Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010-2015 Norconex Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.norconex.jef4.suite; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.norconex.commons.lang.file.FileUtil; import com.norconex.jef4.JEFException; import com.norconex.jef4.JEFUtil; import com.norconex.jef4.job.IJob; import com.norconex.jef4.job.IJobErrorListener; import com.norconex.jef4.job.IJobLifeCycleListener; import com.norconex.jef4.job.IJobVisitor; import com.norconex.jef4.job.JobErrorEvent; import com.norconex.jef4.job.JobException; import; import com.norconex.jef4.log.FileLogManager; import com.norconex.jef4.log.ILogManager; import com.norconex.jef4.log.ThreadSafeLayout; import com.norconex.jef4.status.FileJobStatusStore; import com.norconex.jef4.status.IJobStatus; import com.norconex.jef4.status.IJobStatusStore; import com.norconex.jef4.status.IJobStatusVisitor; import com.norconex.jef4.status.JobDuration; import com.norconex.jef4.status.JobState; import com.norconex.jef4.status.JobStatusUpdater; import com.norconex.jef4.status.JobSuiteStatusSnapshot; import com.norconex.jef4.status.MutableJobStatus; //TODO rename JobExecutor and more to root package? /** * A job suite is an amalgamation of jobs, represented as a single executable * unit. It can be seen as of one big job made of several sub-jobs. * Configurations applied to a suite affects all jobs associated * with the suite. * All jobs making up a suite must have unique identifiers. * @author Pascal Essiembre */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public final class JobSuite { //--- NEW STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------ private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(JobSuite.class); /** Associates job id with current thread. */ private static final ThreadLocal<String> CURRENT_JOB_ID = new ThreadLocal<String>(); private final Map<String, IJob> jobs = new HashMap<>(); private final IJob rootJob; private final JobSuiteConfig config; private final String workdir; private final ILogManager logManager; private final IJobStatusStore jobStatusStore; private JobSuiteStatusSnapshot jobSuiteStatusSnapshot; private final List<IJobLifeCycleListener> jobLifeCycleListeners; private final List<IJobErrorListener> jobErrorListeners; private final List<ISuiteLifeCycleListener> suiteLifeCycleListeners; private final JobHeartbeatGenerator heartbeatGenerator; public JobSuite(final IJob rootJob) { this(rootJob, new JobSuiteConfig()); } public JobSuite(final IJob rootJob, JobSuiteConfig config) { super(); this.rootJob = rootJob; this.config = config; this.workdir = resolveWorkdir(config.getWorkdir()); this.logManager = resolveLogManager(config.getLogManager()); this.jobStatusStore = resolveJobStatusStore(config.getJobStatusStore()); this.jobLifeCycleListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getJobLifeCycleListeners()); this.suiteLifeCycleListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getSuiteLifeCycleListeners()); this.jobErrorListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getJobErrorListeners()); this.heartbeatGenerator = new JobHeartbeatGenerator(this); accept(new IJobVisitor() { @Override public void visitJob(IJob job, IJobStatus jobStatus) { jobs.put(job.getId(), job); } }); } public IJob getRootJob() { return rootJob; } public JobSuiteConfig getConfig() { return config; } /** * Gets the job status for the root job. Has the same effect as invoking * <code>getJobStatus(getRootJob())</code>. * @return root job status */ public IJobStatus getStatus() { return getJobStatus(getRootJob()); } public IJobStatus getJobStatus(IJob job) { if (job == null) { return null; } return getJobStatus(job.getId()); } public IJobStatus getJobStatus(String jobId) { if (jobSuiteStatusSnapshot != null) { return jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.getJobStatus(jobId); } try { File indexFile = JEFUtil.getSuiteIndexFile(getWorkdir(), getId()); JobSuiteStatusSnapshot snapshot = JobSuiteStatusSnapshot.newSnapshot(indexFile); if (snapshot != null) { return snapshot.getJobStatus(jobId); } return null; } catch (IOException e) { throw new JEFException("Cannot obtain suite status.", e); } } public boolean execute() { return execute(false); } public boolean execute(boolean resumeIfIncomplete) { boolean success = false; try { success = doExecute(resumeIfIncomplete); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.fatal("Job suite execution failed: " + getId(), e); } finally { fire(suiteLifeCycleListeners, "suiteFinished", this); } if (!success) { fire(suiteLifeCycleListeners, "suiteAborted", this); } return success; } public void accept(IJobStatusVisitor visitor) { jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.accept(visitor); } /** * Accepts a job suite visitor. * @param visitor job suite visitor * @since 1.1 */ public void accept(IJobVisitor visitor) { accept(visitor, null); } /** * Accepts a job suite visitor, filtering jobs and job progresses to * those of the same type as the specified job class instance. * @param visitor job suite visitor * @param jobClassFilter type to filter jobs and job progresses * @since 1.1 */ public void accept(IJobVisitor visitor, Class<IJob> jobClassFilter) { accept(visitor, getRootJob(), jobClassFilter); } /** * Gets the job identifier representing the currently running job for the * current thread. * @return job identifier or <code>null</code> if no job is currently * associated with the current thread */ public static String getCurrentJobId() { return CURRENT_JOB_ID.get(); } /** * Sets a job identifier as the currently running job for the * the current thread. This method is called by the framework. * Framework users may call this method when implementing their own * threads to associated a job with the thread. Framework code * may rely on this to behave as expected. Otherwise, it is best * advised not to use this method. * @param jobId job identifier */ public static void setCurrentJobId(String jobId) { CURRENT_JOB_ID.set(jobId); } /*default*/ IJobStatusStore getJobStatusStore() { return jobStatusStore; } public String getId() { IJob job = getRootJob(); if (job != null) { return job.getId(); } return null; } public String getWorkdir() { return workdir; } public ILogManager getLogManager() { return logManager; } /*default*/ File getSuiteIndexFile() { File indexFile = JEFUtil.getSuiteIndexFile(getWorkdir(), getId()); if (!indexFile.exists()) { File indexDir = indexFile.getParentFile(); if (!indexDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(indexDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JEFException("Cannot create index directory: " + indexDir, e); } } } return indexFile; } /*default*/ File getSuiteStopFile() { return new File(getWorkdir() + File.separator + "latest" + File.separator + FileUtil.toSafeFileName(getId()) + ".stop"); } /*default*/ List<IJobLifeCycleListener> getJobLifeCycleListeners() { return jobLifeCycleListeners; } /*default*/ List<IJobErrorListener> getJobErrorListeners() { return jobErrorListeners; } /*default*/ List<ISuiteLifeCycleListener> getSuiteLifeCycleListeners() { return suiteLifeCycleListeners; } private boolean doExecute(boolean resumeIfIncomplete) throws IOException { boolean success = false;"Initialization..."); //--- Initialize --- initialize(resumeIfIncomplete); //--- Add Log Appender --- Appender appender = getLogManager().createAppender(getId()); appender.setLayout(new ThreadSafeLayout(appender.getLayout())); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(appender); heartbeatGenerator.start(); //TODO add listeners, etc StopRequestMonitor stopMonitor = new StopRequestMonitor(this); stopMonitor.start();"Starting execution."); fire(suiteLifeCycleListeners, "suiteStarted", this); try { success = runJob(getRootJob()); } finally { stopMonitor.stopMonitoring(); if (success && jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.getRoot().getState() == JobState.COMPLETED) { fire(suiteLifeCycleListeners, "suiteCompleted", this); } // Remove appender Logger.getRootLogger().removeAppender(appender); heartbeatGenerator.terminate(); } return success; } //TODO make public, to allow to start a specific job?? //TODO document this is not a public method? public boolean runJob(final IJob job) { if (job == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Job cannot be null."); } boolean success = false; Thread.currentThread().setName(job.getId()); setCurrentJobId(job.getId()); MutableJobStatus status = (MutableJobStatus) jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.getJobStatus(job); if (status.getState() == JobState.COMPLETED) {"Job skipped: " + job.getId() + " (already completed)"); fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobSkipped", status); return true; } boolean errorHandled = false; try { if (status.getResumeAttempts() == 0) { status.getDuration().setStartTime(new Date());"Running " + job.getId() + ": BEGIN (" + status.getDuration().getStartTime() + ")"); fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobStarted", status); } else {"Running " + job.getId() + ": RESUME (" + new Date() + ")"); fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobResumed", status); status.getDuration().setEndTime(null); status.setNote(""); } heartbeatGenerator.register(status); //--- Execute --- job.execute(new JobStatusUpdater(status) { protected void statusUpdated(MutableJobStatus status) { try { getJobStatusStore().write(getId(), status); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JEFException("Cannot persist status update for job: " + status.getJobId(), e); } fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobProgressed", status); IJobStatus parentStatus = jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.getParent(status); if (parentStatus != null) { IJobGroup jobGroup = (IJobGroup) jobs.get(parentStatus.getJobId()); if (jobGroup != null) { jobGroup.groupProgressed(status); } } }; }, this); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { success = false; LOG.error("Execution failed for job: " + job.getId(), e); fire(jobErrorListeners, "jobError", new JobErrorEvent(e, this, status)); if (status != null) { status.setNote("Error occured: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } errorHandled = true; //System.exit(-1) } finally { heartbeatGenerator.unregister(status); status.getDuration().setEndTime(new Date()); try { getJobStatusStore().write(getId(), status); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot save final status.", e); } if (!success && !errorHandled) { LOG.fatal("Fatal error occured in job: " + job.getId()); }"Running " + job.getId() + ": END (" + status.getDuration().getStartTime() + ")"); if (success) { fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobCompleted", status); } else { fire(jobLifeCycleListeners, "jobTerminatedPrematuraly", status); } } return success; } public void stop() throws IOException { if (!getSuiteStopFile().createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Could not create stop file: " + getSuiteStopFile()); } } public static void stop(File indexFile) throws IOException { if (indexFile == null || !indexFile.exists() || !indexFile.isFile()) { throw new JEFException("Invalid index file: " + indexFile); } String stopPath = StringUtils.removeEnd(indexFile.getAbsolutePath(), "index"); stopPath += ".stop"; if (!new File(stopPath).createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Could not create stop file: " + stopPath); } } private void accept(IJobVisitor visitor, IJob job, Class<IJob> jobClassFilter) { if (job == null) { return; } if (jobClassFilter == null || jobClassFilter.isInstance(job)) { IJobStatus status = null; if (jobSuiteStatusSnapshot != null) { status = jobSuiteStatusSnapshot.getJobStatus(job); } visitor.visitJob(job, status); } if (job instanceof IJobGroup) { for (IJob childJob : ((IJobGroup) job).getJobs()) { accept(visitor, childJob, jobClassFilter); } } } private void initialize(boolean resumeIfIncomplete) throws IOException { JobSuiteStatusSnapshot statusTree = JobSuiteStatusSnapshot.newSnapshot(getSuiteIndexFile()); if (statusTree != null) {"Previous execution detected."); MutableJobStatus status = (MutableJobStatus) statusTree.getRoot(); JobState state = status.getState(); ensureValidExecutionState(state); if (resumeIfIncomplete && !state.isOneOf(JobState.COMPLETED, JobState.PREMATURE_TERMINATION)) {"Resuming from previous execution."); prepareStatusTreeForResume(statusTree); } else { // Back-up so we can start clean"Backing up previous execution status and log files."); backupSuite(statusTree); statusTree = null; } } else {"No previous execution detected."); } if (statusTree == null) { statusTree = JobSuiteStatusSnapshot.create(getRootJob(), getLogManager()); writeJobSuiteIndex(statusTree); } this.jobSuiteStatusSnapshot = statusTree; } // This preparation is required otherwise, stopping of a resumed job // will fail, because of previous "stopRequested" flag being set. // "resumeAttempts" on the root must be incremented for resume to work, // but technically the root attempts should always be incremented whenever // there is at least one child job that needs to be incremented. // This method fixes: private void prepareStatusTreeForResume(JobSuiteStatusSnapshot statusTree) { statusTree.accept(new IJobStatusVisitor() { @Override public void visitJobStatus(IJobStatus jobStatus) { MutableJobStatus status = (MutableJobStatus) jobStatus; status.setStopRequested(false); JobDuration duration = status.getDuration(); if (status.isStarted() && !status.isCompleted()) { status.incrementResumeAttempts(); if (duration != null) { duration.setResumedStartTime(duration.getStartTime()); duration.setResumedLastActivity(status.getLastActivity()); } } } }); } private void ensureValidExecutionState(JobState state) { if (state == JobState.RUNNING) { throw new JEFException( "JOB SUITE ALREADY RUNNING. There is " + "already an instance of this job suite running. " + "Either stop it, or wait for it to complete."); } if (state == JobState.STOPPING) { throw new JEFException("JOB SUITE STOPPING. " + "There is an instance of this job suite currently " + "stopping. Wait for it to stop, or terminate the " + "process."); } } private void backupSuite(JobSuiteStatusSnapshot statusTree) throws IOException { IJobStatus suiteStatus = statusTree.getRoot(); Date backupDate = suiteStatus.getDuration().getEndTime(); if (backupDate == null) { backupDate = suiteStatus.getLastActivity(); } if (backupDate == null) { backupDate = new Date(); } // Backup status files List<IJobStatus> statuses = statusTree.getJobStatusList(); for (IJobStatus jobStatus : statuses) { getJobStatusStore().backup(getId(), jobStatus.getJobId(), backupDate); } // Backup log getLogManager().backup(getId(), backupDate); // Backup suite index String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSSS").format(backupDate); File indexFile = getSuiteIndexFile(); File backupDir = new File(getWorkdir() + File.separator + "backup"); try { backupDir = FileUtil.createDateDirs(backupDir, backupDate); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobException("Could not create backup directory for " + "suite index."); } File backupFile = new File( backupDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + date + "__" + FileUtil.toSafeFileName(getId()) + ".index"); if (!indexFile.renameTo(backupFile)) { throw new IOException("Could not create backup file: " + backupFile); } } private void writeJobSuiteIndex(JobSuiteStatusSnapshot statusTree) throws IOException { Writer out = null; try { out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(getSuiteIndexFile()), CharEncoding.UTF_8); out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); out.write("<suite-index>"); //--- Log Manager --- out.flush(); getLogManager().saveToXML(out); //--- JobStatusSerializer --- out.flush(); getJobStatusStore().saveToXML(out); //--- Job Status --- writeJobId(out, statusTree, statusTree.getRoot()); out.write("</suite-index>"); out.flush(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } private void writeJobId(Writer out, JobSuiteStatusSnapshot statusTree, IJobStatus status) throws IOException { out.write("<job name=\""); out.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(status.getJobId())); out.write("\">"); for (IJobStatus child : statusTree.getChildren(status)) { writeJobId(out, statusTree, child); } out.write("</job>"); } private String resolveWorkdir(String configWorkdir) { File dir = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(configWorkdir)) { dir = JEFUtil.FALLBACK_WORKDIR; } else { dir = new File(configWorkdir); if (dir.exists() && !dir.isDirectory()) { dir = JEFUtil.FALLBACK_WORKDIR; } } if (!dir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JEFException("Cannot create work directory: " + dir, e); } }"JEF work directory is: " + dir); return dir.getAbsolutePath(); } private ILogManager resolveLogManager(ILogManager configLogManager) { ILogManager logManager = configLogManager; if (logManager == null) { logManager = new FileLogManager(workdir); }"JEF log manager is : " + logManager.getClass().getSimpleName()); return logManager; } private IJobStatusStore resolveJobStatusStore(IJobStatusStore configSerializer) { IJobStatusStore serial = configSerializer; if (serial == null) { serial = new FileJobStatusStore(workdir); }"JEF job status store is : " + serial.getClass().getSimpleName()); return serial; } private void fire(List<?> listeners, String methodName, Object argument) { for (Object l : listeners) { try { MethodUtils.invokeExactMethod(l, methodName, argument); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new JobException("Could not fire event \"" + methodName + "\".", e); } } } }