Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.nxttxn.vramel.components.rabbitMQ; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import; import com.nxttxn.vramel.Consumer; import com.nxttxn.vramel.Exchange; import com.nxttxn.vramel.ExchangePattern; import com.nxttxn.vramel.Message; import com.nxttxn.vramel.Processor; import com.nxttxn.vramel.Producer; import com.nxttxn.vramel.impl.DefaultEndpoint; import com.nxttxn.vramel.impl.DefaultExchange; import com.nxttxn.vramel.impl.DefaultMessage; import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP; import com.rabbitmq.client.Address; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.Envelope; import com.rabbitmq.client.LongString; //@UriEndpoint(scheme = "rabbitMQ", consumerClass = RabbitMQConsumer.class, label = "messaging") public class RabbitMQEndpoint extends DefaultEndpoint { // @UriPath private String hostname; // @UriPath private int portNumber; // @UriPath private String exchangeName; // @UriParam(defaultValue = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_USER) private String username = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_USER; // @UriParam(defaultValue = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_PASS) private String password = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_PASS; // @UriParam(defaultValue = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_VHOST) private String vhost = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_VHOST; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "10") private int threadPoolSize = 10; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "true") private boolean autoAck = true; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "true") private boolean autoDelete = true; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "true") private boolean durable = true; // Default deliveryMode if not set on message, by default only use RabbitMQConstants.DELIVERY_MODE private Integer deliveryMode; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "false") private boolean bridgeEndpoint; private String queue = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID().toString().hashCode()); // @UriParam(defaultValue = "direct") private String exchangeType = "direct"; // @UriParam private String routingKey; // @UriParam private Address[] addresses; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) private int connectionTimeout = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX) private int requestedChannelMax = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_FRAME_MAX) private int requestedFrameMax = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_FRAME_MAX; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "" + ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT) private int requestedHeartbeat = ConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT; // @UriParam private String sslProtocol; // @UriParam private TrustManager trustManager; // @UriParam private Map<String, Object> clientProperties; // @UriParam private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "false") private Boolean automaticRecoveryEnabled; // @UriParam private Integer networkRecoveryInterval = 5000; // @UriParam(defaultValue = "false") private Boolean topologyRecoveryEnabled; //If it is true, prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal will be used for basicOqs before starting RabbitMQConsumer // @UriParam(defaultValue = "false") private boolean prefetchEnabled; //Default in RabbitMq is 0. // @UriParam private int prefetchSize; // @UriParam private int prefetchCount; //Default value in RabbitMQ is false. // @UriParam(defaultValue = "false") private boolean prefetchGlobal; /** * Number of concurrent consumer threads */ // @UriParam(defaultValue = "1") private int concurrentConsumers = 1; //Declares a queue and exchange in RabbitMQ, then binds both. // @UriParam(defaultValue = "true") private boolean declare = true; //Declare dead letter exchange. // @UriParam private String deadLetterExchange; //Declare dead letter routing key. // @UriParam private String deadLetterRoutingKey; //Declare dead letter queue to declare. // @UriParam private String deadLetterQueue; //Dead letter exchange type. // @UriParam(defaultValue = "direct") private String deadLetterExchangeType = "direct"; //Maximum number of opened channel in pool // @UriParam(defaultValue = "10") private int channelPoolMaxSize = 10; //Maximum time (in milliseconds) waiting for channel // @UriParam(defaultValue = "1000") private long channelPoolMaxWait = 1000; public RabbitMQEndpoint() { } public RabbitMQEndpoint(String endpointUri, RabbitMQComponent component) throws URISyntaxException { super(endpointUri, component); } public RabbitMQEndpoint(String endpointUri, RabbitMQComponent component, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) throws URISyntaxException { super(endpointUri, component); this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; } public Exchange createRabbitExchange(Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) { Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(getVramelContext(), getExchangePattern(getExchangeType())); Message message = new DefaultMessage(); exchange.setIn(message); message.setHeader(RabbitMQConstants.ROUTING_KEY, envelope.getRoutingKey()); message.setHeader(RabbitMQConstants.EXCHANGE_NAME, envelope.getExchange()); message.setHeader(RabbitMQConstants.DELIVERY_TAG, envelope.getDeliveryTag()); Map<String, Object> headers = properties.getHeaders(); if (headers != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : headers.entrySet()) { // Convert LongStrings to String. if (entry.getValue() instanceof LongString) { message.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } else if (entry.getKey().equals(RabbitMQConstants.VRAMEL_SERIALIZABLE_HEADERS)) { SerializableHeaderContainer serializedHeaders = new SerializableHeaderContainer( (byte[]) entry.getValue()); serializedHeaders.deserializeInto(message); } else { message.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } message.setBody(body); return exchange; } private ExchangePattern getExchangePattern(String exchangeType) { return (exchangeType == "direct" ? ExchangePattern.InOut : ExchangePattern.InOnly); } @Override public Consumer createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception { RabbitMQConsumer consumer = new RabbitMQConsumer(this, processor); configureConsumer(consumer); return consumer; } public Connection connect(ExecutorService executor) throws IOException { if (getAddresses() == null) { return getOrCreateConnectionFactory().newConnection(executor); } else { return getOrCreateConnectionFactory().newConnection(executor, getAddresses()); } } /** * If needed, declare Exchange, declare Queue and bind them with Routing Key */ public void declareExchangeAndQueue(Channel channel) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Object> queueArgs = null; if (deadLetterExchange != null) { queueArgs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); queueArgs.put(RabbitMQConstants.RABBITMQ_DEAD_LETTER_EXCHANGE, getDeadLetterExchange()); queueArgs.put(RabbitMQConstants.RABBITMQ_DEAD_LETTER_ROUTING_KEY, getDeadLetterRoutingKey()); channel.exchangeDeclare(getDeadLetterExchange(), getDeadLetterExchangeType(), isDurable(), isAutoDelete(), new HashMap<String, Object>()); channel.queueDeclare(getDeadLetterQueue(), isDurable(), false, isAutoDelete(), null); channel.queueBind(getDeadLetterQueue(), getDeadLetterExchange(), getDeadLetterRoutingKey() == null ? "" : getDeadLetterRoutingKey()); } channel.exchangeDeclare(getExchangeName(), getExchangeType(), isDurable(), isAutoDelete(), new HashMap<String, Object>()); if (getQueue() != null) { // need to make sure the queueDeclare is same with the exchange declare channel.queueDeclare(getQueue(), isDurable(), false, isAutoDelete(), queueArgs); channel.queueBind(getQueue(), getExchangeName(), getRoutingKey() == null ? "" : getRoutingKey()); } } private ConnectionFactory getOrCreateConnectionFactory() { if (connectionFactory == null) { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUsername(getUsername()); factory.setPassword(getPassword()); factory.setVirtualHost(getVhost()); factory.setHost(getHostname()); factory.setPort(getPortNumber()); if (getClientProperties() != null) { factory.setClientProperties(getClientProperties()); } factory.setConnectionTimeout(getConnectionTimeout()); factory.setRequestedChannelMax(getRequestedChannelMax()); factory.setRequestedFrameMax(getRequestedFrameMax()); factory.setRequestedHeartbeat(getRequestedHeartbeat()); if (getSslProtocol() != null) { try { if (getSslProtocol().equals("true")) { factory.useSslProtocol(); } else if (getTrustManager() == null) { factory.useSslProtocol(getSslProtocol()); } else { factory.useSslProtocol(getSslProtocol(), getTrustManager()); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyManagementException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sslProtocol " + sslProtocol, e); } } if (getAutomaticRecoveryEnabled() != null) { factory.setAutomaticRecoveryEnabled(getAutomaticRecoveryEnabled()); } if (getNetworkRecoveryInterval() != null) { factory.setNetworkRecoveryInterval(getNetworkRecoveryInterval()); } if (getTopologyRecoveryEnabled() != null) { factory.setTopologyRecoveryEnabled(getTopologyRecoveryEnabled()); } connectionFactory = factory; } return connectionFactory; } @Override public Producer createProducer() throws Exception { return new RabbitMQProducer(this); } @Override public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } protected ExecutorService createExecutor() { if (getVramelContext() != null) { return getVramelContext().getExecutorServiceManager().newFixedThreadPool(this, "RabbitMQConsumer", getThreadPoolSize()); } else { return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(getThreadPoolSize()); } } public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getVhost() { return vhost; } public void setVhost(String vhost) { this.vhost = vhost; } public String getHostname() { return hostname; } public void setHostname(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; } public int getThreadPoolSize() { return threadPoolSize; } public void setThreadPoolSize(int threadPoolSize) { this.threadPoolSize = threadPoolSize; } public int getPortNumber() { return portNumber; } public void setPortNumber(int portNumber) { this.portNumber = portNumber; } public boolean isAutoAck() { return autoAck; } public void setAutoAck(boolean autoAck) { this.autoAck = autoAck; } public boolean isAutoDelete() { return autoDelete; } public void setAutoDelete(boolean autoDelete) { this.autoDelete = autoDelete; } public boolean isDurable() { return durable; } public void setDurable(boolean durable) { this.durable = durable; } public Integer getDeliveryMode() { return deliveryMode; } public void setDeliveryMode(Integer deliveryMode) { this.deliveryMode = deliveryMode; } public String getQueue() { return queue; } public void setQueue(String queue) { this.queue = queue; } public String getExchangeName() { return exchangeName; } public void setExchangeName(String exchangeName) { this.exchangeName = exchangeName; } public String getExchangeType() { return exchangeType; } public void setExchangeType(String exchangeType) { this.exchangeType = exchangeType; } public String getRoutingKey() { return routingKey; } public void setRoutingKey(String routingKey) { this.routingKey = routingKey; } public void setBridgeEndpoint(boolean bridgeEndpoint) { this.bridgeEndpoint = bridgeEndpoint; } public boolean isBridgeEndpoint() { return bridgeEndpoint; } public void setAddresses(String addresses) { Address[] addressArray = Address.parseAddresses(addresses); if (addressArray.length > 0) { this.addresses = addressArray; } } public Address[] getAddresses() { return addresses; } public int getConnectionTimeout() { return connectionTimeout; } public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) { this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout; } public int getRequestedChannelMax() { return requestedChannelMax; } public void setRequestedChannelMax(int requestedChannelMax) { this.requestedChannelMax = requestedChannelMax; } public int getRequestedFrameMax() { return requestedFrameMax; } public void setRequestedFrameMax(int requestedFrameMax) { this.requestedFrameMax = requestedFrameMax; } public int getRequestedHeartbeat() { return requestedHeartbeat; } public void setRequestedHeartbeat(int requestedHeartbeat) { this.requestedHeartbeat = requestedHeartbeat; } public String getSslProtocol() { return sslProtocol; } public void setSslProtocol(String sslProtocol) { this.sslProtocol = sslProtocol; } public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return connectionFactory; } public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; } public TrustManager getTrustManager() { return trustManager; } public void setTrustManager(TrustManager trustManager) { this.trustManager = trustManager; } public Map<String, Object> getClientProperties() { return clientProperties; } public void setClientProperties(Map<String, Object> clientProperties) { this.clientProperties = clientProperties; } public Boolean getAutomaticRecoveryEnabled() { return automaticRecoveryEnabled; } public void setAutomaticRecoveryEnabled(Boolean automaticRecoveryEnabled) { this.automaticRecoveryEnabled = automaticRecoveryEnabled; } public Integer getNetworkRecoveryInterval() { return networkRecoveryInterval; } public void setNetworkRecoveryInterval(Integer networkRecoveryInterval) { this.networkRecoveryInterval = networkRecoveryInterval; } public Boolean getTopologyRecoveryEnabled() { return topologyRecoveryEnabled; } public void setTopologyRecoveryEnabled(Boolean topologyRecoveryEnabled) { this.topologyRecoveryEnabled = topologyRecoveryEnabled; } public boolean isPrefetchEnabled() { return prefetchEnabled; } public void setPrefetchEnabled(boolean prefetchEnabled) { this.prefetchEnabled = prefetchEnabled; } public void setPrefetchSize(int prefetchSize) { this.prefetchSize = prefetchSize; } public int getPrefetchSize() { return prefetchSize; } public void setPrefetchCount(int prefetchCount) { this.prefetchCount = prefetchCount; } public int getPrefetchCount() { return prefetchCount; } public void setPrefetchGlobal(boolean prefetchGlobal) { this.prefetchGlobal = prefetchGlobal; } public boolean isPrefetchGlobal() { return prefetchGlobal; } public int getConcurrentConsumers() { return concurrentConsumers; } public void setConcurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers) { this.concurrentConsumers = concurrentConsumers; } public boolean isDeclare() { return declare; } public void setDeclare(boolean declare) { this.declare = declare; } public String getDeadLetterExchange() { return deadLetterExchange; } public void setDeadLetterExchange(String deadLetterExchange) { this.deadLetterExchange = deadLetterExchange; } public String getDeadLetterQueue() { return deadLetterQueue; } public void setDeadLetterQueue(String deadLetterQueue) { this.deadLetterQueue = deadLetterQueue; } public String getDeadLetterRoutingKey() { return deadLetterRoutingKey; } public void setDeadLetterRoutingKey(String deadLetterRoutingKey) { this.deadLetterRoutingKey = deadLetterRoutingKey; } public String getDeadLetterExchangeType() { return deadLetterExchangeType; } public void setDeadLetterExchangeType(String deadLetterExchangeType) { this.deadLetterExchangeType = deadLetterExchangeType; } /** * Get maximum number of opened channel in pool * * @return Maximum number of opened channel in pool */ public int getChannelPoolMaxSize() { return channelPoolMaxSize; } /** * Set maximum number of opened channel in pool * * @param channelPoolMaxSize Maximum number of opened channel in pool */ public void setChannelPoolMaxSize(int channelPoolMaxSize) { this.channelPoolMaxSize = channelPoolMaxSize; } /** * Get the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a channel from the pool * * @return Maximum number of milliseconds waiting for a channel */ public long getChannelPoolMaxWait() { return channelPoolMaxWait; } /** * Set the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a channel from the pool * * @param channelPoolMaxWait Maximum number of milliseconds waiting for a channel */ public void setChannelPoolMaxWait(long channelPoolMaxWait) { this.channelPoolMaxWait = channelPoolMaxWait; } }