Java tutorial
/* * Everychan Android (Meta Imageboard Client) * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 miku-nyan <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.nttec.everychan.ui.downloading; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.nttec.everychan.R; import com.nttec.everychan.api.ChanModule; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.AttachmentModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.BadgeIconModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.BoardModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.PostModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.ThreadModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.models.UrlPageModel; import com.nttec.everychan.api.util.ChanModels; import com.nttec.everychan.cache.SerializablePage; import com.nttec.everychan.common.MainApplication; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.text.Html; /** * ? (??) HTML-?.<br> * ?? ? ?, ? wakaba.<br> * ? ? ?? ? ? freedollchan. * @author miku-nyan * */ public class HtmlBuilder implements Closeable { /** (css js), ??? -? */ public static final String[] ASSETS = new String[] { "futaba.css", "photon.css", "burichan.css", "gurochan.css", "dollscript.js", "wakaba3.js" }; /** ? -? ({@link #ASSETS}) */ public static final String DATA_DIR = "data"; private static final String DOLLSCRIPT = "dollscript.js"; private static final String WAKABA3JS = "wakaba3.js"; private static final String[] CSS = new String[] { "Futaba", "Photon", "Burichan", "Gurochan" }; private static final String[] CSS_LINKS = new String[] { "futaba.css", "photon.css", "burichan.css", "gurochan.css" }; private static final Pattern A_HREF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<a\\s+(?:[^>]*?\\s+)?href=\"([^\"]*)\""); private static final String CSS_FORMAT_1 = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" /> "; private static final String CSS_FORMAT_2 = "<link rel=\"alternate stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" />"; private static final String CSS_FORMAT_3 = "[<a href=\"javascript:set_stylesheet('%s')\">%s</a>] "; private static final String HTML_HEADER_1 = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; private static final String HTML_HEADER_2 = "\"></script>" + "<html>" + "<head>" + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />" + "<title>"; private static final String HTML_HEADER_3 = "</title>" + "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\""; private static final String HTML_HEADER_4 = "\" />" + "<style type=\"text/css\"> " + "body { margin: 0; padding: 8px; margin-bottom: auto; } " + "blockquote blockquote { margin-left: 0em } " + "form { margin-bottom: 0px } " + "form .trap { display:none } " + ".postarea { text-align: center } " + ".postarea table { margin: 0px auto; text-align: left } " + ".file { border: none; float: left; margin: 2px 20px } " + ".thumb { border: none; float: left; margin: 2px 20px } " + ".nothumb { float: left; background: #eee; border: 2px dashed #aaa; text-align: center; " + "margin: 2px 20px; padding: 1em 0.5em 1em 0.5em; } " + ".reply blockquote, blockquote :last-child { margin-bottom: 0em } " + ".reflink a { color: inherit; text-decoration: none } " + ".reply .filesize { margin-left: 20px } " + ".userdelete { float: right; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap } " + ".replypage .replylink { display: none } " + "</style>"; private static final String HTML_HEADER_5 = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var style_cookie=\"wakabastyle\";</script>" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; private static final String HTML_HEADER_6 = "\"></script>" + "</head>" + "<body class=\"replypage\">" + "<div class=\"adminbar\"> "; private static final String HTML_HEADER_7 = "</div>" + "<div class=\"logo\">"; private static final String HTML_HEADER_8 = "</div>" + "<hr />" + "<form id=\"delform\" action=\"/wakaba/\" method=\"post\">"; private static final String HTML_FOOTER = "</form>" + "<p class=\"footer\"> - " + "<a href=\"\">Everychan-android</a> + " + "<a href=\"\">wakaba 3.0.9</a> + " + "<a href=\"\">futaba</a> + " + "<a href=\"\">futallaby</a> -</p>" + "</body>" + "</html>"; private final Writer buf; private final OutputStream _stream; private final boolean writeDeleted; private final RefsGetter refsGetter; private Resources res; private ChanModule chan; private UrlPageModel pageModel; private BoardModel boardModel; private DateFormat dateFormat; /** * ? ?? * @param out , ? HTML * @param refsGetter ? ? ? ?? ? */ public HtmlBuilder(OutputStream out, RefsGetter refsGetter) throws IOException { this(out, true, refsGetter); } /** * ? ?? * @param out , ? HTML * @param writeDeleted ? ? * @param refsGetter ? ? ? ?? ? */ public HtmlBuilder(OutputStream out, boolean writeDeleted, RefsGetter refsGetter) throws IOException { _stream = out; buf = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")); this.writeDeleted = writeDeleted; this.refsGetter = refsGetter; } public void write(SerializablePage page) throws IOException { this.res = MainApplication.getInstance().resources; this.chan = MainApplication.getInstance().getChanModule(page.boardModel.chan); this.pageModel = page.pageModel; this.boardModel = page.boardModel; this.dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM); this.dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(boardModel.timeZoneId)); String logo = (page.boardModel.boardDescription != null ? page.boardModel.boardDescription : page.boardModel.boardName); try { String url = chan.buildUrl(pageModel); logo += " <a href=\"" + url + "\">(" + chan.getChanName() + ")</a>"; } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore */ } buildHeader(buildTitle(page), logo); if (page.posts != null && page.posts.length != 0) { ThreadModel thread = new ThreadModel(); thread.posts = page.posts; thread.threadNumber = page.posts[0].number; thread.postsCount = -1; thread.attachmentsCount = -1; buildThread(thread); } if (page.threads != null) { for (ThreadModel thread : page.threads) buildThread(thread); } buf.write(HTML_FOOTER); buf.flush(); } public static String buildTitle(SerializablePage page) { String title; if (page.posts != null && page.posts.length != 0) { title = "/" + page.boardModel.boardName + " - "; title += page.posts[0].subject != null && page.posts[0].subject.length() != 0 ? page.posts[0].subject : Html.fromHtml(page.posts[0].comment).toString().replace('\n', ' '); if (title.length() > 255) title = title.substring(0, 256); } else { title = page.boardModel.boardDescription != null ? page.boardModel.boardDescription : page.boardModel.boardName; } return title; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { buf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { _stream.close(); throw e; } } private void buildHeader(String pageTitle, String logoTitle) throws IOException { buf.write(HTML_HEADER_1); buf.write(DATA_DIR + "/" + DOLLSCRIPT); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_2); buf.write(pageTitle); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_3); buf.write(refsGetter.getFavicon()); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_4); buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, CSS_FORMAT_1, (DATA_DIR + "/" + CSS_LINKS[0]), CSS[0])); for (int i = 1; i < CSS.length; ++i) buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, CSS_FORMAT_2, (DATA_DIR + "/" + CSS_LINKS[i]), CSS[i])); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_5); buf.write(DATA_DIR + "/" + WAKABA3JS); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_6); for (int i = 0; i < CSS.length; ++i) buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, CSS_FORMAT_3, CSS[i], CSS[i])); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_7); buf.write(logoTitle); buf.write(HTML_HEADER_8); } private void buildThread(ThreadModel thread) throws IOException { PostModel[] posts = thread.posts; if (posts == null || posts.length == 0) return; buildPost(posts[0], true); for (int i = 1; i < posts.length; ++i) buildPost(posts[i], false); closeThread(); } private void closeThread() throws IOException { buf.write("<br clear=\"left\" /><hr /> "); } private void buildPost(PostModel model, boolean isOpPost) throws IOException { if (!isOpPost && !writeDeleted && model.deleted) return; if (!isOpPost) { buf.write("<table><tbody><tr><td class=\"doubledash\">>></td> <td class=\"reply\" id=\"reply"); buf.write(model.number); buf.write("\"> "); } buf.write("<a name=\""); buf.write(model.number); buf.write("\"></a> <label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete\" value=\""); buf.write(model.number); buf.write("\" /> <span class=\""); buf.write(isOpPost ? "filetitle" : "replytitle"); buf.write("\">"); if (model.subject != null) buf.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(model.subject)); buf.write("</span> <span class=\""); if (!isOpPost) buf.write("comment"); buf.write("postername\">"); if (model.color != Color.TRANSPARENT) { buf.write("<font color=\""); buf.write(String.format("#%06X", (0xFFFFFF & model.color))); buf.write("\">■</font>"); } String name = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4( == null ? :; if (name != null) { if ( != null && != 0) { buf.write("<a href=\""); if (!":")) buf.write("mailto:"); buf.write(; buf.write("\">"); buf.write(name); buf.write("</a>"); } else buf.write(name); } buf.write("</span> "); if (model.icons != null) { boolean firstIcon = true; for (BadgeIconModel icon : model.icons) { if (!firstIcon) buf.write(" "); firstIcon = false; buf.write("<img hspace=\"3\" src=\""); buf.write(refsGetter.getIcon(icon)); buf.write("\" title=\""); buf.write((icon.description != null && icon.description.length() != 0) ? icon.description : (icon.source == null ? "" : icon.source.substring(icon.source.lastIndexOf('/') + 1))); buf.write("\" border=\"0\" />"); } buf.write(' '); } if (model.trip != null && model.trip.length() != 0) { buf.write("<span class=\"postertrip\">"); buf.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(model.trip)); buf.write("</span> "); } if (model.op) buf.write("<span class=\"opmark\"># OP</span> "); buf.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(dateFormat.format(model.timestamp))); buf.write("</label> <span class=\"reflink\"> <a href=\"javascript:insert('>>"); buf.write(model.number); buf.write("')\">No."); buf.write(model.number); buf.write("</a> </span>"); if (model.deleted) buf.write("<span class=\"de-post-deleted\"></span>"); buf.write(" "); if (model.attachments != null && model.attachments.length != 0) { buf.write("<br />"); boolean single = model.attachments.length == 1; for (AttachmentModel attachment : model.attachments) buildAttachment(attachment, single); if (!single) buf.write("<br clear=\"left\" />"); } buf.write("<blockquote>"); buf.write(fixComment(model.comment)); buf.write("</blockquote>"); if (!isOpPost) { buf.write("</td></tr></tbody></table>"); } } private String fixComment(String comment) { comment = comment.replaceAll("(?i)<aibquote>", "<span class=\"unkfunc\">") .replaceAll("(?i)</aibquote>", "</span>").replaceAll("(?i)<aibspoiler>", "<span class=\"spoiler\">") .replaceAll("(?i)</aibspoiler>", "</span>"); Matcher m = A_HREF_PATTERN.matcher(comment); if (!m.find()) return comment; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); do { String group =; String found =; int oldPos = m.start(1) - m.start(); int oldLen = found.length(); String url; if (found.startsWith("#")) { try { String thisThreadUrl = chan.buildUrl(pageModel); int i = thisThreadUrl.indexOf('#'); if (i != -1) thisThreadUrl = thisThreadUrl.substring(0, i); String postNumber = chan.parseUrl(thisThreadUrl + found).postNumber; url = "#" + postNumber != null ? postNumber : pageModel.threadNumber; } catch (Exception e) { url = found; } } else { url = chan.fixRelativeUrl(found); try { UrlPageModel linkModel = chan.parseUrl(url); if (ChanModels.hashUrlPageModel(linkModel).equals(ChanModels.hashUrlPageModel(pageModel))) { url = "#" + linkModel.postNumber; } } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore */ } } m.appendReplacement(sb, url.equals(found) ? group : (group.substring(0, oldPos) + url + group.substring(oldPos + oldLen))); } while (m.find()); m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } private void buildAttachment(AttachmentModel model, boolean isSingle) throws IOException { int tnWidth, tnHeight; if (model.width > 0 && model.height > 0) { float scale = 200f / Math.max(model.width, model.height); if (scale > 1) scale = 1; tnWidth = (int) (scale * model.width); tnHeight = (int) (scale * model.height); } else { tnWidth = -1; tnHeight = -1; } String thumbRef = refsGetter.getThumbnail(model); String origRef = refsGetter.getOriginal(model); String filenameDesc; if (model.type != AttachmentModel.TYPE_OTHER_NOTFILE) { filenameDesc = model.path != null ? model.path : model.thumbnail; filenameDesc = filenameDesc.substring(filenameDesc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); try { filenameDesc = URLDecoder.decode(filenameDesc, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { /*ignore*/} } else { filenameDesc = res.getString(R.string.html_external); } if (!isSingle) buf.write("<div class=\"file\">"); buf.write("<span class=\"filesize\">"); if (model.type != AttachmentModel.TYPE_OTHER_NOTFILE) buf.write(res.getString(R.string.html_file)); buf.write(" <a target=\"_blank\" href=\""); buf.write(origRef); buf.write("\">"); buf.write(filenameDesc); buf.write("</a>"); if (model.type != AttachmentModel.TYPE_OTHER_NOTFILE) { buf.write(isSingle ? " - " : "<br />"); buf.write("(<em>"); boolean first = true; if (model.size != -1) { first = false; buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, "%d KB", model.size)); } if (model.width > 0 && model.height > 0) { if (!first) buf.write(", "); else first = false; buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, "%dx%d", model.width, model.height)); } if (model.originalName != null && model.originalName.length() > 0) { if (!first) buf.write(", "); else first = false; buf.write(model.originalName); } buf.write("</em>)"); } buf.write("</span> "); if (thumbRef != null) { if (isSingle) { buf.write(" <span class=\"thumbnailmsg\">"); buf.write(res.getString(R.string.html_thumbnailmsg)); buf.write("</span>"); } buf.write("<br /><a target=\"_blank\" href=\""); buf.write(origRef); buf.write("\"> <img src=\""); buf.write(thumbRef); if (tnWidth == -1) { buf.write( "\" onload=\"with (this) {if (offsetHeight > offsetWidth) style.height = '200px'; else style.width = '200px'}\""); } else { buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, "\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"", tnWidth, tnHeight)); } buf.write(String.format(Locale.US, " alt=\"%s\" ", filenameDesc)); if (isSingle) buf.write("class=\"thumb\" "); buf.write("/></a>"); } if (!isSingle) buf.write("</div>"); } public static interface RefsGetter { /** ? favicon ( ) */ String getFavicon(); /** ? ? ( , URL) */ String getOriginal(AttachmentModel attachment); /** ? ( null) */ String getThumbnail(AttachmentModel attachment); /** ? ? ( , null) */ String getIcon(BadgeIconModel icon); } }