Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014. * * All rights are reserved. * * You are not permitted to * Modify * Redistribute nor distribute * Sublicense * * You are required to keep this license header intact * * You are allowed to use this for non commercial purpose only. This does not allow any type links. * * When using this you are required to * Display a visible link to * For crediting purpose. * * For more information please refer to the file in the root directory of repo. * * To use this software with any different license terms you must get prior explicit written permission from the copyright holders. */ package com.noxpvp.noxguilds.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import com.noxpvp.noxguilds.internal.NoxEnum; /** * @author ConnorStone * */ public class NoxEnumUtil { // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Static fields // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Instance Fields // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Constructors // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Static Methods // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public static String getFriendlyName(Enum<?> e) { return WordUtils.capitalizeFully("_", " ").toLowerCase()); } public static boolean isChildOf(NoxEnum<?> child, NoxEnum<?> parent) { return isParentOf(parent, child); } public static boolean isParentOf(NoxEnum<?> parent, NoxEnum<?> child) { while (child.getParent() != null) { if (child.getParent().equals(parent)) return true; child = (NoxEnum<?>) child.getParent(); } return false; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Instance Methods // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ }