Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 desrever <desrever at> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.nubits.nubot.launch; import com.nubits.nubot.RPC.NuRPCClient; import com.nubits.nubot.exchanges.Exchange; import com.nubits.nubot.exchanges.ExchangeLiveData; import; import; import com.nubits.nubot.models.ApiResponse; import com.nubits.nubot.models.Currency; import com.nubits.nubot.models.CurrencyPair; import com.nubits.nubot.notifications.HipChatNotifications; import com.nubits.nubot.notifications.jhipchat.messages.Message; import com.nubits.nubot.options.OptionsJSON; import com.nubits.nubot.options.SecondaryPegOptionsJSON; import com.nubits.nubot.pricefeeds.PriceFeedManager; import com.nubits.nubot.tasks.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask; import com.nubits.nubot.tasks.TaskManager; import com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.PriceMonitorTriggerTask; import com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.StrategySecondaryPegTask; import; import; import; import com.nubits.nubot.utils.FileSystem; import com.nubits.nubot.utils.FrozenBalancesManager; import com.nubits.nubot.utils.Utils; import com.nubits.nubot.utils.logging.NuLogger; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * Provides the main class of NuBot. Instantiate this class to start the NuBot * program * * @author desrever <desrever at> */ public class NuBot { private static final String USAGE_STRING = "java - jar NuBot <path/to/options.json> [path/to/options-part2.json] ... [path/to/options-partN.json]"; private String logsFolder; private static Thread mainThread; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(NuBot.class.getName()); /** * Initialises the NuBot. Check if NuBot has valid parameters and quit if it * doesn't Check if NuBot is already running and Log if that is so * * @author desrever <desrever at> * @param args a list of valid arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); NuBot app = new NuBot(); Utils.printSeparator(); if (app.readParams(args)) { createShutDownHook(); if (!Global.running) { app.execute(args); } else { LOG.severe("NuBot is already running. Make sure to terminate other instances."); } } else { System.exit(0); } } /** * * @author desrever <desrever at> */ private void execute(String args[]) { Global.running = true; //Load settings Utils.loadProperties(""); //Load Options Global.options = OptionsJSON.parseOptions(args); if (Global.options == null) { LOG.severe("Error while loading options"); System.exit(0); } Utils.printSeparator(); //Setting up log folder for this session : String folderName = "NuBot_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + Global.options.getExchangeName() + "_" + Global.options.getPair().toString().toUpperCase() + "/"; logsFolder = Global.settings.getProperty("log_path") + folderName; //Create log dir FileSystem.mkdir(logsFolder); try { NuLogger.setup(Global.options.isVerbose(), logsFolder); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.severe(ex.toString()); }"Setting up NuBot version : " + Global.settings.getProperty("version"));"Init logging system");"Set up SSL certificates"); System.setProperty("", Global.settings.getProperty("keystore_path")); System.setProperty("", Global.settings.getProperty("keystore_pass")); Utils.printSeparator(); String inputFiles = ""; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (i != args.length - 1) { inputFiles += args[i] + " ,"; } else { inputFiles += args[i]; } }"Load options from " + args.length + " files : " + inputFiles); Utils.printSeparator();"Wrap the keys into a new ApiKeys object"); ApiKeys keys = new ApiKeys(Global.options.getApiSecret(), Global.options.getApiKey()); Utils.printSeparator();"Creating an Exchange object"); = new Exchange(Global.options.getExchangeName()); Utils.printSeparator();"Create e ExchangeLiveData object to accomodate liveData from the exchange"); ExchangeLiveData liveData = new ExchangeLiveData();; Utils.printSeparator();"Create a new TradeInterface object"); TradeInterface ti = Exchange.getTradeInterface(Global.options.getExchangeName()); ti.setKeys(keys); ti.setExchange(; if (Global.options.getExchangeName().equals(Constant.CCEX)) { ((CcexWrapper) (ti)).initBaseUrl(); ; } if (Global.options.getPair().getPaymentCurrency().equals(Constant.NBT)) { Global.swappedPair = true; } else { Global.swappedPair = false; }"Swapped pair mode : " + Global.swappedPair); String apibase = ""; if (Global.options.getExchangeName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constant.INTERNAL_EXCHANGE_PEATIO)) { ti.setApiBaseUrl(Constant.INTERNAL_EXCHANGE_PEATIO_API_BASE); };; Utils.printSeparator(); //For a 0 tx fee market, force a price-offset of 0.1% ApiResponse txFeeResponse =; if (txFeeResponse.isPositive()) { double txfee = (Double) txFeeResponse.getResponseObject(); if (txfee == 0) { LOG.warning("The bot detected a 0 TX fee : forcing a priceOffset of 0.1% [if required]"); if (Global.options.getSecondaryPegOptions().getSpread() < 0.1) { Global.options.getSecondaryPegOptions().setSpread(0.1); } } }"Create a TaskManager "); Global.taskManager = new TaskManager(); Utils.printSeparator(); if (Global.options.isSendRPC()) {"Setting up (verbose) RPC client on " + Global.options.getNudIp() + ":" + Global.options.getNudPort()); Global.publicAddress = Global.options.getNubitsAddress(); Global.rpcClient = new NuRPCClient(Global.options.getNudIp(), Global.options.getNudPort(), Global.options.getRpcUser(), Global.options.getRpcPass(), Global.options.isVerbose(), true, Global.options.getNubitsAddress(), Global.options.getPair(), Global.options.getExchangeName()); Utils.printSeparator();"Starting task : Check connection with Nud"); Global.taskManager.getCheckNudTask().start(); } Utils.printSeparator();"Starting task : Check connection with exchange"); Global.taskManager.getCheckConnectionTask().start(1); Utils.printSeparator();"Waiting a for the connectionThreads to detect connection"); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.severe(ex.toString()); } //Set the fileoutput for active orders String orders_outputPath = logsFolder + "orders_history.csv"; String balances_outputPath = logsFolder + "balance_history.json"; ((SubmitLiquidityinfoTask) (Global.taskManager.getSendLiquidityTask().getTask())) .setOutputFiles(orders_outputPath, balances_outputPath); FileSystem.writeToFile("timestamp,activeOrders, sells,buys, digest\n", orders_outputPath, false); //Start task to check orders Global.taskManager.getSendLiquidityTask().start(39); Utils.printSeparator(); if (Global.options.isSendRPC()) { Utils.printSeparator();"Check connection with nud"); if (Global.rpcClient.isConnected()) {"RPC connection OK!"); } else { LOG.severe("Problem while connecting with nud"); System.exit(0); } } Utils.printSeparator(); LOG.fine("Checking bot working mode"); Global.isDualSide = Global.options.isDualSide(); if (Global.options.isDualSide()) {"Configuring NuBot for Dual-Side strategy"); } else {"Configuring NuBot for Sell-Side strategy"); } Utils.printSeparator(); //DANGER ZONE : This variable set to true will cause orders to execute Global.executeOrders = Global.options.isExecuteOrders();"Start trading Strategy specific for " + Global.options.getPair().toString());; // Set the frozen balance manager in the global variable Global.frozenBalances = new FrozenBalancesManager(Global.options.getExchangeName(), Global.options.getPair(), Global.settings.getProperty("frozen_folder")); //Switch strategy for different trading pair if (Utils.isSupported(Global.options.getPair())) { if (!Utils.requiresSecondaryPegStrategy(Global.options.getPair())) { Global.taskManager.getStrategyFiatTask().start(7); } else { SecondaryPegOptionsJSON cpo = Global.options.getSecondaryPegOptions(); if (cpo == null) { LOG.severe("To run in secondary peg mode, you need to specify the crypto-peg-options"); System.exit(0); } //Peg to a USD price via crypto pair Currency toTrackCurrency; if (Global.swappedPair) { //NBT as paymentCurrency toTrackCurrency = Global.options.getPair().getOrderCurrency(); } else { toTrackCurrency = Global.options.getPair().getPaymentCurrency(); } CurrencyPair toTrackCurrencyPair = new CurrencyPair(toTrackCurrency, Constant.USD); // set trading strategy to the price monitor task ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask())).setStrategy( ((StrategySecondaryPegTask) (Global.taskManager.getSecondaryPegTask().getTask()))); // set price monitor task to the strategy ((StrategySecondaryPegTask) (Global.taskManager.getSecondaryPegTask().getTask())) .setPriceMonitorTask( ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask()))); // set liquidityinfo task to the strategy ((StrategySecondaryPegTask) (Global.taskManager.getSecondaryPegTask().getTask())) .setSendLiquidityTask( ((SubmitLiquidityinfoTask) (Global.taskManager.getSendLiquidityTask().getTask()))); PriceFeedManager pfm = new PriceFeedManager(cpo.getMainFeed(), cpo.getBackupFeedNames(), toTrackCurrencyPair); //Then set the pfm ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask())) .setPriceFeedManager(pfm); //Set the priceDistance threshold ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask())) .setDistanceTreshold(cpo.getDistanceThreshold()); //Set the wallet shift threshold ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask())) .setWallchangeThreshold(cpo.getWallchangeThreshold()); //Set the outputpath for wallshifts String outputPath = logsFolder + "wall_shifts.csv"; ((PriceMonitorTriggerTask) (Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().getTask())) .setOutputPath(outputPath); FileSystem.writeToFile("timestamp,source,crypto,price,currency,sellprice,buyprice,otherfeeds\n", outputPath, false); //read the delay to sync with remote clock //issue 136 - multi custodians on a pair. //walls are removed and re-added every three minutes. //Bot needs to wait for next 3 min window before placing walls //set the interval from settings int reset_every = Integer.parseInt(Global.settings.getProperty("reset_every_minutes")); //read from propeprties file int refresh_time_seconds = Integer.parseInt(Global.settings.getProperty("refresh_time_seconds")); //read from propeprties file int interval = 1; if (!Global.options.isMultipleCustodians()) { interval = refresh_time_seconds; } else { interval = 60 * reset_every; //Force the a spread to avoid collisions double forcedSpread = 0.9;"Forcing a " + forcedSpread + "% minimum spread to protect from collisions"); if (Global.options.getSecondaryPegOptions().getSpread() < forcedSpread) { Global.options.getSecondaryPegOptions().setSpread(forcedSpread); } } Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().setInterval(interval); int delaySeconds = 0; if (Global.options.isMultipleCustodians()) { delaySeconds = Utils.getSecondsToNextwindow(reset_every);"NuBot will be start running in " + delaySeconds + " seconds, to sync with remote NTP and place walls during next wall shift window."); } else { LOG.warning( "NuBot will not try to sync with other bots via remote NTP : 'multiple-custodians' is set to false"); } //then start the thread Global.taskManager.getPriceTriggerTask().start(delaySeconds); } } else { LOG.severe("This bot doesn't work yet with trading pair " + Global.options.getPair().toString()); System.exit(0); } String mode = "sell-side"; if (Global.options.isDualSide()) { mode = "dual-side"; } HipChatNotifications.sendMessage("A new <strong>" + mode + "</strong> bot just came online on " + Global.options.getExchangeName() + " pair (" + Global.options.getPair().toString("_") + ")", Message.Color.GREEN); } private boolean readParams(String[] args) { boolean ok = false; if (args.length < 1) { LOG.severe("wrong argument number : run nubot with \n" + USAGE_STRING); System.exit(0); } ok = true; return ok; } private static void createShutDownHook() { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {"Bot shutting down.."); if (Global.options != null) { //Try to cancel all orders, if any if ( != null && Global.options.getPair() != null) {"Clearing out active orders ... "); ApiResponse deleteOrdersResponse = .clearOrders(Global.options.getPair()); if (deleteOrdersResponse.isPositive()) { boolean deleted = (boolean) deleteOrdersResponse.getResponseObject(); if (deleted) {"Order clear request succesfully"); } else { LOG.severe("Could not submit request to clear orders"); } } else { LOG.severe(deleteOrdersResponse.getError().toString()); } } //reset liquidity info if (Global.rpcClient.isConnected() && Global.options.isSendRPC()) { //tier 1"Resetting Liquidity Info before quit"); JSONObject responseObject1 = Global.rpcClient.submitLiquidityInfo(Global.rpcClient.USDchar, 0, 0, 1); if (null == responseObject1) { LOG.severe("Something went wrong while sending liquidityinfo"); } else { LOG.fine(responseObject1.toJSONString()); } JSONObject responseObject2 = Global.rpcClient.submitLiquidityInfo(Global.rpcClient.USDchar, 0, 0, 2); if (null == responseObject2) { LOG.severe("Something went wrong while sending liquidityinfo"); } else { LOG.fine(responseObject2.toJSONString()); } }"Exit. "); NuBot.mainThread.interrupt(); if (Global.taskManager != null) { if (Global.taskManager.isInitialized()) { Global.taskManager.stopAll(); } } } Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } })); } }