Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 (nick @ * * This file is part of JTimeseries. * * JTimeseries is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JTimeseries is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JTimeseries. If not, see <>. */ package com.od.jtimeseries.ui.visualizer.chart; import com.od.jtimeseries.ui.config.ChartRangeMode; import com.od.jtimeseries.ui.config.DomainTimeSelection; import com.od.jtimeseries.ui.timeseries.ChartingTimeSeries; import com.od.jtimeseries.ui.visualizer.chart.creator.*; import com.od.jtimeseries.util.NamedExecutors; import com.od.swing.progress.ProgressLayeredPane; import com.od.swing.progress.RotatingImageSource; import com.od.swing.util.AwtSafeListener; import com.od.swing.weakreferencelistener.WeakReferenceListener; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.event.ChartChangeEvent; import org.jfree.chart.event.ChartChangeEventType; import org.jfree.chart.event.ChartChangeListener; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Nick Ebbutt * Date: 07-Jan-2009 * Time: 14:28:23 */ public class TimeSeriesChart extends JPanel { private static ScheduledExecutorService stopProgressExecutor = NamedExecutors .newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("TimeSeriesChart-ScheduledExecutor"); private static final int MIN_ANIMATION_TIME_MILLIS = 500; //showing for less time than this can just flash the animation on, which looks bad private String title; private List<ChartingTimeSeries> timeSeriesList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; private ChartPanel chartPanel; private JPanel noChartsPanel = new JPanel(); private ChartRangeMode chartRangeMode = ChartRangeMode.RangePerId; private Color chartBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; private ChartType chartType = ChartType.DEFAULT_CHART_TYPE; private ChartDataFilter chartDataFilter = ChartDataFilter.NoFilter; private ProgressLayeredPane progressPane = new ProgressLayeredPane(noChartsPanel, 0.4f, 20, 18); private JFreeChart chart; private boolean showLegend = true; private DomainTimeSelection domainStartTimeSelection = new DomainTimeSelection(); private final ChartCreatorFactory chartCreatorFactory = new ChartCreatorFactory(); private long animationLastStartedTimestamp; private PropertyChangeListener loadingProgressPropertyChangeListener = AwtSafeListener .getAwtSafeListener(new LoadingProgressPropertyChangeListener(), PropertyChangeListener.class); private PropertyChangeListener refreshChartPropertyListener = AwtSafeListener .getAwtSafeListener(new RefreshChartPropertyChangeListener(), PropertyChangeListener.class); private ChartTitleListener chartTitleListener = new ChartTitleListener(); private List<WeakReferenceListener> weakReferencePropertyListeners = new LinkedList<WeakReferenceListener>(); public TimeSeriesChart(String title) { this.title = title; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); createNoChartsPanel(); progressPane.setIconSource(new RotatingImageSource("/progressAnimation/progress.png", 16, 80, 80, 0.5f)); progressPane.setDelayBetweenFrames(200); add(progressPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); createWeakReferenceListeners(); } private void createWeakReferenceListeners() { //add week reference listeners to the charting time series, so that references back from the model don't retain this timeSeriesChart weakReferencePropertyListeners.add( new WeakReferenceListener(ChartingTimeSeries.DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTY, refreshChartPropertyListener)); weakReferencePropertyListeners .add(new WeakReferenceListener(ChartingTimeSeries.COLOUR_PROPERTY, refreshChartPropertyListener)); weakReferencePropertyListeners.add(new WeakReferenceListener(ChartingTimeSeries.LOADED_PROPERTY, loadingProgressPropertyChangeListener)); weakReferencePropertyListeners.add(new WeakReferenceListener(ChartingTimeSeries.STALE_PROPERTY, loadingProgressPropertyChangeListener)); } private void createNoChartsPanel() { noChartsPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel noSeriesLabel = new JLabel("No Timeseries Selected"); noSeriesLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); noSeriesLabel.setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); noChartsPanel.add(noSeriesLabel); } public void setSeries(List<ChartingTimeSeries> newSelection) { removePropertyListener(this.timeSeriesList); //our own copy guaranteed to be RandomAccess list newSelection = new ArrayList<ChartingTimeSeries>(newSelection); addPropertyListener(newSelection); this.timeSeriesList = newSelection; if (timeSeriesList.size() == 0) { if (chartPanel != null) { chartPanel = null; chart = null; } progressPane.setViewComponent(noChartsPanel); } else { createAndSetChart(); progressPane.setViewComponent(chartPanel); } validate(); repaint(); showOrStopProgressAnimation(); } //check whether the progress animation should be shown, and if so, show it, if not stop it private void showOrStopProgressAnimation() { boolean showProgress = false; for (ChartingTimeSeries s : timeSeriesList) { //if not loaded and not stale, should be queued to load if (!s.isLoaded() && !s.isStale()) { showProgress = true; break; } } if (showProgress) { animationLastStartedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); progressPane.startProgressAnimation("Loading Series Data"); } else { long minAnimationTimeRemaining = MIN_ANIMATION_TIME_MILLIS - (System.currentTimeMillis() - animationLastStartedTimestamp); if (minAnimationTimeRemaining < 0) { progressPane.stopProgressAnimation(); } else { scheduleStopProgress(minAnimationTimeRemaining); } } } private void scheduleStopProgress(long minTimeRemaining) { stopProgressExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { showOrStopProgressAnimation(); } }); } }, minTimeRemaining, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void setChartBackgroundColor(Color c) { if (chartBackgroundColor != c) { chartBackgroundColor = c; createAndSetChart(); } } public Color getChartBackgroundColor() { return chartBackgroundColor; } private void addPropertyListener(List<ChartingTimeSeries> newSelection) { for (ChartingTimeSeries s : newSelection) { for (WeakReferenceListener l : weakReferencePropertyListeners) { l.addListenerTo(s); } } } private void removePropertyListener(List<ChartingTimeSeries> timeSeriesList) { for (ChartingTimeSeries s : timeSeriesList) { for (WeakReferenceListener l : weakReferencePropertyListeners) { l.removeListenerFrom(s); } } } public ChartRangeMode getChartRangeMode() { return chartRangeMode; } public void setChartRangeMode(ChartRangeMode m) { if (this.chartRangeMode != m) { this.chartRangeMode = m; createAndSetChart(); } } public DomainTimeSelection getDomainStartTimeSelection() { return domainStartTimeSelection; } public ChartType getChartType() { return chartType; } public void setChartType(ChartType chartType) { if (this.chartType != chartType) { this.chartType = chartType; createAndSetChart(); } } public ChartDataFilter getChartDataFilter() { return chartDataFilter; } public void setChartDataFilter(ChartDataFilter f) { if (this.chartDataFilter != f) { this.chartDataFilter = f; createAndSetChart(); } } public void setDomainStartTimeSelection(DomainTimeSelection newValue) { if (!this.domainStartTimeSelection.equals(newValue)) { this.domainStartTimeSelection = newValue; createAndSetChart(); } } public void setShowLegend(boolean showLegend) { if (this.showLegend != showLegend) { this.showLegend = showLegend; createAndSetChart(); } } public boolean isShowLegend() { return this.showLegend; } private void createAndSetChart() { ChartCreatorParameters p = new ChartCreatorParameters(chartRangeMode, domainStartTimeSelection, chartBackgroundColor, timeSeriesList, showLegend, title, chartDataFilter); AbstractXYChartCreator chartCreator = chartCreatorFactory.getChartCreator(chartType, p); chart = chartCreator.createNewChart(); addTitleChangeListener(chart); if (chartPanel == null) { chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); } else { chartPanel.setChart(chart); } } private void addTitleChangeListener(final JFreeChart chart) { WeakReferenceListener l = new WeakReferenceListener(chartTitleListener); l.addListenerTo(chart); } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; if (chart != null) { chart.setTitle(title); } } private class LoadingProgressPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { showOrStopProgressAnimation(); } } private class RefreshChartPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { createAndSetChart(); } } private class ChartTitleListener implements ChartChangeListener { public void chartChanged(ChartChangeEvent event) { if (event.getType() == ChartChangeEventType.GENERAL) { TimeSeriesChart.this.title = chart.getTitle().getText(); } } } }