Java tutorial
/* * NorthRidge Software, LLC - Copyright (c) 2015. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.nridge.ds.solr; import; import com.nridge.core.base.doc.Document; import com.nridge.core.base.doc.Relationship; import com.nridge.core.base.ds.DSCriteria; import com.nridge.core.base.ds.DSCriterionEntry; import com.nridge.core.base.ds.DSException; import com.nridge.core.base.field.Field; import com.nridge.core.base.field.FieldRow; import*; import com.nridge.core.base.std.StrUtl; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * The SolrParentChild provides a collection of methods that can expand * a Solr response {@link Document} with additional parents and children * results. It is a helper class for the {@link SolrDS} class. * * NOTE: If permission models need to be supported, then this logic will * need to be moved to an application service. * * @author Al Cole * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class SolrParentChild { private final String FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME = "nsd_id"; private final String FIELD_NSD_NAME_NAME = "nsd_name"; private final String FIELD_NSD_IS_PARENT_NAME = "nsd_is_parent"; private final String FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME = "nsd_parent_id"; private final String FIELD_NSD_IS_EXPANDED_NAME = "nsd_is_expanded"; private final String PROPERTY_HASH_MAP_NAME = "IdRowHashMap"; private final String FIELD_FETCH_LIMIT_DEFAULT = "5"; private final String FIELD_FETCH_OFFSET_DEFAULT = "0"; private SolrDS mSolrDS; private final AppMgr mAppMgr; public SolrParentChild(AppMgr anAppMgr, SolrDS aSolrDS) { mAppMgr = anAppMgr; mSolrDS = aSolrDS; } private void logExpansionDetails(DSCriteria aCriteria, DataTable aTable, int aCountBefore, int aCountAfter) { int versionNumber; String rowStr, docId, parentId, docName, isParent, versionString, isExpanded; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "logExpansionDetails"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); appLogger.debug(String.format("+++ Start Parent/Child Listing for '%s'", aCriteria.getName())); appLogger.debug(String.format("Row count before expansion: %d", aCountBefore)); DSCriteriaLogger dsCriteriaLogger = new DSCriteriaLogger(appLogger); dsCriteriaLogger.writeSimple(aCriteria); int rowCount = aTable.rowCount(); appLogger.debug(String.format("%s: %d documents found in Solr", aTable.getName(), aTable.rowCount())); for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { docId = aTable.getValueByName(row, "nsd_id"); docName = aTable.getValueByName(row, "nsd_name"); parentId = aTable.getValueByName(row, "nsd_parent_id"); isExpanded = aTable.getValueByName(row, "nsd_is_expanded"); if (StrUtl.stringToBoolean(isExpanded)) isExpanded = "E"; // query expansion else isExpanded = "H"; // query hit if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId)) isParent = "P"; else { isParent = " C"; parentId = String.format(" (%s)", parentId); } versionString = aTable.getValueByName(row, "nsd_version"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(versionString)) versionNumber = 0; else versionNumber = Integer.parseInt(versionString); rowStr = String.format("%02d: %s-[%s]%s: %s '%s' - v%d", row, isParent, docId, parentId, isExpanded, docName, versionNumber); appLogger.debug(rowStr); } appLogger.debug(String.format("Row count after expansion: %d", aCountAfter)); appLogger.debug(String.format("=== Finish Parent/Child Listing for '%s'", aCriteria.getName())); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /* Format: expandOption, expandOption(limit), expandOption(offset,limit) */ private String extractOffset(String aValue) { String startingOffset = FIELD_FETCH_OFFSET_DEFAULT; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aValue)) { int offset1 = aValue.lastIndexOf("("); int offset2 = aValue.lastIndexOf(")"); if ((offset1 != -1) && (offset2 != -1)) { String countString = aValue.substring(offset1 + 1, offset2); if (StringUtils.contains(countString, StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA)) { ArrayList<String> offsetLimitList = StrUtl.expandToList(countString, StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); if (offsetLimitList.size() > 0) { String offsetValue = offsetLimitList.get(0); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(offsetValue)) startingOffset = offsetValue; } } } } return startingOffset; } /* Format: expandOption, expandOption(limit), expandOption(offset,limit) */ private String extractLimit(String aValue) { String fetchLimit = FIELD_FETCH_LIMIT_DEFAULT; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aValue)) { int offset1 = aValue.lastIndexOf("("); int offset2 = aValue.lastIndexOf(")"); if ((offset1 != -1) && (offset2 != -1)) { String countString = aValue.substring(offset1 + 1, offset2); if (StringUtils.contains(countString, StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA)) { ArrayList<String> offsetLimitList = StrUtl.expandToList(countString, StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); if (offsetLimitList.size() > 1) { String limitValue = offsetLimitList.get(1); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(limitValue)) fetchLimit = limitValue; } } else { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(countString)) fetchLimit = countString; } } } return fetchLimit; } private DataField pcExpansionField(String aValue) { String fieldName; if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(aValue, Solr.PC_EXPANSION_BOTH)) fieldName = Solr.PC_EXPANSION_BOTH; else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(aValue, Solr.PC_EXPANSION_CHILD)) fieldName = Solr.PC_EXPANSION_CHILD; else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(aValue, Solr.PC_EXPANSION_PARENT)) fieldName = Solr.PC_EXPANSION_PARENT; else fieldName = Solr.PC_EXPANSION_NONE; DataField expansionField = new DataIntegerField(fieldName, Field.nameToTitle(fieldName)); expansionField.setMultiValueFlag(true); expansionField.addValue(extractOffset(aValue)); expansionField.addValue(extractLimit(aValue)); return expansionField; } private DataBag findBagInTableById(DataTable aTable, String aFieldName, String anId) { if (aTable != null) { FieldRow fieldRow = Field.firstFieldRow(aTable.findValue(aFieldName, Field.Operator.EQUAL, anId)); if (fieldRow != null) return aTable.getRowAsBag(fieldRow); } return null; } private boolean isRowInTableById(DataTable aTable, String aFieldName, String anId) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(anId)) { FieldRow fieldRow = Field.firstFieldRow(aTable.findValue(aFieldName, Field.Operator.EQUAL, anId)); return (fieldRow != null); } else return false; } private HashMap<String, DataBag> createTableHashMap(DataTable aTable) { HashMap<String, DataBag> hashMapRows = new HashMap<String, DataBag>(); aTable.addProperty(PROPERTY_HASH_MAP_NAME, hashMapRows); return hashMapRows; } private HashMap<String, DataBag> getTableHashMap(DataTable aTable) { return (HashMap<String, DataBag>) aTable.getProperty(PROPERTY_HASH_MAP_NAME); } private boolean addRowUniqueToTable(DataTable aTable, DataBag aRowBag) { boolean isAdded; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "addRowUniqueToTable"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); HashMap<String, DataBag> hashMapRows = getTableHashMap(aTable); String docId = aRowBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); String parentId = aRowBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); String keyId = String.format("%s:%s", docId, parentId); DataBag rowBag = hashMapRows.get(keyId); if (rowBag == null) { aTable.addRow(aRowBag); hashMapRows.put(keyId, aRowBag); isAdded = true; } else isAdded = false; appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return isAdded; } /* This method will ensure that all possible parents are in returned table. */ private DataTable expandParents(DataTable aResponseTable) throws DSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "expandParents"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataTable parentTable = null; // First, we need to extract all unique parent ids from the response table. int rowCount = aResponseTable.rowCount(); if (rowCount > 0) { String parentId; DataField parentIdsField; DataField fetchParentIds = new DataTextField("parent_ids", "Parent Ids"); fetchParentIds.setMultiValueFlag(true); for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { parentIdsField = aResponseTable.getFieldByRowName(row, FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); if ((parentIdsField != null) && (parentIdsField.valueCount() > 0)) { parentId = parentIdsField.getFirstValue(); if (!isRowInTableById(aResponseTable, FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME, parentId)) fetchParentIds.addValueUnique(parentId); } } // Fetch our parent table of documents. if (fetchParentIds.valueCount() > 0) { DSCriteria parentCriteria = new DSCriteria("Parent Criteria"); parentCriteria.add(Solr.FIELD_QUERY_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, Solr.QUERY_ALL_DOCUMENTS); String[] fetchValues = StrUtl.convertToMulti(fetchParentIds.getValues()); parentCriteria.add(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME, Field.Operator.IN, fetchValues); Document solrDocument = mSolrDS.fetch(parentCriteria); if (Solr.isResponsePopulated(solrDocument)) parentTable = Solr.getResponse(solrDocument); } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return parentTable; } private DSCriteria createChildCriteria(DataTable aResponseTable, String aPrimaryKeyFieldName, String aParentId) { String primaryKeyId; DSCriteria childCriteria = new DSCriteria("Child Criteria"); childCriteria.add(Solr.FIELD_QUERY_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, Solr.QUERY_ALL_DOCUMENTS); childCriteria.add(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, aParentId); DataField excludeChildIds = new DataTextField("child_ids", "Child Ids"); excludeChildIds.setMultiValueFlag(true); ArrayList<FieldRow> childRows = aResponseTable.findValue(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, aParentId); for (FieldRow childRow : childRows) { primaryKeyId = aResponseTable.getValueByName(childRow, aPrimaryKeyFieldName); excludeChildIds.addValueUnique(primaryKeyId); } if (excludeChildIds.valueCount() > 0) { String[] excludeValues = StrUtl.convertToMulti(excludeChildIds.getValues()); childCriteria.add(aPrimaryKeyFieldName, Field.Operator.NOT_IN, excludeValues); } return childCriteria; } /* This method will ensure that all possible children are in returned table. */ private DataTable expandChildren(DataTable aResponseTable, DataTable aParentTable, DataField anExpansionField) throws DSException { String parentId; DataBag childBag; DataField isParentField; DSCriteria childCriteria; DataTable childResponseTable; int offset, limit, childRowCount; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "expandChildren"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataTable childTable = null; int resultRowCount = aResponseTable.rowCount(); if ((anExpansionField != null) && (anExpansionField.valueCount() == 2)) { offset = Integer.parseInt(anExpansionField.getValue(0)); limit = Integer.parseInt(anExpansionField.getValue(1)); } else { offset = Solr.QUERY_OFFSET_DEFAULT; limit = Solr.QUERY_PAGESIZE_DEFAULT; } // First, we will review the parents of the response table. for (int resultRow = 0; resultRow < resultRowCount; resultRow++) { isParentField = aResponseTable.getFieldByRowName(resultRow, FIELD_NSD_IS_PARENT_NAME); if ((isParentField != null) && (isParentField.isValueTrue())) { parentId = aResponseTable.getValueByName(resultRow, FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parentId)) { childCriteria = createChildCriteria(aResponseTable, FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME, parentId); Document solrDocument = mSolrDS.fetch(childCriteria, offset, limit); if (Solr.isResponsePopulated(solrDocument)) { childResponseTable = Solr.getResponse(solrDocument); if (childTable == null) { childTable = new DataTable(childResponseTable.getColumnBag()); createTableHashMap(childTable); } childRowCount = childResponseTable.rowCount(); for (int childRow = 0; childRow < childRowCount; childRow++) { childBag = childResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); addRowUniqueToTable(childTable, childBag); } } } } } // Next, we will review the parents of the parent table. if (aParentTable != null) { int parentCount = aParentTable.rowCount(); for (int parentRow = 0; parentRow < parentCount; parentRow++) { isParentField = aParentTable.getFieldByRowName(parentRow, FIELD_NSD_IS_PARENT_NAME); if ((isParentField != null) && (isParentField.isValueTrue())) { parentId = aParentTable.getValueByName(parentRow, FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parentId)) { childCriteria = createChildCriteria(aParentTable, FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME, parentId); Document solrDocument = mSolrDS.fetch(childCriteria, offset, limit); if (Solr.isResponsePopulated(solrDocument)) { childResponseTable = Solr.getResponse(solrDocument); if (childTable == null) { childTable = new DataTable(childResponseTable.getColumnBag()); createTableHashMap(childTable); } childRowCount = childResponseTable.rowCount(); for (int childRow = 0; childRow < childRowCount; childRow++) { childBag = childResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); addRowUniqueToTable(childTable, childBag); } } } } } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return childTable; } private DataTable matchChildrenToParents(DataTable aResponseTable) { String nsdId, parentId; DataBag parentBag, childBag; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "matchChildrenToParents"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataTable matchTable = new DataTable(aResponseTable.getColumnBag()); createTableHashMap(matchTable); int rowCount = aResponseTable.rowCount(); for (int parentRow = 0; parentRow < rowCount; parentRow++) { parentBag = aResponseTable.getRowAsBag(parentRow); parentId = parentBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId)) { addRowUniqueToTable(matchTable, parentBag); nsdId = parentBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); for (int childRow = 0; childRow < rowCount; childRow++) { childBag = aResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); parentId = childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); if (StringUtils.equals(nsdId, parentId)) addRowUniqueToTable(matchTable, childBag); } } } for (int childRow = 0; childRow < rowCount; childRow++) { childBag = aResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); parentId = childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parentId)) addRowUniqueToTable(matchTable, childBag); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return matchTable; } private DataBag getParentRowById(String aPrimaryKeyFieldName, String anId, DataTable aResponseTable, DataTable aParentTable) { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "getParentRowById"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataBag parentBag = findBagInTableById(aResponseTable, aPrimaryKeyFieldName, anId); if (parentBag == null) { parentBag = findBagInTableById(aParentTable, aPrimaryKeyFieldName, anId); if (parentBag != null) parentBag.setValueByName(FIELD_NSD_IS_EXPANDED_NAME, true); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return parentBag; } private ArrayList<DataBag> getChildRowsById(String anId, DataTable aResponseTable, DataTable aChildTable) { DataBag childBag; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "getChildRowsById"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); ArrayList<DataBag> childBagList = new ArrayList<DataBag>(); ArrayList<FieldRow> childRows = aResponseTable.findValue(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, anId); for (FieldRow childRow : childRows) { childBag = aResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); if (childBag != null) childBagList.add(childBag); } childRows = aChildTable.findValue(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME, Field.Operator.EQUAL, anId); for (FieldRow childRow : childRows) { childBag = aResponseTable.getRowAsBag(childRow); if (childBag != null) { childBag.setValueByName(FIELD_NSD_IS_EXPANDED_NAME, true); childBagList.add(childBag); } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return childBagList; } private boolean isParentNeeded(DataTable aParentTable, DataBag aRowBag, DataField anExpansionField) { if ((aParentTable != null) || (!aRowBag.isValueTrue(FIELD_NSD_IS_PARENT_NAME))) { String parentId = aRowBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); String expansionName = anExpansionField.getName(); if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parentId)) && (!expansionName.equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_NONE))) return true; } return false; } private boolean isChildrenNeeded(DataTable aChildTable, DataBag aRowBag, DataField anExpansionField) { if ((aChildTable != null) && (aRowBag.isValueTrue(FIELD_NSD_IS_PARENT_NAME))) { String parentId = aRowBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); String expansionName = anExpansionField.getName(); if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId)) && ((expansionName.equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_CHILD)) || (expansionName.equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_BOTH)))) return true; } return false; } /* The key to this algorithm is the detection of existing rows in the merged table. */ private DataTable merge(DataTable aResponseTable, DataTable aParentTable, DataTable aChildTable, DataField anExpansionField) throws DSException { int rowCount; DataTable mergeTable; DataBag responseBag, parentBag; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "merge"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); // Match un-expanded children with their parents before we continue. DataTable responseTable = matchChildrenToParents(aResponseTable); rowCount = responseTable.rowCount(); if ((aParentTable == null) && (aChildTable == null)) mergeTable = responseTable; else { mergeTable = new DataTable(responseTable.getColumnBag()); createTableHashMap(mergeTable); /* Every row in the response table must be re-added to the merge table. Parent and child rows that are included as part of the expansion process. */ for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { responseBag = responseTable.getRowAsBag(row); if (isParentNeeded(aParentTable, responseBag, anExpansionField)) { String parentId = responseBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_PARENT_ID_NAME); parentBag = getParentRowById(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME, parentId, responseTable, aParentTable); if (parentBag != null) { if (addRowUniqueToTable(mergeTable, parentBag)) { appLogger.debug(String.format("Parent expanded (%s): [%s] %s", parentId, parentBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME), parentBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_NAME_NAME))); if (isChildrenNeeded(aChildTable, parentBag, anExpansionField)) { String docId = parentBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); ArrayList<DataBag> childBagList = getChildRowsById(docId, responseTable, aChildTable); for (DataBag childBag : childBagList) { if (addRowUniqueToTable(mergeTable, childBag)) { appLogger.debug(String.format("Child expanded (%s): [%s] %s", docId, childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME), childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_NAME_NAME))); } } } } } } if (isChildrenNeeded(aChildTable, responseBag, anExpansionField)) { addRowUniqueToTable(mergeTable, responseBag); String docId = responseBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME); ArrayList<DataBag> childBagList = getChildRowsById(docId, responseTable, aChildTable); for (DataBag childBag : childBagList) { if (addRowUniqueToTable(mergeTable, childBag)) { appLogger.debug(String.format("Child expanded (%s): [%s] %s", docId, childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_ID_NAME), childBag.getValueAsString(FIELD_NSD_NAME_NAME))); } } } else addRowUniqueToTable(mergeTable, responseBag); } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return mergeTable; } public void expand(Document aSolrDocument, DSCriteria aCriteria) throws DSException { int rowCount; DataTable responseTable; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "expand"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataField expansionField = null; if ((aCriteria != null) && (aCriteria.count() > 0)) { String fieldName; for (DSCriterionEntry ce : aCriteria.getCriterionEntries()) { fieldName = ce.getName(); if (StringUtils.equals(fieldName, Solr.FIELD_PC_EXPAND_NAME)) { expansionField = pcExpansionField(ce.getValue()); break; } } } if (Solr.isResponsePopulated(aSolrDocument)) { responseTable = Solr.getResponse(aSolrDocument); rowCount = responseTable.rowCount(); } else { rowCount = 0; responseTable = null; } if ((rowCount > 0) && (expansionField != null) && (!expansionField.getName().equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_NONE))) { DataTable parentTable, childTable, mergeTable; // Populate our parent and child tables. String expansionName = expansionField.getName(); // Expand our parent if it is missing. parentTable = expandParents(responseTable); if ((expansionName.equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_CHILD)) || (expansionName.equals(Solr.PC_EXPANSION_BOTH))) childTable = expandChildren(responseTable, parentTable, expansionField); else childTable = null; // Merge the original response, parent and child tables into one. mergeTable = merge(responseTable, parentTable, childTable, expansionField); // Update the response table in the Solr document. Relationship documentRelationship = aSolrDocument.getFirstRelationship(Solr.RESPONSE_DOCUMENT); if (documentRelationship != null) { if (documentRelationship.count() > 0) { Document resultDocument = documentRelationship.getDocuments().get(0); resultDocument.setTable(mergeTable); } } logExpansionDetails(aCriteria, mergeTable, rowCount, mergeTable.rowCount()); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } }