Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.novartis.opensource.yada.adaptor; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.novartis.opensource.yada.YADARequest; /** * JDBCAdaptor class for execution of Oracle SQL queries. This is a subclass of {@link JDBCAdaptor} but only * overrides the constructors. {@link JDBCAdaptor}, thought abstract, was initially created as an * Oracle adaptor, and by and large, contains generic code. * * @author David Varon * */ public class OracleAdaptor extends JDBCAdaptor { /** * Local logger handle */ private static Logger l = Logger.getLogger(OracleAdaptor.class); /** * Default constructor */ public OracleAdaptor() { super(); l.debug("Initializing"); } /** * Preferred "YADARequest" constructor * @param yadaReq YADA request configuration */ public OracleAdaptor(YADARequest yadaReq) { super(yadaReq); } /** * Create a YADA SELECT statement from {@code core} wrapping it in two subqueries to account for pagination, sorting, and * filtering with a where clause. * @param core the code to wrap * @param sortKey the column on which to sort * @param sortOrder the sort order 'asc' or 'desc' * @param firstRow the lower limiter of the result set * @param pageSize the number of rows to return * @param filters a JSON object containing the WHERE criteria * @return StringBuffer containing newly wrapped core sql, with pagination, filtering, and sorting, as desired * @throws YADAAdaptorException when the query filters can't be converted into a WHERE clause */ @Override public StringBuffer buildSelect(String core, String sortKey, String sortOrder, int firstRow, int pageSize, JSONObject filters) throws YADAAdaptorException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(SQL_SELECT_ALL); sql.append(SQL_FROM); sql.append(OPEN_PAREN); sql.append(NEWLINE + SPACE + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_SELECT); sql.append(SQL_CORE_ALIAS + "." + SQL_ALL); sql.append(COMMA + SPACE); sql.append(ROWNUM + SPACE + ROWNUM_ALIAS); /* THIS IS AN ORACLE SPECIFIC LINE */ sql.append(NEWLINE + SPACE + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_FROM); sql.append(SPACE + OPEN_PAREN + NEWLINE); sql.append(core); if (null != sortKey && !sortKey.equals(EMPTY)) { if (core.toUpperCase().indexOf(SQL_ORDER_BY) == -1) { sql.append(NEWLINE); sql.append(SQL_ORDER_BY); } else { sql.append(COMMA + SPACE); } sql.append(sortKey); if (null != sortOrder && !sortOrder.equals(EMPTY)) { sql.append(SPACE + sortOrder); } } sql.append(NEWLINE + " " + CLOSE_PAREN + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_CORE_ALIAS); sql.append(NEWLINE + SPACE + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_WHERE); sql.append( ROWNUM + SPACE + "< " + String.valueOf(firstRow + pageSize)); /* THIS IS AN ORACLE SPECIFIC LINE */ if (filters != null) { sql.append(NEWLINE + " "); sql.append(SQL_AND); sql.append(NEWLINE + " " + OPEN_PAREN + NEWLINE); sql.append(getQueryFilters(false)); sql.append(NEWLINE + CLOSE_PAREN + NEWLINE); } sql.append(CLOSE_PAREN + SPACE + SQL_WRAPPER_ALIAS); sql.append(NEWLINE); sql.append(SQL_WHERE); sql.append(ROWNUM_ALIAS + SPACE + ">=" + SPACE + firstRow); /* THIS IS AN ORACLE SPECIFIC LINE */ return sql; } /** * Returns a StringBuffer with core sql + filters, wrapped in an outer sql COUNT(*) query. * This is typically used in pagination scenarios to return the total number of records * returnable by a query when only a subset are requested by the application. * * @param core the SQL to wrap in an outer count(*) query * @param filters a JSON object containing the WHERE criteria * @return StringBuffer of wrapped core sql including filters * @throws YADAAdaptorException when the query filters can't be converted into a WHERE clause */ @Override public StringBuffer buildSelectCount(String core, JSONObject filters) throws YADAAdaptorException { boolean hasFilter = false; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(SQL_SELECT); sql.append(SQL_COUNT_ALL); sql.append(SQL_COUNT); sql.append(NEWLINE); sql.append(SQL_FROM); sql.append(SPACE + SPACE + OPEN_PAREN + NEWLINE); sql.append(core); sql.append(NEWLINE + " " + CLOSE_PAREN + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_CORE_ALIAS); if (filters != null) { sql.append(NEWLINE + SPACE + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_WHERE); sql.append(getQueryFilters(false)); hasFilter = true; } if (this.yadaReq.getViewLimit() > -1) { if (hasFilter) { sql.append(NEWLINE + SPACE + SPACE); sql.append(SQL_AND); } else { sql.append(NEWLINE); sql.append(SQL_WHERE); } sql.append("ROWNUM <=" + this.yadaReq.getViewLimit()); /* THIS IS AN ORACLE SPECIFIC LINE */ } return sql; } /** * Enables checking for {@link JDBCAdaptor#ORACLE_TIMESTAMP_FMT} if {@code val} does not conform to {@link JDBCAdaptor#STANDARD_TIMESTAMP_FMT} * @since 5.1.1 */ @Override protected void setTimestampParameter(PreparedStatement pstmt, int index, char type, String val) throws SQLException { if (EMPTY.equals(val) || val == null) { pstmt.setNull(index, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(STANDARD_TIMESTAMP_FMT); ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0); Date dateVal = sdf.parse(val, pp); if (dateVal == null) { sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ORACLE_TIMESTAMP_FMT); pp = new ParsePosition(0); dateVal = sdf.parse(val, pp); } if (dateVal != null) { long t = dateVal.getTime(); java.sql.Timestamp sqlDateVal = new java.sql.Timestamp(t); pstmt.setTimestamp(index, sqlDateVal); } } } /** * Enables checking for {@link JDBCAdaptor#ORACLE_DATE_FMT} if {@code val} does not conform to {@link JDBCAdaptor#STANDARD_DATE_FMT} * @since 5.1.1 */ @Override protected void setDateParameter(PreparedStatement pstmt, int index, char type, String val) throws SQLException { if (EMPTY.equals(val) || val == null) { pstmt.setNull(index, java.sql.Types.DATE); } else { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(STANDARD_DATE_FMT); ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0); Date dateVal = sdf.parse(val, pp); if (dateVal == null) { sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ORACLE_DATE_FMT); pp = new ParsePosition(0); dateVal = sdf.parse(val, pp); } if (dateVal != null) { long t = dateVal.getTime(); java.sql.Date sqlDateVal = new java.sql.Date(t); pstmt.setDate(index, sqlDateVal); } } } }