Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.nway.spring.jdbc.bean; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; import; import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils; import com.nway.spring.classwork.DynamicObjectException; import com.nway.spring.jdbc.annotation.Column; import javassist.ClassPool; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtMethod; import javassist.CtNewMethod; import javassist.LoaderClassPath; /** * <p> * <code>BeanProcessor</code> matches column names to bean property names and converts * <code>ResultSet</code> columns into objects for those bean properties. Subclasses should override * the methods in the processing chain to customize behavior. * </p> * * <p> * This class is thread-safe. * </p> * * apache-dbutilsbean, * <p> * * @since DbUtils 1.1 */ class JavassistBeanProcessor implements BeanProcessor { private static final Map<String, DbBeanFactory> DBBEANFACTORY_CACHE = new HashMap<String, DbBeanFactory>(); /** * Special array value used by <code>mapColumnsToProperties</code> that indicates there is no * bean property that matches a column from a <code>ResultSet</code>. */ private static final int PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = -1; /** * Convert a <code>ResultSet</code> into a <code>List</code> of JavaBeans. This implementation * uses reflection and <code>BeanInfo</code> classes to match column names to bean property * names. Properties are matched to columns based on several factors: <br/> * <ol> * <li> * The class has a writable property with the same name as a column. The name comparison is case * insensitive.</li> * * <li> * The column type can be converted to the property's set method parameter type with a * ResultSet.get* method. If the conversion fails (ie. the property was an int and the column * was a Timestamp) an SQLException is thrown.</li> * </ol> * * <p> * Primitive bean properties are set to their defaults when SQL NULL is returned from the * <code>ResultSet</code>. Numeric fields are set to 0 and booleans are set to false. Object * bean properties are set to <code>null</code> when SQL NULL is returned. This is the same * behavior as the <code>ResultSet</code> get* methods. * </p> * * @param <T> The type of bean to create * @param rs ResultSet that supplies the bean data * @param type Class from which to create the bean instance * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs * @return the newly created List of beans */ public <T> List<T> toBeanList(ResultSet rs, Class<T> type, String cacheKey) throws SQLException { if (! { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>(); //String cacheKey = DynamicClassUtils.makeCacheKey(rs, type.getName()); do { results.add(toBean(rs, type, cacheKey)); } while (; return results; } /** * beanbean * <p> * * <b>ASMbeanjavassistbean{@link * this#createBeanByJavassist(ResultSet, Class, String)}</b> * * @param <T> * @param rs {@link ResultSet} * @param type bean * @param querying sql * @return bean * * @throws SQLException */ public <T> T toBean(ResultSet rs, Class<T> type) throws SQLException { return toBean(rs, type, null); } public <T> T toBean(ResultSet rs, Class<T> type, String cacheKey) throws SQLException { if (cacheKey == null) { cacheKey = DynamicClassUtils.makeCacheKey(rs, type.getName()); } /* * * DbBeanFactory * type */ // synchronized (type) { return createBeanByJavassist(rs, type, cacheKey); // } } private <T> T createBeanByJavassist(ResultSet rs, Class<T> mappedClass, String key) throws SQLException { DbBeanFactory dynamicRse = DBBEANFACTORY_CACHE.get(key); // if (dynamicRse != null) { return dynamicRse.createBean(rs, mappedClass); } T bean = this.newInstance(mappedClass); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); PropertyDescriptor[] props = BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(mappedClass); int[] columnToProperty = this.mapColumnsToProperties(rsmd, props); StringBuilder handlerScript = new StringBuilder(); handlerScript.append("{").append(mappedClass.getName()).append(" bean = new ").append(mappedClass.getName()) .append("();\n"); PropertyDescriptor desc = null; for (int i = 1; i < columnToProperty.length; i++) { if (columnToProperty[i] == PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { continue; } desc = props[columnToProperty[i]]; Class<?> propType = desc.getPropertyType(); Object value = processColumn(rs, i, propType, desc.getWriteMethod().getName(), handlerScript); this.callSetter(bean, desc, value); } handlerScript.append("return bean;"); handlerScript.append("}"); try { ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault(); classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader())); CtClass ctHandler = classPool.makeClass(DynamicClassUtils.getBeanProcessorName(mappedClass)); ctHandler.setSuperclass(classPool.get("com.nway.spring.jdbc.bean.DbBeanFactory")); CtMethod mapRow = CtNewMethod.make( "public Object createBean(java.sql.ResultSet rs, Class type) throws java.sql.SQLException{return null;}", ctHandler); mapRow.setGenericSignature("<T:Ljava/lang/Object;>(Ljava/sql/ResultSet;Ljava/lang/Class<TT;>;)TT;"); mapRow.setBody(handlerScript.toString()); ctHandler.addMethod(mapRow); DBBEANFACTORY_CACHE.put(key, (DbBeanFactory) ctHandler.toClass().newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DynamicObjectException("javassist [ " + mappedClass.getName() + " ] ", e); } return bean; } /** * Calls the setter method on the target object for the given property. If no setter method * exists for the property, this method does nothing. * * @param target The object to set the property on. * @param prop The property to set. * @param value The value to pass into the setter. * @throws SQLException if an error occurs setting the property. */ private void callSetter(Object target, PropertyDescriptor prop, Object value) throws SQLException { Method setter = prop.getWriteMethod(); if (setter == null) { return; } try { // Don't call setter if the value object isn't the right type // if (this.isCompatibleType(value, params[0])) { setter.invoke(target, new Object[] { value }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot set " + prop.getName() + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } /** * Factory method that returns a new instance of the given Class. This is called at the start of * the bean creation process and may be overridden to provide custom behavior like returning a * cached bean instance. * * @param <T> The type of object to create * @param c The Class to create an object from. * @return A newly created object of the Class. * @throws SQLException if creation failed. */ private <T> T newInstance(Class<T> c) throws SQLException { try { return c.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot create " + c.getName() + ": " + e.toString(), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot create " + c.getName() + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } /** * The positions in the returned array represent column numbers. The values stored at each * position represent the index in the <code>PropertyDescriptor[]</code> for the bean property * that matches the column name. If no bean property was found for a column, the position is set * to <code>PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND</code>. * * @param rsmd The <code>ResultSetMetaData</code> containing column information. * * @param props The bean property descriptors. * * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs * * @return An int[] with column index to property index mappings. The 0th element is meaningless * because JDBC column indexing starts at 1. */ private int[] mapColumnsToProperties(ResultSetMetaData rsmd, PropertyDescriptor[] props) throws SQLException { int cols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int[] columnToProperty = new int[cols + 1]; Arrays.fill(columnToProperty, PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND); for (int col = 1; col <= cols; col++) { String columnName = rsmd.getColumnLabel(col); for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { Column columnAnnotation = props[i].getReadMethod().getAnnotation(Column.class); if (columnAnnotation == null) { //'_' if (columnName.replace("_", "").equalsIgnoreCase(props[i].getName())) { columnToProperty[col] = i; break; } } else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(columnAnnotation.value()) || columnName.equalsIgnoreCase( { columnToProperty[col] = i; break; } } } return columnToProperty; } private Object processColumn(ResultSet rs, int index, Class<?> propType, String writer, StringBuilder handler) throws SQLException { if (propType.equals(String.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getString(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getString(index); } else if (propType.equals(Integer.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getInt(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getInt(index); } else if (propType.equals(Integer.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("integerValue($1.getInt(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Integer.class); } else if (propType.equals(Long.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getLong(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getLong(index); } else if (propType.equals(Long.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("longValue($1.getLong(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Long.class); } else if (propType.equals(java.sql.Date.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getDate(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getDate(index); } else if (propType.equals(java.util.Date.class) || propType.equals(Timestamp.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getTimestamp(").append(index) .append("));"); return rs.getTimestamp(index); } else if (propType.equals(Double.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getDouble(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getDouble(index); } else if (propType.equals(Double.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("doubleValue($1.getDouble(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Double.class); } else if (propType.equals(Float.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getFloat(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getFloat(index); } else if (propType.equals(Float.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("floatValue($1.getFloat(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Float.class); } else if (propType.equals(Time.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getTime(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getTime(index); } else if (propType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getBoolean(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getBoolean(index); } else if (propType.equals(Boolean.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("booleanValue($1.getBoolean(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Boolean.class); } else if (propType.equals(byte[].class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getBytes(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getBytes(index); } else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(propType)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getBigDecimal(").append(index) .append("));"); return rs.getBigDecimal(index); } else if (Blob.class.equals(propType)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getBlob(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getBlob(index); } else if (Clob.class.equals(propType)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getClob(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getClob(index); } else if (propType.equals(Short.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getShort(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getShort(index); } else if (propType.equals(Short.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("shortValue($1.getShort(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Short.class); } else if (propType.equals(Byte.TYPE)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("$1.getByte(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getByte(index); } else if (propType.equals(Byte.class)) { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("byteValue($1.getByte(").append(index) .append("),$1.wasNull()));"); return JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(rs, index, Byte.class); } else { handler.append("bean.").append(writer).append("(").append("(").append(propType.getName()).append(")") .append("$1.getObject(").append(index).append("));"); return rs.getObject(index); } } }