Java tutorial
/** * AlphaMale for web Copyright (C) 2016 NHN Technology Services This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.nts.alphamale.handler; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import com.nts.alphamale.client.FollowerRpcClient; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nts.alphamale.util.Utils; public class DeviceHandler { static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(DeviceHandler.class); /** * adb kill-server && adb start-server adb * */ public static void restartAdb() { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd("", "cmd_kill_server"), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd("", "cmd_start_server"), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } /** * adb devices ? ?? ? ?? ? ? * * @return */ public static boolean isAdbReady(String serial) { boolean rtnValue = false; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd("", "cmd_devices"), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return rtnValue; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String device = li.nextLine(); if (!device.contains("List of devices attached") && device.contains(serial)) { rtnValue = true; } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static List<String> getDeviceList() { List<String> deviceList = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd("", "cmd_devices"), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return deviceList; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String device = li.nextLine(); if (device.contains("device")) { if (!device.contains("List of devices attached")) deviceList.add(device.replace("device", "").trim()); } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return deviceList; } public static CommandLine getEventCommandLine(String serial) { return AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_getevent"); } public static void rebootDeivce(List<String> serial, int timeoutSecond) { List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_reboot_device")); } new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); } /** * Press "Home" or "Back" button * * @param serial * @param key * @param timeoutSecond */ public static void pressKey(List<String> serial, String key, int timeoutSecond) { List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { if (key.equals("home")) cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_press_home")); if (key.equals("back")) cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_press_back")); } new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); } /** * getInputManager? SurfaceOrientation? ?? * {@link #getInputManager(String)} * * @param serial * @return */ public static int getOrientation(String serial) { int rtnValue = 0; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_get_orientation"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return rtnValue; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String out = li.nextLine().trim(); if (out.contains("SurfaceOrientation:")) { rtnValue = Integer.parseInt(Utils.convertRegex("(\\d)", out, 1)); } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static String installApp(String serial, String apkPath, int timeoutSecond) { String rtnValue = ""; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_install_app", new String[] { apkPath }), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return rtnValue; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { rtnValue += li.nextLine().trim(); } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static String unInstallApp(String serial, String packageName, int timeoutSecond) { String rtnValue = ""; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_uninstall_app", new String[] { packageName }), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return rtnValue; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { rtnValue += li.nextLine().trim(); } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static String installApp(List<String> serial, boolean isReinstall, String apkPath, int timeoutSecond) { String rtnStr = ""; List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { if (isReinstall) { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_reinstall_app", new String[] { apkPath })); } else { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_install_app", new String[] { apkPath })); } } List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); for (Map<String, Object> executorMap : results) { if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { break; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String output = li.nextLine(); if (output.contains("Success")) { rtnStr = (new File(apkPath).getName() + " is successfully installed on " + serial + " device"); } if (output.contains("Failure")) { rtnStr = ("Fail to install on " + serial + " device (" + output + ")"); } } } return rtnStr; } public static List<String> unInstallApp(List<String> serial, boolean keepData, String pkgName, int timeoutSecond) { List<String> rtnStr = new ArrayList<String>(); List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { if (keepData) { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_uninstall_app_keep_data", new String[] { pkgName })); } else { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_uninstall_app", new String[] { pkgName })); } } List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); for (Map<String, Object> executorMap : results) { if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { break; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String device = li.nextLine(); if (device.contains("Success")) { rtnStr.add(pkgName + " is successfully uninstalled on " + serial + " device"); } if (device.contains("Failure")) { rtnStr.add("Fail to uninstalled on " + serial + " device"); } } } return rtnStr; } public static String clearAppData(List<String> serial, String pkgName, int timeoutSecond) { String rtnStr = ""; List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_clear_app_data", new String[] { pkgName })); } List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); for (Map<String, Object> executorMap : results) { if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { break; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String device = li.nextLine(); if (device.contains("Success")) { rtnStr = pkgName + " is cleared on " + serial + " device"; } } } return rtnStr; } public static void pushJar(String serial, String jarPath) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_push", new String[] { jarPath, "/data/local/tmp/" }), true, 30 * 1000); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } public static void pull(String serial, String srcPath, String destPath) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_pull", new String[] { srcPath, destPath }), true, 30 * 1000); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } public static void deleteJar(String serial, String jarPath) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_delete", new String[] { "/data/local/tmp/" + jarPath }), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } public static Map<String, String> getProp(String serial) { Map<String, String> rtnValue = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_getprop"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String out = li.nextLine().trim(); if (!out.isEmpty() && !out.startsWith("[]")) { out = out.replace("]: [", ":").replace("[", "").replace("]", ""); if (out.split(":").length == 2) rtnValue.put(out.split(":")[0], out.split(":")[1]); } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } /** * Dumpsys Input Diagnostics ? ? ?? ?? . 1) Touch Screen? * width height 2) Touch Screen? Scaling Factors - XScale, YScale 3) * SurfaceOrientation? ? ? Orientation 4) FocusedWindow? ? * ? Activity * * @see <a href=""> * Dumpsys Input Diagnostics</a> * @param serial * @return */ public static Map<String, Object> getInputManager(String serial) { Map<String, Object> rtnValue = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final String activity_regex = "((\\S+)/(\\S+))[\\s|\\}]"; final String dispaly_regex = "[X|Y]: min=\\d, max=(\\d+),"; final String orientation_regex = "(\\d)"; final String scaling_regex = "[X|Y]Scale:\\s(.*)"; //final String touchscreen_regex = "Device\\s\\d+:\\s(\\S+)"; final String touchscreen_regex = "DeviceType: touchScreen"; final String pointerVelocityControlParameters_regex = "PointerVelocityControlParameters:\\s(.*)"; final String tabInterval_regex = "TapInterval:\\s(.*)ms"; final String tapDragInterval_regex = "TapDragInterval:\\s(.*)ms"; final String multitouchSettleInterval_regex = "MultitouchSettleInterval:\\s(.*)ms"; final String swipeMaxWidthRatio_regex = "SwipeMaxWidthRatio:\\s(.*)"; final String movementSpeedRatio_regex = "MovementSpeedRatio:\\s(.*)"; final String zoomSpeedRatio_regex = "ZoomSpeedRatio:\\s(.*)"; final String velocity_scale_regex = "scale=(.*), lowThreshold"; final String velocity_lowThreshold_regex = "lowThreshold=(.*), highThreshold"; final String velocity_highThreshold_regex = "highThreshold=(.*), acceleration"; final String velocity_acceleration_regex = "acceleration=(.*)"; boolean isTouchScreen = false; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_dumpsys_input"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li.hasNext()) { String output = li.nextLine().trim(); if (output.contains(touchscreen_regex)) { isTouchScreen = true; } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("Last Cooked Touch")) { isTouchScreen = false; } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("X: min=0, max=")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("width")) rtnValue.put("width", (Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(dispaly_regex, output, 1)) + 1) + ""); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("Y: min=0, max=")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("height")) rtnValue.put("height", (Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(dispaly_regex, output, 1)) + 1) + ""); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("XScale:") && !output.contains("TiltXScale")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("xScale")) rtnValue.put("xScale", Utils.convertRegex(scaling_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("YScale:") && !output.contains("TiltYScale")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("yScale")) rtnValue.put("yScale", Utils.convertRegex(scaling_regex, output, 1)); } if (output.contains("SwipeMaxWidthRatio")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("SwipeMaxWidthRatio")) {"width : " + String.valueOf(rtnValue.get("width")) + " height : " + String.valueOf(rtnValue.get("height"))); String swipeMaxWidthRatio = Utils.convertRegex(swipeMaxWidthRatio_regex, output, 1); Integer width = Integer.valueOf((String) rtnValue.get("width")); Integer height = Integer.valueOf((String) rtnValue.get("height")); //Double swipe_distance = (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)) * Double.valueOf(swipeMaxWidthRatio)); Double swipe_distance = (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)) * Double.valueOf(swipeMaxWidthRatio)); Settings.SWIPE_AREA_THRESHOLD = swipe_distance.intValue(); } } if (output.contains("SurfaceOrientation:")) DataQueue.CURRENT_ORIENTATION = Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(orientation_regex, output, 1)); /* * String output = li.nextLine().trim(); if (output.contains("TOUCH_MAJOR")) isTouchScreen = true; if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("Input Dispatcher State:")) isTouchScreen = false; if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("X: min=0, max=")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("width")) rtnValue.put("width", (Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(dispaly_regex, output, 1)) + 1) + ""); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("Y: min=0, max=")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("height")) rtnValue.put("height", (Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(dispaly_regex, output, 1)) + 1) + ""); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("XScale:") && !output.contains("TiltXScale")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("xScale")) rtnValue.put("xScale", Utils.convertRegex(scaling_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("YScale:") && !output.contains("TiltYScale")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("yScale")) rtnValue.put("yScale", Utils.convertRegex(scaling_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("PointerVelocityControlParameters")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("pointerVelocityControlParameters")){ String velocityInfo = Utils.convertRegex(pointerVelocityControlParameters_regex, output, 1); Map<String,String> detailInfo = new HashMap<String,String>(); detailInfo.put("scale", Utils.convertRegex(velocity_scale_regex, velocityInfo, 1)); detailInfo.put("lowThreshold", Utils.convertRegex(velocity_lowThreshold_regex, velocityInfo, 1)); detailInfo.put("highThreshold", Utils.convertRegex(velocity_highThreshold_regex, velocityInfo, 1)); detailInfo.put("acceleration", Utils.convertRegex(velocity_acceleration_regex, velocityInfo, 1)); rtnValue.put("pointerVelocityControlParameters",detailInfo); } } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("TapInterval")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("tapInterval")) rtnValue.put("tapInterval", Utils.convertRegex(tabInterval_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("TapDragInterval")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("tapDragInterval")) rtnValue.put("tapDragInterval", Utils.convertRegex(tapDragInterval_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("MultitouchSettleInterval")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("multitouchSettleInterval")) rtnValue.put("multitouchSettleInterval", Utils.convertRegex(multitouchSettleInterval_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("SwipeMaxWidthRatio")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("swipeMaxWidthRatio")) rtnValue.put("swipeMaxWidthRatio", Utils.convertRegex(swipeMaxWidthRatio_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("MovementSpeedRatio")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("movementSpeedRatio")) rtnValue.put("movementSpeedRatio", Utils.convertRegex(movementSpeedRatio_regex, output, 1)); } if (isTouchScreen && output.contains("ZoomSpeedRatio")) { if (!rtnValue.containsKey("zoomSpeedRatio")) rtnValue.put("zoomSpeedRatio", Utils.convertRegex(zoomSpeedRatio_regex, output, 1)); }*/ if (output.contains("SurfaceOrientation:")) DataQueue.CURRENT_ORIENTATION = Integer.valueOf(Utils.convertRegex(orientation_regex, output, 1)); } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static void setSamsungKeyboard(String serial) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_set_keyboard", new String[] { "" }), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } public static Map<String, Object> runUiAutomatorTest(String serial) { return new AdbShellExecutor().execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_uiautomator_runtest"), false, ExecuteWatchdog.INFINITE_TIMEOUT); } public static List<String> get3rdPartyPackageList(String serial) { List<String> pkgList = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_3rd_party_package_list"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return pkgList; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String str = li.nextLine().trim(); if (str.contains("package:")) { pkgList.add(str.replace("package:", "")); } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return pkgList; } /** * Leader ?? 3rd party? package? ? ? MainActivity ?? * * @param serial * @param pkgName * @return */ public static String getMainActivity(String serial, String pkgName) { String laucherActivity = ""; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_dumpsys_package", new String[] { pkgName }), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return ""; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); boolean flag = false; while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String str = li.nextLine().trim(); if (str.contains("android.intent.action.MAIN:")) flag = true; // if(flag && str.contains("filter")){ if (flag && (!str.isEmpty() && str.split(" ").length > 1)) { laucherActivity = str.split(" ")[1]; flag = false; } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return laucherActivity; } public static void startActivity(String serial, String activity) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_start_activity", new String[] { "-S", activity }), true, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!executorMap.isEmpty()) { Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); } } public static String startActivity(List<String> serial, String activity, int timeoutSecond) { String rtnStr = ""; List<CommandLine> cmdList = new ArrayList<CommandLine>(); for (String s : serial) { cmdList.add(AdbShellCommand.cmd(s, "cmd_start_activity", new String[] { activity })); } List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ExecutorHandler().executeParallel(cmdList, timeoutSecond); for (Map<String, Object> executorMap : results) { if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { break; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { rtnStr = li.nextLine(); } } return rtnStr; } public static void portForward(String serial, int port) { new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_port_forward", new String[] { "tcp:" + port, "tcp:7016" }), 0); } public static void portForwardRemove(String serial, int port) { new AdbShellExecutor().execute( AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_port_forward", new String[] { "--remove", "tcp:" + port }), 0); } public static Map<String, String> getCurrentActivity(String serial) { Map<String, String> currentActivity = new HashMap<String, String>(); String activityName = ""; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_dumpsys_activity_top"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return currentActivity; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); boolean isHierarchyInfo = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String output = li.nextLine(); if (output.contains("ACTIVITY")) { activityName = output.trim().split(" ")[1]; } if (output.contains("Looper")) isHierarchyInfo = false; if (isHierarchyInfo) { output = output.split("\\{")[0].trim(); if (!output.isEmpty()) sb.append(output + "\n"); } if (output.contains("View Hierarchy")) isHierarchyInfo = true; } currentActivity.put(activityName, sb.toString()); Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return currentActivity; } public static String getTopActivity(String serial) { String rtnValue = ""; Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_dumpsys_activity_top"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return rtnValue; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String output = li.nextLine(); if (output.contains("ACTIVITY")) { rtnValue = output.trim().split(" ")[1]; } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return rtnValue; } public static String createDump(String serial) { FollowerHandler leader = DataQueue.followerListenerList.get(0); //leader FollowerRpcClient client = leader.getFollowerRpcClient(); if (client == null) { return null; } try { String response = (String) client.invoke("dumpWindowHierarchy", new Object[] { false, "" }); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(response)) { return response; } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error(e); } return null; } public static StringBuilder readDump(String serial, String dumpPath, StringBuilder hierarchy) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_cat", new String[] { dumpPath }), false, 3 * 1000); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return new StringBuilder(); } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); while (li != null && li.hasNext()) { hierarchy.append(li.nextLine().trim()); } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return hierarchy; } public static boolean isKeyPadAppear(String serial) { Map<String, Object> executorMap = new AdbShellExecutor() .execute(AdbShellCommand.cmd(serial, "cmd_keypad_monitor"), false, Settings.EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT); if (executorMap.isEmpty()) { return false; } LineIterator li = Utils.getLineIterator(executorMap.get("stdOut")); if (li != null && li.hasNext()) { String str = li.nextLine().trim(); if (str.contains("HasSurface=true")) { DataQueue.IS_KEYPAD_ON = true; } else { DataQueue.IS_KEYPAD_ON = false; } } Utils.destoryExecutor(executorMap.get("executor")); return DataQueue.IS_KEYPAD_ON; } public static DeviceInfo getDeviceInfomation(String serial) { DeviceInfo device; if (DataQueue.DEVICE_MAP.containsKey(serial)) { return DataQueue.DEVICE_MAP.get(serial); } device = new DeviceInfo(serial); Map<String, String> prop = DeviceHandler.getProp(serial); if (!prop.isEmpty()) { device.setManufacturer(prop.get("ro.product.manufacturer")); device.setDeviceModel(prop.get("ro.product.model")); device.setBuild(prop.get("")); } Map<String, Object> input = DeviceHandler.getInputManager(serial); if (!input.isEmpty()) { // f(input.get("velocity")!=null) // device.setVelocity(Double.valueOf(input.get("velocity"))); if (input.get("xScale") != null) device.setxScale(Double.valueOf((String) input.get("xScale"))); if (input.get("yScale") != null) device.setyScale(Double.valueOf((String) input.get("yScale"))); if (input.get("width") != null) device.setWidth(Integer.valueOf((String) input.get("width"))); if (input.get("height") != null) device.setHeight(Integer.valueOf((String) input.get("height"))); if (input.get("pointerVelocityControlParameters") != null) { // device.setVelocityParams((Map<String,Object>)input.get("pointerVelocityControlParameters")); } if (input.get("tapInterval") != null) { //device.setTapInterval((Double)input.get("tapInterval")); } if (input.get("tapDragInterval") != null) { //device.setTapDragInterval((Double)input.get("tapDragInterval")); } if (input.get("multitouchSettleInterval") != null) { //device.setMultitouchSettleInterval((Double)input.get("multitouchSettleInterval")); } if (input.get("multitouchMinDistance") != null) { //device.setMultitouchMinDistance((Double)input.get("multitouchMinDistance")); } if (input.get("swipeTransitionAngleCosine") != null) { //device.setSwipeTransitionAngleCosine((Double)input.get("swipeTransitionAngleCosine")); } if (input.get("swipeMaxWidthRatio") != null) { //device.setSwipeMaxWidthRatio((Double)input.get("swipeMaxWidthRatio")); } if (input.get("movementSpeedRatio") != null) { //device.setMovementSpeedRatio((Double)input.get("movementSpeedRatio")); } if (input.get("zoomSpeedRatio") != null) { //device.setZoomSpeedRatio((Double)input.get("zoomSpeedRatio")); } } return device; } }