Java tutorial
/* * NorthRidge Software, LLC - Copyright (c) 2019. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.nridge.core.base.std; import com.nridge.core.base.field.Field; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; /** * The StrUtl class provides utility methods for manipulating and * evaluating <i>String</i> objects. The goal of this class is to * centralize commonly used string manipulation methods and to * encourage code re-use. * <p> * The Apache Commons has a number of good utility methods for string * values. * * </p> * @author Al Cole * @version 1.0 Jan 2, 2014 * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public class StrUtl { // The following constants are defined to aid in code documentation. public static final char CHAR_AT = '@'; public static final char CHAR_DOT = '.'; public static final char CHAR_COLON = ':'; public static final char CHAR_PIPE = '|'; public static final char CHAR_PLUS = '+'; public static final char CHAR_SPACE = ' '; public static final char CHAR_COMMA = ','; public static final char CHAR_EQUAL = '='; public static final char CHAR_POUND = '#'; public static final char CHAR_HYPHEN = '-'; public static final char CHAR_DOLLAR = '$'; public static final char CHAR_PERCENT = '%'; public static final char CHAR_LESSTHAN = '<'; public static final char CHAR_GREATERTHAN = '>'; public static final char CHAR_AMPERSAND = '&'; public static final char CHAR_QUESTMARK = '?'; public static final char CHAR_UNDERLINE = '_'; public static final char CHAR_SGLQUOTE = '\''; public static final char CHAR_DBLQUOTE = '"'; public static final char CHAR_ASTERISK = '*'; public static final char CHAR_SEMICOLON = ';'; public static final char CHAR_BACKSLASH = '\\'; public static final char CHAR_LEFTBRACKET = '['; public static final char CHAR_RIGHTBRACKET = ']'; public static final char CHAR_FORWARDSLASH = '/'; public static final char CHAR_PAREN_OPEN = '('; public static final char CHAR_PAREN_CLOSE = ')'; public static final char CHAR_BRACKET_OPEN = '['; public static final char CHAR_BRACKET_CLOSE = ']'; public static final String STRING_EQUAL = "="; public static final String STRING_HYPHEN = "-"; public static final String STRING_AMPERSAND = "&"; public static final String STRING_LESSTHAN = "<"; public static final String STRING_GREATTHAN = ">"; public static final String STRING_SGLQUOTE = "'"; public static final String STRING_DBLQUOTE = "\""; public static final String STRING_NO = "no"; public static final String STRING_YES = "yes"; public static final String STRING_TRUE = "true"; public static final String STRING_FALSE = "false"; public static final String STRING_PAREN_OPEN = "["; public static final String STRING_PAREN_CLOSE = "]"; public static final String STRING_BRACKET_OPEN = "["; public static final String STRING_BRACKET_CLOSE = "]"; // public static final String CHARSET_UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; public static final String CHARSET_UTF_16 = "UTF-16"; public static final String CHARSET_US_ASCII = "US-ASCII"; public static final String CHARSET_ISO_8859_1 = "ISO-8859-1"; // Password related constants. public static final int STRUTL_PASSWORD_SIZE = 24; private static final int STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE = 25; // Net 24 characters private static final char STRUTL_CHAR_PWBEGIN = '<'; private static final char STRUTL_CHAR_PWFINISH = '>'; // Size in bytes to human readable format constants public static final double SIZE_IN_KB = 1024; public static final double SIZE_IN_MB = 1024 * SIZE_IN_KB; public static final double SIZE_IN_GB = 1024 * SIZE_IN_MB; public static final double SIZE_IN_TB = 1024 * SIZE_IN_GB; /** * Given a lowercase name, this method will make it a proper * name by capitalizing the first character. * * @param aName Lowercase name. * * @return Proper name. */ public static String firstCharToUpper(String aName) { String properName = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aName)) properName = aName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + aName.substring(1); return properName; } /** * Given a <i>boolean</i> value, return a string object representation of * its value. * * @param aFlag A boolean flag value. * @return <code>StrUtl.STRING_TRUE</code> or <code>StrUtl.STRING_FALSE</code> */ public static String booleanToString(boolean aFlag) { if (aFlag) return StrUtl.STRING_TRUE; else return StrUtl.STRING_FALSE; } /** * Given a <i>String</i> object representing a boolean value of * <code>StrUtl.STRING_TRUE</code> or <code>StrUtl.STRING_FALSE</code> * it will return <i>true</i> or <i>false</i>. * * @param aString A non-empty string value. * @return <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> depending on <i>String</i> * value. */ public static boolean stringToBoolean(String aString) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aString)) { if ((aString.equalsIgnoreCase(StrUtl.STRING_YES)) || (aString.equalsIgnoreCase(StrUtl.STRING_TRUE)) || (aString.equals("1"))) return true; } return false; } /** * Remove all references to a character from a string. * * @param aString A source string. * @param aChar Identifies the character to remove. * @return A newly constructed <i>String</i> object with all * the characters removed. */ public static String removeAllChar(String aString, char aChar) { char ch; int strLength; StringBuilder strBuilder; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return aString; else { strLength = aString.length(); strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { ch = aString.charAt(i); if (ch != aChar) strBuilder.append(ch); } return strBuilder.toString(); } } /** * Removes a duplicate character (meaning it repeats two more more times) * from the string. * * @param aString A source string. * @param aChar A repeating character. * * @return Update string. */ public static String removeDuplicateChar(String aString, char aChar) { int strLength; char prevChar, nextChar; StringBuilder strBuilder; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return aString; else { prevChar = 0; strLength = aString.length(); strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { nextChar = aString.charAt(i); if (nextChar == aChar) { if (nextChar != prevChar) strBuilder.append(nextChar); } else strBuilder.append(nextChar); prevChar = nextChar; } return strBuilder.toString(); } } /** * Trims the last character from the string. * * @param aString A source string. * * @return Trimmed string. */ public static String trimLastChar(String aString) { char ch; int strLength; StringBuilder strBuilder; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return aString; else { strLength = aString.length(); return aString.substring(0, strLength - 1); } } /** * Replaces all references to a character with a string. * * @param aSource A source string. * @param aChar Identifies the character to replace. * @param aReplacement A replacement string for the matching character. * @return A newly constructed <i>String</i> object with all * the characters replaced. */ public static String replaceCharWithString(String aSource, char aChar, String aReplacement) { char ch; int strLength; StringBuilder strBuilder; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aSource)) return aSource; else { strLength = aSource.length(); strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { ch = aSource.charAt(i); if (ch == aChar) strBuilder.append(aReplacement); else strBuilder.append(ch); } return strBuilder.toString(); } } /** * Given a string and a desired width (think console presentation), this * method will pad the string with the appropriate number of space characters. * * @param aString A non-empty string. * @param aWidth The width of the presentation console (e.g. 80 characters). * @return A newly constructed <i>String</i> object with the original * text centered for the <i>aWidth</i> value. */ public static String centerSpaces(String aString, int aWidth) { StringBuilder strBuilder; int strLength, middleOffset; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return aString; else { strLength = aString.length(); middleOffset = (aWidth / 2) - (strLength / 2); if ((strLength > 0) && (middleOffset > 0) && (strLength < aWidth)) { strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < middleOffset; i++) strBuilder.append(CHAR_SPACE); strBuilder.append(aString); } else strBuilder = new StringBuilder(aString); return strBuilder.toString(); } } /** * Given a string and a starting offset position (within the string), * this method will identify the position (character offset) where * the last word in the string can be found. * * @param aString A non-empty string of words. * @param aPosition Starting offset to evaluate from. * @return The offset where the last word can be found or the value of * <i>-1</i> to signify that there were no space seperated words left in the * string. */ public static int lastWordIndex(String aString, int aPosition) { int i; boolean isFound; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return -1; else { isFound = false; i = Math.min(aString.length(), aPosition) - 1; while ((!isFound) && (i >= 0)) { if (aString.charAt(i) == CHAR_SPACE) isFound = true; else i--; } if (isFound) return i; else return -1; } } /** * Given a string with a paragraph of words, a left margin pad size, * the width of the console or report page and an output stream, this * method will break the string into a formatted paragraph. * * @param aString A collection of words. * @param aLeftMargin Each line will be padded with this many spaces. * @param aLineWidth Identifies where characters should be wrapped. * @param aStream An output stream where each line will be written to. */ public static void wrapToStream(String aString, int aLeftMargin, int aLineWidth, PrintStream aStream) { String subStr; boolean isDone; StringBuilder strBuilder; int strPos, wrapPos, startPos, strLength; if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) || (aStream == null)) return; strLength = aString.length(); aLineWidth = Math.max(10, aLineWidth); aLeftMargin = Math.max(0, aLeftMargin); strPos = 0; isDone = false; while ((!isDone) && (strPos < strLength)) { subStr = aString.substring(strPos); strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < aLeftMargin; i++) strBuilder.append(CHAR_SPACE); startPos = 0; while (subStr.charAt(startPos) == CHAR_SPACE) startPos++; strBuilder.append(subStr.substring(startPos)); if (strBuilder.length() < aLineWidth) { aStream.printf("%s%n", strBuilder.toString()); isDone = true; } else { wrapPos = lastWordIndex(strBuilder.toString(), aLineWidth); if (wrapPos == -1) break; // exception condition else { aStream.printf("%s%n", strBuilder.substring(0, wrapPos)); strPos += wrapPos; } } } } /** * Uses a simple Caesar-cypher encryption to replace each English letter * with the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabet, so that * "The butler did it!" becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq vg!". major advantage * of rot13 over rot(N) for other N is that it is self-inverse, so the * same code can be used for encoding and decoding. * * @param aString A plain text string to encode. * @return An encrypted <i>String</i> object. */ public static String simple13Rotation(String aString) { char ch, chUp; int strLength; StringBuilder strBuilder; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return aString; else { strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strLength = aString.length(); for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { ch = aString.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { chUp = Character.toUpperCase(ch); if ((chUp >= 'A') && (chUp <= 'M')) ch += 13; else ch -= 13; } strBuilder.append(ch); } return strBuilder.toString(); } } /** * Uses a simple Caesar-cypher encryption to replace each English letter * with the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabet, so that * "The butler did it!" becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq vg!". major advantage * of rot13 over rot(N) for other N is that it is self-inverse, so the * same code can be used for encoding and decoding. * <p> * <i>Note: The returned string will be wrapped with the less-than and * greater-than characters to signify that they were encrypted by this method. * These wrappers will be expected when the string is recovered.</i> * </p> * * @param aStringPlain A plain text string to encode. * @return An encrypted <i>String</i> object. */ public static String hidePassword(String aStringPlain) { char ch; boolean isAllUpper; StringBuilder strBuilder; int strLength, someNumber; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aStringPlain)) return aStringPlain; else { strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strLength = aStringPlain.length(); if (strLength > STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE) strLength = STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE - 1; isAllUpper = true; for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { ch = aStringPlain.charAt(i); if (Character.isLowerCase(ch)) { isAllUpper = false; break; } } strBuilder.append(STRUTL_CHAR_PWBEGIN); if (isAllUpper) ch = 'A'; else ch = 'a'; ch += strLength; strBuilder.append(ch); if (strLength > STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE) strBuilder.append(aStringPlain, 0, STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE); else strBuilder.append(aStringPlain); someNumber = 2; for (int i = strLength; i < STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE; i++) { if (isAllUpper) ch = 'A'; else ch = 'a'; ch += i; if ((NumUtl.isEven(i)) && (!isAllUpper)) ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch); else if ((i % 3) == 0) { ch = '1'; ch += someNumber; someNumber++; } strBuilder.append(ch); } strBuilder.append(STRUTL_CHAR_PWFINISH); return simple13Rotation(strBuilder.toString()); } } /** * Determines if the string has been encrypted to hide is contents. * * @param aString A simple string value. * * @return <i>true</i> if hidden (encrypted) and <i>false</i> otherwise. */ public static boolean isHidden(String aString) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aString)) { int strLength = aString.length(); if (strLength > 1) { char chStart = aString.charAt(0); char chEnd = aString.charAt(strLength - 1); if ((chStart == STRUTL_CHAR_PWBEGIN) && (chEnd == STRUTL_CHAR_PWFINISH)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Recovers a previously encrypted <code>hidePassword</code> string * and returns it in its original form. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> The input string must be wrapped with the less-than and * greater-than characters to signify that they were previously * encrypted by the <code>hidePassword</code> method. * </p> * * @param aStringPassword An encrypted password string. * * @return A decrypted <i>String</i> object. */ public static String recoverPassword(String aStringPassword) { char chStart, chEnd; String plainPassword; int strLength, pwSize; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aStringPassword)) return aStringPassword; else { strLength = aStringPassword.length(); if (strLength > 1) { chStart = aStringPassword.charAt(0); chEnd = aStringPassword.charAt(strLength - 1); if ((chStart != STRUTL_CHAR_PWBEGIN) && (chEnd != STRUTL_CHAR_PWFINISH)) return aStringPassword; } else return aStringPassword; plainPassword = simple13Rotation(aStringPassword.substring(1)); strLength = plainPassword.length(); plainPassword = plainPassword.substring(0, strLength - 1); chStart = Character.toUpperCase(plainPassword.charAt(0)); pwSize = (chStart - 'A') + 1; if ((pwSize <= 0) || (pwSize > STRUTL_ROT13PW_SIZE)) return aStringPassword; return plainPassword.substring(1, pwSize); } } /** * Determines if the last character in the string matches. * * @param aString A source string. * @param aChar Identifies the character to match. * * @return <code>true</code> if character exists or <code>false</code> */ public static boolean endsWithChar(String aString, char aChar) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return false; else { int strLength = aString.length(); return (aString.charAt(strLength - 1) == aChar); } } /** * Appends the character to the string if it is missing. * * @param aString A source string. * @param aChar Identifies the character to append (if missing). * * @return The updated string if the character was missing. */ public static String appendCharIfMissing(String aString, char aChar) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aString)) { if (!endsWithChar(aString, aChar)) return aString + aChar; } return aString; } /** * Escape <code>aCharToEscape</code> in the string * with a Java escape character (backslash). * * @param aString String to process. * @param aCharToEscape The character to be escaped. * * @return An escaped string */ public static String escapeStringWithBackslash(String aString, char aCharToEscape) { char curChar; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return StringUtils.EMPTY; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < aString.length(); i++) { curChar = aString.charAt(i); if (curChar == aCharToEscape) stringBuilder.append(CHAR_BACKSLASH); stringBuilder.append(curChar); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Unescape <code>aCharToEscape</code> in the string recognizing * a Java escape character (backslash). * * @param aString String to process. * @param aCharToEscape The character to be escaped. * * @return An escaped string */ public static String unEscapeStringWithBackslash(String aString, char aCharToEscape) { char curChar, nextChar; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) return StringUtils.EMPTY; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < aString.length(); i++) { curChar = aString.charAt(i); if ((i + 1) < aString.length()) { nextChar = aString.charAt(i + 1); if ((curChar == CHAR_BACKSLASH) && (nextChar == aCharToEscape)) continue; } stringBuilder.append(curChar); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Collapses the list of strings down to one string. * Each value is separated by a delimiter character. * * @param aStrings List of strings to process. * @param aDelimiterChar Delimiter character. * * @return A collapsed string. */ public static String collapseToSingle(final ArrayList<String> aStrings, char aDelimiterChar) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if ((aStrings != null) && (aStrings.size() > 0)) { for (String strValue : aStrings) { if (stringBuilder.length() == 0) stringBuilder.append(escapeStringWithBackslash(strValue, aDelimiterChar)); else { stringBuilder.append(aDelimiterChar); stringBuilder.append(escapeStringWithBackslash(strValue, aDelimiterChar)); } } } if (stringBuilder.length() == 0) return StringUtils.EMPTY; else return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Expand the string into a list of individual values * using the delimiter character to identify each one. * * @param aString One or more values separated by a * delimiter character. * @param aDelimiterChar Delimiter character. * * @return An ArrayList of String instances. */ public static ArrayList<String> expandToList(final String aString, char aDelimiterChar) { ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aString)) { String delimiterString = Character.toString(aDelimiterChar); if (aDelimiterChar == StrUtl.CHAR_PIPE) delimiterString = String.format("%c%c", StrUtl.CHAR_BACKSLASH, aDelimiterChar); String regExPattern = String.format("(?<!\\\\)%s", delimiterString); String[] valueArray = aString.split(regExPattern); for (String strValue : valueArray) stringList.add(unEscapeStringWithBackslash(strValue, aDelimiterChar)); } return stringList; } /** * Convenience method that converts a generic ArrayList of * Objects into an array of string values. * * @param anArrayList Array of value object instances. * * @return An array of values extracted from the array list. */ public static String[] convertToMulti(ArrayList<?> anArrayList) { if ((anArrayList == null) || (anArrayList.size() == 0)) { String[] emptyList = new String[1]; emptyList[0] = StringUtils.EMPTY; return emptyList; } int offset = 0; String[] multiValues = new String[anArrayList.size()]; for (Object arrayObject : anArrayList) { if (arrayObject instanceof Integer) { Integer integerValue = (Integer) arrayObject; multiValues[offset++] = integerValue.toString(); } else if (arrayObject instanceof Long) { Long longValue = (Long) arrayObject; multiValues[offset++] = longValue.toString(); } else if (arrayObject instanceof Float) { Float floatValue = (Float) arrayObject; multiValues[offset++] = floatValue.toString(); } else if (arrayObject instanceof Double) { Double doubleValue = (Double) arrayObject; multiValues[offset++] = doubleValue.toString(); } else if (arrayObject instanceof Date) { Date dateValue = (Date) arrayObject; multiValues[offset++] = Field.dateValueFormatted(dateValue, Field.FORMAT_DATETIME_DEFAULT); } else multiValues[offset++] = arrayObject.toString(); } return multiValues; } /** * Determines if the patten (with one or more wildcards) matches * the string. * * @param aString String to evaluate. * @param aPattern Wildcard pattern. * * @return <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> */ public static boolean isWildcardMatch(String aString, String aPattern) { if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(aString)) || ((StringUtils.isEmpty(aPattern)))) return false; else { int offset = aPattern.indexOf(CHAR_ASTERISK); if (offset == -1) return StringUtils.equals(aString, aPattern); else { String subString = aString; String[] patternStrings = aPattern.split("\\*"); for (String patternString : patternStrings) { offset = subString.indexOf(patternString); if (offset == -1) return false; else subString = subString.substring(offset + patternString.length()); } return true; } } } /** * Formats the size (in bytes) in a human readable string of * bytes, KB, MB, GB and TB. * * @param aSizeInBytes Size in bytes. * * @return Formatted string. */ public static String bytesToString(long aSizeInBytes) { NumberFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat(); numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); try { if (aSizeInBytes < SIZE_IN_KB) return numberFormat.format(aSizeInBytes) + " Byte(s)"; else if (aSizeInBytes < SIZE_IN_MB) return numberFormat.format(aSizeInBytes / SIZE_IN_KB) + " KB"; else if (aSizeInBytes < SIZE_IN_GB) return numberFormat.format(aSizeInBytes / SIZE_IN_MB) + " MB"; else if (aSizeInBytes < SIZE_IN_TB) return numberFormat.format(aSizeInBytes / SIZE_IN_GB) + " GB"; else return numberFormat.format(aSizeInBytes / SIZE_IN_TB) + " TB"; } catch (Exception e) { return aSizeInBytes + " Byte(s)"; } } }