Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Noterik B.V. * * This file is part of smithers, related to the Noterik Springfield project. * * Smithers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Smithers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Smithers. If not, see <>. */ package com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import; import; import; import com.noterik.bart.fs.fsxml.FSXMLRequestHandler; public class OrderCommand implements Command { /** The ShiftCommand's log4j Logger */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OrderCommand.class); private static ArrayList<Properties> map = new ArrayList<Properties>(); private static final String PROJECT_URI_TEMPLATE = "/domain/{domain}/user/{user}/project/{project}"; private static final String[] BART_SERVERS = new String[] { "", "", "", "" }; public String execute(String uri, String xml) { logger.debug("input xml (alignorder): " + xml); // get input parameters and run command Properties input = getInputParameters(xml); if (input != null) { String fix = input.getProperty("fixorder", "false"); logger.debug("fixorder param: " + fix); boolean fixOrder = Boolean.parseBoolean(fix); if (fixOrder) { return FixOrder(input, uri); } else { return order(input, uri); } } // error message return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Incorrect parameters", "Please call this command as follows: split AT MILLIS", ""); } private String FixOrder(Properties input, String uri) { map.clear(); map = null; map = new ArrayList<Properties>(); String domain = URIParser.getDomainIdFromUri(uri); String user = URIParser.getUserIdFromUri(uri); String project = getTypeIdFromUri(uri, "project"); // check uri if (!URIParser.getCurrentUriPart(uri).equals("page")) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Incorrect uri, should be a page uri", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } logger.debug("Fixing the order of " + uri); boolean has_pages = getPages(uri); if (!has_pages) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not get pages for project", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } Map<String, String> ordered_map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Iterator<Properties> iter = map.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Properties properties =; String id = properties.getProperty("id"); String order_str = properties.getProperty("order"); ordered_map.put(order_str, id); } Object[] key = ordered_map.keySet().toArray(); Arrays.sort(key); for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { String id = ordered_map.get(key[i]); String order_str = Integer.toString(i + 1); String updateUri = PROJECT_URI_TEMPLATE.replace("{domain}", domain).replace("{user}", user) .replace("{project}", project); updateUri = updateUri + "/page/" + id + "/properties/order"; logger.debug("Update URI: " + updateUri + "; set order=" + order_str); FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().updateProperty(updateUri, "order", order_str, "PUT", true); } return FSXMLBuilder.getStatusMessage("Successfully aligned the order", "Successfully aligned the order", uri); } /** * Reorders elements based on the input parameters * * @param input - should contain [from] and [to] params * @param uri * @return */ private String order(Properties input, String uri) { // parse parameters map.clear(); map = null; map = new ArrayList<Properties>(); String domain = URIParser.getDomainIdFromUri(uri); String user = URIParser.getUserIdFromUri(uri); String project = getTypeIdFromUri(uri, "project"); int from = -1; int to = -1; try { from = Integer.parseInt(input.getProperty("from", "-1")); to = Integer.parseInt(input.getProperty("to", "-1")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Parameters could not be parsed", e); return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Parameters could not be parsed", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } // check uri if (!URIParser.getCurrentUriPart(uri).equals("page")) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Incorrect uri, should be a page uri", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } if (from == -1 || to == -1) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Incorrect params [from] or [to]", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } logger.debug("Aligning the order of " + uri); logger.debug("Moving page from position " + from + " to position " + to); boolean has_pages = getPages(uri); if (!has_pages) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Could not get pages for project", "Please call this command as follows: order [from] position [to] position", ""); } String mode = (from - to < 0) ? "up" : "down"; ArrayList<Properties> ordered_map = new ArrayList<Properties>(); for (Iterator<Properties> iter = map.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // get uri, property pairs Properties properties =; String id = properties.getProperty("id"); logger.debug("id: " + id); String order_str = properties.getProperty("order"); int order = Integer.parseInt(order_str); Properties new_props = new Properties(); if (order == from) { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(to)); ordered_map.add(new_props); continue; } if (mode == "down") { if (order >= from) { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order)); ordered_map.add(new_props); continue; } if (order >= to) { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order + 1)); ordered_map.add(new_props); } else { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order)); ordered_map.add(new_props); } } else { if (order <= from) { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order)); ordered_map.add(new_props); continue; } if (order <= to) { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order - 1)); ordered_map.add(new_props); } else { new_props.put("id", id); new_props.put("order", Integer.toString(order)); ordered_map.add(new_props); } } } logger.debug("Ordered map is: " + ordered_map.toString()); for (Iterator<Properties> iter = ordered_map.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Properties properties =; String id = properties.getProperty("id"); String order_str = properties.getProperty("order"); String updateUri = PROJECT_URI_TEMPLATE.replace("{domain}", domain).replace("{user}", user) .replace("{project}", project); updateUri = updateUri + "/page/" + id + "/properties/order"; logger.debug("Update order URI: " + updateUri + "; set order=" + order_str); FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().updateProperty(updateUri, "order", order_str, "PUT", true); } return FSXMLBuilder.getStatusMessage("Successfully aligned the order", "Successfully aligned the order", uri); } /** * Returns the input parameters. * * @param xml The xml specifying the commands parameters. * @return The input parameters. */ private Properties getInputParameters(String xml) { Properties props = new Properties(); Document doc = XMLHelper.asDocument(xml); if (doc == null) { return null; } else { Node n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/fixorder"); if (n != null && n instanceof Element) { String fix = ((Element) n).getText(); if (fix.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { props.put("fixorder", "true"); } } n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/from"); if (n != null && n instanceof Element) { String from = ((Element) n).getText(); if (!(from == "0" || from == "")) { props.put("from", from); } } n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/to"); if (n != null && n instanceof Element) { String to = ((Element) n).getText(); if (!(to == "0" || to == "")) { props.put("to", to); } } } return props; } public ManualEntry man() { return null; } private static boolean getPages(String uri) { logger.debug("getting pages for project: " + uri); uri = getServer() + uri + "?start={start}&limit={limit}"; int start = 0; int limit = 0; String baseUrl = uri.replace("{start}", Integer.toString(start)).replace("{limit}", Integer.toString(limit)); try { List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); List<Node> partialNodes; String response = HttpHelper.sendRequest("GET", baseUrl, null, null); Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(response); int hits = Integer.parseInt(doc.selectSingleNode("//totalResultsAvailable").getText()); start = 0; limit = 10; if (hits > 0) { while (start < hits) { baseUrl = uri.replace("{start}", Integer.toString(start)).replace("{limit}", Integer.toString(limit)); logger.error("get pages " + baseUrl); response = HttpHelper.sendRequest("GET", baseUrl, null, null); doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(response); partialNodes = doc.selectNodes("//page"); start += limit; nodes.addAll(partialNodes); } String id, name, order; Element propElem; logger.error("nr of nodes found: " + nodes.size()); for (Iterator<Node> iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element elem = (Element); Properties props = new Properties(); //props.put("starttime", starttime); // get id, name, uri and properties id = elem.valueOf("@id"); name = elem.getName(); if (!name.equals("page")) continue; propElem = (Element) elem.selectSingleNode("properties"); order = ""; order = propElem.valueOf("order"); if (order.equals("")) continue; props.put("id", id); props.put("order", order); map.add(props); } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("", e); return false; } return true; } private static String getTypeIdFromUri(String uri, String type) { String value = null; String typeUriPart = "/" + type + "/"; int index1, index2; index1 = uri.indexOf(typeUriPart); if (index1 != -1) { index1 += typeUriPart.length(); index2 = uri.indexOf("/", index1); if (index2 != -1) { value = uri.substring(index1, index2); } else { value = uri.substring(index1); } } return value; } /** * Returns a random server * * @return */ private static String getServer() { int num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * BART_SERVERS.length); return BART_SERVERS[num]; } }