Java tutorial
/** * Notifry for Android. * * Copyright 2011 Daniel Foote * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; public class NotifrySource extends ORM<NotifrySource> { public int countSources(Context context, String accountName) { String query = null; String[] queryParams = null; if (accountName != null) { query = NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME + "= ?"; queryParams = new String[] { accountName }; } return this.genericCount(context, query, queryParams); } public void fromJSONObject(JSONObject source) throws JSONException { this.changeTimestamp = source.getString("updated"); this.title = source.getString("title"); this.serverEnabled = source.getBoolean("enabled"); this.sourceKey = source.getString("key"); this.serverId = source.getLong("id"); } public String getAccountName() { return accountName; } public NotifrySource getByServerId(Context context, Long serverId) { return NotifrySource.FACTORY.getOne(context, NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SERVER_ID + "=" + serverId, null); } public String getChangeTimestamp() { return changeTimestamp; } @Override public Uri getContentUri() { return NotifryDatabaseAdapter.CONTENT_URI_SOURCES; } public String getCustomRingtone() { return customRingtone; } public Boolean getLedFlash() { return ledFlash; } public Boolean getLocalEnabled() { return localEnabled; } /** * Get the notification ID. This is the local source ID as an integer. * * @return */ public int getNotificationId() { // Yes, this casting will potentially lose precision. But unless // you've created a lot of local sources, you're unlikely to run // into it. If you run into this in production, please let me know. Long sourceId = this.getId(); int notifyId = (int) (sourceId % Integer.MAX_VALUE); return notifyId; } public Boolean getRingtone() { return ringtone; } public Boolean getServerEnabled() { return serverEnabled; } public Long getServerId() { return serverId; } public String getSourceKey() { return sourceKey; } public Boolean getSpeakMessage() { return speakMessage; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public Boolean getUseGlobalNotification() { return useGlobalNotification; } public Boolean getVibrate() { return vibrate; } public ArrayList<NotifrySource> listAll(Context context, String accountName) { return NotifrySource.FACTORY.genericList(context, NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME + "= ?", new String[] { accountName }, NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_TITLE + " ASC"); } public void setAccountName(String accountName) { this.accountName = accountName; } public void setChangeTimestamp(String changeTimestamp) { this.changeTimestamp = changeTimestamp; } public void setCustomRingtone(String customRingtone) { this.customRingtone = customRingtone; } public void setLedFlash(Boolean ledFlash) { this.ledFlash = ledFlash; } public void setLocalEnabled(Boolean localEnabled) { this.localEnabled = localEnabled; } public void setRingtone(Boolean ringtone) { this.ringtone = ringtone; } public void setServerEnabled(Boolean serverEnabled) { this.serverEnabled = serverEnabled; } public void setServerId(Long serverId) { this.serverId = serverId; } public void setSourceKey(String sourceKey) { this.sourceKey = sourceKey; } public void setSpeakMessage(Boolean speakMessage) { this.speakMessage = speakMessage; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public void setUseGlobalNotification(Boolean useGlobalNotification) { this.useGlobalNotification = useGlobalNotification; } public void setVibrate(Boolean vibrate) { this.vibrate = vibrate; } public ArrayList<NotifrySource> syncFromJSONArray(Context context, JSONArray sourceList, String accountName) throws JSONException { ArrayList<NotifrySource> result = new ArrayList<NotifrySource>(); HashSet<Long> seenIds = new HashSet<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceList.length(); i++) { // See if we can find a local object with that ID. JSONObject object = sourceList.getJSONObject(i); Long serverId = object.getLong("id"); NotifrySource source = NotifrySource.FACTORY.getByServerId(context, serverId); if (source == null) { // We don't have that source locally. Create it. source = new NotifrySource(); source.fromJSONObject(object); // It's only locally enabled if the server has it enabled. source.setLocalEnabled(source.getServerEnabled()); source.setAccountName(accountName); } else { // Server already has it. Assume the server is the most up to // date version. source.fromJSONObject(object); } // Save it in the database.; seenIds.add(source.getId()); } // Now, find out the IDs that exist in our database but were not in our // list. // Those have been deleted. ArrayList<NotifrySource> allSources = NotifrySource.FACTORY.listAll(context, accountName); HashSet<Long> allIds = new HashSet<Long>(); for (NotifrySource source : allSources) { allIds.add(source.getId()); } allIds.removeAll(seenIds); for (Long sourceId : allIds) { NotifrySource source = NotifrySource.FACTORY.get(context, sourceId); NotifryMessage.FACTORY.deleteMessagesBySource(context, source, false); source.delete(context); } return result; } @Override protected ContentValues flatten() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, this.getAccountName()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SERVER_ENABLED, this.getServerEnabled() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_LOCAL_ENABLED, this.getLocalEnabled() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_TITLE, this.getTitle()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SERVER_ID, this.getServerId()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP, this.getChangeTimestamp()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SOURCE_KEY, this.getSourceKey()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_USE_GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION, this.getUseGlobalNotification() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_VIBRATE, this.getVibrate() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_RINGTONE, this.getRingtone() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_CUSTOM_RINGTONE, this.getCustomRingtone()); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_LED_FLASH, this.getLedFlash() ? 1 : 0); values.put(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SPEAK_MESSAGE, this.getSpeakMessage() ? 1 : 0); return values; } @Override protected String[] getProjection() { return NotifryDatabaseAdapter.SOURCE_PROJECTION; } @Override protected NotifrySource inflate(Context context, Cursor cursor) { NotifrySource source = new NotifrySource(); source.setAccountName(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME))); source.setId(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_ID))); source.setServerEnabled( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SERVER_ENABLED)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setLocalEnabled( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_LOCAL_ENABLED)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setServerId(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SERVER_ID))); source.setTitle(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_TITLE))); source.setChangeTimestamp( cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP))); source.setSourceKey(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SOURCE_KEY))); source.setUseGlobalNotification( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_USE_GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setVibrate( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_VIBRATE)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setRingtone( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_RINGTONE)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setLedFlash( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_LED_FLASH)) == 0 ? false : true); source.setCustomRingtone( cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_CUSTOM_RINGTONE))); source.setSpeakMessage( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(NotifryDatabaseAdapter.KEY_SPEAK_MESSAGE)) == 0 ? false : true); return source; } private static final String TAG = "Notifry"; public static final NotifrySource FACTORY = new NotifrySource(); private String accountName = null; private String changeTimestamp = null; private String title = null; private Long serverId = null; private String sourceKey = null; private Boolean serverEnabled = null; private Boolean localEnabled = null; private Boolean useGlobalNotification = true; private Boolean vibrate = false; private Boolean ringtone = false; private String customRingtone = ""; private Boolean ledFlash = false; private Boolean speakMessage = false; }