Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Tom Geiselmann // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software // and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, // including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, // sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY,WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. package com.none.tom.simplerssreader.feed; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.R; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.utils.DateUtils; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.utils.FileUtils; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.utils.HtmlUtils; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.utils.SearchResults; import com.none.tom.simplerssreader.utils.SearchUtils; import com.rometools.modules.itunes.EntryInformation; import com.rometools.modules.itunes.FeedInformation; import com.rometools.modules.itunes.types.Category; import com.rometools.modules.slash.Slash; import com.rometools.modules.wfw.WfwModule; import com.rometools.rome.feed.module.DCModule; import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndCategory; import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndContent; import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndEnclosure; import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndEntry; import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndFeed; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.parser.Parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; public class CurrentFeed { public static final int ITUNES_OWNER = 0; public static final int ITUNES_AUTHOR = 1; public static final int ITUNES_EXPLICIT = 2; public static final int ITUNES_DURATION = 3; public static final int ITUNES_SUBTITLE_SUMMARY = 4; private static SyndFeed sCurrentFeed; public static void set(final SyndFeed feed) { sCurrentFeed = feed; } public static List<SyndEntry> getEntries() { return sCurrentFeed.getEntries(); } public static List<Category> getItunesCategories() { final FeedInformation feedInformation = (FeedInformation) sCurrentFeed.getModule(FeedInformation.URI); return feedInformation != null ? feedInformation.getCategories() : null; } public static String getAuthorForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return Parser.unescapeEntities(entry.getAuthor(), false); } public static String getTitleForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return Parser.unescapeEntities(entry.getTitle(), false); } public static String getLinkForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return entry.getLink(); } public static String getCommentsForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return entry.getComments(); } public static CharSequence getDescriptionForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final SyndContent itemDescription = entry.getDescription(); if (itemDescription != null) { return Jsoup.parse(Parser.unescapeEntities(itemDescription.getValue(), false)).text(); } return null; } public static CharSequence getContentForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final List<SyndContent> entryContents = entry.getContents(); if (!entryContents.isEmpty()) { final SyndContent entryContent = entry.getContents().get(0); if ((entryContent.getType().equals("html") || entryContent.getType().equals("xhtml"))) { return HtmlUtils.fromHtml(Parser.unescapeEntities(entryContent.getValue(), false)); } return Parser.unescapeEntities(entryContent.getValue(), false); } return null; } public static List<SyndCategory> getCategoriesForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return entry.getCategories(); } public static String getPublishedDateForEntry(final Context context, final SyndEntry entry) { return DateUtils.parseDate(context, entry.getPublishedDate()); } public static String getDcCreatorForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final DCModule dcModule = (DCModule) entry.getModule(DCModule.URI); return dcModule != null ? dcModule.getCreator() : null; } public static Integer getSlashCommentsForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final Slash slash = (Slash) entry.getModule(Slash.URI); return slash != null ? slash.getComments() : 0; } public static List<String> getEnclosureForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final SyndEnclosure enclosure = entry.getEnclosures().get(0); return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(enclosure.getUrl(), FileUtils.parseFileSize(enclosure.getLength()), MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getExtensionFromMimeType(enclosure.getType()))); } public static LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> getItunesMetadataForEntry(final Context context, final SyndEntry entry) { final FeedInformation itunesFeed = (FeedInformation) sCurrentFeed.getModule(FeedInformation.URI); final EntryInformation itunesEntry = (EntryInformation) entry.getModule(EntryInformation.URI); final LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> itunesMetaData = new LinkedHashMap<>(5); final StringBuilder owner = new StringBuilder(); if (itunesFeed != null) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(itunesFeed.getOwnerName())) { owner.append(itunesFeed.getOwnerName()); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(itunesFeed.getOwnerEmailAddress())) { if (owner.length() > 0) { owner.append('\n'); } owner.append(itunesFeed.getOwnerEmailAddress()); } itunesMetaData.put(ITUNES_OWNER, owner.toString()); } if (itunesEntry != null) { itunesMetaData.put(ITUNES_AUTHOR, !TextUtils.isEmpty(itunesEntry.getAuthor()) ? itunesEntry.getAuthor() : (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sCurrentFeed.getManagingEditor()) ? sCurrentFeed.getManagingEditor() : "-")); itunesMetaData.put(ITUNES_EXPLICIT, itunesEntry.getExplicit() ? context.getString(R.string.yes) : context.getString(; itunesMetaData.put(ITUNES_DURATION, itunesEntry.getDuration() != null ? itunesEntry.getDuration().toString() : "-"); itunesMetaData.put(ITUNES_SUBTITLE_SUMMARY, !TextUtils.isEmpty(itunesEntry.getSummary()) ? itunesEntry.getSummary() : itunesEntry.getSubtitle()); } return itunesMetaData; } public static String getWfwCommentRssForEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { final WfwModule wfwModule = (WfwModule) entry.getModule(WfwModule.URI); return wfwModule != null ? wfwModule.getCommentRss() : null; } public static boolean entryContainsEnclosure(final SyndEntry entry) { return entry.getEnclosures() != null && !entry.getEnclosures().isEmpty(); } public static boolean isItunesFeedPresent() { return sCurrentFeed.getModule(FeedInformation.URI) != null; } public static boolean isItunesEntry(final SyndEntry entry) { return entry.getModule(EntryInformation.URI) != null; } public static boolean isRSSFeed() { return sCurrentFeed.getFeedType().startsWith("rss"); } public static List<String> getCategories() { final List<String> allCategories = new ArrayList<>(); for (final SyndEntry entry : sCurrentFeed.getEntries()) { for (final SyndCategory category : entry.getCategories()) { final String name = category.getName(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name) && !allCategories.contains(name)) { allCategories.add(name); } } } Collections.sort(allCategories); return allCategories; } public static List<Integer> getCategoriesPositions(final List<String> categories) { final List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 1; for (final SyndEntry entry : sCurrentFeed.getEntries()) { for (final SyndCategory category : entry.getCategories()) { if (categories.contains(category.getName()) && !positions.contains(i)) { positions.add(i); } } i++; } Collections.sort(positions); return positions; } public static boolean isCategoriesAvailable() { if (sCurrentFeed != null) { for (final SyndEntry entry : sCurrentFeed.getEntries()) { for (final SyndCategory category : entry.getCategories()) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(category.getName())) { return true; } } } } return false; } public static SearchResults getSearchResultsFor(final String query, final int position) { final List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<>(); final List<LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>> indicesTitle = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; for (final SyndEntry entry : sCurrentFeed.getEntries()) { final String title = entry.getTitle(); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(title, query)) { indicesTitle.add(SearchUtils.getIndicesForQuery(title, query)); positions.add(i); } i++; } return new SearchResults(position, positions, indicesTitle); } public static int size() { if (sCurrentFeed != null) { return sCurrentFeed.getEntries().size(); } return 0; } }