Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestFullApp { private static final String dempsyConfig = "fullApp/Dempsy.xml"; private static final String clusterManager = "testDempsy/ClusterManager-ZookeeperActx.xml"; private static final String transport = "testDempsy/Transport-TcpActx.xml"; private static final long baseTimeoutMillis = 10000; private static String[] ctx = new String[4]; static { ctx[0] = dempsyConfig; ctx[1] = clusterManager; ctx[2] = transport; ctx[3] = "fullApp/DempsyApplicationContext-FullApp.xml"; } private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestFullApp.class); private static InitZookeeperServerBean zkServer = null; @Before public void setupZookeeperSystemVars() throws IOException { System.setProperty("application", "test-app"); System.setProperty("cluster", "test-cluster2"); zkServer = new InitZookeeperServerBean(); } @After public void shutdownZookeeper() { zkServer.stop(); } @Test public void testStartStop() throws Throwable { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null; Dempsy dempsy = null; try { logger.debug("Starting up the appliction context ..."); actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); actx.registerShutdownHook(); dempsy = (Dempsy) actx.getBean("dempsy"); dempsy.start(); final FullApplication app = (FullApplication) actx.getBean("app"); // this checks that the throughput works. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 100; } })); } finally { if (dempsy != null) dempsy.stop(); if (actx != null) actx.close(); if (dempsy != null) assertTrue(dempsy.waitToBeStopped(baseTimeoutMillis)); } } private ZookeeperSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation> zookeeperCluster = null; @Test public void testStartForceMpDisconnectStop() throws Throwable { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null; Dempsy dempsy = null; try { logger.debug("Starting up the appliction context ..."); actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); actx.registerShutdownHook(); final FullApplication app = (FullApplication) actx.getBean("app"); dempsy = (Dempsy) actx.getBean("dempsy"); // Override the cluster session factory to keep track of the sessions asked for. // This is so that I can grab the ZookeeperSession that's being instantiated by // the MyMp cluster. zookeeperCluster = null; dempsy.setClusterSessionFactory(new ZookeeperSessionFactory<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation>( System.getProperty("zk_connect"), 5000) { int sessionCount = 0; @Override public synchronized MpClusterSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation> createSession() throws MpClusterException { sessionCount++; MpClusterSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation> ret = super.createSession(); if (sessionCount == 2) zookeeperCluster = (ZookeeperSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation>) ret; return ret; } }); dempsy.start(); Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster( new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyAdaptor.class.getSimpleName())); Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); final StatsCollector collector = node.getStatsCollector(); // this checks that the throughput works. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 10; } })); assertNotNull(zookeeperCluster); assertEquals(0, collector.getDiscardedMessageCount()); assertEquals(0, collector.getMessageFailedCount()); // ok ... so now we have stuff going all the way through. let's kick // the middle Mp's zookeeper cluster and see what happens. ZooKeeper origZk = zookeeperCluster.zkref.get(); long sessionid = origZk.getSessionId(); ZooKeeper killer = new ZooKeeper(System.getProperty("zk_connect"), 5000, new Watcher() { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent arg0) { } }, sessionid, null); killer.close(); // tricks the server into expiring the other session // // we should be getting failures now ... // // but it's possible that it can reconnect prior to actually seeing an error so if this // // fails frequently we need to remove this test. // assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, app, new Condition() // { // @Override // public boolean conditionMet(Object o) // { // return collector.getMessageFailedCount() > 1; // } // })); //... and then recover. // get the MyMp prototype cluster = dempsy .getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyMp.class.getSimpleName())); node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); final MyMp prototype = (MyMp) node.getMpContainer().getPrototype(); // so let's see where we are final long interimMessageCount = prototype.myMpReceived.get(); // and now we should eventually get more as the session recovers. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return prototype.myMpReceived.get() > interimMessageCount + 100; } })); } finally { if (dempsy != null) dempsy.stop(); if (actx != null) actx.close(); if (dempsy != null) assertTrue(dempsy.waitToBeStopped(baseTimeoutMillis)); } } @Test public void testStartForceMpDisconnectWithStandby() throws Throwable { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null; Dempsy dempsy = null; try { logger.debug("Starting up the appliction context ..."); actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); actx.registerShutdownHook(); final FullApplication app = (FullApplication) actx.getBean("app"); dempsy = (Dempsy) actx.getBean("dempsy"); // Override the cluster session factory to keep track of the sessions asked for. // This is so that I can grab the ZookeeperSession that's being instantiated by // the MyMp cluster. zookeeperCluster = null; dempsy.setClusterSessionFactory(new ZookeeperSessionFactory<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation>( System.getProperty("zk_connect"), 5000) { int sessionCount = 0; @Override public synchronized MpClusterSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation> createSession() throws MpClusterException { sessionCount++; MpClusterSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation> ret = super.createSession(); if (sessionCount == 2) zookeeperCluster = (ZookeeperSession<ClusterInformation, SlotInformation>) ret; return ret; } }); dempsy.start(); Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = dempsy.getCluster( new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyAdaptor.class.getSimpleName())); Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); final StatsCollector collector = node.getStatsCollector(); // we are going to create another node of the MyMp via a test hack cluster = dempsy .getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyMp.class.getSimpleName())); Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node mpnode = cluster.getNodes().get(0); cluster.instantiateAndStartAnotherNodeForTesting(); // the code for start instantiates a new node // this checks that the throughput works. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 10; } })); assertNotNull(zookeeperCluster); assertEquals(0, collector.getDiscardedMessageCount()); assertEquals(0, collector.getMessageFailedCount()); // ok ... so now we have stuff going all the way through. let's kick // the middle Mp's zookeeper cluster and see what happens. ZooKeeper origZk = zookeeperCluster.zkref.get(); origZk.close(); // this should kill it. // but just to be sure actually stop the node. mpnode.stop(); // // we should be getting failures now ... // // but it's possible that it can reconnect prior to actually seeing an error so if this // // fails frequently we need to remove this test. // assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, app, new Condition() // { // @Override // public boolean conditionMet(Object o) // { // return collector.getMessageFailedCount() > 1; // } // })); //... and then recover. // get the MyMp prototype cluster = dempsy .getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyMp.class.getSimpleName())); node = cluster.getNodes().get(1); // notice, we're getting the SECOND node. final MyMp prototype = (MyMp) node.getMpContainer().getPrototype(); // so let's see where we are final long interimMessageCount = prototype.myMpReceived.get(); // and now we should eventually get more as the session recovers. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return prototype.myMpReceived.get() > interimMessageCount + 100; } })); } finally { if (dempsy != null) dempsy.stop(); if (actx != null) actx.close(); if (dempsy != null) assertTrue(dempsy.waitToBeStopped(baseTimeoutMillis)); } } public static class CheckCluster implements CurrentClusterCheck { public static ClusterId toCheckAgainst = null; @Override public boolean isThisNodePartOfCluster(ClusterId clusterToCheck) { return toCheckAgainst.equals(clusterToCheck); } @Override public boolean isThisNodePartOfApplication(String applicationName) { return toCheckAgainst.getApplicationName().equals(applicationName); } } public static class DempsyHolder { public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = null; public ClusterId clusterid = null; public Dempsy dempsy = null; } @Test public void testSeparateClustersInOneVm() throws Throwable { // now start each cluster ctx[0] = "fullApp/Dempsy-FullUp.xml"; Map<ClusterId, DempsyHolder> dempsys = new HashMap<ClusterId, DempsyHolder>(); try { ApplicationDefinition ad = new FullApplication().getTopology(); ad.initialize(); List<ClusterDefinition> clusters = ad.getClusterDefinitions(); for (int i = clusters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ClusterDefinition cluster = clusters.get(i); CheckCluster.toCheckAgainst = cluster.getClusterId(); DempsyHolder cur = new DempsyHolder(); cur.clusterid = cluster.getClusterId(); cur.actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); cur.actx.registerShutdownHook(); cur.dempsy = (Dempsy) cur.actx.getBean("dempsy"); cur.dempsy.start(); dempsys.put(cluster.getClusterId(), cur); } // get the last FullApplication in the processing chain. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = dempsys .get(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyRankMp.class.getSimpleName())).actx; final FullApplication app = (FullApplication) actx.getBean("app"); // this checks that the throughput works. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 100; } })); } finally { ctx[0] = dempsyConfig; for (DempsyHolder cur : dempsys.values()) { cur.dempsy.stop(); cur.actx.close(); } } } @Test public void testFailover() throws Throwable { // now start each cluster ctx[0] = "fullApp/Dempsy-FullUp.xml"; Map<ClusterId, DempsyHolder> dempsys = new HashMap<ClusterId, DempsyHolder>(); DempsyHolder spare = new DempsyHolder(); try { ApplicationDefinition ad = new FullApplication().getTopology(); ad.initialize(); List<ClusterDefinition> clusters = ad.getClusterDefinitions(); for (int i = clusters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ClusterDefinition cluster = clusters.get(i); CheckCluster.toCheckAgainst = cluster.getClusterId(); DempsyHolder cur = new DempsyHolder(); cur.clusterid = cluster.getClusterId(); cur.actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); cur.actx.registerShutdownHook(); cur.dempsy = (Dempsy) cur.actx.getBean("dempsy"); cur.dempsy.start(); dempsys.put(cluster.getClusterId(), cur); } // get the last FullApplication in the processing chain. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext actx = dempsys .get(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyRankMp.class.getSimpleName())).actx; final FullApplication app = (FullApplication) actx.getBean("app"); // this checks that the throughput works. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 5, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return app.finalMessageCount.get() > 100; } })); // now start another MyMp cluster. spare = new DempsyHolder(); spare.clusterid = new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyMp.class.getSimpleName()); CheckCluster.toCheckAgainst = spare.clusterid; spare.actx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(ctx); spare.dempsy = (Dempsy) spare.actx.getBean("dempsy"); spare.dempsy.start(); Dempsy.Application.Cluster cluster = spare.dempsy.getCluster(spare.clusterid); Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); final StatsCollector collector = node.getStatsCollector(); // we are going to create another node of the MyMp via a test hack cluster = spare.dempsy .getCluster(new ClusterId(FullApplication.class.getSimpleName(), MyMp.class.getSimpleName())); node = cluster.getNodes().get(0); final MyMp spareprototype = (MyMp) node.getMpContainer().getPrototype(); // TODO, see if we really need that check, and if so, implement // an alternate way to get it, since with the stats collector rework // we no longer use an independent MetricsRegistry per StatsCollector // instance. assertEquals(0, collector.getDispatchedMessageCount()); assertEquals(0, spareprototype.myMpReceived.get()); // now bring down the original DempsyHolder original = dempsys.get(spare.clusterid); final MyMp originalprototype = (MyMp) original.dempsy.getCluster(spare.clusterid).getNodes().get(0) .getMpContainer().getPrototype(); final long originalNumMessages = originalprototype.myMpReceived.get(); // makes sure the message count is still advancing assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return originalprototype.myMpReceived.get() > originalNumMessages; } })); // check one more time assertEquals(0, spareprototype.myMpReceived.get()); // now stop the original ... the spare should pick up. original.dempsy.stop(); // there's a race condition between the stop returning and the last message // being processed. // we need to check that a certain amount of time passes during which no more messages have been received. final long numMillisecondsWithoutAMessage = 500; // if we haven't seen a message in 1/2 second then we // will assume that the messages have stopped. // now we wait until at least numMillisecondsWithoutAMessage goes by without the myMpReceived // being incremented. This must happen within the baseTimeoutMillis or this check is // considered failed. poll(baseTimeoutMillis + numMillisecondsWithoutAMessage, originalprototype, new Condition<Object>() { long startCheckingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastMessage = originalprototype.myMpReceived.get(); @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { if (originalprototype.myMpReceived.get() != lastMessage) { startCheckingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastMessage = originalprototype.myMpReceived.get(); return false; } else return (System.currentTimeMillis() - startCheckingTime) > numMillisecondsWithoutAMessage; } }); // now check to see if the new one picked up. assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, app, new Condition<Object>() { @Override public boolean conditionMet(Object o) { return spareprototype.myMpReceived.get() > 10; } })); } finally { ctx[0] = dempsyConfig; for (DempsyHolder cur : dempsys.values()) { cur.dempsy.stop(); cur.actx.close(); } if (spare.dempsy != null) spare.dempsy.stop(); if (spare.actx != null) spare.actx.close(); } } }