Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Nu Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.nubits.nubot.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nubits.nubot.models.Amount; import com.nubits.nubot.models.ApiResponse; import com.nubits.nubot.models.Currency; import com.nubits.nubot.models.CurrencyPair; import com.nubits.nubot.notifications.HipChatNotifications; import io.evanwong.oss.hipchat.v2.rooms.MessageColor; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; public class FrozenBalancesManager { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FrozenBalancesManager.class.getName()); private String pathToFrozenBalancesFiles; private FrozenAmount frozenAmount; private ArrayList<HistoryRow> history; private Amount amountAlreadyThere; private Currency toFreezeCurrency; public final static String frozenfolder = Settings.FROZEN_FUNDS_PATH; //Call this on bot startup public FrozenBalancesManager(String exchangName, CurrencyPair pair) { String fileName = pair.toStringSep() + "-" + exchangName + "-frozen.json"; this.pathToFrozenBalancesFiles = frozenfolder + "/" + fileName; if (Global.swappedPair) { toFreezeCurrency = pair.getOrderCurrency(); } else { toFreezeCurrency = pair.getPaymentCurrency(); } this.amountAlreadyThere = new Amount(0, toFreezeCurrency); history = new ArrayList<>(); if (new File(pathToFrozenBalancesFiles).exists()) { parseFrozenBalancesFile(); } else { //Create the file and write 0 on it frozenAmount = new FrozenAmount(new Amount(0, toFreezeCurrency)); updateFrozenFilesystem(); } } public Amount removeFrozenAmount(Amount amount, FrozenAmount frozen) { if (frozen.getAmount().getQuantity() == 0) { return amount; //nothing to freeze } else { if (frozen.getAmount().getQuantity() < amount.getQuantity()) { Currency currentPegCurrency = amount.getCurrency(); Currency frozenCurrency = frozen.getAmount().getCurrency(); if (currentPegCurrency.equals(frozenCurrency)) { double updatedQuantity = amount.getQuantity() - frozen.getAmount().getQuantity(); return new Amount(updatedQuantity, currentPegCurrency); } else { LOG.error("Cannot compare the frozen currency (" + frozenCurrency.getCode() + ") with the peg currency (" + currentPegCurrency + "). " + "Returning original balance without freezing value"); return amount; } } else { LOG.error( "The funds to freeze are greater than the amount found in balance. Please stop the bot and analyze the frozen balance log."); return amount; } } } public void tryKeepProceedsAside(Amount amountFoundInBalance, Amount initialFunds) { if (Global.options.getKeepProceeds() > 0) { if (initialFunds.getQuantity() < amountFoundInBalance.getQuantity()) { double percentageToSetApart = Utils.round(Global.options.getKeepProceeds() / 100, 4); if (percentageToSetApart != 0) { double quantityToFreeze = percentageToSetApart * (amountFoundInBalance.getQuantity() - initialFunds.getQuantity()); Currency curerncyToFreeze = amountFoundInBalance.getCurrency(); Global.frozenBalancesManager .updateFrozenBalance(new Amount(quantityToFreeze, curerncyToFreeze)); HipChatNotifications .sendMessage("" + Utils.formatNumber(quantityToFreeze, Settings.DEFAULT_PRECISION) + " " + curerncyToFreeze.getCode().toUpperCase() + " have been put aside to pay dividends (" + percentageToSetApart * 100 + "% of sale proceedings)" + ". Funds frozen to date = " + Utils.formatNumber(Global.frozenBalancesManager.getFrozenAmount().getAmount() .getQuantity(), Settings.DEFAULT_PRECISION) + " " + curerncyToFreeze.getCode().toUpperCase(), MessageColor.PURPLE); } } else {"Nothing to freeze. The funds initially set apart (" + initialFunds.toString() + ") " + "are greater than the amount found in balance(" + amountFoundInBalance.toString() + ")."); } } } public void freezeNewFunds() { if (Global.options.getKeepProceeds() > 0) { ApiResponse balancesResponse =; if (balancesResponse.isPositive()) { Amount balance = (Amount) balancesResponse.getResponseObject(); balance = removeFrozenAmount(balance, Global.frozenBalancesManager.getFrozenAmount()); double oneNBT = Utils.round(1 / Global.conversion, 8); if (balance.getQuantity() > oneNBT) { tryKeepProceedsAside(balance, Global.frozenBalancesManager.getAmountAlreadyThere()); } setBalanceAlreadyThere(toFreezeCurrency); } else { LOG.error("Cannot get the updated balance"); } } } public void setBalanceAlreadyThere(Currency currency) { boolean success = true; //update the balance of the secondary peg after the shift if (Global.options.getKeepProceeds() > 0) { ApiResponse balancesResponse =; Amount balance = null; if (balancesResponse.isPositive()) { //Here its time to compute the balance to put apart, if any balance = (Amount) balancesResponse.getResponseObject(); balance = removeFrozenAmount(balance, Global.frozenBalancesManager.getFrozenAmount()); //Only set this value is its greater than prev if (balance.getQuantity() > getAmountAlreadyThere().getQuantity()) { setAmountAlreadyThere(balance); } else {"Did not update the balanceAlreadyThere, since its would be smaller(" + balance.toString() + ") than the former value(" + getAmountAlreadyThere().toString() + ") ."); } } else { success = false; } } if (success) { String message = "Frozen funds already in balance (not proceeds) updated : " + Global.frozenBalancesManager.getAmountAlreadyThere().getQuantity() + " " + Global.frozenBalancesManager.getAmountAlreadyThere().getCurrency(); if (Global.options.getKeepProceeds() > 0) {; } else LOG.debug(message); } else { LOG.error("An error occurred while trying to set the balance already there (not proceeds)"); } } //use this method to set frozen amount public void setInitialFrozenAmount(Amount newAmount, boolean writeToFile) { this.frozenAmount = new FrozenAmount(newAmount); if (Global.options.getKeepProceeds() != 0) {"Setting initial frozen amount to : " + Utils.formatNumber(this.frozenAmount.getAmount().getQuantity(), Settings.DEFAULT_PRECISION) + " " + toFreezeCurrency.getCode()); } if (writeToFile) { updateFrozenFilesystem(); } } //Use this method to add frozen balance (on top of the existing balance) public void updateFrozenBalance(Amount toAdd) { double oldQuantity = this.frozenAmount.getAmount().getQuantity(); double quantityToAdd = toAdd.getQuantity(); Amount newAmount = new Amount(oldQuantity + quantityToAdd, toFreezeCurrency); this.frozenAmount = new FrozenAmount(newAmount); //here I could log the history HistoryRow historyRow = new HistoryRow(new Date(), quantityToAdd, toFreezeCurrency.getCode()); history.add(historyRow); updateFrozenFilesystem(); } //Use this method to retreive the updated amount public FrozenAmount getFrozenAmount() { return frozenAmount; } public void reset() { this.frozenAmount = new FrozenAmount(new Amount(0, toFreezeCurrency)); updateFrozenFilesystem(); } private void parseFrozenBalancesFile() { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); String FrozenBalancesManagerString = FilesystemUtils.readFromFile(this.pathToFrozenBalancesFiles); try { JSONObject frozenBalancesJSON = (JSONObject) (parser.parse(FrozenBalancesManagerString)); double quantity = Double.parseDouble((String) frozenBalancesJSON.get("frozen-quantity-total")); Amount frozenAmount = new Amount(quantity, toFreezeCurrency); setInitialFrozenAmount(frozenAmount, false); JSONArray historyArr = (JSONArray) frozenBalancesJSON.get("history"); for (int i = 0; i < historyArr.size(); i++) { JSONObject tempHistoryRow = (JSONObject) historyArr.get(i); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd kk:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); Date timestamp = df.parse((String) tempHistoryRow.get("timestamp")); double frozeQuantity = Double.parseDouble((String) tempHistoryRow.get("froze-quantity")); String currencyCode = (String) tempHistoryRow.get("currency-code"); history.add(new HistoryRow(timestamp, frozeQuantity, currencyCode)); } } catch (ParseException | NumberFormatException | java.text.ParseException e) { LOG.error("Error while parsing the frozen balances file (" + pathToFrozenBalancesFiles + ")\n" + e.toString()); } } private void updateFrozenFilesystem() { String toWrite = ""; JSONObject toWriteJ = new JSONObject(); toWriteJ.put("frozen-quantity-total", Utils.formatNumber(getFrozenAmount().getAmount().getQuantity(), 10)); toWriteJ.put("frozen-currency", getFrozenAmount().getAmount().getCurrency().getCode()); JSONArray historyListJ = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) { JSONObject tempRow = new JSONObject(); HistoryRow tempHistory = history.get(i); if (tempHistory.getFreezedQuantity() > 0.00000001) { tempRow.put("timestamp", tempHistory.getTimestamp().toString()); tempRow.put("froze-quantity", Utils.formatNumber(tempHistory.getFreezedQuantity(), 10)); tempRow.put("currency-code", tempHistory.getCurrencyCode()); historyListJ.add(tempRow); } } toWriteJ.put("history", historyListJ); toWrite += toWriteJ.toString(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement je = jp.parse(toWrite); String toWritePretty = gson.toJson(je); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(pathToFrozenBalancesFiles), toWritePretty);"Updated Froozen Balances file (" + pathToFrozenBalancesFiles + ") : " + Utils.formatNumber(getFrozenAmount().getAmount().getQuantity(), 10) + " " + toFreezeCurrency.getCode()); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString()); } } public Amount getAmountAlreadyThere() { return amountAlreadyThere; } public void setAmountAlreadyThere(Amount amountAlreadyThere) { this.amountAlreadyThere = new Amount(Utils.round(amountAlreadyThere.getQuantity(), 8), amountAlreadyThere.getCurrency()); } public String getCurrencyCode() { return toFreezeCurrency.getCode(); } public class FrozenAmount { private Amount amount; public FrozenAmount(Amount amount) { this.amount = new Amount(Utils.round(amount.getQuantity(), 8), amount.getCurrency()); } public Amount getAmount() { return amount; } public void setAmount(Amount amount) { this.amount = new Amount(Utils.round(amount.getQuantity(), 8), amount.getCurrency()); } @Override public String toString() { return amount.getQuantity() + " " + amount.getCurrency().getCode().toUpperCase(); } } public class HistoryRow { private Date timestamp; private double frozeQuantity; private String currencyCode; public HistoryRow(Date timestamp, double frozeQuantity, String currencyCode) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.frozeQuantity = frozeQuantity; this.currencyCode = currencyCode; } public Date getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public void setTimestamp(Date timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } public double getFreezedQuantity() { return frozeQuantity; } public void setFreezedQuantity(double frozeQuantity) { this.frozeQuantity = frozeQuantity; } public String getCurrencyCode() { return currencyCode; } public void setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode) { this.currencyCode = currencyCode; } @Override public String toString() { return "historyRow{" + "timestamp=" + timestamp + ", frozeQuantity=" + frozeQuantity + ", currencyCode=" + currencyCode + '}'; } } }