Java tutorial
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.ocs.dynamo.ui.component; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import com.ocs.dynamo.domain.AbstractEntity; import com.ocs.dynamo.domain.model.AttributeModel; import com.ocs.dynamo.domain.model.EntityModel; import com.ocs.dynamo.service.BaseService; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect.ItemCaptionMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.ListSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; /** * A ListSelect component with an extra combo box for easily searching items * * @author bas.rutten * * @param <ID> * the type of the ID of the entity * @param <T> * the type of the entity */ public class FancyListSelect<ID extends Serializable, T extends AbstractEntity<ID>> extends QuickAddEntityField<ID, T, Object> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8129335343598146079L; /** * Indicates whether it is allowed to add items */ private boolean addAllowed; /** * Button for clearing the selection */ private Button clearButton; /** * The combo box for selecting an item */ private EntityComboBox<ID, T> comboBox; /** * the bean containers that holds the selected values */ private BeanItemContainer<T> container; /** * The filters to apply to the search dialog */ private Filter filter; /** * The ListSelect component that shows the selected values */ private ListSelect listSelect; /** * The button for removing an item */ private Button removeButton; /** * The button that brings up the search dialog */ private Button selectButton; /** * The sort order to apply to the combo box */ private SortOrder[] sortOrders; /** * Constructor * * @param service * the service used to query the database * @param entityModel * the entity model * @param attributeModel * the attribute mode * @param filters * the filter to apply when searching * @param search * whether the component is used in a search screen * @param sortOrder * the sort order * @param joins * the joins to use when fetching data when filling the popup dialog */ public FancyListSelect(BaseService<ID, T> service, EntityModel<T> entityModel, AttributeModel attributeModel, Filter filter, boolean search, SortOrder... sortOrders) { super(service, entityModel, attributeModel); this.sortOrders = sortOrders; this.filter = filter; this.addAllowed = !search && (attributeModel != null && attributeModel.isQuickAddAllowed()); container = new BeanItemContainer<>(getEntityModel().getEntityClass()); listSelect = new ListSelect(null, container); comboBox = new EntityComboBox<ID, T>(getEntityModel(), getAttributeModel(), getService(), this.filter, sortOrders); } @Override protected void afterNewEntityAdded(T entity) { comboBox.addEntity(entity); container.addBean(entity); copyValueFromContainer(); } private void copyValueFromContainer() { Collection<T> values = container.getItemIds(); setValue(new HashSet<>(values)); } public ListSelect getListSelect() { return listSelect; } public EntityComboBox<ID, T> getComboBox() { return comboBox; } public SortOrder[] getSortOrders() { return sortOrders; } @Override public Class<? extends Object> getType() { return Object.class; } @Override protected Component initContent() { VerticalLayout layout = new DefaultVerticalLayout(false, false); HorizontalLayout firstBar = new DefaultHorizontalLayout(false, false, true); firstBar.setSizeFull(); comboBox.setCaption(null); comboBox.setSizeFull(); firstBar.addComponent(comboBox); layout.addComponent(firstBar); HorizontalLayout secondBar = new DefaultHorizontalLayout(false, true, true); firstBar.addComponent(secondBar); // button for selecting an item selectButton = new Button(getMessageService().getMessage("")); selectButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2333147549550914035L; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (comboBox.getValue() != null) { if (!container.containsId(comboBox.getValue())) { container.addBean((T) comboBox.getValue()); copyValueFromContainer(); } } comboBox.setValue(null); } }); secondBar.addComponent(selectButton); // adds a button for removing the selected items from the list select removeButton = new Button(getMessageService().getMessage("ocs.remove")); removeButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1761776309410298236L; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Object value = listSelect.getValue(); if (value instanceof Collection) { Collection<T> col = (Collection<T>) value; for (T t : col) { container.removeItem(t); copyValueFromContainer(); } } } }); secondBar.addComponent(removeButton); // add a button for removing all items at once clearButton = new Button(getMessageService().getMessage("ocs.clear")); clearButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1761776309410298236L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // clear the container setValue(new HashSet<>()); copyValueFromContainer(); } }); secondBar.addComponent(clearButton); if (addAllowed) { Button addButton = constructAddButton(); secondBar.addComponent(addButton); } listSelect.setSizeFull(); listSelect.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listSelect.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); listSelect.setItemCaptionPropertyId(getEntityModel().getDisplayProperty()); listSelect.setMultiSelect(true); layout.addComponent(listSelect); return layout; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void repopulateContainer(Object value) { if (container != null) { container.removeAllItems(); if (value != null && value instanceof Collection) { container.addAll((Collection<T>) value); } } } @Override protected void setInternalValue(Object newValue) { super.setInternalValue(newValue); repopulateContainer(newValue); } public void setRows(int rows) { if (listSelect != null) { listSelect.setRows(rows); } } @Override public void setValue(Object newFieldValue) throws, ConversionException { super.setValue(newFieldValue); repopulateContainer(newFieldValue); } }