Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015 Nexmo Inc
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed only under the Nexmo Verify SDK License Agreement located at
 * (the License?)
 * You may not use, exercise any rights with respect to or exploit this SDK,
 * or any modifications or derivative works thereof, except in accordance
 * with the License.

package com.nexmo.sdk.verify.client;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;

import com.nexmo.sdk.NexmoClient;
import com.nexmo.sdk.core.client.ResultCodes;
import com.nexmo.sdk.core.config.Defaults;
import com.nexmo.sdk.core.gcm.VerifyGcmListenerService;
import com.nexmo.sdk.util.DeviceUtil;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.event.BaseClientListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.event.CheckServiceListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.event.CommandServiceListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.event.SearchServiceListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.event.VerifyServiceListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.request.CommandRequest;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.request.SearchRequest;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.request.VerifyRequest;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.service.CheckService;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.service.CommandService;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.service.SearchService;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.core.service.VerifyService;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.CommandListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.SearchListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.UserObject;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.UserStatus;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.VerifyClientListener;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.VerifyError;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.ui.VerifyPhoneNumberActivity;
import com.nexmo.sdk.verify.ui.response.ManagedVerifyResponse;

import java.util.HashSet;

 * The {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.client.VerifyClient} provides the entry point to verification flow provided by the Nexmo SDK.
 * <p> First step is to acquire a {@link VerifyClient} instance based on a built {@link NexmoClient} object.
 *     Remember to set a {@link VerifyClientListener} to receive status change notifications.
 * <p> After a new {@link VerifyClient} is created the verification can be initiated by calling {@link VerifyClient#getVerifiedUser(String, String)}.
 * <p> Example usage:
 * <pre>
 *     VerifyClient myVerifyClient = new VerifyClient(myNexmoClient);
 *     myVerifyClient.addVerifyListener(new VerifyClientListener() {
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onVerifyInProgress(final VerifyClient verifyClient, final UserObject user) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed. Usually provide an input field in the UI that allows PIN code input.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onUserVerified(final VerifyClient verifyClient, final UserObject user) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onError(final VerifyClient verifyClient, final com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.VerifyError errorCode, final UserObject user) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onException(final IOException exception) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed. Most probably there is a network connectivity exception.
 *         }
 *     }
 *     myVerifyClient.getVerifiedUser(myCountryCode, myPhoneNo);
 * </pre>
 * <p> Anytime the PIN code has been received by the end user, it should be supplied to the verify client:
 * <pre>
 *     myVerifyClient.checkPinCode("pinCode");
 * </pre>
 *  A successful verification will be completed once the {@link VerifyClientListener#onUserVerified(VerifyClient, com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.UserObject)} event is invoked.
 * <p> Checking if the current user is verified already or not is possible via {@link VerifyClient#getUserStatus(String, String, SearchListener)} .
 *     Remember to set a {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.SearchListener} to receive the user status.
 * <p> Example usage:
 * <pre>
 *     VerifyClient myVerifyClient = new VerifyClient(myNexmoClient);
 *     myVerifyClient.getUserStatus(myCountryCode, myPhoneNo, new SearchListener() {
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onUserStatus(final UserStatus userStatus) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onError(final com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.VerifyError errorCode, final String errorMessage) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onException(IOException exception) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed. Most probably there is a network connectivity exception.
 *         }
 *     }
 * </pre>
 * <p> Actions can be performed for the current user for controlling the verification flow.
 * The available commands are the {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command} actions.</p>
 * <p>Perform an action by calling {@link VerifyClient#command(String, String, com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command, com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.CommandListener)}
 * Remember to set {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.CommandListener} in order to receive command updates.</p>
 * <p> Example usage, performing a {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command#LOGOUT} for an already verified user:
 * <pre>
 *     VerifyClient myVerifyClient = new VerifyClient(myNexmoClient);
 *     myVerifyClient.command(myCountryCode, myPhoneNo, Command.LOGOUT, new CommandListener() {
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onSuccess(Command command) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onError(Command command, final com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.VerifyError errorCode, String errorMessage) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed.
 *         }
 *         &#64;Override
 *         public void onException(IOException exception) {
 *              // Update the application UI here if needed. Most probably there is a network connectivity exception.
 *         }
 *     }
 * </pre>
public class VerifyClient implements BaseClientListener {

    public static final String TAG = VerifyClient.class.getSimpleName();
    public static final String ACTION_BROADCAST_COMMAND_TIMER = "com.nexmo.sdk.verify.client.BROADCAST_MESSAGE";
    public static final String MESSAGE_KEY_TIMER_STATE_DONE = "timer_state_done";
    private NexmoClient nexmoClient;
    private VerifyRequest verifyRequest = new VerifyRequest();
    private HashSet<VerifyClientListener> verifyClientListeners;
    // when userStatus becomes PENDING wait for 30s before enabling all the commands.
    private Handler commandsHandler = new Handler();
    private final Runnable commandsRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    // Internal listeners.
    private VerifyServiceListener verifyServiceListener;
    private CheckServiceListener checkServiceListener;
    private SearchServiceListener searchServiceListener;
    private BroadcastReceiver gcmPayloadBroadcastReceiver;
    private BroadcastReceiver managedVerifyUIReceiver;

     * Acquire a new {@link VerifyClient} instance.
     * The {@link VerifyClient} object provides the entry point to verification flow provided by the Nexmo SDK.
     * @param nexmoClient The {@link NexmoClient NexmoClient} is the Nexmo SDK entry point.
    public VerifyClient(final NexmoClient nexmoClient) {
        this.verifyClientListeners = new HashSet<>();
        this.nexmoClient = nexmoClient;

     * Adds a {@link VerifyClientListener} listener that handles events from the VerifyClient.
     * @param verifyClientListener A verify client listener.
    public void addVerifyListener(final VerifyClientListener verifyClientListener) {
        if (!this.verifyClientListeners.contains(verifyClientListener))
            synchronized (this) {

     * Remove a {@link VerifyClientListener} listener from receiving verify events.
     * @param verifyClientListener A verify client listener.
     * @return {@code true} if the object was removed, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean removeVerifyListener(final VerifyClientListener verifyClientListener) {
        synchronized (this) {
            return this.verifyClientListeners.remove(verifyClientListener);

     * Remove all verify client listeners associated to this {@link VerifyClient} instance.
    public void removeVerifyListeners() {
        synchronized (this) {

     * @deprecated Use {@link VerifyClient#getVerifiedUser(String, String)} method instead and supply the user's phone number and country code.
     * Verify the user of the current handset, with the handset SIM details.
     * <p> Verification with no supplied phone number along with country code is not permitted for SIM less handsets.
     * <p>  In this case, the end user does not need to enter their own phone number, as they will be automatically read from the SIM card.
     * <p> Note: This method will only succeed if the current handset does contain a SIM card.
     * Otherwise, please call {@link VerifyClient#getVerifiedUser(String, String)} with values provided by the user.
    public void getVerifiedUser() {
        Context appContext = this.nexmoClient.getContext();

        if (DeviceUtil.isSIMAvailable(appContext))
            getVerifiedUser(DeviceUtil.getCountryCode(appContext), DeviceUtil.getPhoneNumber(appContext));
        else {
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                        "SIM card cannot be read. Please use the VerifyClient.getVerifiedUser method and supply params "
                                + "for phone number and country code for the verification to be initiated.");

     * Verify the user of the current handset, with the provided country code and phone number.
     * Retrieve a verified user object for the current handset.
     * Use this method instead of {@link VerifyClient#getVerifiedUserFromDefaultManagedUI()} when you want to handle
     * all the UI-related components.
     * <p> In the case of a transient (typically network related) error an InternalNetworkException will be thrown.
     * <p> Add a {@link VerifyClientListener} to this {@link VerifyClient} before by calling {@link VerifyClient#addVerifyListener(VerifyClientListener)}
     * to be notified of user verify state, as well as error events.
     * @param countryCode The country code of the current SIM card.
     * @param phoneNumber The phone number of the current handset. Only mobile numbers are accepted.
    public void getVerifiedUser(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber) {
        getVerifiedUser(countryCode, phoneNumber, false);

     * Stateless verification of an already verified user of the current handset, with the provided country code and phone number.
     * Retrieve a verified user object for the current handset.
     * <p> In the case of a transient (typically network related) error an InternalNetworkException will be thrown.
     * <p> Add a {@link VerifyClientListener} to this {@link VerifyClient} before by calling {@link VerifyClient#addVerifyListener(VerifyClientListener)}
     * to be notified of user verify state, as well as error events.
     * @param countryCode The country code of the current SIM card.
     * @param phoneNumber The phone number of the current handset. Only mobile numbers are accepted.
    public void verifyStandalone(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber) {
        getVerifiedUser(countryCode, phoneNumber, true);

     * Check verification enables you to check whether the PIN code the ned user has provided matches
     * the one Nexmo has sent.
     * <p> Validation on code length is made prior to checking the code against the service generated one.
     * <p> Please note that any verification pin code is valid for 15 minutes. If the user is unable to
     * provide the pin in due time, verification will fail. In this case, the verification needs to
     * be re-started.
     * @param pinCode PIN code your end user has provided into your application (min 4 digits).
    public void checkPinCode(final String pinCode) {


     * Get/Search the current state of the user, with the provided country code and phone number.
     * There is no point in making concurrent isUserVerified requests for the same user, therefore only one
     * request at a time will be accepted.
     * <p> In the case of a transient (typically network related) error an InternalNetworkException will be thrown.
     * <p> Listen to {@link VerifyClientListener} events to be notified of user state, as well as error events.
     * @param countryCode The country code of the current SIM card.
     * @param phoneNumber The phone number of the current handset. Only mobile numbers are accepted.
     * @param searchListener The search listener. This listener is mandatory, if it's set to null the method would fail.
    public void getUserStatus(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber,
            final SearchListener searchListener) {
        if (searchListener == null) {
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                Log.d(TAG, "Warning: There is no SearchListener in place. "
                        + "Please set it to the getVerifiedUser to be able to receive search events.");
        } else {
            SearchService service = SearchService.getInstance();
            service.init(new SearchRequest(countryCode, phoneNumber));
            service.start(this.nexmoClient, this.searchServiceListener);

     * Initiate a command for the current user to control the verification workflow, in order to further tailor your
     * end-user experience.
     * <p>You should only consider implementing this API if there is a strong need to change the verification process
     * while it is underway, due to user-detected issues. In some cases, end-users may wish to manually invoke a retry
     * - something to the effect of "Send me my code again". Normally Verify manages retry timing by automatically
     * determining if it needs to attempt delivering the code once again. This retry is invoked if a check is not
     * received within the average expected duration for completing a verification successfully.</p>
     * <p>The available commands are:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>{@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command#LOGOUT} Once a user is in {@link UserStatus#USER_VERIFIED}
     *     state a Logout command can be performed. </li>
     *     <li>{@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command#CANCEL} Using command 'Cancel', an outstanding request may be
     *     cancelled and a new one issued. This approach, helps you to trigger the same channel as the first attempt,
     *     since it initiates the Verification flow all over again. This mimics the traditional "Retry" or "Correct my number"
     *     nexmo_verify_button, where a user initiates Verify for the same or a new number because something went wrong.</li>
     *     <li>{@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command#TRIGGER_NEXT_EVENT} Using the command 'trigger_next_event',
     *     Verify can be instructed to failover immediately, instead of waiting for the default duration. This will trigger
     *     the next attempt to deliver the verification code, typically over Text to Speech. A relatable way to think of
     *     this is a "Did not receive your SMS?" or "Call me instead" nexmo_verify_button; which may be made actionable if you determine
     *     that the phone number should have good cellular connectivity.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>Note that trying to deliver the PIN code again in a shorter duration does not necessarily translate into
     * better conversion, it also doesn't result in a good user experience owing to the fact that users take time
     * to complete the verification process.</p>
     * @param countryCode       The country code of the current SIM card.
     * @param phoneNumber       The phone number of the current handset. Only mobile numbers are accepted.
     * @param command           The {@link com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.Command} action to perform. The command is mandatory.
     * @param commandListener   The command action listener. This listener is mandatory, if it's set to null the method would fail.
    public void command(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber, final Command command,
            final CommandListener commandListener) {
        if (commandListener == null) {
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                Log.d(TAG, "Warning: There is no CommandListener in place. "
                        + "Please set it to the command method to be able to receive events.");
        } else if (command == null) {
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                        "Warning: There is no command action in place. " + "Please set it to the command method.");
        } else {
            CommandServiceListener commandServiceListener = new CommandServiceListener(command, commandListener,
            CommandService service = CommandService.getInstance();
            service.init(new CommandRequest(countryCode, phoneNumber, command));
            service.start(this.nexmoClient, commandServiceListener);

     * Start the verify flow with the pre-defined UI inflated.
     * Use this method instead of {@link VerifyClient#getVerifiedUser(String, String)} when you don't want to setup any UI in place.
     * <p> The end user will be be responsible for providing the country and phone number of the device he is trying to verify.
     * <p> Listen to {@link VerifyClientListener} events to be notified of user verify state, as well as error events during the automated flow.
     * There is no action required after this step, just hang on and wait for verify completion event {@link VerifyClientListener#onUserVerified(VerifyClient, com.nexmo.sdk.verify.event.UserObject)} (String)}
     * Upon completion you will only get the phoneNumber for which the user tried to verify, regardless of the outcome.
     * <p> In the case of a transient (typically network related) error an InternalNetworkException will be thrown.
     * <p> Add a {@link VerifyClientListener} to this {@link VerifyClient} before by calling {@link VerifyClient#addVerifyListener(VerifyClientListener)}
     * to be notified of user verify state, as well as error events.
    public void getVerifiedUserFromDefaultManagedUI() {


     * Handle the error result code.
     * Notify all listeners on response codes.
     * @param resultCode The response code.
    public void handleErrorResult(final int resultCode) {
        switch (resultCode) {
        case ResultCodes.INVALID_NUMBER: {
        case ResultCodes.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
        case ResultCodes.BAD_APP_ID: {
        case ResultCodes.INVALID_CODE_TOO_MANY_TIMES: {
        case ResultCodes.INVALID_PIN_CODE:
        case ResultCodes.INVALID_CODE: {
        case ResultCodes.REQUEST_REJECTED: {
        case ResultCodes.QUOTA_EXCEEDED: {
        case ResultCodes.CANNOT_PERFORM_CHECK: {
        case ResultCodes.SDK_NOT_SUPPORTED: {
        case ResultCodes.OS_NOT_SUPPORTED: {
        default: {

     * Notify all VerifyClientListeners on error events.
     * @param verifyError The verify error code.
    public void notifyErrorListeners(final VerifyError verifyError) {
        if (!this.verifyClientListeners.isEmpty()) {
            UserObject userObject = new UserObject(this.verifyRequest.getPhoneNumber());
            for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                listener.onError(this, verifyError, userObject);

     * Notify all listeners of a user status change.
     * @param userStatus The new user status.
    public void handleUserStateChanged(final UserStatus userStatus) {
        UserObject userObject = new UserObject(this.verifyRequest.getPhoneNumber());
        if (!this.verifyClientListeners.isEmpty()) {
            if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_VERIFIED)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onUserVerified(this, userObject);
            else if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_PENDING)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onVerifyInProgress(this, userObject);
            else if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_BLACKLISTED)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onError(this, VerifyError.USER_BLACKLISTED, userObject);
            else if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_UNKNOWN)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onError(this, VerifyError.USER_UNKNOWN, userObject);
            else if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_EXPIRED)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onError(this, VerifyError.USER_EXPIRED, userObject);
            else if (userStatus == UserStatus.USER_FAILED)
                for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)
                    listener.onError(this, VerifyError.USER_FAILED, userObject);

    public void handleNetworkException(final IOException exception) {
        if (!this.verifyClientListeners.isEmpty())
            for (VerifyClientListener listener : this.verifyClientListeners)

    private void getVerifiedUser(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber, final boolean isStandalone) {

        if (isVerifyMissingInput(countryCode, phoneNumber))
        else {
            updateVerifyRequest(countryCode, phoneNumber, isStandalone);
            VerifyService service = VerifyService.getInstance();
            service.start(this.nexmoClient, this.verifyServiceListener);

     * Handle the GCM notifications broadcast receiver, enable it to automatically trigger the check request
     * for the ongoing verify.
    private void setGcmBroadcastReceiver() {
        this.gcmPayloadBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                if (intent.hasExtra(VerifyGcmListenerService.MESSAGE_KEY_PIN)) {
                    String pinCode = intent.getExtras().getString(VerifyGcmListenerService.MESSAGE_KEY_PIN);
                    Log.d(TAG, "gcmPayloadBroadcastReceiver Pin: " + pinCode);

                this.gcmPayloadBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(VerifyGcmListenerService.ACTION_BROADCAST_PIN));

     * Handle the managedUI notifications broadcast receiver, update {@link VerifyClient} on progress.
    private void setManagedUIBroadcastReceiver() {
        this.managedVerifyUIReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
                if (extras != null) {
                    ManagedVerifyResponse response = extras
                    if (response != null && !response.isIoExceptionOccured()) {
                        if (response.getUserStatus() == UserStatus.USER_PENDING) {
                            commandsHandler.postDelayed(commandsRunnable, 30000);
                        } else if (response.getUserStatus() == UserStatus.USER_VERIFIED)
                        else if (response.getUserStatus() == UserStatus.USER_FAILED)
                    } else
                        handleNetworkException(new IOException("Network exception"));

                new IntentFilter(VerifyPhoneNumberActivity.ACTION_BROADCAST_MANAGED_EVENT));

    private void broadcastCommandTimerDone() {
        Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_BROADCAST_COMMAND_TIMER);
        intent.putExtra(MESSAGE_KEY_TIMER_STATE_DONE, true);

    private void launchView(Class<VerifyPhoneNumberActivity> activityClass) {
        Context appContext = this.nexmoClient.getContext();
        Intent signInIntent = new Intent(appContext, activityClass);
        Bundle nexmoClientBundle = new Bundle();
        nexmoClientBundle.putParcelable(NexmoClient.class.getSimpleName(), this.nexmoClient);

    private void manageCheckPin(final String pinCode) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pinCode) || pinCode.length() < Defaults.MIN_CODE_LENGTH) {
            // Any empty pin will not be stored, neither sent to the service.
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                Log.d(TAG, "Supplied phone number has an invalid length. Verify cannot be initiated.");
        } else if (!this.verifyRequest.isPinCheckAvailable()) {
            // Any empty pin will not be stored, neither sent to the service.
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
                        "PIN code cannot be checked because there is no verification in progress.Check cannot be initiated.");
        } else {
            CheckService service = CheckService.getInstance();
            service.start(this.nexmoClient, this.checkServiceListener);

     * Setup the search related listeners. Used only when the search functionality is requested.
     * @param searchListener The provided search listener.
    private void setupSearchListener(final SearchListener searchListener) {
        this.searchServiceListener = new SearchServiceListener(searchListener, this);

    private void setupVerifyClientListeners() {
        this.verifyServiceListener = new VerifyServiceListener(this);
        this.checkServiceListener = new CheckServiceListener(this);

    private void updateVerifyRequest(final String countryCode, final String phoneNo, final boolean isStandalone) {
        synchronized (this) {
            this.verifyRequest = new VerifyRequest(countryCode, phoneNo, isStandalone);

    private void updateVerifyRequest(final String phoneNo) {
        synchronized (this) {

    private void updateVerifyRequestPin(final String pinCode) {
        synchronized (this) {

    private void warnIfMissingListener() {
        if (this.verifyClientListeners.isEmpty() && BuildConfig.DEBUG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Warning: There is no VerifyClientListener in place. "
                    + "Please set it on this VerifyClient instance to be able to receive verify events.");

    private boolean isVerifyMissingInput(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(countryCode) && BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Warning: The 'countryCode' parameter is missing. "
                    + "Please set it to the getVerifiedUser method.");
            return true;
        } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(phoneNumber) && BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Warning: The 'phoneNumber' parameter is missing. "
                    + "Please set it to the getVerifiedUser method.");
            return true;
        return false;
