Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Olivr Falvai
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

package com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.bkkfutar;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.util.Log;

import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.BpInfoApplication;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.BuildConfig;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.Config;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.R;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertApiClient;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertListErrorMessage;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertListMessage;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.api.AlertRequestParams;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.Alert;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.Route;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.model.RouteType;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.ui.alertlist.AlertListType;
import com.ofalvai.bpinfo.util.Utils;

import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import static com.ofalvai.bpinfo.util.LogUtils.LOGI;

public class FutarApiClient implements AlertApiClient {
    private static final String TAG = "FutarApiClient";

    private final RequestQueue mRequestQueue;

     * There's only one call in the API to get both the list and the details about alerts,
     * so we have to store them after the first call.
    private List<Alert> mAlertsToday = new ArrayList<>();

    private List<Alert> mAlertsFuture = new ArrayList<>();

     * This client performs only one alert list API call, because the API is structured in a way
     * that both current and future data is returned at the same time, sometimes even mixed together.
     * If multiple alert list requests are called, only the first will perform the request, and
     * later notify all of its EventBus subscribers.
    private boolean mRequestInProgress = false;

    private static final String QUERY_API_KEY = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID;

    private static final String QUERY_API_VERSION = "3";

    private static final String QUERY_APPVERSION = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME;

    private static final String QUERY_INCLUDEREFERENCES = "alerts,routes";

    // The website doesn't have a language switch, but the URL has a hidden query parameter:
    // /alert.php?id=1234&lang=en
    // This creates a session cookie with the language code, and the website uses this cookie
    // for language selection.
    // The only problem: it seems that the cookie has higher priority that the URL
    // parameter in the language selection, and even though this is a session cookie,
    // Chrome doesn't delete it immediately after closing the custom tab, but when the last
    // Chrome process dies.
    // So it can be really hard to change the website's language AFTER it's been visited with
    // the app set to a different language.
    // But it's better than having no language selection at all.
    private static final String LANG_PARAM = "&lang=";

     * Map of all parsed routes. This is used to set every alert's affected routes by ID.
    private Map<String, Route> mRoutes = new HashMap<>();

    private String mLanguageCode;

    SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences;

    Context mContext;

    public FutarApiClient(RequestQueue requestQueue) {
        mRequestQueue = requestQueue;

    public void fetchAlertList(@NonNull AlertRequestParams params) {
        // If a request is in progress, we don't proceed. The response callback will notify every subscriber
        if (mRequestInProgress)

        mLanguageCode = params.mLanguageCode;

        Uri uri = buildUri();

        LOGI(TAG, "API request: " + uri.toString());

        JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(uri.toString(), null,
                new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
                    public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
                        try {
                            mRoutes = parseRoutes(response);
                            mAlertsToday = parseAlerts(response, AlertListType.ALERTS_TODAY);
                            mAlertsFuture = parseAlerts(response, AlertListType.ALERTS_FUTURE);
                            EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListMessage(mAlertsToday, mAlertsFuture));
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListErrorMessage(ex));
                        } finally {
                            mRequestInProgress = false;
                }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
                    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                        EventBus.getDefault().post(new AlertListErrorMessage(error));

        mRequestInProgress = true;

    public void fetchAlert(@NonNull String id, @NonNull AlertDetailListener listener,
            @NonNull AlertRequestParams params) {
        if (mAlertsToday == null || mAlertsFuture == null) {
            listener.onError(new Exception("fetchAlert() was called before fetchAlertList()"));
        } else {
            if (params.mAlertListType.equals(AlertListType.ALERTS_TODAY)) {
                for (Alert alert : mAlertsToday) {
                    if (alert.getId().equals(id)) {
                listener.onError(new Exception("Alert not found"));
            } else {
                for (Alert alert : mAlertsFuture) {
                    if (alert.getId().equals(id)) {
                listener.onError(new Exception("Alert not found"));

    private Uri buildUri() {
        Uri.Builder builder = Uri.parse(Config.FUTAR_API_BASE_URL).buildUpon()
                .appendEncodedPath(AlertSearchContract.API_ENDPOINT).appendQueryParameter("key", QUERY_API_KEY)
                .appendQueryParameter("version", QUERY_API_VERSION)
                .appendQueryParameter("appVersion", QUERY_APPVERSION)
                .appendQueryParameter("includeReferences", QUERY_INCLUDEREFERENCES);

        // In debug mode, all alerts (even past ones) are retrieved
        boolean isDebugMode = mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(mContext.getString(R.string.pref_key_debug_mode),

        if (!isDebugMode) {
            String startTimestamp = String.valueOf(new DateTime().getMillis() / 1000L);
            builder.appendQueryParameter("start", startTimestamp);


    private List<Alert> parseAlerts(@NonNull JSONObject response, @NonNull AlertListType alertListType)
            throws JSONException {
        List<Alert> alertList = new ArrayList<>();

        JSONObject dataNode = response.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA);
        JSONObject entryNode = dataNode.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA_ENTRY);
        JSONArray alertIdsNode = entryNode.getJSONArray(AlertSearchContract.DATA_ENTRY_ALERT_IDS);

        if (alertIdsNode.length() == 0) {
            return alertList;

        JSONObject referencesNode = dataNode.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA_REFERENCES);
        JSONObject alertsNode = referencesNode.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA_REFERENCES_ALERTS);

        JSONArray alerts = Utils.jsonObjectToArray(alertsNode);

        for (int i = 0; i < alerts.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject alertNode = alerts.getJSONObject(i);
            Alert alert;
            try {
                alert = parseAlert(alertNode);

                // Time ranges in the API response are messed up. We need to filter out alerts that are
                // before/after the time range we want.
                DateTime alertStartTime = new DateTime(alert.getStart() * 1000L);
                if (alertListType == AlertListType.ALERTS_TODAY && alertStartTime.isBeforeNow()) {
                } else if (alertListType == AlertListType.ALERTS_FUTURE && alertStartTime.isAfterNow()) {
            } catch (JSONException ex) {
                Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: failed to parse:\n" + ex.toString());

        return alertList;

    private Alert parseAlert(@NonNull JSONObject alertNode) throws JSONException {

        String id = alertNode.getString(AlertContract.ALERT_ID);
        long start = alertNode.getLong(AlertContract.ALERT_START);
        long end = 0;

        if (!alertNode.isNull(AlertContract.ALERT_END)) {
            // There are alerts with unknown ends, represented by null
            end = alertNode.getLong(AlertContract.ALERT_END);

        long timestamp = alertNode.getLong(AlertContract.ALERT_TIMESTAMP);

        JSONObject urlNode = alertNode.getJSONObject(AlertContract.ALERT_URL);

        String url = null;
        if (!urlNode.isNull(AlertSearchContract.LANG_SOME)) {
            url = urlNode.getString(AlertSearchContract.LANG_SOME) + LANG_PARAM + mLanguageCode;

        String header;
        JSONObject headerNode = alertNode.getJSONObject(AlertContract.ALERT_HEADER);
        JSONObject translationsNode = headerNode.getJSONObject(AlertContract.ALERT_HEADER_TRANSLATIONS);
        try {
            // Trying to get the specific language's translation
            // It might be null or completely missing from the response
            header = translationsNode.getString(mLanguageCode);

            if (header == null || header.equals("null")) {
                throw new JSONException("header field is null");
        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            // Falling back to the "someTranslation" field
            header = headerNode.getString(AlertSearchContract.LANG_SOME);
            Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: header translation missing");
        header = Utils.capitalizeString(header);

        String description;
        JSONObject descriptionNode = alertNode.getJSONObject(AlertContract.ALERT_DESC);
        JSONObject translationsNode2 = descriptionNode.getJSONObject(AlertContract.ALERT_DESC_TRANSLATIONS);
        if (!translationsNode2.isNull(mLanguageCode)) {
            // Trying to get the specific language's translation
            // It might be null or completely missing from the response
            description = translationsNode2.getString(mLanguageCode);
        } else {
            // Falling back to the "someTranslation" field
            description = descriptionNode.getString(AlertSearchContract.LANG_SOME);

            Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Alert parse: description translation missing");

        JSONArray routeIdsNode = alertNode.getJSONArray(AlertContract.ALERT_ROUTE_IDS);
        List<String> routeIds = Utils.jsonArrayToStringList(routeIdsNode);
        List<Route> affectedRoutes = getRoutesByIds(routeIds);

        return new Alert(id, start, end, timestamp, url, header, description, affectedRoutes, false);

    private Map<String, Route> parseRoutes(@NonNull JSONObject response) throws JSONException {
        Map<String, Route> routeMap = new ArrayMap<>();

        JSONObject dataNode = response.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA);
        JSONObject referencesNode = dataNode.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA_REFERENCES);
        JSONObject routesNode = referencesNode.getJSONObject(AlertSearchContract.DATA_REFERENCES_ROUTES);
        JSONArray routesArray = Utils.jsonObjectToArray(routesNode);

        for (int i = 0; i < routesArray.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject routeNode = routesArray.getJSONObject(i);
            Route route;
            try {
                route = parseRoute(routeNode);

                // Replacement routes are inconsistent and unnecessary to display
                if (!Utils.isRouteReplacement(route.getId())) {
                    routeMap.put(route.getId(), route);
            } catch (JSONException ex) {
                Crashlytics.log(Log.ERROR, TAG, "Route parse: failed at index " + i + ":\n" + routeNode.toString());

        return routeMap;

    private Route parseRoute(@NonNull JSONObject routeNode) throws JSONException {
        String id = routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_ID);
        String shortName = routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_SHORT_NAME);

        String longName;
        try {
            longName = routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_LONG_NAME);
        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            longName = null;

        // Sometimes the description field is missing form the object
        String description;
        try {
            description = routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_DESC);
        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            description = null;

        RouteType type = parseRouteType(routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_TYPE));

        int color = Color.parseColor("#" + routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_COLOR));
        int textColor = Color.parseColor("#" + routeNode.getString(RouteContract.ROUTE_TEXT_COLOR));

        return new Route(id, shortName, longName, description, type, color, textColor);

    private RouteType parseRouteType(@NonNull String type) {
        try {
            return RouteType.valueOf(type);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            Crashlytics.log(Log.WARN, TAG, "Route parse: failed to parse route type to enum: " + type);
        return RouteType._OTHER_;

     * Alerts returned by the API has affected routes' IDs only,
     * but this method returns a list of affected routes from the parsed routes
    private List<Route> getRoutesByIds(@NonNull List<String> routeIds) {
        List<Route> affectedRoutes = new ArrayList<>();

        if (mRoutes == null || mRoutes.isEmpty()) {
            return affectedRoutes;

        for (String routeId : routeIds) {
            Route route = mRoutes.get(routeId);
            if (route == null) {
                // Replacement routes are filtered out at the parse stage,
                // getting a route by the returned routeId might be null, which is ok.

        return affectedRoutes;