Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Noterik B.V. * * This file is part of smithers, related to the Noterik Springfield project. * * Smithers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Smithers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Smithers. If not, see <>. */ package com.noterik.bart.fs.ingest; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import com.noterik.bart.fs.GlobalConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class IngestHandler { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IngestHandler.class); private static IngestHandler instance; private IngestHandler() { } public static IngestHandler instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new IngestHandler(); } return instance; } public String ingestVideo(String uri, String domain, String xml) { String response = null; String origin = ""; String destination = ""; // get the settings file to see what to do with this video ingest String domIngest = "/domain/" + domain + "/settings/ingest"; String ingest = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(domIngest); // determine the path to the video file String fileName = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DATA); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); origin = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/video/basedir") + uri + "/" + fileName; // where to store the video in the file system String url = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DESTINATION); String rawIndex = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_RAW_INDEX); String dest = url + "/rawvideo/1"; // whether to store in the old FS (b10) or the new one (use ftp) if (XmlHelper.useFtp(ingest, "video")) { String backupMount = null; String mount = null; String collection = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_COLLECTION); String offPath = "/fsxml/properties/video/ftp/offset"; String servPath = "/fsxml/properties/video/ftp/servers"; String prefPath = "/fsxml/properties/video/ftp/prefix"; String sufPath = "/fsxml/properties/video/ftp/suffix"; String mtnPath = "/fsxml/properties/video/ftp/mount"; String offset = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, offPath); String servers = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, servPath); String prefix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, prefPath); String suffix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, sufPath); String mountprf = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, mtnPath); int servs = Integer.valueOf(servers); int offs = Integer.valueOf(offset); if (extension.toLowerCase().equals("flv")) { dest = url + "/rawvideo/1"; } else { dest = url + "/rawvideo/2"; } // if the rawindex is specified in the request xml, put the video at // this rawvideo index if (rawIndex != null) { dest = rawIndex.equals("") ? dest : url + "/rawvideo/" + rawIndex; } logger.debug("Copying file to new FS (using FTP) into: " + dest + " rawindex(" + rawIndex + ")"); int sid = getFTPServerIdForCollectionVideo(url, collection, servs, offs); if (sid != -1) { int bid = getBackupFTPServerId(sid, servs, offs); String sHostBase = prefix + sid; String bHostBase = prefix + bid; String ftpServer = sHostBase + suffix; String backupFtpServer = bHostBase + suffix; logger.debug("FTP SERVER: " + ftpServer); logger.debug("BACKUP FTP SERVER: " + backupFtpServer); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + dest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, dest, ftpServer, sHostBase, sHostBase, false)) { mount = mountprf + sid; } if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, dest, backupFtpServer, bHostBase, bHostBase, true)) { backupMount = mountprf + bid; } if (mount == null && backupMount == null) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage( "500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to either: " + sHostBase + " or " + bHostBase, ""); } } else { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Invalid destination URL parameter", "The destination URL: " + url + " is invalid", ""); } if (response == null) { logger.debug("response was null, properties will be set now !!"); String properties = XmlHelper.getPropsFromXml(xml); String type = "rawvideo"; if (mount != null || backupMount != null) { String m = mount; if (backupMount != null) { m = m == null ? backupMount : m + "," + backupMount; } properties = XmlHelper.setMountProperty(properties, m); } logger.debug("xml before Flanders is: " + properties); // update the properties with information from flanders properties = FlandersHelper.processRaw(dest, properties); logger.debug("xml after Flanders is: " + properties); // add the properties to data base PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, properties); response = FSXMLBuilder.getStatusMessage("The file was succesfully ingested into the FS", "", ""); } else { logger.error(response); } } else { String transPath = "/fsxml/properties/transcode"; String transcode = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, transPath); logger.debug("Copying file to FS on b10 (old file system)"); destination = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + dest + "/raw." + extension; if (!FileHelper.copyFile(origin, destination)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } else { // file was copied successfully, now setting properties String type = "rawvideo"; String properties = XmlHelper.getPropsFromXml(xml); logger.debug("xml before Flanders is: " + properties); // update the properties with information from flanders properties = FlandersHelper.processRaw(dest, properties); logger.debug("xml after Flanders is: " + properties); PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, properties); } // creating unhappy files if (transcode.equals("true")) { String type = "rawvideo"; List<Element> elems = XmlHelper.getRaws(ingest, "video"); if (elems.size() != 0) { Iterator<Element> it = elems.iterator(); Element elem = null; while (it.hasNext()) { elem =; String id = elem.attributeValue("id"); Element propsElem = (Element) elem.selectSingleNode("/properties"); Element fsxml = DocumentHelper.createElement("fsxml"); fsxml.add((Element) propsElem.clone()); String props = fsxml.asXML(); url = uri + "/rawvideo/" + id; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(url, type, props); } } String newUrl = url.substring(1); String TEFurl = ""; String finalUrl = TEFurl + "?res=" + newUrl; HttpHelper.sendRequest("GET", finalUrl, null, null); } } return response; } /** * This function returns the mount which stores the video files of the * specified collection * * @param collection * @return */ private int getFTPServerIdForCollectionVideo(String uri, String collection, int servers, int offset) { logger.debug("CALCULATING HASH FOR URI(1): " + uri + " AND COLLECTION: " + collection); if (uri.indexOf("/video") == -1) { return -1; } uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("/video")); logger.debug("CALCULATING HASH FOR URI(2): " + uri + " AND COLLECTION: " + collection); uri += collection + ""; int sid = uri.hashCode() % servers; sid = sid < 0 ? sid * -1 : sid; sid += offset; return sid; } /** * This function returns the mount which stores the audio files of the * specified collection * * @param collection * @return */ private int getFTPServerIdForCollectionAudio(String uri, String collection, int servers, int offset) { logger.debug("CALCULATING HASH FOR URI(1): " + uri + " AND COLLECTION: " + collection); if (uri.indexOf("/audio") == -1) { return -1; } uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("/audio")); logger.debug("CALCULATING HASH FOR URI(2): " + uri + " AND COLLECTION: " + collection); uri += collection + ""; int sid = uri.hashCode() % servers; sid = sid < 0 ? sid * -1 : sid; sid += offset; return sid; } /** * This function returns the id of the backup server. The backup server id * is simply 3 server id 'farther' than the original server. * * @param sid * @return */ private int getBackupFTPServerId(int sid, int servers, int offset) { int bid = sid; // int offset = GlobalConfig.instance().getServerRangeOffset(); // int servers = GlobalConfig.instance().getNumberOfServers(); int max = servers + offset - 1; bid += 3; bid = bid > max ? (bid - servers) + offset : bid; return bid; } /** * this function will create the 4 "unhappy files" in the database * * the default properties MUST be in the database * * @param uri * @param domain */ public void processUnhappyOnes(String uri, String domain) { String type = "rawvideo"; String props = ""; String url = ""; logger.debug("starting to process unhappy ones"); String defDom = "/domain/" + domain + "/settings/tef/default/"; String flvhigh = defDom + "flashhigh"; String flvlow = defDom + "flashlow"; String mp4high = defDom + "mp4high"; String mp4low = defDom + "mp4low"; // create first unhappy (mp4 low) props = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(mp4low); url = uri + "/rawvideo/2"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(url, type, props); // create second unhappy (mp4 high) props = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(mp4high); url = uri + "/rawvideo/3"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(url, type, props); // create third unhappy (flash low) props = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(flvlow); url = uri + "/rawvideo/4"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(url, type, props); // create fourth unhappy (flash high) props = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(flvhigh); url = uri + "/rawvideo/5"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(url, type, props); } public String ingestImage(String uri, String domain, String xml) { logger.debug("Processing image ingest..."); String domIngest = "/domain/" + domain + "/settings/ingest"; String ingest = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(domIngest); String origin = ""; String fileName = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DATA); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); origin = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir") + uri + "/" + fileName; String url = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DESTINATION); String dest = url + "/rawimage/1"; String response = null; String type = "rawimage"; String imagePath = ""; String prefix = ""; String suffix = ""; String user = ""; String pass = ""; String server = ""; String backImagePath = ""; String backServer = ""; String backUser = ""; String backPass = ""; String mount = null; String backMount = null; boolean useFtp = XmlHelper.useFtp(ingest, "image"); if (useFtp) { String prefixPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/prefix"; String suffixPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/suffix"; String userPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/user"; String passPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/pass"; prefix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, prefixPath); suffix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, suffixPath); user = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, userPath) + "1"; pass = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, passPath) + "1"; imagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/path") + "1"; server = prefix + "1" + suffix; backServer = prefix + "2" + suffix; backUser = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, userPath) + "2"; backPass = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, passPath) + "2"; backImagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/path") + "2"; } else { imagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir"); } String newDest = imagePath + dest; String backNewDest = backImagePath + dest; List<Element> elems = XmlHelper.getRaws(ingest, "image"); logger.debug("NUMBER OF RAWS: " + elems.size()); if (elems.size() != 0) { Iterator<Element> it = elems.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element elem = (Element); String id = elem.attributeValue("id"); String thumbDest = url + "/rawimage/" + id; logger.debug("ELEMENT FOUND:\n\n" + elem.asXML()); Element propsElem = (Element) elem.selectSingleNode("./properties"); logger.debug("PROPS ELEMENT:\n" + propsElem.asXML()); if (propsElem != null) { String width = propsElem.selectSingleNode("./width").getText(); String heigth = propsElem.selectSingleNode("./height").getText(); int tWidth = Integer.valueOf(width); int tHeight = Integer.valueOf(heigth); String onlyName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".")); String thumbLocation = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir") + uri + "/thumb" + onlyName + ".jpg"; if (createThumb(tWidth, tHeight, origin, thumbLocation)) { Element fsxml = DocumentHelper.createElement("fsxml"); fsxml.add((Element) propsElem.clone()); if (useFtp) { //send to images1 String thumbNewDest = imagePath + thumbDest; logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + server); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + thumbLocation); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + thumbNewDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(thumbLocation, thumbNewDest, server, user, pass, false)) { mount = "images1"; } //send to images2 String backThumbDest = backImagePath + thumbDest; logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + backServer); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + thumbLocation); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + backThumbDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(thumbLocation, backThumbDest, backServer, backUser, backPass, true)) { backMount = "images2"; } String props = fsxml.asXML(); if (mount != null || backMount != null) { String m = mount; if (backMount != null) { m = m == null ? backMount : m + "," + backMount; } props = XmlHelper.setMountProperty(props, m); } PropertyHandler.saveProperties(thumbDest, type, props); } else { String thumbNewDest = imagePath + thumbDest; if (!FileHelper.copyFile(thumbLocation, thumbNewDest)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } else { String props = fsxml.asXML(); PropertyHandler.saveProperties(thumbDest, type, props); } } } else { logger.error("There was an error creating thumbnail " + id); } } else { logger.error("The ingest settings xml is not properly configured"); } } } if (useFtp) { //send to images1 logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + server); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + newDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, newDest, server, user, pass, false)) { mount = "images1"; } //send to images2 logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + backServer); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + backNewDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, backNewDest, backServer, backUser, backPass, true)) { backMount = "images2"; } String props = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension></properties>" + "</fsxml>"; if (mount != null || backMount != null) { String m = mount; if (backMount != null) { m = m == null ? backMount : m + "," + backMount; } props = XmlHelper.setMountProperty(props, m); } PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, props); } else { if (!FileHelper.copyFile(origin, newDest)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } else { String prop = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension>" + "</properties>" + "</fsxml>"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, prop); } } return response; } public String ingestBanner(String uri, String domain, String xml) { logger.debug("Processing swf ingest..."); String domIngest = "/domain/" + domain + "/settings/ingest"; String ingest = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(domIngest); String origin = ""; String fileName = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DATA); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); origin = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir") + uri + "/" + fileName; String url = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DESTINATION); String dest = url + "/rawswf/1"; String response = null; String type = "rawswf"; String imagePath = ""; String prefix = ""; String suffix = ""; String user = ""; String pass = ""; String server = ""; String backImagePath = ""; String backServer = ""; String backUser = ""; String backPass = ""; String mount = null; String backMount = null; boolean useFtp = XmlHelper.useFtp(ingest, "image"); if (useFtp) { String prefixPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/prefix"; String suffixPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/suffix"; String userPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/user"; String passPath = "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/pass"; prefix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, prefixPath); suffix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, suffixPath); user = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, userPath) + "1"; pass = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, passPath) + "1"; imagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/path") + "1"; server = prefix + "1" + suffix; backServer = prefix + "2" + suffix; backUser = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, userPath) + "2"; backPass = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, passPath) + "2"; backImagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/ftp/path") + "2"; } else { imagePath = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir"); } String newDest = imagePath + dest; String backNewDest = backImagePath + dest; if (useFtp) { //send to images1 logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + server); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + newDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, newDest, server, user, pass, false)) { mount = "images1"; } //send to images2 logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + backServer); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + backNewDest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, backNewDest, backServer, backUser, backPass, true)) { backMount = "images2"; } String props = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension></properties>" + "</fsxml>"; if (mount != null || backMount != null) { String m = mount; if (backMount != null) { m = m == null ? backMount : m + "," + backMount; } props = XmlHelper.setMountProperty(props, m); } PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, props); } else { if (!FileHelper.copyFile(origin, newDest)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } else { String prop = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension>" + "</properties>" + "</fsxml>"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, prop); } } return response; } /** * this function takes care of an ingested image. Basically copies the image * to the designated folder and creates the empty properties for it * * @param uri * @param domain * @param xml */ private String processIngestedImage(String uri, String domain, String xml) { logger.debug("Processing image ingest"); String origin = ""; String destination = ""; String fileName = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DATA); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); origin = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + uri + "/" + fileName; String url = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DESTINATION); String dest = url + "/rawimage/1"; String thumb1Dest = url + "/rawimage/2"; String thumb2Dest = url + "/rawimage/3"; String thumb3Dest = url + "/rawimage/4"; String imagePath = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpImagePath(); String newDest = imagePath + dest; String collection = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_COLLECTION); destination = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + dest + "/raw." + extension; String response = null; String imageUser = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpImageUser(); String imagePass = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpImagePass(); String prop = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension>" + "</properties>" + "</fsxml>"; String type = "rawimage"; // add the properties to data base PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, prop); String thumb1Width = ""; String thumb1Height = ""; String thumb2Width = ""; String thumb2Height = ""; String thumb3Width = ""; String thumb3Height = ""; int t1Width = Integer.valueOf(thumb1Width); int t1Height = Integer.valueOf(thumb1Height); int t2Width = Integer.valueOf(thumb2Width); int t2Height = Integer.valueOf(thumb2Height); int t3Width = Integer.valueOf(thumb3Width); int t3Height = Integer.valueOf(thumb3Height); String onlyName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".")); String thumb1Location = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + uri + "/thumb1" + onlyName + ".jpg"; String thumb2Location = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + uri + "/thumb2" + onlyName + ".jpg"; String thumb3Location = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + uri + "/thumb3" + onlyName + ".jpg"; if (collection == null) { logger.debug("Copying file to FS on b10 (old file system)"); if (!FileHelper.copyFile(origin, destination)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } } else { logger.debug("Copying file to new FS (using FTP)"); String ftpHost = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpImage(); // create the thumbs, send them through FTP and set the properties if (createThumb(t1Width, t1Height, origin, thumb1Location)) { String thumb1NewDest = imagePath + thumb1Dest; logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + ftpHost); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + thumb1Location); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + thumb1NewDest); FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(thumb1Location, thumb1NewDest, ftpHost, imageUser, imagePass, true); prop = "<fsxml><properties><width>" + t1Width + "</width><height>" + t1Height + "</height><extension>jpg</extension></properties></fsxml>"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(thumb1Dest, type, prop); } else { logger.error("There was an error creating the thumbnail 1"); } if (createThumb(t2Width, t2Height, origin, thumb2Location)) { String thumb2NewDest = imagePath + thumb2Dest; logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + ftpHost); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + thumb2Location); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + thumb2NewDest); FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(thumb2Location, thumb2NewDest, ftpHost, imageUser, imagePass, true); prop = "<fsxml><properties><width>" + t2Width + "</width><height>" + t2Height + "</height><extension>jpg</extension></properties></fsxml>"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(thumb2Dest, type, prop); } else { logger.error("There was an error creating the thumbnail 2"); } if (createThumb(t3Width, t3Height, origin, thumb3Location)) { String thumb3NewDest = imagePath + thumb3Dest; logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + ftpHost); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + thumb3Location); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + thumb3NewDest); FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(thumb3Location, thumb3NewDest, ftpHost, imageUser, imagePass, true); prop = "<fsxml><properties><width>" + t3Width + "</width><height>" + t3Height + "</height><extension>jpg</extension></properties></fsxml>"; PropertyHandler.saveProperties(thumb3Dest, type, prop); } else { logger.error("There was an error creating the thumbnail 3"); } logger.debug("FTP HOST: " + ftpHost); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + newDest); FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, newDest, ftpHost, imageUser, imagePass, true); } if (response == null) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getStatusMessage("The file was succesfully ingested into the FS", "", ""); } return response; } public String ingestAudio(String uri, String domain, String xml) { logger.debug("Processing audio ingest"); logger.debug("\n\n XML is: " + xml); String domIngest = "/domain/" + domain + "/settings/ingest"; String ingest = PropertyHandler.getXMLfromProp(domIngest); String response = null; String origin = ""; String destination = ""; String fileName = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DATA); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); String collection = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_COLLECTION); origin = GlobalConfig.instance().getIngestBaseDir() + uri + "/" + fileName; String url = XmlHelper.getPropertyValue(xml, XmlHelper.PROP_DESTINATION); String dest = url + "/rawaudio/1"; destination = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, "/fsxml/properties/image/basedir") + dest + "/raw." + extension; String mount = null; String backupMount = null; boolean useFtp = XmlHelper.useFtp(ingest, "audio"); if (useFtp) { String offPath = "/fsxml/properties/audio/ftp/offset"; String servPath = "/fsxml/properties/audio/ftp/servers"; String prefPath = "/fsxml/properties/audio/ftp/prefix"; String sufPath = "/fsxml/properties/audio/ftp/suffix"; String mtnPath = "/fsxml/properties/audio/ftp/mount"; String offset = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, offPath); String servers = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, servPath); String prefix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, prefPath); String suffix = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, sufPath); String mountprf = XmlHelper.getValueFromIngest(ingest, mtnPath); int servs = Integer.valueOf(servers); int offs = Integer.valueOf(offset); int sid = getFTPServerIdForCollectionAudio(url, collection, servs, offs); if (sid != -1) { int bid = getBackupFTPServerId(sid, servs, offs); String sHostBase = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpServerPrefix() + sid; String bHostBase = GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpServerPrefix() + bid; String ftpServer = sHostBase + GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpServerSuffix(); String backupFtpServer = bHostBase + GlobalConfig.instance().getFtpServerSuffix(); // dest += "/raw." + extension; logger.debug("FTP SERVER: " + ftpServer); logger.debug("BACKUP FTP SERVER: " + backupFtpServer); logger.debug("INPUT FILE: " + origin); logger.debug("DESTINATION: " + dest); if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, dest, ftpServer, sHostBase, sHostBase, false)) { mount = GlobalConfig.instance().getMountPrefix() + sid; } if (FtpHelper.sendFileWithFtp(origin, dest, backupFtpServer, bHostBase, bHostBase, true)) { backupMount = GlobalConfig.instance().getMountPrefix() + bid; } if (mount == null && backupMount == null) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to either: " + sHostBase, ""); } } else { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Invalid destination URL parameter", "The destination URL: " + url + " is invalid", ""); } } else { logger.debug("Copying file to FS on b10 (old file system)"); if (!FileHelper.copyFile(origin, destination)) { response = FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not transfer the ingest file to the old (b10) FS", "The file: " + origin + " could not be sent to the old (b10) FS", ""); } } if (response == null) { String prop = "<fsxml>" + "<properties>" + "<extension>" + extension + "</extension>" + "</properties>" + "</fsxml>"; String type = "rawaudio"; if (mount != null || backupMount != null) { String m = mount; if (backupMount != null) { m = m == null ? backupMount : m + "," + backupMount; } prop = XmlHelper.setMountProperty(prop, m); } // add the properties to data base PropertyHandler.saveProperties(dest, type, prop); response = FSXMLBuilder.getStatusMessage("The file was succesfully ingested into the FS", "", ""); } return response; } /** * creates a thumbnail of a given image * * @param width * @param height * @param origin * @param dest * @return */ public boolean createThumb(int width, int height, String origin, String dest) { logger.debug("CREATING THUMB FROM: " + origin); boolean success = true; BufferedImage img = null; try { img = File(origin)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("", e); success = false; } logger.debug("thumb origin is: " + origin); String ext = origin.substring(origin.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, origin.length()); int type = 0; if (ext.toLowerCase().equals("png")) { type = 5; } else { type = img.getType(); } logger.debug("origin for thumb is: " + origin); logger.debug("destination for thumb is: " + dest); BufferedImage bufimg2 = new BufferedImage(width, height, type); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) bufimg2.getGraphics(); g2d.scale((double) width / img.getWidth(), (double) height / img.getHeight()); g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null); img = bufimg2; try { BufferedImage bi = img; // retrieve image File outputfile = new File(dest); ImageIO.write(bi, "jpg", outputfile); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("", e); success = false; } return success; } }