Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016. 12. 25. Olivr Falvai * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.bkkinfo; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.BpInfoApplication; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.R; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertApiClient; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertListErrorMessage; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertListMessage; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertRequestParams; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.Alert; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.Route; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.RouteType; import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.util.Utils; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import javax.inject.Inject; import static com.ofalvai.bpinfo.util.LogUtils.LOGI; public class BkkInfoClient implements AlertApiClient { private static final String TAG = "BkkInfoClient"; /** * The API is so slow we have to increase the default Volley timeout. * Response time increases the most when there's an alert with many affected routes. */ private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; private static final String API_BASE_URL = ""; private static final String API_ENDPOINT_HU = "json.php"; private static final String API_ENDPOINT_EN = "json_en.php"; private static final String PARAM_ALERT_LIST = "?lista"; private static final String PARAM_ALERT_DETAIL = "id"; private static final String DETAIL_WEBVIEW_BASE_URL = ""; private static final String DETAIL_WEBVIEW_PARAM_ID = "id"; @Inject SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences; @Inject Context mContext; private final RequestQueue mRequestQueue; /** * This client performs only one alert list API call, because the API is structured in a way * that both current and future data is returned at the same time, sometimes even mixed together. * If multiple alert list requests are called, only the first will perform the request, and * later notify all of its EventBus subscribers. */ private boolean mRequestInProgress = false; private List<Alert> mAlertsToday = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Alert> mAlertsFuture = new ArrayList<>(); private Trace mAlertDetailTrace; public BkkInfoClient(RequestQueue requestQueue) { mRequestQueue = requestQueue; BpInfoApplication.injector.inject(this); } @Override public void fetchAlertList(final @NonNull AlertRequestParams params) { // If a request is in progress, we don't proceed. The response callback will notify every subscriber if (mRequestInProgress) return; final Uri url = buildAlertListUrl(params); LOGI(TAG, "API request: " + url.toString()); JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(url.toString(), null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { onAlertListResponse(response); } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListErrorMessage(error)); } }); request.setRetryPolicy(getRetryPolicy()); mRequestInProgress = true; mRequestQueue.add(request); } @Override public void fetchAlert(@NonNull String id, final @NonNull AlertDetailListener listener, @NonNull AlertRequestParams params) { Uri url = buildAlertDetailUrl(params, id); LOGI(TAG, "API request: " + url.toString()); JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(url.toString(), null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { onAlertDetailResponse(listener, response); } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { listener.onError(error); } }); request.setRetryPolicy(getRetryPolicy()); mRequestQueue.add(request); createAndStartTrace("network_alert_detail_bkk"); } private Uri buildAlertListUrl(AlertRequestParams params) { String endpoint = params.mLanguageCode.equals("hu") ? API_ENDPOINT_HU : API_ENDPOINT_EN; return Uri.parse(API_BASE_URL).buildUpon().appendEncodedPath(endpoint).appendEncodedPath(PARAM_ALERT_LIST) .build(); } private Uri buildAlertDetailUrl(AlertRequestParams params, String alertId) { String endpoint = params.mLanguageCode.equals("hu") ? API_ENDPOINT_HU : API_ENDPOINT_EN; return Uri.parse(API_BASE_URL).buildUpon().appendEncodedPath(endpoint) .appendQueryParameter(PARAM_ALERT_DETAIL, alertId).build(); } private void onAlertListResponse(JSONObject response) { try { mAlertsToday = parseTodayAlerts(response); mAlertsFuture = parseFutureAlerts(response); BkkInfoClient.fixFutureAlertsInTodayList(mAlertsToday, mAlertsFuture); EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListMessage(mAlertsToday, mAlertsFuture)); } catch (Exception ex) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListErrorMessage(ex)); } finally { mRequestInProgress = false; } } private void onAlertDetailResponse(AlertDetailListener listener, JSONObject response) { mAlertDetailTrace.stop(); try { Alert alert = parseAlertDetail(response); listener.onAlertResponse(alert); } catch (Exception ex) { listener.onError(ex); } } @NonNull private List<Alert> parseTodayAlerts(JSONObject response) throws JSONException { List<Alert> alerts = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isDebugMode = mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(mContext.getString(R.string.pref_key_debug_mode), false); JSONArray activeAlertsList = response.getJSONArray("active"); for (int i = 0; i < activeAlertsList.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject alertNode = activeAlertsList.getJSONObject(i); Alert alert = parseAlert(alertNode); // Some alerts are still listed a few minutes after they ended, we need to hide them, // but still show them if debug mode is enabled DateTime alertEndTime = new DateTime(alert.getEnd() * 1000L); if (alertEndTime.isAfterNow() || alert.getEnd() == 0 || isDebugMode) { alerts.add(parseAlert(alertNode)); } } catch (JSONException ex) { Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: failed to parse:\n" + ex.toString()); } } return alerts; } @NonNull private List<Alert> parseFutureAlerts(JSONObject response) throws JSONException { List<Alert> alerts = new ArrayList<>(); // Future alerts are in two groups: near-future and far-future JSONArray soonAlertList = response.getJSONArray("soon"); for (int i = 0; i < soonAlertList.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject alertNode = soonAlertList.getJSONObject(i); alerts.add(parseAlert(alertNode)); } catch (JSONException ex) { Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: failed to parse:\n" + ex.toString()); } } JSONArray futureAlertList = response.getJSONArray("future"); for (int i = 0; i < futureAlertList.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject alertNode = futureAlertList.getJSONObject(i); alerts.add(parseAlert(alertNode)); } catch (JSONException ex) { Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: failed to parse:\n" + ex.toString()); } } return alerts; } /** * Parses alert details found in the alert list API response * This structure is different than the alert detail API response */ @NonNull private Alert parseAlert(JSONObject alertNode) throws JSONException { String id = alertNode.getString("id"); long start = 0; if (!alertNode.isNull("kezd")) { JSONObject beginNode = alertNode.getJSONObject("kezd"); start = beginNode.getLong("epoch"); } long end = 0; if (!alertNode.isNull("vege")) { JSONObject endNode = alertNode.getJSONObject("vege"); end = endNode.getLong("epoch"); } long timestamp; JSONObject modifiedNode = alertNode.getJSONObject("modositva"); timestamp = modifiedNode.getLong("epoch"); String url = getUrl(id); String header = Utils.capitalizeString(alertNode.getString("elnevezes")); List<Route> affectedRoutes; JSONArray routesArray = alertNode.getJSONArray("jaratokByFajta"); affectedRoutes = parseAffectedRoutes(routesArray); return new Alert(id, start, end, timestamp, url, header, null, affectedRoutes, true); } /** * Parses alert details found in the alert detail API response * This structure is different than the alert list API response */ private Alert parseAlertDetail(JSONObject response) throws JSONException { String id = response.getString("id"); long start = 0; if (!response.isNull("kezdEpoch")) { start = response.getLong("kezdEpoch"); } long end = 0; if (!response.isNull("vegeEpoch")) { end = response.getLong("vegeEpoch"); } long timestamp = 0; if (!response.isNull("modEpoch")) { timestamp = response.getLong("modEpoch"); } String url = getUrl(id); String header; // The API returns a header of 3 parts separated by "|" characters. We need the last part. String rawHeader = response.getString("targy"); String[] rawHeaderParts = rawHeader.split("\\|"); header = Utils.capitalizeString(rawHeaderParts[2].trim()); String description; StringBuilder descriptionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); descriptionBuilder.append(response.getString("feed")); JSONArray routesArray = Utils.jsonObjectToArray(response.getJSONObject("jaratok")); for (int i = 0; i < routesArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject routeNode = routesArray.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject optionsNode = routeNode.getJSONObject("opciok"); if (!optionsNode.isNull("szabad_szoveg")) { JSONArray routeTextArray = optionsNode.getJSONArray("szabad_szoveg"); for (int j = 0; j < routeTextArray.length(); j++) { descriptionBuilder.append("<br />"); descriptionBuilder.append(routeTextArray.getString(j)); } } } description = descriptionBuilder.toString(); List<Route> affectedRoutes; JSONObject routeDetailsNode = response.getJSONObject("jarat_adatok"); Iterator<String> affectedRouteIds = response.getJSONObject("jaratok").keys(); // Some routes in routeDetailsNode are not affected by the alert, but alternative // recommended routes. The real affected routes' IDs are in "jaratok" affectedRoutes = parseDetailedAffectedRoutes(routeDetailsNode, affectedRouteIds); return new Alert(id, start, end, timestamp, url, header, description, affectedRoutes, false); } private String getUrl(String alertId) { return DETAIL_WEBVIEW_BASE_URL + "?" + DETAIL_WEBVIEW_PARAM_ID + "=" + alertId; } /** * Parses affected routes found in the alert list API response * This structure is different than the alert detail API response */ @NonNull private List<Route> parseAffectedRoutes(JSONArray routesArray) throws JSONException { // The API lists multiple affected routes grouped by their vehicle type (bus, tram, etc.) List<Route> routes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < routesArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject routeNode = routesArray.getJSONObject(i); String typeString = routeNode.getString("type"); RouteType type = parseRouteType(typeString); JSONArray concreteRoutes = routeNode.getJSONArray("jaratok"); for (int j = 0; j < concreteRoutes.length(); j++) { String shortName = concreteRoutes.getString(j).trim(); int[] colors = parseRouteColors(type, shortName); // There's no ID returned by the API, using shortName instead Route route = new Route(shortName, shortName, null, null, type, colors[0], colors[1]); routes.add(route); } } return routes; } /** * Parses affected routes found in the alert detail API response * This structure is different than the alert list API response * @param routesNode Details of routes. Some of them are not affected by the alert, only * recommended alternative routes * @param affectedRouteIds IDs of only the affected routes */ @NonNull private List<Route> parseDetailedAffectedRoutes(JSONObject routesNode, Iterator<String> affectedRouteIds) throws JSONException { List<Route> routes = new ArrayList<>(); while (affectedRouteIds.hasNext()) { String routeId =; JSONObject routeNode = routesNode.getJSONObject(routeId); String id = routeNode.getString("forte"); String shortName = routeNode.getString("szam"); String description = routeNode.getString("utvonal"); RouteType routeType = parseRouteType(routeNode.getString("tipus")); int color = Color.parseColor("#" + routeNode.getString("szin")); int textColor = Color.parseColor("#" + routeNode.getString("betu")); Route route = new Route(id, shortName, null, description, routeType, color, textColor); routes.add(route); } Collections.sort(routes); return routes; } private RouteType parseRouteType(String routeTypeString) { switch (routeTypeString) { case "busz": return RouteType.BUS; case "ejszakai": // Night buses are parsed as buses. Their colors are corrected in parseRouteColors() return RouteType.BUS; case "hajo": return RouteType.FERRY; case "villamos": return RouteType.TRAM; case "trolibusz": return RouteType.TROLLEYBUS; case "metro": return RouteType.SUBWAY; case "libego": return RouteType.CHAIRLIFT; case "hev": return RouteType.RAIL; case "siklo": return RouteType.FUNICULAR; default: return RouteType._OTHER_; } } /** * Returns the background and foreground colors of the route, because the alert list API * doesn't return them in the response. * Note that the alert detail response contains color values, so the alert detail parsing * doesn't need to call this. * @param type Parsed type of the route. Most of the time this is enough to match the colors * @param shortName Parsed short name (line number) of the route. This is needed because some * route types have different colors for each route (eg. subway, ferry). * @return Array of color-ints: background, foreground */ @ColorInt private int[] parseRouteColors(RouteType type, String shortName) { // Color values based on this list of routes: // String defaultBackground = "EEEEEE"; String defaultText = "BBBBBB"; String background; String text; switch (type) { case BUS: if (shortName.matches("^9[0-9][0-9][A-Z]?$")) { // Night bus numbers start from 900, and might contain one extra letter after // the 3 digits. background = "1E1E1E"; text = "FFFFFF"; } else if (shortName.equals("I")) { // Nostalgia bus background = "FFA417"; text = "FFFFFF"; } else { // Regular bus background = "009FE3"; text = "FFFFFF"; } break; case FERRY: if (shortName.equals("D12")) { background = "9A1915"; text = "FFFFFF"; } else { background = "E50475"; text = "FFFFFF"; } break; case RAIL: switch (shortName) { case "H5": background = "821066"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "H6": background = "884200"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "H7": background = "EE7203"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "H8": background = "FF6677"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "H9": background = "FF6677"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; default: background = defaultBackground; text = defaultText; } break; case TRAM: background = "FFD800"; text = "000000"; break; case TROLLEYBUS: background = "FF1609"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case SUBWAY: switch (shortName) { case "M1": background = "FFD800"; text = "000000"; break; case "M2": background = "FF1609"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "M3": background = "005CA5"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; case "M4": background = "19A949"; text = "FFFFFF"; break; default: background = defaultBackground; text = defaultText; } break; case CHAIRLIFT: background = "009155"; text = "000000"; break; case FUNICULAR: background = "884200"; text = "000000"; break; case _OTHER_: background = defaultBackground; text = defaultText; break; default: background = defaultBackground; text = defaultText; break; } int backgroundColor; int textColor; try { backgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#" + background); textColor = Color.parseColor("#" + text); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { backgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#" + defaultBackground); textColor = Color.parseColor("#" + defaultText); } return new int[] { backgroundColor, textColor }; } /** * Alerts scheduled for the current day (and not yet started) appear in the current alerts list. * We need to find them and move to the future alerts list */ private static void fixFutureAlertsInTodayList(List<Alert> alertsToday, List<Alert> alertsFuture) { // Avoiding ConcurrentModificationException when removing from alertsToday ListIterator<Alert> todayIterator = alertsToday.listIterator(); while (todayIterator.hasNext()) { Alert alert =; DateTime startTime = new DateTime(alert.getStart() * 1000L); if (startTime.isAfterNow()) { alertsFuture.add(alert); todayIterator.remove(); } } } /** * Returns a retry policy with increased timeout */ private static RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy() { return new DefaultRetryPolicy(TIMEOUT_MS, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT); } private void createAndStartTrace(String name) { mAlertDetailTrace = FirebasePerformance.getInstance().newTrace(name); mAlertDetailTrace.start(); } }