TIMES -- MUST BE CLONED) ifIntegersEqual(// if we're saving after invoke, return dummy value call(CONTINUATION_GETMODE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg)), loadIntConst(MODE_SAVING), merge(debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Mode set to save on return"), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Popping dummy return value off stack"), popMethodResult(invokeNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Reloading invoke arguments back on to the stack"), loadOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, frame.getStackSize() - invokeArgCount, invokeArgCount), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving operand stack"), saveOperandStack(markerType, savedStackVars, frame), // REMEMBER: STACK IS TOTALLY EMPTY AFTER THIS debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Saving locals"), saveLocals(markerType, savedLocalsVars, frame), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Packing locals and operand stack in to container"), packStorageArrays(markerType, frame, storageContainerVar, savedLocalsVars, savedStackVars), // attempt to exit monitors only if method has monitorenter/exit in it (var != null if this were the case) mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Exiting monitors"), exitStoredMonitors(markerType, lockVars), }), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Creating and pushing method state"), call(CONTINUATION_PUSHNEWMETHODSTATE_METHOD, loadVar(contArg), construct( METHODSTATE_INIT_METHOD, loadIntConst(idx), loadVar(storageContainerVar), // load lockstate for last arg if method actually has monitorenter/exit in it // (var != null if this were the case), otherwise load null for that arg mergeIf(lockStateVar != null, () -> new Object[] { loadVar(lockStateVar) }) .mergeIf(lockStateVar == null, () -> new Object[] { loadNull() }) .generate())), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Returning (dummy return value if not void)"), returnDummy(returnType))), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Jumping to continue execution point..."), jumpTo(continueExecLabelNode), addLabel(exceptionExecutionLabelNode), // Since we're rethrowing from original try/catch, if the throwable is of the expected type it'll get handled. If not it'll // get thrown up the chain (which is normal behaviour). debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Rethrowing throwable from original try/catch"), loadVar(throwableVar), throwThrowable(), addLabel(continueExecLabelNode), debugMarker(markerType, dbgSig + "Continuing execution...")); } /** * Generates instructions that returns a dummy value. Return values are as follows: * <ul> * <li>void -> no value</li> * <li>boolean -> false</li> * <li>byte/short/char/int -> 0</li> * <li>long -> 0L</li> * <li>float -> 0.0f</li> * <li>double -> 0.0</li> * <li>Object -> null</li> * </ul> * * @param returnType return type of the method this generated bytecode is for * @return instructions to return a dummy value * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code returnType}'s sort is of {@link Type#METHOD} */ private static InsnList returnDummy(Type returnType) { Validate.notNull(returnType); Validate.isTrue(returnType.getSort() != Type.METHOD); InsnList ret = new InsnList(); switch (returnType.getSort()) { case Type.VOID: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN)); break; case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.BYTE: case Type.SHORT: case Type.CHAR: case Type.INT: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_0)); ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.IRETURN)); break; case Type.LONG: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.LCONST_0)); ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.LRETURN)); break; case Type.FLOAT: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.FCONST_0)); ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.FRETURN)); break; case Type.DOUBLE: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.DCONST_0)); ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.DRETURN)); break; case Type.OBJECT: case Type.ARRAY: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)); ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ARETURN)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } return ret; } /** * Generates instructions to pop the result of the method off the stack. This will only generate instructions if the method being * invoked generates a return value. * @param invokeInsnNode instruction for the method that was invoked (can either be of type {@link MethodInsnNode} or * {@link InvokeDynamicInsnNode} -- this is used to determine how many items to pop off the stack * @return instructions for a pop (only if the method being invoked generates a return value) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code invokeInsnNode} isn't of type {@link MethodInsnNode} or {@link InvokeDynamicInsnNode} * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} */ private static InsnList popMethodResult(AbstractInsnNode invokeInsnNode) { Validate.notNull(invokeInsnNode); Type returnType = getReturnTypeOfInvocation(invokeInsnNode); InsnList ret = new InsnList(); switch (returnType.getSort()) { case Type.LONG: case Type.DOUBLE: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.POP2)); break; case Type.VOID: break; case Type.METHOD: throw new IllegalStateException(); // this should never happen default: ret.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.POP)); break; } return ret; } private static String getLogPrefix(MethodAttributes attrs) { return attrs.getSignature().getClassName() + "-" + attrs.getSignature().getMethodName() + "-" + attrs.getSignature().getMethodDescriptor() + " >>> "; } }