Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Netspective Communications LLC. All rights reserved. * * Netspective Communications LLC ("Netspective") permits redistribution, modification and use of this file in source * and binary form ("The Software") under the Netspective Source License ("NSL" or "The License"). The following * conditions are provided as a summary of the NSL but the NSL remains the canonical license and must be accepted * before using The Software. Any use of The Software indicates agreement with the NSL. * * 1. Each copy or derived work of The Software must preserve the copyright notice and this notice unmodified. * * 2. Redistribution of The Software is allowed in object code form only (as Java .class files or a .jar file * containing the .class files) and only as part of an application that uses The Software as part of its primary * functionality. No distribution of the package is allowed as part of a software development kit, other library, * or development tool without written consent of Netspective. Any modified form of The Software is bound by these * same restrictions. * * 3. Redistributions of The Software in any form must include an unmodified copy of The License, normally in a plain * ASCII text file unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by Netspective. * * 4. The names "Netspective", "Axiom", "Commons", "Junxion", and "Sparx" are trademarks of Netspective and may not be * used to endorse or appear in products derived from The Software without written consent of Netspective. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, * ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. * * NETSPECTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY AS A * RESULT OF USING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL NETSPECTIVE OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ package com.netspective.sparx.theme.basic; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.netspective.commons.text.TextUtils; import com.netspective.commons.validate.ValidationContext; import com.netspective.commons.xdm.XmlDataModelSchema; import com.netspective.sparx.form.Dialog; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogContext; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogDirector; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogFlags; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogIncludeJavascriptFile; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogPerspectives; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogSkin; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.DialogField; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.DialogFieldFlags; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.DialogFieldPopup; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.DialogFields; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.type.GridField; import com.netspective.sparx.form.field.type.SeparatorField; import com.netspective.sparx.panel.HtmlPanel; import com.netspective.sparx.theme.Theme; public class StandardDialogSkin extends BasicHtmlPanelSkin implements DialogSkin { public static final XmlDataModelSchema.Options XML_DATA_MODEL_SCHEMA_OPTIONS = new XmlDataModelSchema.Options() .setIgnorePcData(true); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StandardDialogSkin.class); static public final String FIELDROW_PREFIX = "_dfr."; static public final String GRIDHEADROW_PREFIX = "_dghr."; static public final String GRIDFIELDROW_PREFIX = "_dgfr."; static public final String EMPTY = ""; protected boolean summarizeErrors; protected String outerTableAttrs; protected String innerTableAttrs; protected String frameHdRowAlign; protected String frameHdRowAttrs; protected String frameHdFontAttrs; protected String errorMsgHdFontAttrs; protected String errorMsgHdText; protected String fieldRowAttrs; protected String fieldRowErrorAttrs; protected String gridCaptionFontAttrs; // grid column font attributes protected String gridRowCaptionFontAttrs; // grid row font attributes protected String gridCaptionCellAttrs; // grid column display attributes protected String gridTableAttrs; // grid table display attribute protected String gridBodyCellAttrs; protected String captionCellAttrs; protected String captionFontAttrs; protected String controlAreaFontAttrs; protected String controlAreaStyleAttrs; protected String controlAttrs; protected String controlAreaStyleClass; protected String controlAreaRequiredStyleClass; protected String controlAreaReadonlyStyleClass; protected String separatorFontAttrs; protected String separatorHtml; protected String separatorBannerTextFontAttrs; protected String hintFontAttrs; protected String errorMsgFontAttrs; protected String captionSuffix; protected String includePreScripts; protected String includePostScripts; protected String includePreStyleSheets; protected String includePostStyleSheets; protected String prependPreScript; protected String prependPostScript; protected String appendPreScript; protected String appendPostScript; protected Map includePostScriptsMap; protected Map includePreScriptsMap; private String controlAreaClass; private String captionClass; /** * Default constructor so that child classes can be instantiated through XDM. */ public StandardDialogSkin() { init(); } public StandardDialogSkin(Theme theme, String name, String panelClassNamePrefix, String panelResourcesPrefix, boolean fullWidth) { super(theme, name, panelClassNamePrefix, panelResourcesPrefix, fullWidth); init(); } public void init() { summarizeErrors = true; outerTableAttrs = "border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" nowrap"; innerTableAttrs = "width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' bgcolor='#EEEEEE' "; frameHdRowAlign = "LEFT"; frameHdRowAttrs = "bgcolor='#6699CC' "; frameHdFontAttrs = "face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=2 color='white' style='font-size:8pt' "; errorMsgHdFontAttrs = "face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size=2 color='darkred'"; errorMsgHdText = "Please review the following:"; fieldRowAttrs = ""; fieldRowErrorAttrs = "bgcolor='#DDDDDD' "; captionCellAttrs = "align='right' "; captionFontAttrs = "size='2' face='tahoma,arial,helvetica' style='font-size:8pt' "; gridBodyCellAttrs = ""; gridTableAttrs = "cellpadding='02' cellspacing='0' border='0' style='margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0'"; gridCaptionFontAttrs = "size='2' face='tahoma,arial,helvetica' color='navy' style='font-size:8pt' "; gridRowCaptionFontAttrs = "size='2' face='tahoma,arial,helvetica' color='navy' style='font-size:8pt' "; gridCaptionCellAttrs = "align='center'"; controlAreaFontAttrs = "size='2' face='tahoma,arial,helvetica' style='font-size:8pt' "; controlAreaStyleAttrs = ""; controlAreaStyleClass = "dialog-input"; controlAreaRequiredStyleClass = "dialog-input-required"; controlAreaReadonlyStyleClass = "dialog-input-readonly"; controlAttrs = " onfocus='return controlOnFocus(this, event)' onchange='controlOnChange(this, event)' " + "onblur='controlOnBlur(this, event)' onkeypress='return controlOnKeypress(this, event)' onclick='controlOnClick(this, event) '"; separatorFontAttrs = "face='verdana,arial' size=2 color=#555555"; separatorBannerTextFontAttrs = "face='arial' size=2 color=#555555"; separatorHtml = ""; hintFontAttrs = " class=\"dialog-fields-hint\" "; errorMsgFontAttrs = "color='red'"; captionSuffix = " "; includePreScripts = null; includePostScripts = null; includePreStyleSheets = null; includePostStyleSheets = null; prependPreScript = null; prependPostScript = null; appendPreScript = null; appendPostScript = null; includePostScriptsMap = new HashMap(); includePreScriptsMap = new HashMap(); controlAreaClass = " class=\"dialog-entry\" "; captionClass = " class=\"dialog-fields\""; } public final String getDefaultControlAttrs() { return controlAttrs; } /** * Gets the CSS style class for a dialog field control area * * @return String */ public String getControlAreaStyleClass() { return controlAreaStyleClass; } /** * Gets the CSS style class for a required dialog field control area * * @return String */ public String getControlAreaRequiredStyleClass() { return controlAreaRequiredStyleClass; } /** * Gets the CSS style class for a read only dialog field control area * * @return String */ public String getControlAreaReadonlyStyleClass() { return controlAreaReadonlyStyleClass; } public void renderCompositeControlsHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, DialogField parentField) throws IOException { DialogFields children = parentField.getChildren(); writer.write("<span class='dialog-fields-no-arrow'>"); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { DialogField field = children.get(i); if (field.isAvailable(dc)) { if (field.isInputHidden(dc)) field.renderControlHtml(writer, dc); else { DialogFieldFlags flags = field.getFlags(); if (flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_BEFORE)) writer.write("<br>"); boolean showCaption = field.showCaptionAsChild(); if (showCaption) { String caption = field.getCaption().getTextValue(dc); if (caption != DialogField.CUSTOM_CAPTION && caption != null) { writer.write("<nobr>" + (field.isRequired(dc) ? "<b>" + caption + "</b>" : caption)); if (captionSuffix != null) writer.write(captionSuffix); } } field.renderControlHtml(writer, dc); writer.write(" "); if (showCaption) writer.write("</nobr>"); if (flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_AFTER)) writer.write("<br>"); } } } writer.write("</span>"); } public void appendGridControlBasics(DialogContext dc, DialogField field, StringBuffer html) throws IOException { StringWriter controlHtml = new StringWriter(); field.renderControlHtml(controlHtml, dc); String popupHtml = getPopupHtml(dc, field); if (popupHtml != null) controlHtml.write(popupHtml); if (field.isHelpAvailable()) controlHtml.write(" " + field.getHelpPanel().getDialogFieldHelpHtml(dc, getTheme())); if (field.getFlags().flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.CREATE_ADJACENT_AREA)) { String adjValue = dc.getFieldStates().getState(field).getAdjacentAreaValue(); controlHtml.write(" <span id='" + field.getQualifiedName() + "_adjacent'>" + (adjValue != null ? adjValue : "") + "</span>"); } StringBuffer messagesHtml = new StringBuffer(); String hint = field.getHint().getTextValue(dc); if (hint != null) { messagesHtml.append("<br><font " + hintFontAttrs + ">"); messagesHtml.append(hint); messagesHtml.append("</font>"); } html.append("<font "); html.append(controlAreaFontAttrs); html.append(">"); html.append(controlHtml); if (messagesHtml.length() > 0) html.append(messagesHtml); html.append("</font>"); } public String getGridRowHtml(DialogContext dc, GridField gridField, DialogField compositeField, int row) throws IOException { String rowAttr = " id='" + GRIDFIELDROW_PREFIX + compositeField.getQualifiedName() + "' "; StringBuffer rowHtml = new StringBuffer("\n<tr valign='top' " + rowAttr + ">"); DialogFields compChildren = compositeField.getChildren(); // get the row's name String rowCaption = compositeField.getCaption().getTextValue(dc); if (rowCaption == null) { rowCaption = ""; } if (row == 0) { String hRowAttr = " id='" + GRIDHEADROW_PREFIX + compositeField.getQualifiedName() + "' "; StringBuffer headerHtml = new StringBuffer("\n<tr " + hRowAttr + ">"); int fieldNum = 0; String[] fieldCaptions = gridField.getCaptions(dc); // save space in the header for the row captions headerHtml.append("<td " + gridCaptionCellAttrs + "> </td> "); // append the row caption to the first row rowHtml.append("<td><font " + gridRowCaptionFontAttrs + ">"); rowHtml.append(rowCaption); rowHtml.append("</font></td>"); for (int i = 0; i < compChildren.size(); i++) { DialogField field = compChildren.get(i); if (field.isAvailable(dc)) { String caption = fieldNum < fieldCaptions.length ? fieldCaptions[fieldNum] : field.getCaption().getTextValue(dc); headerHtml.append("<td " + gridCaptionCellAttrs + "><font "); headerHtml.append(gridCaptionFontAttrs); headerHtml.append(">"); if (caption != null && caption != DialogField.CUSTOM_CAPTION) { headerHtml.append(field.isRequired(dc) ? "<b>" + caption + "</b>" : caption); } headerHtml.append("</font></td>"); rowHtml.append("<td " + gridBodyCellAttrs + ">"); appendGridControlBasics(dc, field, rowHtml); rowHtml.append("</td>"); } fieldNum++; } headerHtml.append("</tr>"); headerHtml.append(rowHtml); headerHtml.append("</tr>"); return headerHtml.toString(); } else { // append the row caption to the first row rowHtml.append("<td><font " + gridRowCaptionFontAttrs + ">"); rowHtml.append(rowCaption); rowHtml.append("</font></td>"); for (int i = 0; i < compChildren.size(); i++) { DialogField field = compChildren.get(i); if (field.isAvailable(dc)) { rowHtml.append("<td " + gridBodyCellAttrs + ">"); appendGridControlBasics(dc, field, rowHtml); rowHtml.append("</td>"); } } rowHtml.append("</tr>"); return rowHtml.toString(); } } public void renderGridControlsHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, GridField gridField) throws IOException { writer.write("\n<table " + gridTableAttrs + ">"); DialogFields gridChildren = gridField.getChildren(); int colsCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < gridChildren.size(); row++) { DialogField rowField = gridChildren.get(row); if (colsCount == 0) colsCount = rowField.getChildren().size(); if (rowField.isAvailable(dc)) { StringBuffer messagesHtml = new StringBuffer(); boolean haveErrors = false; boolean firstMsg = true; List errorMessages = dc.getValidationContext().getValidationErrorsForScope( dc.getFieldStates().getState(rowField).getValidationContextScope()); if (errorMessages != null) { messagesHtml.append("<font " + errorMsgFontAttrs + ">"); Iterator emi = errorMessages.iterator(); while (emi.hasNext()) { if (!firstMsg) messagesHtml.append("<br>"); else firstMsg = false; messagesHtml.append((String); } messagesHtml.append("</font>"); haveErrors = true; } writer.write(getGridRowHtml(dc, gridField, rowField, row)); if (haveErrors) { writer.write("<tr><td colspan='" + colsCount + "'>"); writer.write("<font " + controlAreaFontAttrs); writer.write(messagesHtml.toString()); writer.write("</font></td></tr>"); } } } writer.write("\n</table>"); } public String getPopupHtml(DialogContext dc, DialogField field) { DialogFieldPopup[] popup = field.getPopups(); if (popup == null || popup.length == 0) return null; StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer expression = null; for (int i = 0; i < popup.length; i++) { final DialogFieldPopup activePopup = popup[i]; // if the field is read only we won't show it if (activePopup.isHideIfReadOnly() && dc.getFieldStates().getState(field).getStateFlags().flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.READ_ONLY)) continue; expression = new StringBuffer("new DialogFieldPopup('" + dc.getDialog().getHtmlFormName() + "', '" + field.getQualifiedName() + "', '" + activePopup.getAction().getTextValueOrBlank(dc) + "', '" + activePopup.getWindowClass() + "', " + activePopup.isCloseAfterSelect() + ", " + activePopup.isAllowMulti() + ", "); StringBuffer tmpBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String[] fillFields = activePopup.getFill(); if (fillFields != null && fillFields.length > 0) { tmpBuffer.append("new Array("); for (int k = 0; k < fillFields.length; k++) tmpBuffer.append("'" + fillFields[k] + (k < fillFields.length - 1 ? "', " : "'")); tmpBuffer.append(")"); } else tmpBuffer.append("null"); expression.append(tmpBuffer.toString() + ", "); tmpBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String[] extractFields = activePopup.getExtract(); // append the list of extract fields if they exist if (extractFields != null && extractFields.length > 0) { tmpBuffer.append("new Array("); for (int k = 0; k < extractFields.length; k++) { tmpBuffer.append("'" + extractFields[k] + (k < extractFields.length - 1 ? "', " : "'")); } tmpBuffer.append(")"); } else tmpBuffer.append("null"); expression.append(tmpBuffer.toString() + ", "); // append evaluation script if (activePopup.getPreActionScript() != null) expression.append("'" + activePopup.getPreActionScript() + "'"); else expression.append("null"); expression.append(")"); if (activePopup.getStyle().getValueIndex() == DialogFieldPopup.Style.TEXT) { html.append(" <a href='' style='cursor:hand;' onclick=\"javascript:" + expression + ";return false;\">" + activePopup.getStyleText().getTextValue(dc) + "</a> "); } else { String imageUrl = activePopup.getImageSrc().getTextValue(dc); if (imageUrl == null) imageUrl = getTheme().getResourceUrl("/images/panel/input/content-popup.gif"); html.append(" <a href='' style='cursor:hand;' onclick=\"javascript:" + expression + ";return false;\"><img border='0' src='" + imageUrl + "' alt='pop-up'></a> "); } } return html.toString(); } public void appendFieldHtml(DialogContext dc, DialogField field, StringBuffer fieldsHtml, StringBuffer fieldsJSDefn, List fieldErrorMsgs) throws IOException { if (field.isInputHidden(dc)) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); field.renderControlHtml(writer, dc); fieldsHtml.append(writer); // even if the field is hidden, you still need to register it in JS if (field.getName() != null) fieldsJSDefn.append(field.getJavaScriptDefn(dc)); return; } String caption = field.getCaption().getTextValue(dc); DialogFields fieldChildren = field.getChildren(); if (caption != null && fieldChildren != null && caption.equals(DialogField.GENERATE_CAPTION)) { StringBuffer generated = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldChildren.size(); i++) { DialogField childField = fieldChildren.get(i); String childCaption = childField.getCaption().getTextValue(dc); if (childCaption != null && childCaption != DialogField.CUSTOM_CAPTION) { if (generated.length() > 0) generated.append(" / "); generated.append(childField.isRequired(dc) ? "<b>" + childCaption + "</b>" : childCaption); } } caption = generated.toString(); } else { if (caption != null && field.isRequired(dc)) caption = "<b>" + caption + "</b>"; } if (captionSuffix != null && caption != null && caption.length() > 0) caption += captionSuffix; StringWriter controlHtml = new StringWriter(); field.renderControlHtml(controlHtml, dc); String popupHtml = getPopupHtml(dc, field); if (popupHtml != null) controlHtml.write(popupHtml); if (field.isHelpAvailable()) controlHtml.write(" " + field.getHelpPanel().getDialogFieldHelpHtml(dc, getTheme())); DialogField.State state = dc.getFieldStates().getState(field); DialogFieldFlags stateFlags = state.getStateFlags(); if (stateFlags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.CREATE_ADJACENT_AREA)) { String adjValue = state.getAdjacentAreaValue(); controlHtml.write(" <span id='" + field.getQualifiedName() + "_adjacent'>" + (adjValue != null ? adjValue : "") + "</span>"); } boolean haveErrors = false; StringBuffer messagesHtml = null; List errorMessages = dc.getValidationContext() .getValidationErrorsForScope(state.getValidationContextScope()); if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { messagesHtml = new StringBuffer(); messagesHtml.append("<font " + errorMsgFontAttrs + ">"); for (int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++) { String msgStr = (String) errorMessages.get(i); fieldErrorMsgs.add(msgStr); if (i > 0) messagesHtml.append("<br>"); messagesHtml.append("<a name='dc_error_msg_" + i + "'>" + msgStr + "</a>"); } messagesHtml.append("</font>"); haveErrors = true; } String hintHtml = ""; if (controlHtml.getBuffer().length() > 0) { // only show the hint when there is an input field! String hint = field.getHint().getTextValue(dc); if (hint != null) { DialogFlags dialogFlags = dc.getDialog().getDialogFlags(); if ((field.isReadOnly(dc) && dialogFlags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.HIDE_READONLY_HINTS))) { hintHtml = ""; } else if (dialogFlags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.HIDE_HINTS_UNTIL_FOCUS)) { // hide the hints until the field is being edited hintHtml = "<br><span id=\"" + field.getQualifiedName() + "_hint\" class=\"dialog-fields-hint-hidden\"> " + hint + "</span>"; } else { hintHtml = "<br><span id=\"" + field.getQualifiedName() + "_hint\" class=\"dialog-fields-hint\"> " + hint + "</span>"; } } } /* * each field row gets its own ID so DHTML can hide/show the row */ String rowAttr = fieldRowAttrs + " id='" + FIELDROW_PREFIX + field.getQualifiedName() + "' "; if (haveErrors) rowAttr = rowAttr + fieldRowErrorAttrs; if (caption == null) { if (field instanceof SeparatorField) fieldsHtml.append("<tr" + rowAttr + "><td class=\"dialog-fields-separator\" colspan='2'>" + controlHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); else fieldsHtml.append("<tr" + rowAttr + "><td colspan='2'>" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); if (haveErrors) fieldsHtml.append("<tr><td><span class=\"dialog-fields-errors\"> " + messagesHtml + "</span></td></tr>\n"); } else { String accessKey = field.getAccessKey(); if (accessKey != null && accessKey.length() > 0) { int accessKeyPos = caption.toLowerCase().indexOf(accessKey.toLowerCase()); if (accessKeyPos > 0 && accessKeyPos < caption.length() - 1) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr " + rowAttr + "><td " + getCaptionClass() + "><label for=\"" + field.getHtmlFormControlId() + "\" accesskey=\"" + field.getAccessKey() + "\">" + caption.substring(0, accessKeyPos) + "<span class=\"accesskey\">" + caption.substring(accessKeyPos, accessKeyPos + 1) + "</span>" + caption.substring(accessKeyPos + 1) + "</label></td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } else if (accessKeyPos == caption.length() - 1) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr " + rowAttr + "><td " + getCaptionClass() + "><label for=\"" + field.getHtmlFormControlId() + "\" accesskey=\"" + field.getAccessKey() + "\">" + caption.substring(0, accessKeyPos) + "<span class=\"accesskey\">" + caption.substring(accessKeyPos) + "</span></label></td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } else if (accessKeyPos == 0) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr " + rowAttr + "><td " + getCaptionClass() + "><label for=\"" + field.getHtmlFormControlId() + "\" accesskey=\"" + field.getAccessKey() + "\">" + "<span class=\"accesskey\">" + caption.substring(0, 1) + "</span>" + caption.substring(1) + "</label></td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } else { fieldsHtml.append("<tr " + rowAttr + "><td " + getCaptionClass() + ">" + caption + "</td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } } else if (caption.length() > 0) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr" + rowAttr + "><td " + getCaptionClass() + ">" + "<label for=\"" + field.getHtmlFormControlId() + "\">" + caption + "</label></td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } else { fieldsHtml.append("<tr" + rowAttr + "><td> </td>" + "<td " + getControlAreaClass() + ">" + controlHtml + hintHtml + "</td></tr>\n"); } if (haveErrors) fieldsHtml.append( "<tr><td> </td><td>" + "<span class=\"dialog-fields-errors\"> " + messagesHtml + "</span></td></tr>\n"); } if (field.getName() != null) fieldsJSDefn.append(field.getJavaScriptDefn(dc)); } public void renderHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc) throws IOException { renderPanelRegistration(writer, dc); if (dc.getDialog().hideHeading(dc)) dc.setPanelRenderFlags(dc.getPanelRenderFlags() | HtmlPanel.RENDERFLAG_HIDE_FRAME_HEADING); int panelRenderFlags = dc.getPanelRenderFlags(); if ((panelRenderFlags & HtmlPanel.RENDERFLAG_NOFRAME) == 0) { renderFrameBegin(writer, dc); writer.write( " <table class=\"report\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"); } else writer.write(" <table id=\"" + dc.getPanel().getPanelIdentifier() + "_content\" class=\"report\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"); List fieldErrorMsgs = new ArrayList(); List dlgErrorMsgs = dc.getValidationContext() .getValidationErrorsForScope(ValidationContext.VALIDATIONSCOPE_ENTIRE_CONTEXT); if (dlgErrorMsgs != null) fieldErrorMsgs.addAll(dlgErrorMsgs); Dialog dialog = dc.getDialog(); int layoutColumnsCount = dialog.getLayoutColumnsCount(); int dlgTableColSpan = 2; StringBuffer fieldsHtml = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer fieldsJSDefn = new StringBuffer(); DialogDirector director = dialog.getDirector(); if (layoutColumnsCount == 1) { DialogFields fields = dc.getDialog().getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { DialogField field = fields.get(i); if (!field.isAvailable(dc)) continue; appendFieldHtml(dc, field, fieldsHtml, fieldsJSDefn, fieldErrorMsgs); } if (director != null && director.isAvailable(dc) && !dc.getDialogState().getPerspectives().flagIsSet(DialogPerspectives.PRINT)) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr><td class=\"dialog-button-table\" colspan='2'>"); StringWriter directorHtml = new StringWriter(); director.renderControlHtml(directorHtml, dc); fieldsHtml.append(directorHtml); fieldsHtml.append("</td></tr>"); } } else { StringBuffer[] layoutColsFieldsHtml = new StringBuffer[layoutColumnsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < layoutColumnsCount; i++) layoutColsFieldsHtml[i] = new StringBuffer(); int activeColumn = 0; DialogFields fields = dc.getDialog().getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { DialogField field = fields.get(i); if (!field.isAvailable(dc)) continue; DialogFieldFlags flags = field.getFlags(); if (flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_BEFORE)) activeColumn++; appendFieldHtml(dc, field, layoutColsFieldsHtml[activeColumn], fieldsJSDefn, fieldErrorMsgs); if (flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_AFTER)) activeColumn++; } int lastColumn = layoutColumnsCount - 1; int cellWidth = 100 / layoutColumnsCount; dlgTableColSpan = 0; fieldsHtml.append("<tr valign='top'>"); for (int c = 0; c < layoutColumnsCount; c++) { fieldsHtml.append("<td width='" + cellWidth + "%'><table width='100%'>"); fieldsHtml.append(layoutColsFieldsHtml[c]); fieldsHtml.append("</table></td>"); dlgTableColSpan++; if (c < lastColumn) { fieldsHtml.append("<td> </td>"); dlgTableColSpan++; } } fieldsHtml.append("</tr>"); if (director != null && director.isAvailable(dc) && !dc.getDialogState().getPerspectives().flagIsSet(DialogPerspectives.PRINT)) { fieldsHtml.append("<tr><td class=\"dialog-button-table\" colspan='" + dlgTableColSpan + "'>"); StringWriter directorHtml = new StringWriter(); director.renderControlHtml(directorHtml, dc); fieldsHtml.append(directorHtml); fieldsHtml.append("</td></tr>"); } } StringBuffer errorMsgsHtml = new StringBuffer(); if (fieldErrorMsgs.size() > 0) { errorMsgsHtml.append( "<tr><td colspan='" + dlgTableColSpan + "'><ul type=square><font " + controlAreaFontAttrs + "><font " + errorMsgHdFontAttrs + "><b>" + errorMsgHdText + "</b></font>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < fieldErrorMsgs.size(); i++) { String errorMsg = (String) fieldErrorMsgs.get(i); errorMsgsHtml.append("<li><a href='#dc_error_msg_" + i + "' style='text-decoration:none'><font " + errorMsgFontAttrs + ">" + errorMsg + "</font></a></li>\n"); } errorMsgsHtml.append("</ul></td></tr>\n"); } List fileList = dialog.getClientJs(); String[] includeJSList = new String[fileList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < includeJSList.length; i++) { DialogIncludeJavascriptFile jsFileObj = (DialogIncludeJavascriptFile) fileList.get(i); includeJSList[i] = jsFileObj.getHref().getTextValue(dc); } if (includePreStyleSheets != null) writer.write(includePreStyleSheets); if (includePostStyleSheets != null) writer.write(includePostStyleSheets); if (prependPreScript != null) writer.write(prependPreScript); writer.write("<script language='JavaScript'>var _version = 1.0;</script>\n" + "<script language='JavaScript1.1'>_version = 1.1;</script>\n" + "<script language='JavaScript1.2'>_version = 1.2;</script>\n" + "<script language='JavaScript1.3'>_version = 1.3;</script>\n" + "<script language='JavaScript1.4'>_version = 1.4;</script>\n"); if (includePreScripts != null) writer.write(includePreScripts); writer.write("<script language='JavaScript'>\n" + "<!--\n" + " if(typeof dialogLibraryLoaded == 'undefined')\n" + " {\n" + " alert('ERROR: dialog.js was not loaded.');\n" + " }\n" + "-->\n" + "</script>\n"); if (includeJSList.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < includeJSList.length; i++) { writer.write("<script language='JavaScript' src='" + includeJSList[i] + "'></script>\n"); } } if (includePostScripts != null) writer.write(includePostScripts); if (prependPostScript != null) writer.write(prependPostScript); DialogFlags dflags = dialog.getDialogFlags(); if (dflags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.DISABLE_CLIENT_VALIDATION)) writer.write("<script>ALLOW_CLIENT_VALIDATION = false;</script>"); if (dflags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.TRANSLATE_ENTER_KEY_TO_TAB_KEY)) writer.write("<script>TRANSLATE_ENTER_KEY_TO_TAB_KEY = true;</script>"); if (dflags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.SHOW_DATA_CHANGED_MESSAGE_ON_LEAVE)) writer.write("<script>SHOW_DATA_CHANGED_MESSAGE_ON_LEAVE = true;</script>"); if (dflags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.DISABLE_CLIENT_KEYPRESS_FILTERS)) writer.write("<script>ENABLE_KEYPRESS_FILTERS = flase;</script>"); if (dflags.flagIsSet(DialogFlags.HIDE_HINTS_UNTIL_FOCUS)) writer.write("<script>HIDE_HINTS_UNTIL_FOCUS = true;</script>"); String dialogName = dialog.getHtmlFormName(); String encType = dialog.getDialogFlags().flagIsSet(DialogFlags.ENCTYPE_MULTIPART_FORMDATA) ? "enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"" : ""; String actionURL = null; if (director != null) actionURL = director.getSubmitActionUrl() != null ? director.getSubmitActionUrl().getValue(dc).getTextValue() : null; if (actionURL == null) actionURL = ((HttpServletRequest) dc.getRequest()).getRequestURI(); renderContentsHtml(writer, dc, dialogName, actionURL, encType, dlgTableColSpan, errorMsgsHtml, fieldsHtml); if (appendPreScript != null) writer.write(appendPreScript); writer.write("<script language='JavaScript'>\n" + "<!--\n" + " var " + dialogName + " = new Dialog(\"" + dialogName + "\");\n" + " var dialog = " + dialogName + "; setActiveDialog(dialog);\n" + " var field;\n" + fieldsJSDefn + " dialog.finalizeContents();\n" + "-->\n" + "</script>\n"); if (appendPostScript != null) writer.write(appendPostScript); // panel end writer.write(" </table>\n"); if ((panelRenderFlags & HtmlPanel.RENDERFLAG_NOFRAME) == 0) renderFrameEnd(writer, dc); } public void writeIncludeScripts(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, Map scriptsMap) throws IOException { Iterator i = scriptsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String src = (String); String adjustedSrc = src; if (src.startsWith("/")) { String appRoot = ((HttpServletRequest) dc.getRequest()).getContextPath(); adjustedSrc = appRoot + src; } String lang = (String) scriptsMap.get(src); writer.write("<script src='" + adjustedSrc + "' language='" + lang + "'></script>\n"); } } public void renderContentsHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, String dialogName, String actionURL, String encType, int dlgTableColSpan, StringBuffer errorMsgsHtml, StringBuffer fieldsHtml) throws IOException { if (summarizeErrors) writer.write(errorMsgsHtml.toString()); writer.write("<form id='" + dialogName + "' name='" + dialogName + "' action='" + TextUtils.getInstance().escapeHTML(actionURL) + "' method='post' " + encType + " onsubmit='return(activeDialog.isValid())'>\n" + dc.getStateHiddens() + "\n" + fieldsHtml + "</form>\n"); } public void renderSeparatorHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, SeparatorField field) throws IOException { String heading = field.getHeading().getTextValue(dc); DialogFieldFlags flags = field.getFlags(); if (heading != null) { String sep = "<a class=\"dialog-fields-separator-link\" name=\"" + URLEncoder.encode(heading) + "\">" + heading + "</a>"; if (field.getBanner() != null) { sep += "<br><font " + separatorBannerTextFontAttrs + ">"; sep += field.getBanner().getTextValue(dc); sep += "</font>"; } if (flags.flagIsSet(SeparatorField.Flags.RULE)) sep += separatorHtml; if (flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_BEFORE)) writer.write(sep); else writer.write("<br>" + sep); } else { if (!flags.flagIsSet(DialogFieldFlags.COLUMN_BREAK_BEFORE)) writer.write(flags.flagIsSet(SeparatorField.Flags.RULE) ? "<br>" : ""); } } public void renderRedirectHtml(Writer writer, DialogContext dc, String redirectUrl) throws IOException { writer.write("<script>window.location = \""); writer.write(redirectUrl); writer.write("\";</script>"); } public boolean isSummarizeErrors() { return summarizeErrors; } public void setSummarizeErrors(boolean summarizeErrors) { this.summarizeErrors = summarizeErrors; } public String getOuterTableAttrs() { return outerTableAttrs; } public void setOuterTableAttrs(String value) { outerTableAttrs = value; } public String getInnerTableAttrs() { return innerTableAttrs; } public void setInnerTableAttrs(String value) { innerTableAttrs = value; } public String getFrameHdRowAlign() { return frameHdRowAlign; } public void setFrameHdRowAlign(String value) { frameHdRowAlign = value; } public String getFrameHdRowAttrs() { return frameHdRowAttrs; } public void setFrameHdRowAttrs(String value) { frameHdRowAttrs = value; } public String getFrameHdFontAttrs() { return frameHdFontAttrs; } public void setFrameHdFontAttrs(String value) { frameHdFontAttrs = value; } public String getFieldRowAttrs() { return fieldRowAttrs; } public void setFieldRowAttrs(String value) { fieldRowAttrs = value; } public String getFieldRowErrorAttrs() { return fieldRowErrorAttrs; } public void setFieldRowErrorAttrs(String value) { fieldRowErrorAttrs = value; } public String getGridCaptionFontAttrs() { return gridCaptionFontAttrs; } public void setGridCaptionFontAttrs(String value) { gridCaptionFontAttrs = value; } public String getGridRowCaptionFontAttrs() { return gridRowCaptionFontAttrs; } public void setGridRowCaptionFontAttrs(String value) { gridRowCaptionFontAttrs = value; } public String getCaptionCellAttrs() { return captionCellAttrs; } public void setCaptionCellAttrs(String value) { captionCellAttrs = value; } public String getCaptionFontAttrs() { return captionFontAttrs; } public void setCaptionFontAttrs(String value) { captionFontAttrs = value; } public String getControlAreaFontAttrs() { return controlAreaFontAttrs; } public void setControlAreaFontAttrs(String value) { controlAreaFontAttrs = value; } public String getControlAreaStyleAttrs() { return controlAreaStyleAttrs; } public void setControlAreaStyleAttrs(String value) { this.controlAreaStyleAttrs = value; } public String getControlAttrs() { return controlAttrs; } public void setControlAttrs(String value) { controlAttrs = value; } public String getSeparatorFontAttrs() { return separatorFontAttrs; } public void setSeparatorFontAttrs(String value) { separatorFontAttrs = value; } public String getSeparatorHtml() { return separatorHtml; } public void setSeparatorHtml(String value) { separatorHtml = value; } public String getHintFontAttrs() { return hintFontAttrs; } public void setHintFontAttrs(String value) { hintFontAttrs = value; } public String getErrorMsgFontAttrs() { return errorMsgFontAttrs; } public void setErrorMsgFontAttrs(String value) { errorMsgFontAttrs = value; } public String getCaptionSuffix() { return captionSuffix; } public void setCaptionSuffix(String value) { captionSuffix = value; } public String getIncludePreScripts() { return includePreScripts; } public void setIncludePreScripts(String value) { includePreScripts = value; } public String getIncludePostScripts() { return includePostScripts; } public void setIncludePostScripts(String value) { includePostScripts = value; } public String getIncludePreStyleSheets() { return includePreStyleSheets; } public void setIncludePreStyleSheets(String value) { includePreStyleSheets = value; } public String getIncludePostStyleSheets() { return includePostStyleSheets; } public void setIncludePostStyleSheets(String value) { includePostStyleSheets = value; } public String getPrependPreScript() { return prependPreScript; } public void setPrependPreScript(String value) { prependPreScript = value; } public String getPrependPostScript() { return prependPostScript; } public void setPrependPostScript(String value) { prependPostScript = value; } public String getAppendPreScript() { return appendPreScript; } public void setAppendPreScript(String value) { appendPreScript = value; } public String getAppendPostScript() { return appendPostScript; } public void setAppendPostScript(String value) { appendPostScript = value; } public String getCaptionClass() { return captionClass; } public void setCaptionClass(String captionClass) { this.captionClass = captionClass; } public String getControlAreaClass() { return controlAreaClass; } public void setControlAreaClass(String controlAreaClass) { this.controlAreaClass = controlAreaClass; } }