Java tutorial
/** * $Header: /home/master/nWave-DM-Common/src/com/npower/wurfl/,v 1.4 2008/04/24 11:08:21 zhao Exp $ * $Revision: 1.4 $ * $Date: 2008/04/24 11:08:21 $ * * =============================================================================================== * License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 1994-2007 NPower Network Software Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This SOURCE CODE FILE, which has been provided by NPower as part * of a NPower product for use ONLY by licensed users of the product, * includes CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY information of NPower. * * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS * OF THE LICENSE STATEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY FURNISHED WITH * THE PRODUCT. * * IN PARTICULAR, YOU WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD NPower, ITS RELATED * COMPANIES AND ITS SUPPLIERS, HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS * OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, OR DISTRIBUTION * OF YOUR PROGRAMS, INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF * OR RESULTING FROM THE USE, MODIFICATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS * OR FILES CREATED FROM, BASED ON, AND/OR DERIVED FROM THIS SOURCE * CODE FILE. * =============================================================================================== */ package com.npower.wurfl; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * @author <b>Luca Passani</b>, passani at eunet dot no <br> * <br> * Rather than initializing a new CapabilityMatrix and UAManager each * time you need one, you should request ObjectsManager to give you the * instance of an existing one.<br> * The advantage of this approach are huge in terms of performance and * memory usage, particularly in the contaxt of web applications. * * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2008/04/24 11:08:21 $ */ public class ObjectsManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectsManager.class); private static Object lock = new Object(); private static Wurfl wurflInstance = null; private static CapabilityMatrix capabilityMatrixInstance = null; private static UAManager UAManagerInstance = null; private static ListManager ListManagerInstance = null; private static ObjectsManager instance = null; /** * Default constructor */ private ObjectsManager() { super(); } /** * Return an instance of ObjectsManager * * @param file * @return */ public static ObjectsManager newInstance(WurflSource ws) throws IOException { synchronized (lock) { instance = new ObjectsManager(); instance.initialize(ws); return instance; } } /** * This method lets you initialize the WURFL by providing an object which * knows how to get to the input streams */ public synchronized void initialize(WurflSource ws) throws IOException { if (wurflInstance == null) { InputStream in1 = ws.getWurflInputStream(); InputStream in2 = ws.getWurflPatchInputStream(); if (in1 != null) {"Initializing WURFL database from stream with InputStream."); wurflInstance = new Wurfl(in1, in2); } else { log.fatal("\nCannot initialize Wurfl. InputStream is empty!"); } // Initialize cache. //wurflInstance.getActualDeviceElementsList(); ListManager lm = this.getListManagerInstance(); lm.getDeviceBrandList(); lm.getDeviceGroupedByBrand(); } else { log.debug("WARNING: Wurfl database was already initialized "); } } /** * Use this method to understand if the WURFL is already initialized or not */ public synchronized boolean isInitialized() { if (wurflInstance == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Use this method to force the library to reload the WURFL again */ public synchronized void reload() { wurflInstance = null; capabilityMatrixInstance = null; UAManagerInstance = null; ListManagerInstance = null; System.gc(); } /** * @return */ public Wurfl getWurflInstance() { return wurflInstance; } /** * Use this method to retrieve the existing instance of the CapabilityMatrix * (or get one initialized for you). Similar to a Singleton in a way. */ public synchronized CapabilityMatrix getCapabilityMatrixInstance() { if (capabilityMatrixInstance == null) capabilityMatrixInstance = new CapabilityMatrix(this.getWurflInstance()); return capabilityMatrixInstance; } /** * Use this method to retrieve the existing instance of the UAManager (or get * one initialized for you). */ public synchronized UAManager getUAManagerInstance() { if (UAManagerInstance == null) UAManagerInstance = new UAManager(this.getWurflInstance()); return UAManagerInstance; } /** * Use this method to retrieve the existing instance of the ListManager (or * get one initialized for you). */ public synchronized ListManager getListManagerInstance() { if (ListManagerInstance == null) { ListManagerInstance = new ListManager(this.getWurflInstance()); ListManagerInstance.setObjectsManager(this); } return ListManagerInstance; } /** * Get an XMLized version of the WURFL (WURFL+patch Object Model turned into * an XML file) */ public String getWURFLAsXML() { return this.getWurflInstance().toXML(); } public void getFilteredWurfl(HashSet<String> capaList, OutputStream out) { if (this.getWurflInstance() == null) { return; } else { this.getWurflInstance().filterCapabilities(capaList, out); } } }