Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2014 Kurento ( * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * */ package com.nttdata.emea.nuoffice; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.kurento.client.factory.KurentoClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus; import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler; import; import; import; import com.nttdata.emea.nuoffice.ffmpeg.Decoder; import com.nttdata.emea.nuoffice.recognita.RecognitionService; import com.nttdata.emea.nuoffice.scp.ScpFrom; /** * Protocol handler for 1 to 1 video call communication. * * @author Boni Garcia ( * @author Micael Gallego ( * @since 5.0.0 */ public class CallHandler extends TextWebSocketHandler { private CallMediaPipeline pipeline; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CallHandler.class); private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); private static final long DEFAULT_RECORD_PERIOD = 5000; private static final long DEFAULT_SAMPLE_PERIOD = 5000; private static final String DIR = "/tmp/"; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, CallMediaPipeline> pipelines = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CallMediaPipeline>(); @Autowired private KurentoClient kurento; @Autowired private UserRegistry registry; @Autowired private RecognitionService recognitoService; public CallHandler() { super(); File dir = new File(DIR + ""); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); } @Override public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonObject jsonMessage = gson.fromJson(message.getPayload(), JsonObject.class); UserSession user = registry.getBySession(session); if (user != null) { log.debug("Incoming message from user '{}': {}", user.getName(), jsonMessage); } else { log.debug("Incoming message from new user: {}", jsonMessage); } switch (jsonMessage.get("id").getAsString()) { case "register": register(session, jsonMessage); break; case "reset": reset(session, jsonMessage); break; case "call": call(user, jsonMessage); break; case "incomingCallResponse": incomingCallResponse(user, jsonMessage); break; case "startRecording": startRecording(session, jsonMessage); break; case "stopRecording": stopRecording(session, jsonMessage); break; case "addPrint": addPrint(session, jsonMessage); break; case "verifySample": verifySample(session, jsonMessage); break; case "play": play(session, jsonMessage); break; case "textChat": textChat(session, jsonMessage); break; case "cobrowsing": cobrowsing(session, jsonMessage); break; case "stop": stop(session); break; default: break; } } private void startRecording(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); String user = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("user").getAsString(); String responseMsg = "accepted"; pipeline.startDefaultRecording(); response.addProperty("id", "startRecording"); response.addProperty("response", responseMsg); UserSession us = new UserSession(session, user); us.sendMessage(response); } private void stopRecording(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { try { log.debug("System library path = " + System.getProperty("java.library.path")); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); String user = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("user").getAsString(); pipeline.stopDefaultRecording(); String responseMsg = "accepted"; response.addProperty("id", "stopRecording"); response.addProperty("response", responseMsg); UserSession us = new UserSession(session, user); us.sendMessage(response); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void addPrint(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { try { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); String user = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("user").getAsString(); String caller = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("caller").getAsString(); long recordPeriod = DEFAULT_RECORD_PERIOD; try { recordPeriod = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("recordPeriod").getAsLong(); } catch (Exception e) { } log.debug("Record period = " + recordPeriod); log.debug("Start print recording"); String recordId = pipeline.startRecording(); Thread.sleep(recordPeriod); log.debug("Stop print recording"); recordId = pipeline.stopRecording(); log.debug("System library path = " + System.getProperty("java.library.path"));"Read file " + recordId + ".webm from media server"); new ScpFrom().read(new String[] { "chris@" + NuOfficePrototypeApplication.IP_ADRESS + ":" + DIR + recordId + ".webm", DIR + recordId + ".webm" }); String printId = caller + "_" + recordId; new Decoder().process(DIR + recordId + ".webm", DIR + printId + ".wav"); String responseMsg = "accepted"; response.addProperty("id", "addPrint"); response.addProperty("recordId", recordId); response.addProperty("printId", printId); response.addProperty("response", responseMsg); UserSession us = new UserSession(session, user); us.sendMessage(response); recognitoService.addPrint(printId, "c:/tmp/" + printId + ".wav"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void verifySample(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { try { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); String user = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("user").getAsString(); long recordPeriod = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_PERIOD; try { recordPeriod = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("recordPeriod").getAsLong(); } catch (Exception e) { } String result = null; String recordId = null; int count = 0; do { log.debug("Record period = " + recordPeriod); log.debug("Start sample recording"); recordId = pipeline.startRecording(); Thread.sleep(recordPeriod); log.debug("Stop sample recording"); recordId = pipeline.stopRecording(); log.debug("System library path = " + System.getProperty("java.library.path"));"Read file " + recordId + ".webm from media server"); new ScpFrom().read(new String[] { "chris@localhost:/tmp/" + recordId + ".webm", "c:/tmp/" + recordId + ".webm" }); new Decoder().process("c:/tmp/" + recordId + ".webm", "c:/tmp/" + recordId + ".wav"); result = recognitoService.verifySample(new File("c:/tmp/" + recordId + ".wav")); + "identified as customer"); } while (result == null && count++ < 1); String responseMsg = result != null ? result.split("_")[0] : "unknown"; response.addProperty("id", "verifySample"); response.addProperty("recordId", recordId); response.addProperty("response", responseMsg); UserSession us = new UserSession(session, user); us.sendMessage(response); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void register(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { String name = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString(); if (name.equals("Agent")) { chat = new StringBuffer("Welcome to NTT DATA Textchat!"); } boolean cobrowsing = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("cobrowsing").getAsBoolean(); UserSession caller = new UserSession(session, name, cobrowsing); String responseMsg = "accepted"; if (name.isEmpty()) { responseMsg = "rejected: empty user name"; } else if (registry.exists(name)) { responseMsg = "rejected: user '" + name + "' already registered"; } else { registry.register(caller); } JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "registerResponse"); response.addProperty("response", responseMsg); caller.sendMessage(response); response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "textChat"); response.addProperty("response", chat.toString()); TextMessage tm = new TextMessage(response.toString()); session.sendMessage(tm); } private void reset(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { registry.reset(); register(session, jsonMessage); } private void call(UserSession caller, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { String to = jsonMessage.get("to").getAsString(); String from = jsonMessage.get("from").getAsString(); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); if (registry.exists(to)) { UserSession callee = registry.getByName(to); caller.setSdpOffer(jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("sdpOffer").getAsString()); caller.setCallingTo(to); response.addProperty("id", "incomingCall"); response.addProperty("from", from); callee.sendMessage(response); callee.setCallingFrom(from); } else { response.addProperty("id", "callResponse"); response.addProperty("response", "rejected: user '" + to + "' is not registered"); caller.sendMessage(response); } } private void incomingCallResponse(UserSession callee, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { String callResponse = jsonMessage.get("callResponse").getAsString(); String from = jsonMessage.get("from").getAsString(); UserSession calleer = registry.getByName(from); String to = calleer.getCallingTo(); if ("accept".equals(callResponse)) { log.debug("Accepted call from '{}' to '{}'", from, to); pipeline = new CallMediaPipeline(kurento, from, to); pipelines.put(calleer.getSessionId(), pipeline); pipelines.put(callee.getSessionId(), pipeline); String calleeSdpOffer = jsonMessage.get("sdpOffer").getAsString(); String calleeSdpAnswer = pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCallee(calleeSdpOffer); JsonObject startCommunication = new JsonObject(); startCommunication.addProperty("id", "startCommunication"); startCommunication.addProperty("sdpAnswer", calleeSdpAnswer); callee.sendMessage(startCommunication); String callerSdpOffer = registry.getByName(from).getSdpOffer(); String callerSdpAnswer = pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCaller(callerSdpOffer); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "callResponse"); response.addProperty("response", "accepted"); response.addProperty("sdpAnswer", callerSdpAnswer); calleer.sendMessage(response); // pipeline.record(); } else { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "callResponse"); response.addProperty("response", "rejected"); calleer.sendMessage(response); } } public void cobrowsing(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { for (UserSession s : registry.getCobrowsingSessions()) {"receiving cobrowsing message"); if (!s.getSessionId().equals(session.getId())) s.sendMessage(jsonMessage); } } public void stop(WebSocketSession session) throws IOException { String sessionId = session.getId(); if (pipelines.containsKey(sessionId)) { pipelines.get(sessionId).release(); pipelines.remove(sessionId); // Both users can stop the communication. A 'stopCommunication' // message will be sent to the other peer. UserSession stopperUser = registry.getBySession(session); UserSession stoppedUser = (stopperUser.getCallingFrom() != null) ? registry.getByName(stopperUser.getCallingFrom()) : registry.getByName(stopperUser.getCallingTo()); JsonObject message = new JsonObject(); message.addProperty("id", "stopCommunication"); stoppedUser.sendMessage(message); } } private void play(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { String id = "LAST_SESSION"; String recordId = (jsonMessage.get("recordId") != null && !jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("recordId").getAsString().isEmpty()) ? jsonMessage.get("recordId").getAsString() : id; log.debug("Playing recorded call with id '{}'", recordId); PlayMediaPipeline pipeline = new PlayMediaPipeline(kurento, recordId, session); String sdpOffer = jsonMessage.get("sdpOffer").getAsString(); String sdpAnswer = pipeline.generateSdpAnswer(sdpOffer); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "playResponse"); response.addProperty("response", "accepted"); response.addProperty("sdpAnswer", sdpAnswer); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response.toString()));; } private static final String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private StringBuffer chat = new StringBuffer(); private String addToChat(String user, String text) { if (chat.length() > 0) chat.append(newLine); return chat.append(user + ": ").append(text).toString(); } private void textChat(WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException { String user = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("user").getAsString(); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); response.addProperty("id", "textChat"); String text = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("input").getAsString(); response.addProperty("response", addToChat(user, text)); TextMessage tm = new TextMessage(response.toString()); for (UserSession s : registry.getSessions()) { s.getSession().sendMessage(tm); } } @Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception { registry.removeBySession(session); } }