Java tutorial
/* * JCaptcha, the open source java framework for captcha definition and integration * Copyright (c) 2007 All Rights Reserved. * See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this package. */ /* * jcaptcha, the open source java framework for captcha definition and integration * copyright (c) 2007 All Rights Reserved. * See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this package. */ /* * jcaptcha, the open source java framework for captcha definition and integration * copyright (c) 2007 All Rights Reserved. * See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this package. */ package com.octo.captcha.engine.bufferedengine; import com.octo.captcha.Captcha; import com.octo.captcha.CaptchaException; import com.octo.captcha.CaptchaFactory; import com.octo.captcha.engine.CaptchaEngine; import com.octo.captcha.engine.CaptchaEngineException; import com.octo.captcha.engine.bufferedengine.buffer.CaptchaBuffer; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapIterator; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.util.*; /** * Abstact class that encapsulate a CaptchaEngine to allow buffering. A BufferedEngineContainer has mainly one function * : to provide cached captchas to increase performances. This is done through two embedded buffers : a disk buffer and * a memory buffer. When captchas are requested, the bufferedEngine take them either from the memory buffer if not empty * or directly from the engine. Some good periods are defined with a scheduler to feed the disk buffer with captchas and * some others to swap captchas from the disk buffer to the memory buffer. * * @author Benoit Doumas */ public abstract class BufferedEngineContainer implements CaptchaEngine { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BufferedEngineContainer.class.getName()); protected CaptchaBuffer persistentBuffer = null; protected CaptchaBuffer volatileBuffer = null; protected CaptchaEngine engine = null; protected ContainerConfiguration config = null; protected int volatileMemoryHits = 0; protected int persistentMemoryHits = 0; protected int persistentToVolatileSwaps = 0; protected int persistentFeedings = 0; private boolean shutdownCalled = false; /** * Construct an BufferedEngineContainer with and Captcha engine, a memory buffer, a diskBuffer and a * ContainerConfiguration. * * @param engine engine to generate captcha for buffers * @param volatileBuffer the memory buffer, which store captcha and provide a fast access to them * @param persistentBuffer the disk buffer which store captchas not in a volatil and memory consuming way * @param containerConfiguration the container configuration */ public BufferedEngineContainer(CaptchaEngine engine, CaptchaBuffer volatileBuffer, CaptchaBuffer persistentBuffer, ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration) { this.engine = engine; if (engine == null) { throw new CaptchaEngineException("impossible to build a BufferedEngineContainer with a null engine"); } this.volatileBuffer = volatileBuffer; if (persistentBuffer == null) { throw new CaptchaEngineException( "impossible to build a BufferedEngineContainer with a null volatileBuffer"); } this.persistentBuffer = persistentBuffer; if (persistentBuffer == null) { throw new CaptchaEngineException( "impossible to build a BufferedEngineContainer with a null persistentBuffer"); } this.config = containerConfiguration; if (config == null) { throw new CaptchaEngineException( "impossible to build a BufferedEngineContainer with a null configuration"); } //define hook when JVM is shutdown Shutdown sh = new Shutdown(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(sh); } /** * @see com.octo.captcha.engine.CaptchaEngine#getNextCaptcha() */ public Captcha getNextCaptcha() { log.debug("entering getNextCaptcha()"); return getNextCaptcha(config.getDefaultLocale()); } /** * @see com.octo.captcha.engine.CaptchaEngine#getNextCaptcha(java.util.Locale) */ public Captcha getNextCaptcha(Locale locale) { log.debug("entering getNextCaptcha(Locale locale)"); Captcha captcha = null; locale = resolveLocale(locale); try { captcha = volatileBuffer.removeCaptcha(locale); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { log.debug("no captcha under this locale", e); } if (captcha == null) { //get from engine directly captcha = engine.getNextCaptcha(locale); log.debug("get captcha from engine"); if (config.isServeOnlyConfiguredLocales()) { log.warn( "captcha is directly built from engine, try to increase the swap frequency or the persistant buffer size"); } } else { log.debug("get captcha from memory"); //stats volatileMemoryHits++; } return captcha; } /** * @return captcha factories used by this engine */ public CaptchaFactory[] getFactories() { return this.engine.getFactories(); } /** * @param factories new captcha factories for this engine */ public void setFactories(CaptchaFactory[] factories) { this.engine.setFactories(factories); } /** * Helper for locale */ private Locale resolveLocale(Locale locale) { if (!config.isServeOnlyConfiguredLocales()) { return locale; } else { if (this.config.getLocaleRatio().containsKey(locale)) { return locale; //try to resolve by language } else if (this.config.getLocaleRatio().containsKey(locale.getLanguage())) { return new Locale(locale.getLanguage()); } else { return config.getDefaultLocale(); } } } /** * Method launch by a scheduler to swap captcha from disk buffer to the memory buffer. The ratio of swaping for each * locale is defined in the configuration component. */ public void swapCaptchasFromPersistentToVolatileMemory() { log.debug("entering swapCaptchasFromDiskBufferToMemoryBuffer()"); MapIterator it = config.getLocaleRatio().mapIterator(); //construct the map of swap size by locales; HashedMap captchasRatios = new HashedMap(); while (it.hasNext()) { Locale locale = (Locale); double ratio = ((Double) it.getValue()).doubleValue(); int ratioCount = (int) Math.round(config.getSwapSize().intValue() * ratio); //get the reminding size corresponding to the ratio int diff = (int) Math .round((config.getMaxVolatileMemorySize().intValue() - this.volatileBuffer.size()) * ratio); diff = diff < 0 ? 0 : diff; int toSwap = (diff < ratioCount) ? diff : ratioCount; captchasRatios.put(locale, new Integer(toSwap)); } //get them from persistent buffer Iterator captchasRatiosit = captchasRatios.mapIterator(); while (captchasRatiosit.hasNext() && !shutdownCalled) { Locale locale = (Locale); int swap = ((Integer) captchasRatios.get(locale)).intValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("try to swap " + swap + " Captchas from persistent to volatile memory with locale : " + locale.toString()); } Collection temp = this.persistentBuffer.removeCaptcha(swap, locale); this.volatileBuffer.putAllCaptcha(temp, locale); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("swaped " + temp.size() + " Captchas from persistent to volatile memory with locale : " + locale.toString()); } //stats persistentMemoryHits += temp.size(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("new volatil Buffer size : " + volatileBuffer.size()); } // stats persistentToVolatileSwaps++; } /** * Method launch by a scheduler to feed the disk buffer with captcha. The ratio of feeding for each locale is * defined in the configuration component. */ public void feedPersistentBuffer() { log.debug("entering feedPersistentBuffer()"); //evaluate the total feed size int freePersistentBufferSize = config.getMaxPersistentMemorySize().intValue() - persistentBuffer.size(); freePersistentBufferSize = freePersistentBufferSize > 0 ? freePersistentBufferSize : 0; int totalFeedsize = freePersistentBufferSize > config.getFeedSize().intValue() ? config.getFeedSize().intValue() : freePersistentBufferSize;"Starting feed. Total feed size = " + totalFeedsize); //feed the buffer for each locale MapIterator it = config.getLocaleRatio().mapIterator(); while (it.hasNext() && !shutdownCalled) { Locale locale = (Locale); double ratio = ((Double) it.getValue()).doubleValue(); int ratioCount = (int) Math.round(totalFeedsize * ratio); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("construct " + ratioCount + " captchas for locale " + locale.toString()); } //batch build and store captchas int toBuild = ratioCount; while (toBuild > 0 && !shutdownCalled) { int batch = toBuild > config.getFeedBatchSize().intValue() ? config.getFeedBatchSize().intValue() : toBuild; ArrayList captchas = new ArrayList(batch); //build captchas, batch sized int builded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) { try { captchas.add(engine.getNextCaptcha(locale)); builded++; } catch (CaptchaException e) { log.warn("Error during captcha construction, skip this one : ", e); } } //persist persistentBuffer.putAllCaptcha(captchas, locale); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"feeded persistent buffer with " + builded + " captchas for locale " + locale); } toBuild -= builded; } }"Stopping feed : feeded persitentBuffer with : " + totalFeedsize + " captchas");"Stopping feed : resulting persitentBuffer size : " + persistentBuffer.size()); persistentFeedings++; } public ContainerConfiguration getConfig() { return config; } public CaptchaBuffer getPersistentBuffer() { return persistentBuffer; } public Integer getPersistentFeedings() { return new Integer(persistentFeedings); } public Integer getPersistentMemoryHits() { return new Integer(persistentMemoryHits); } public Integer getPersistentToVolatileSwaps() { return new Integer(persistentToVolatileSwaps); } public CaptchaBuffer getVolatileBuffer() { return volatileBuffer; } public Integer getVolatileMemoryHits() { return new Integer(volatileMemoryHits); } class Shutdown extends Thread { public Shutdown() { super(); } public void run() {"Buffered engine shutdown thread started"); shutdownCalled = true; try { closeBuffers(); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } } public void closeBuffers() { this.persistentBuffer.dispose(); this.volatileBuffer.dispose();"Buffers disposed"); } }