Java tutorial
/* * NorthRidge Software, LLC - Copyright (c) 2019. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.nridge.core.ds.rdbms.hsqldb; import; import com.nridge.core.base.ds.DSCriteria; import com.nridge.core.base.ds.DSCriterionEntry; import com.nridge.core.base.field.Field; import com.nridge.core.base.field.FieldRow; import; import; import; import com.nridge.core.base.std.NSException; import com.nridge.core.base.std.StrUtl; import com.nridge.core.ds.rdbms.SQL; import com.nridge.core.ds.rdbms.SQLConnection; import com.nridge.core.ds.rdbms.SQLSequence; import com.nridge.core.ds.rdbms.SQLTable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; /** * Implements the Hypersonic SQL RDBMS interfaces for * table operations. Since these methods are specific * to a particular RDBMS vendor, an application developer * is encouraged to use the abstracted <i>SQLTable</i> * class instead. * * @author Al Cole * @since 1.0 */ public class HDBSQLTable extends SQLTable { private final int VENDOR_CHAR_THRESHOLD = 5; private AppMgr mAppMgr; /** * Constructor that accepts a SQL connection. * * @param aConnection SQL connection. */ public HDBSQLTable(SQLConnection aConnection) { super(aConnection); mAppMgr = aConnection.getAppMgr(); } private String columnElement(DataField aField) { String sqlElement; String fieldName = aField.getName(); int storageSize = aField.getFeatureAsInt(Field.FEATURE_STORED_SIZE); switch (aField.getType()) { case Boolean: sqlElement = String.format("%s BOOLEAN", fieldName); break; case Integer: sqlElement = String.format("%s INT", fieldName); break; case Long: sqlElement = String.format("%s BIGINT", fieldName); break; case Float: case Double: sqlElement = String.format("%s DEC(100,10)", fieldName); break; case Text: if (storageSize < VENDOR_CHAR_THRESHOLD) sqlElement = String.format("%s CHAR(%d)", fieldName, storageSize); else sqlElement = String.format("%s VARCHAR(%d)", fieldName, storageSize); break; case Date: sqlElement = String.format("%s DATE", fieldName); break; case Time: sqlElement = String.format("%s TIME", fieldName); break; case DateTime: sqlElement = String.format("%s TIMESTAMP", fieldName); break; default: return fieldName; } if ((aField.isFeatureTrue(Field.FEATURE_IS_REQUIRED)) && (aField.isFeatureFalse(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY))) sqlElement += " NOT NULL"; if (SQL.isSequenceImplicit(aField)) { sqlElement += String.format(" GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH %d)", SQL.getSequenceSeed(aField)); } if (aField.isFeatureTrue(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY)) sqlElement += String.format(" PRIMARY KEY"); return sqlElement; } private void createSequences(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "createSequences"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); SQLSequence sqlSequence = mSQLConnection.newSequence(); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (SQL.isSequenceManaged(pField)) sqlSequence.create(aBag, pField); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Creates a table object in the RDBMS based on the DB name * assigned to the bag. * * @param aBag Field bag with DB name assigned. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void create(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "create"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if ((aBag == null) || (aBag.count() == 0)) throw new NSException("Empty data bag."); String sqlStatement = "CREATE"; if (StringUtils.equals(mType, Field.SQL_TABLE_TYPE_MEMORY)) sqlStatement += " MEMORY"; else sqlStatement += " CACHED"; sqlStatement += " TABLE " + schemaName(aBag) + StrUtl.CHAR_SPACE; boolean isCommaNeeded = false; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(sqlStatement); sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_OPEN); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (isCommaNeeded) sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); else isCommaNeeded = true; sqlBuilder.append(columnElement(pField)); } sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_CLOSE); mSQLConnection.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); createSequences(aBag); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } private void dropSequences(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "dropSequences"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); SQLSequence sqlSequence = mSQLConnection.newSequence(); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (SQL.isSequenceExplicit(pField)) sqlSequence.drop(aBag, pField); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Drops a table object in the RDBMS based on the DB name * assigned to the bag. * * @param aBag Field bag with DB name assigned. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void drop(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { super.drop(aBag); dropSequences(aBag); } private String buildSelectFrom(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { String sqlStatement = "SELECT "; boolean isCommaNeeded = false; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(sqlStatement); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (isCommaNeeded) sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); else isCommaNeeded = true; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pField.getFeature(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME))) sqlBuilder.append( functionColumnName(pField.getFeature(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME), pField.getName())); else sqlBuilder.append(columnName(pField.getName())); } sqlBuilder.append(" FROM "); sqlBuilder.append(schemaName(aBag)); return sqlBuilder.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "StringConcatenationInsideStringBufferAppend" }) private String buildWhereClause(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria, int anOffset, int aLimit) throws NSException { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if ((aCriteria != null) && (aCriteria.count() > 0)) { boolean isFirst = true; sqlBuilder.append(" WHERE"); for (DSCriterionEntry ce : aCriteria.getCriterionEntries()) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; sqlBuilder.append(columnCondition(ce)); } else { if (ce.getBooleanOperator() == Field.Operator.AND) sqlBuilder.append(" AND "); else sqlBuilder.append(" OR "); sqlBuilder.append(columnCondition(ce)); } } } orderByClause(sqlBuilder, aBag); if (anOffset >= 0) { if (sqlBuilder.length() == 0) sqlBuilder.append(" WHERE OFFSET " + anOffset); else sqlBuilder.append(" OFFSET " + anOffset); } if (aLimit >= 0) { if (sqlBuilder.length() == 0) sqlBuilder.append(" WHERE LIMIT " + aLimit); else sqlBuilder.append(" LIMIT " + aLimit); } return sqlBuilder.toString(); } private void addTableRowFromResultSet(DataTable aTable, ResultSet aResultSet) { String columnName; DataField dataField; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "addTableRowFromResultSet"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); FieldRow fieldRow = aTable.newRow(); for (DataField pField : aTable.getColumnBag().getFields()) { dataField = new DataField(pField); try { columnName = columnName(pField.getName()); switch (pField.getType()) { case Integer: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getInt(columnName)); break; case Long: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getLong(columnName)); break; case Float: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getFloat(columnName)); break; case Double: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getDouble(columnName)); break; case Boolean: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getBoolean(columnName)); break; case Date: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getDate(columnName)); break; case Time: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getTime(columnName)); break; case DateTime: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getTimestamp(columnName)); break; default: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getString(columnName)); break; } if (!aResultSet.wasNull()) aTable.setValueByName(fieldRow, pField.getName(), dataField.getValue()); } catch (SQLException e) { appLogger.error(String.format("SQL Exception (%s): %s", pField.getName(), e.getMessage())); } catch (NSException e) { appLogger.error(String.format("NS Exception (%s): %s", pField.getName(), e.getMessage())); } } aTable.addRow(fieldRow); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } private void query(String aSQLStatement, DataTable aTable, int aLimit) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "query"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); Statement stmtQuery = null; appLogger.debug(aSQLStatement); Connection jdbcConnection = mSQLConnection.getJDBCConnection(); try { stmtQuery = jdbcConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); if (aLimit > 0) stmtQuery.setFetchSize(aLimit); stmtQuery.setEscapeProcessing(mSQLConnection.isStatementEscapingEnabled()); mSQLConnection.setLastStatement(aSQLStatement); ResultSet resultSet = stmtQuery.executeQuery(aSQLStatement); while ( addTableRowFromResultSet(aTable, resultSet); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new NSException("RDBMS Query Error: " + aSQLStatement + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (stmtQuery != null) { try { stmtQuery.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } private void addTableRowFromFunctionResultSet(DataTable aTable, ResultSet aResultSet) { DataField dataField; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "addTableRowFromFunctionResultSet"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); FieldRow fieldRow = aTable.newRow(); int columnNumber = 0; for (DataField pField : aTable.getColumnBag().getFields()) { columnNumber++; dataField = new DataField(pField); try { switch (pField.getType()) { case Integer: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getInt(columnNumber)); break; case Long: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getLong(columnNumber)); break; case Float: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getFloat(columnNumber)); break; case Double: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getDouble(columnNumber)); break; case Boolean: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getBoolean(columnNumber)); break; case Date: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getDate(columnNumber)); break; case Time: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getTime(columnNumber)); break; case DateTime: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getTimestamp(columnNumber)); break; default: dataField.setValue(aResultSet.getString(columnNumber)); break; } if (!aResultSet.wasNull()) aTable.setValueByName(fieldRow, pField.getName(), dataField.getValue()); } catch (SQLException e) { appLogger.error(String.format("SQL Exception (%s): %s", pField.getName(), e.getMessage())); } } aTable.addRow(fieldRow); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } private void queryFunction(String aSQLStatement, DataTable aTable, int aLimit) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "queryFunction"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); Statement stmtQuery = null; appLogger.debug(aSQLStatement); Connection jdbcConnection = mSQLConnection.getJDBCConnection(); try { stmtQuery = jdbcConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); if (aLimit > 0) stmtQuery.setFetchSize(aLimit); stmtQuery.setEscapeProcessing(mSQLConnection.isStatementEscapingEnabled()); mSQLConnection.setLastStatement(aSQLStatement); ResultSet resultSet = stmtQuery.executeQuery(aSQLStatement); while ( addTableRowFromFunctionResultSet(aTable, resultSet); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new NSException("RDBMS Query Error: " + aSQLStatement + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (stmtQuery != null) { try { stmtQuery.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Returns a count of rows in the RDBMS table identified by the * DB name that match the {@link DSCriteria}. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag. * @param aCriteria Data source criteria. * * @return Count of rows in the RDBMS table matching the criteria. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public int count(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria) throws NSException { int countValue = SQL.VALUE_IS_INVALID; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "count"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataBag countBag = new DataBag(aBag.getName(), aBag.getTitle()); DataField dataField = new DataField(SQL.COLUMN_ID_FIELD_NAME, "Id", 0); dataField.addFeature(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME, SQL.FUNCTION_COLUMN_COUNT); countBag.add(dataField); String sqlStatement = buildSelectFrom(countBag); if (aCriteria != null) sqlStatement += buildWhereClause(countBag, aCriteria, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_OFFSET, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(countBag); queryFunction(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); dataField = dataTable.getFieldByRowCol(0, 0); if (dataField != null) countValue = dataField.getValueAsInt(); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return countValue; } /** * Returns the count of rows in the RDBMS table identified by the * DB name assigned to the persistent bag of fields. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag with DB name assigned and a * primary key designated. * * @return Count of rows in the table. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public int count(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { return count(aBag, null); } /** * Returns a {@link DataTable} representation of all rows * fetched from the RDBMS table (using a wildcard criteria). * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Depending on the number of rows in the RDBMS * table, this method could consume large amounts of heap * memory. Therefore, it should only be used when the number * of column and rows is known to be small in size. * </p> * * @param aBag Persistent field bag. * * @return Table representing all rows in the RDBMS table. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public DataTable select(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "select"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); String sqlStatement = buildSelectFrom(aBag); sqlStatement += orderByClause(aBag); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(aBag); if (aBag.featureNameCount(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME) == 0) query(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); else queryFunction(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return dataTable; } /** * Returns a {@link DataTable} representation of all rows * fetched from the RDBMS table that match the criteria * provided. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Depending on the number of rows in the RDBMS * table, this method could consume large amounts of heap * memory. Therefore, the developer is encouraged to use * the alternative method for select where an offset and * limit parameter can be specified. * </p> * * @param aBag Persistent field bag. * @param aCriteria Data source criteria. * @return Table representing all rows in the RDBMS table * matching the criteria. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public DataTable select(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "select"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); String sqlStatement = buildSelectFrom(aBag); if (aCriteria != null) sqlStatement += buildWhereClause(aBag, aCriteria, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_OFFSET, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(aBag); if (aBag.featureNameCount(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME) == 0) query(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); else queryFunction(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return dataTable; } /** * Returns a {@link DataTable} representation of all rows * fetched from the RDBMS table that match the criteria * provided. In addition, this method offers a paging mechanism * where the starting offset and a fetch limit can be applied * to each operation. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag. * @param aCriteria Data source criteria. * @param anOffset Starting offset into the matching table rows. * @param aLimit Limit on the total number of rows to fetch from * the RDBMS table during this select operation. * * @return Table representing all rows that match the criteria * in the RDBMS table (based on the offset and limit values). * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public DataTable select(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria, int anOffset, int aLimit) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "select"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); String sqlStatement = buildSelectFrom(aBag); if (aCriteria != null) sqlStatement += buildWhereClause(aBag, aCriteria, anOffset, aLimit); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(aBag); if (aBag.featureNameCount(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME) == 0) query(sqlStatement, dataTable, aLimit); else queryFunction(sqlStatement, dataTable, aLimit); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return dataTable; } /** * Returns a {@link DataTable} representation of all rows * fetched from the RDBMS table that match the SQL where clause * provided. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> The developer is responsible for ensuring that the * where clause is properly formatted for the RDBMS vendor it will * be executed against. * </p> * * @param aBag Persistent field bag. * @param aWhereClause SQL where clause. * * @return Table representing all rows that match the where * clause in the RDBMS table. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public DataTable select(DataBag aBag, String aWhereClause) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "select"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); String sqlStatement = buildSelectFrom(aBag) + " " + aWhereClause; DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(aBag); if (aBag.featureNameCount(Field.FEATURE_FUNCTION_NAME) == 0) query(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); else queryFunction(sqlStatement, dataTable, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return dataTable; } /** * Returns a low-level JDBC <i>ResultSet</i> representation of all rows * fetched from the RDBMS table that match the SQL select statement * provided. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> The developer is responsible for ensuring that the * SQL statement is properly formatted for the RDBMS vendor it will * be executed against. * </p> * * @param aSelectFromWhereStatement SQL select statement. * * @return JDBC result set instance. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public ResultSet select(String aSelectFromWhereStatement) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "select"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); ResultSet resultSet; appLogger.debug(aSelectFromWhereStatement); Connection jdbcConnection = mSQLConnection.getJDBCConnection(); try { Statement stmtQuery = jdbcConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); stmtQuery.setEscapeProcessing(mSQLConnection.isStatementEscapingEnabled()); mSQLConnection.setLastStatement(aSelectFromWhereStatement); resultSet = stmtQuery.executeQuery(aSelectFromWhereStatement); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new NSException("RDBMS Query Error: " + aSelectFromWhereStatement + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return resultSet; } /** * Inserts the fields within the persistent bag into the RDBMS * table (based on the DB name assigned to the bag). If the * primary key field is designated as an auto-incremented * sequence, then that scenario will be handled as part of * this operation. * * @param aBag Field bag with DB name assigned. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void insert(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { String fieldValue; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "insert"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if ((aBag == null) || (aBag.count() == 0)) throw new NSException("Empty data bag."); boolean isCommaNeeded = false; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("INSERT INTO %s ", schemaName(aBag))); sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_OPEN); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (isCommaNeeded) sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); else isCommaNeeded = true; sqlBuilder.append(columnName(pField.getName())); } sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_CLOSE); isCommaNeeded = false; sqlBuilder.append(" VALUES "); sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_OPEN); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if (isCommaNeeded) sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); else isCommaNeeded = true; fieldValue = pField.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldValue)) { if (SQL.isSequenceManaged(pField)) { SQLSequence sqlSequence = mSQLConnection.newSequence(); sqlBuilder.append(sqlSequence.insertValue(aBag, pField)); } else sqlBuilder.append(SQL.COLUMN_VALUE_EMPTY); } else { if (pField.isTypeText()) { sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_SGLQUOTE); sqlBuilder.append(escapeText(pField.getValue())); sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_SGLQUOTE); } else if (pField.isTypeDateOrTime()) sqlBuilder.append(escapeTimestamp(pField.getValueAsDate().getTime())); else sqlBuilder.append(fieldValue); } } sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_PAREN_CLOSE); mSQLConnection.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Updates one or more rows in the RDBMS table matching the * {@link DSCriteria} with the assigned values in the * {@link DataBag}. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag with DB name. * @param aCriteria Data source criteria. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void update(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "update"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if ((aBag == null) || (aBag.count() == 0)) throw new NSException("Empty data bag."); else if ((aCriteria == null) && (aBag.featureNameValueCount(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY, StrUtl.STRING_TRUE) != 1)) throw new NSException(Field.VALIDATION_MESSAGE_PRIMARY_KEY); else if (assignedFieldsCount(aBag) == 0) throw new NSException("The bag does not have assigned fields to update."); boolean isCommaNeeded = false; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("UPDATE %s", schemaName(aBag))); for (DataField pField : aBag.getFields()) { if ((pField.isFeatureTrue(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY)) || (!pField.isAssigned())) continue; if (isCommaNeeded) sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_COMMA); else { isCommaNeeded = true; sqlBuilder.append(" SET"); } sqlBuilder.append(String.format(" %s=", columnName(pField.getName()))); if (pField.isTypeText()) { sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_SGLQUOTE); sqlBuilder.append(escapeText(pField.getValue())); sqlBuilder.append(StrUtl.CHAR_SGLQUOTE); } else if (pField.isTypeDateOrTime()) sqlBuilder.append(escapeTimestamp(pField.getValueAsDate().getTime())); else sqlBuilder.append(pField.getValue()); } if (aCriteria == null) { DataField dataField = aBag.getPrimaryKeyField(); sqlBuilder.append(String.format(" WHERE %s=%s", columnName(dataField.getName()), dataField.getValue())); } else sqlBuilder.append(buildWhereClause(aBag, aCriteria, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_OFFSET, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS)); mSQLConnection.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Updates a single row in the RDBMS table that matches the * primary key field in the @link PersistBag} with any fields * that have assigned values. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag with DB name assigned and a * primary key designated. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void update(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "update"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); update(aBag, null); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Deletes one or more rows in the RDBMS table matching the * {@link DSCriteria}. The {@link DataBag} is used to * determine the name of the DB table. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag with DB name. * @param aCriteria Data source criteria. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void delete(DataBag aBag, DSCriteria aCriteria) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "delete"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if (aBag.featureNameValueCount(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY, StrUtl.STRING_TRUE) != 1) throw new NSException(Field.VALIDATION_MESSAGE_PRIMARY_KEY); else if ((aCriteria == null) && (aBag.featureNameValueCount(Field.FEATURE_IS_PRIMARY_KEY, StrUtl.STRING_TRUE) != 1)) throw new NSException(Field.VALIDATION_MESSAGE_PRIMARY_KEY); StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("DELETE FROM %s", schemaName(aBag))); if (aCriteria == null) { DataField dataField = aBag.getPrimaryKeyField(); sqlBuilder.append( String.format(" WHERE %s=%s", columnName(dataField.getName()), dataField.getValueAsInt())); } else sqlBuilder.append(buildWhereClause(aBag, aCriteria, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_OFFSET, SQL.CRITERIA_NO_LIMITS)); mSQLConnection.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } /** * Deletes a single row in the RDBMS table that matches the * primary key field in the @link PersistBag}. * * @param aBag Persistent field bag with DB name assigned and a * primary key designated. * * @throws NSException Catch-all exception for any SQL related issue. */ @Override public void delete(DataBag aBag) throws NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "delete"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); DataField dataField = aBag.getPrimaryKeyField(); DSCriteria dsCriteria = new DSCriteria("Delete Criteria"); dsCriteria.add(dataField.getName(), Field.Operator.EQUAL, dataField.getValueAsInt()); delete(aBag, dsCriteria); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); } }