Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Noterik B.V. * * This file is part of smithers, related to the Noterik Springfield project. * * Smithers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Smithers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Smithers. If not, see <>. */ package com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand.dynamic.presentation.playout; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import com.noterik.bart.fs.LazyHomer; import com.noterik.bart.fs.cloudexporter.DiskExporter; import com.noterik.bart.fs.cloudimporter.DefaultImporter; import com.noterik.bart.fs.fsxml.FSXMLRequestHandler; public class cache { /** Logger */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(cache.class); private static LRUMap cached = new LRUMap(3000); private static HashMap<String, String> refers = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> paramref = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); private static Document empty = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); private static CacheMulticastReceiver receiver = null; private static boolean multicast = true; private static boolean active = false; private static String debuglevel = "off"; private static int totalreq = 0; private static int hitreq = 0; private static enum methods { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, INFO, TRACE, LINK, AUTH, PAUTH; } private static CacheTableWriter cachewriter = null; private static CacheTableReader cachereader = null; public static Boolean started = false; static { /* readCacheConfig(); if (receiver==null) { receiver = new CacheMulticastReceiver("receiver"); receiver.start(); cachereader = new CacheTableReader("cachereader"); cachereader.start(); cachewriter = new CacheTableWriter("cachewriter",cachereader); cachewriter.start(); } */ init(); } public static void init() { readCacheConfig(); if (receiver == null) { started = true; receiver = new CacheMulticastReceiver("receiver"); receiver.start(); cachereader = new CacheTableReader("cachereader"); cachereader.start(); cachewriter = new CacheTableWriter("cachewriter", cachereader); cachewriter.start(); } try { InetAddress mip = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); String myip = "" + mip.getHostAddress(); String sends = myip + ":" + LazyHomer.getSmithersPort() + ":" + LazyHomer.getPort() + ":" + LazyHomer.getRole(); CacheMulticastSender.send(sends, "INFO", "ALIVE"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception =" + e.getMessage()); } } public static Document get(String url) { if (!active) return null; totalreq++; Document result = (Document) cached.get(url); if (result == null) { if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("CACHE MISS=" + url); return null; } else { hitreq++; if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("CACHE HIT= " + url); if (result == empty) return null; result = (Document) result.clone(); return result; } } public static Boolean isEmpty(String url) { Document result = (Document) cached.get(url); if (result == empty) { return true; } return false; } public static void put(String url, Document result) { if (!active) return; if (result == null) { cached.put(url, empty); return; } cached.put(url, (Document) result.clone()); setCacheWatchers(url, result.asXML()); } public static void putParams(String url, Document result, String params) { if (!active) return; if (result == null) { cached.put(url + params, empty); return; } //System.out.println("PUTPARAMS"); cached.put(url + params, (Document) result.clone()); setCacheWatchers(url + params, result.asXML()); setParametersWatchers(url, params); } private static void setParametersWatchers(String url, String params) { System.out.println("PW=" + url + " " + params); // try to get the list we already have for this base url ArrayList<String> curlist = paramref.get(url); if (curlist != null) { // add to the list curlist.add(params); } else { // no list so make one curlist = new ArrayList<String>(); curlist.add(params); paramref.put(url, curlist); } System.out.println("CL=" + curlist); } private static void setCacheWatchers(String url, String body) { int pos = body.indexOf("referid="); while (pos != -1) { int endpos = body.indexOf("\"", pos + 10); String refer = body.substring(pos + 9, endpos); if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("REFER=" + refer + " SOURCE=" + url); refers.put(refer, url); pos = body.indexOf("referid=", endpos + 1); } } public static void signal(String adr, String method, String msg) { if (multicast) { switch (methods.valueOf(method)) { case POST: CacheMulticastSender.send(adr.toString(), method, msg); break; case PUT: CacheMulticastSender.send(adr.toString(), method, msg); break; case DELETE: CacheMulticastSender.send(adr.toString(), method, msg); break; case TRACE: break; case LINK: CacheMulticastSender.send(adr.toString(), method, msg); break; } } else { switch (methods.valueOf(method)) { case POST: signalPost(adr, msg); break; case PUT: signalPut(adr, msg); break; case DELETE: signalDelete(adr, msg); break; case TRACE: break; } } } public static void signalRemote(String adr, String method, String uri) { switch (methods.valueOf(method)) { case POST: signalPost(adr, uri); break; case PUT: signalPut(adr, uri); break; case DELETE: signalDelete(adr, uri); break; } } public static void signalPut(String adr, String uri) { if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("SIGNAL PUT = " + adr.toString() + " U=" + uri); //System.out.println("SIGNAL PUT = "+adr.toString()+" U="+uri); // do we have some of this in cache ? if (uri.indexOf("/domain/webtv/config/cache/presentationquickstart/1") != -1) { readCacheConfig(); deleteCacheRecursive(uri, 0); } else if (uri.indexOf("/domain/webtv/service/smithers/nodes/") != -1) { DiskExporter.exportSmithersNode(uri); deleteCacheRecursive(uri, 0); } else { deleteCacheRecursive(uri, 0); } } public static void readCacheConfig() { System.out.println("READ CACHENODE"); Document cachenode = FSXMLRequestHandler.instance() .getNodeProperties("/domain/webtv/config/cache/presentationquickstart/1", false); System.out.println("CACHENODE=" + cachenode); if (cachenode != null) { Element activenode = (Element) cachenode .selectSingleNode("/fsxml/presentationquickstart[@id='1']/properties/active"); if (activenode.getText().equals("true")) { active = true; logger.debug("CACHE TURNED ON"); } else { active = false; logger.debug("CACHE TURNED OFF"); } Element debuglevelnode = (Element) cachenode .selectSingleNode("/fsxml/presentationquickstart[@id='1']/properties/debuglevel"); if (debuglevelnode.getText().equals("high")) { debuglevel = "high"; FSXMLRequestHandler.debuglevel = "high"; logger.debug("CACHE DEBUG LEVEL HIGH"); } else { debuglevel = "off"; FSXMLRequestHandler.debuglevel = "off"; logger.debug("CACHE DEBUG LEVEL OFF"); } } else { logger.debug("CACHE CONFIG MISSING"); //DefaultImporter.importDefaultCloud(); } } public static void signalPost(String adr, String uri) { if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("SIGNAL POST = " + adr.toString() + " U=" + uri); //System.out.println("SIGNAL POST = "+adr.toString()+" U="+uri); // do we have some of this in cache ? deleteCacheRecursive(uri, 0); } public static void signalDelete(String adr, String uri) { if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println("SIGNAL DELETE = " + adr.toString() + " U=" + uri); //System.out.println("SIGNAL DELETE = "+adr.toString()+" U="+uri); // do we have some of this in cache ? deleteCacheRecursive(uri, 0); } private static void deleteCacheRecursive(String uri, int depth) { int pos = uri.lastIndexOf("/"); while (pos != -1) { // we need to walk up the tree to check Document doc = (Document) cached.get(uri); if (doc != null) { // we have it in cache lets delete the main cache entry cached.remove(uri); if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println(depth + " removed main=" + uri); //System.out.println(depth+" removed main="+uri); // now was this uri also a referid somewhere ? only works for one (daniel?) String refer = refers.get(uri); if (refer != null) { refers.remove(uri); // remove it // call it for subchilds if (depth < 10) { if (debuglevel.equals("high")) System.out.println(depth + " checking refer=" + refer); //System.out.println(depth+" checking refer="+refer); deleteCacheRecursive(refer, depth++); } else { System.out.println("***** RECURSIVE ERROR IN CACHE REACHED 10"); } } } // also remove them from the ones with params ArrayList<String> list = paramref.get(uri); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<String> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String p =; //System.out.println("REMOVE PARAM="+uri+p); cached.remove(uri + p); paramref.remove(uri); } } uri = uri.substring(0, pos); pos = uri.lastIndexOf("/"); //System.out.println(depth+" new uri="+uri); } } public static String getPerformance() { if (totalreq != 0) { return "" + ((hitreq / (float) totalreq) * 100); } return "0"; } public static int getTotalRequest() { return totalreq; } public static int getCacheSize() { return cached.size(); } public static Iterator<String> getCachedUrls() { if (cached.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return cached.keySet().iterator(); } } public static void destroy() { System.out.println("Smithers: shutting down PresentationQuickStart Cache"); if (cachewriter != null) cachewriter.destroy(); if (receiver != null) receiver.destroy(); } }