Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017. Nuvolect LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Contact for a less restrictive commercial license if you would like to use the * software without the GPLv3 restrictions. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, * see <>. * */ package com.nuvolect.securesuite.webserver.connector;// import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.main.CConst; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.util.FileUtil; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.util.LogUtil; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.util.OmniFile; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.util.OmniFiles; import com.nuvolect.securesuite.webserver.connector.base.ConnectorJsonCommand; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.nuvolect.securesuite.util.LogUtil.logException; /** * <pre> * Process file upload requests. Client may request the upload of multiple files at once. * * Arguments (HTTP POST): * * cmd : upload *> target : hash of the directory to upload *> upload[] : array of multipart files to upload *> upload_path[] : array of target directory hash, it has been a pair with upload[]. (specified at folder upload) *> mtime[] : array of files UNIX time stamp, it has been a pair with upload[]. *> renames[] : array of rename request filenames *> suffix : rename suffix *> hashes[hash] : array of hash: filename pairs * * Response: An array of successfully uploaded files if success, an error otherwise. * *> added : (Array) of files that were successfully uploaded. Information about File/Directory * * If the files could not be uploaded, also return warning. * *> warning : (Array) of error messages like a errors * * Chunked uploads * * Chunking Extra arguments: * *> chunk : chunk name "filename.[NUMBER]_[TOTAL].part" *> cid : unique id of chunked uploading file *> range : Bytes range of file "Start byte,Chunk length,Total bytes" * * Response: * *> added : (Array) empty array *> _chunkmerged : (String) file name of server side.ONLY when the upload of all the chunk file has been completed. *> _name : (String) uploading file name. ONLY when the upload of all the chunk file has been completed. * * Chunk merge request (When receive _chunkmerged, _name) * * Extra arguments: * *> upload[] : Value of _name *> chunk : Value of _chunkmerged * * Response: * *> added : (Array) of files that were successfully uploaded. Information about File/Directory * * POST DATA: * ------WebKitFormBoundary79xNBbwg7czVfc7l Content-Disposition: form-data; name="cmd" upload ------WebKitFormBoundary79xNBbwg7czVfc7l Content-Disposition: form-data; name="target" l2_Lw ------WebKitFormBoundary79xNBbwg7czVfc7l Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload[]"; filename="Very Nice.txt" Content-Type: text/plain With nice content. ------WebKitFormBoundary79xNBbwg7czVfc7l-- Files over 10MB are chunked 0 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5093} "cmd" -> "upload" 1 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5094} "chunk" -> "Kepler jumpy puppy.mp4.0_4.part" 2 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5095} "target" -> "l0_L3N0b3JhZ2UvZW11bGF0ZWQvMC9Nb3ZpZXMvS2VwbGVy" 3 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5096} "cid" -> "1463563961531" 4 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5097} "upload[]" -> "blob" 5 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5098} "upload_path[]" -> 6 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5099} "range" -> "0,10485760,47858929" 7 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5100} "queryParameterStrings" -> "null" 0 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5124} "cmd" -> "upload" 1 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5125} "chunk" -> "Kepler jumpy puppy.mp4.1_4.part" 2 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5126} "target" -> "l0_L3N0b3JhZ2UvZW11bGF0ZWQvMC9Nb3ZpZXMvS2VwbGVy" 3 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5127} "cid" -> "1463563961531" 4 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5128} "upload[]" -> "blob" 5 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5129} "upload_path[]" -> 6 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5130} "range" -> "10485760,10485760,47858929" 7 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5131} "queryParameterStrings" -> "null" 0 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5156} "cmd" -> "upload" 1 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5157} "chunk" -> "Kepler jumpy puppy.mp4.3_4.part" 2 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5158} "target" -> "l0_L3N0b3JhZ2UvZW11bGF0ZWQvMC9Nb3ZpZXMvS2VwbGVy" 3 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5159} "cid" -> "1463563961531" 4 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5160} "upload[]" -> "blob" 5 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5161} "upload_path[]" -> 6 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5162} "range" -> "31457280,10485760,47858929" 7 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5163} "queryParameterStrings" -> "null" 0 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5188} "cmd" -> "upload" 1 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5189} "chunk" -> "Kepler jumpy puppy.mp4.4_4.part" 2 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5190} "target" -> "l0_L3N0b3JhZ2UvZW11bGF0ZWQvMC9Nb3ZpZXMvS2VwbGVy" 3 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5191} "cid" -> "1463563961531" 4 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5192} "upload[]" -> "blob" 5 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5193} "upload_path[]" -> 6 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5194} "range" -> "41943040,5915889,47858929" 7 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5195} "queryParameterStrings" -> "null" 0 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5222} "cmd" -> "upload" 1 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5223} "chunk" -> "Kepler jumpy puppy.mp4.2_4.part" 2 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5224} "target" -> "l0_L3N0b3JhZ2UvZW11bGF0ZWQvMC9Nb3ZpZXMvS2VwbGVy" 3 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5225} "cid" -> "1463563961531" 4 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5226} "upload[]" -> "blob" 5 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5227} "upload_path[]" -> 6 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5228} "range" -> "20971520,10485760,47858929" 7 = {java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry@5229} "queryParameterStrings" -> "null" * </pre> */ public class CmdUpload extends ConnectorJsonCommand { private static boolean DEBUG = LogUtil.DEBUG; /** * Keep a list of all chunks that have been uploaded. * For multi-file upload, chunks can be mixed from different files. * Chunks arrive in random order. * Count chunks matching the base filename to know when all chunks * are uploaded for a specific file. */ private JsonObject fileUploads; private String chunkDirPath; private String dataDir; private static CmdUpload instance; public static CmdUpload getInstance(Context context) { if (instance == null) { instance = new CmdUpload(context); } return instance; } private CmdUpload(Context context) { /** * An object keyed by filename holds an objects of file chunks. * fileUploads * filename1 * chunk_0_5 * chunk_3_5 * filename2 * chunk_2_5 * chunk_4_5 */ fileUploads = new JsonObject(); chunkDirPath = context.getFilesDir() + CConst.CHUNK; dataDir = context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir; clearChunkFiles(); } private void clearChunkFiles() { File chunkDir = new File(chunkDirPath); chunkDir.mkdirs(); File[] files = chunkDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { file.delete(); } } @Override public InputStream go(@NonNull Map<String, String> params) { OmniFile targetDirectory = new OmniFile(params.get("target")); if (!targetDirectory.isDirectory()) { JsonArray warning = new JsonArray(); JsonObject errorObj = new JsonObject(); errorObj.addProperty("error", "Unable to upload files"); warning.add(errorObj); JsonObject wrapper = new JsonObject(); wrapper.add("warning", warning); return getInputStream(wrapper); } /** * Non-chucked files are uploaded in a single upload. * Chunked files are broken into parts. */ if (!params.containsKey("chunk")) { return singleUpload(params, targetDirectory); } return chunksUpload(params, targetDirectory); } /** * Parse the uploads array and copy from temporary storage each * file to the destination folder. */ private InputStream singleUpload(@NonNull Map<String, String> params, OmniFile targetDirectory) { String url = params.get("url"); String targetVolumeId = targetDirectory.getVolumeId(); String destPath = targetDirectory.getPath(); JsonObject wrapper = new JsonObject(); JsonArray added = new JsonArray(); try { JSONArray postUploads = new JSONArray(params.get("post_uploads")); for (int i = 0; i < postUploads.length(); i++) { JSONObject postUpload = postUploads.getJSONObject(i); String uploadFileName = postUpload.getString(CConst.FILE_NAME); String filePath = postUpload.getString(CConst.FILE_PATH); /** * When filePath is empty, a file with zero bytes was uploaded. */ if (filePath.isEmpty()) { filePath = dataDir + File.separator + ".empty_file.txt"; File emptyFile = new File(filePath); FileUtil.writeFile(emptyFile, ""); } File srcFile = new File(filePath); OmniFile destFile = new OmniFile(targetVolumeId, destPath + "/" + uploadFileName); if (!OmniFiles.copyFile(srcFile, destFile)) { JsonArray warning = new JsonArray(); JsonObject errorObj = new JsonObject(); errorObj.addProperty("error", "File copy failure"); warning.add(errorObj); wrapper.add("warning", warning); } JsonObject fileObj = FileObj.makeObj(targetVolumeId, destFile, url); added.add(fileObj); LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "File upload success: " + destFile.getPath()); } wrapper.add("added", added); return getInputStream(wrapper); } catch (JSONException e) { logException(CmdUpload.class, e); } return null; } /** * Collect chunk data until last chuck is received, then assemble the uploaded file. * * EXAMPLE, 60.3MB file: * "cmd" -> "upload" * "mtime[]" -> "1489684754" * "cid" -> "697767115" * "upload_path[]" -> "l0_L3Rlc3QvdG1w" * "range" -> "0,10485760,60323475" x "post_uploads" -> "[{"file_path":"\/data\/user\/0\/com.nuvolect.securesuite.debug\/cache\/NanoHTTPD-340250228","file_name":"blob"}]" * "dropWith" -> "0" * "chunk" -> "kepler_7_weeks.mp4.0_5.part" x "target" -> "l0_L3Rlc3QvdG1w" * "unique_id" -> "1489174097708" * "upload[]" -> "blob" * "queryParameterStrings" -> "cmd=ls&target=l0_L3Rlc3QvdG1w&intersect%5B%5D=kepler_7_weeks.mp4&_=1489697705506" * "uri" -> "/connector" */ private InputStream chunksUpload(@NonNull Map<String, String> params, OmniFile targetDirectory) { String url = params.get("url"); String targetVolumeId = targetDirectory.getVolumeId(); JsonObject wrapper = new JsonObject(); String chunk = params.get("chunk"); String[] parts = chunk.split(Pattern.quote(".")); String[] twoNumbers = parts[parts.length - 2].split("_"); int chunkMax = Integer.valueOf(twoNumbers[1]); String targetFilename = parts[0] + "." + parts[1]; JsonObject fileChunks = new JsonObject(); // Chunks for the target file /** * Parse the uploads array and collect specific of the current chunk. * Metadata for each chunk is saved in a JSONObject using the chunk filename as the key. * Move each chunk from the app:/cache folder to app:/chunk. * When all chunks are uploaded, the target is assembled and chunks deleted. */ JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray postUploads = parser.parse(params.get("post_uploads")).getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < postUploads.size(); i++) { JsonObject postUpload = postUploads.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); //app: /cache/xxx String cachePath = postUpload.get(CConst.FILE_PATH).getAsString(); File cacheFile = new File(cachePath); String chunkPath = chunkDirPath + FilenameUtils.getName(cachePath); File chunkFile = new File(chunkPath); /** * Move the chunk, otherwise Nanohttpd will delete it. */ cacheFile.renameTo(chunkFile); JsonObject chunkObj = new JsonObject(); chunkObj.addProperty("filepath", chunkPath); chunkObj.addProperty("range", params.get("range")); if (fileUploads.has(targetFilename)) { fileChunks = fileUploads.get(targetFilename).getAsJsonObject(); } else { fileChunks = new JsonObject(); } fileChunks.add(chunk, chunkObj); fileUploads.add(targetFilename, fileChunks); } /** * If not complete, return with intermediate results */ if (fileChunks.size() <= chunkMax) { wrapper.add("added", new JsonArray()); return getInputStream(wrapper); } try { int totalSize = 0; /** * All chunks are uploaded. Iterate over the chunk meta data and assemble the file. * Open the target file. */ OmniFile destFile = new OmniFile(targetVolumeId, targetDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + targetFilename); OutputStream destOutputStream = destFile.getOutputStream(); String error = null; for (int i = 0; i <= chunkMax; i++) { String chunkKey = targetFilename + "." + i + "_" + chunkMax + ".part"; if (!fileChunks.has(chunk)) { error = "Missing chunk: " + chunkKey; break; } JsonObject chunkObj = fileChunks.get(chunkKey).getAsJsonObject(); String chunkPath = chunkObj.get("filepath").getAsString(); File sourceFile = new File(chunkPath); if (sourceFile.exists()) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "File exists: " + sourceFile.getPath()); } else { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "File NOT exists: " + sourceFile.getPath()); break; } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); //TODO error check range of bytes from each chunk and compare with chunk bytes copied /** * Append next chunk to the destination file. */ int bytesCopied = OmniFiles.copyFileLeaveOutOpen(fis, destOutputStream); totalSize += bytesCopied; LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "Bytes copied, total: " + bytesCopied + ", " + totalSize); // Delete temp file if (!sourceFile.delete()) { error = "Delete temp file failed : " + sourceFile.getPath(); LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, error); break; } else { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "Removed " + sourceFile.getName()); } } destOutputStream.flush(); destOutputStream.close(); // Done with this file, clean up. fileUploads.remove(targetFilename); JsonArray added = new JsonArray(); if (error == null) { JsonObject fileObj = FileObj.makeObj(targetVolumeId, destFile, url); added.add(fileObj); wrapper.add("added", added); LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.CMD_UPLOAD, "File upload success: " + destFile.getPath()); } else { JsonArray warning = new JsonArray(); warning.add(error); wrapper.add("warning", warning); } return getInputStream(wrapper); } catch (IOException e) { logException(CmdUpload.class, e); clearChunkFiles(); } return null; } }