Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Netspective Communications LLC. All rights reserved. * * Netspective Communications LLC ("Netspective") permits redistribution, modification and use of this file in source * and binary form ("The Software") under the Netspective Source License ("NSL" or "The License"). The following * conditions are provided as a summary of the NSL but the NSL remains the canonical license and must be accepted * before using The Software. Any use of The Software indicates agreement with the NSL. * * 1. Each copy or derived work of The Software must preserve the copyright notice and this notice unmodified. * * 2. Redistribution of The Software is allowed in object code form only (as Java .class files or a .jar file * containing the .class files) and only as part of an application that uses The Software as part of its primary * functionality. No distribution of the package is allowed as part of a software development kit, other library, * or development tool without written consent of Netspective. Any modified form of The Software is bound by these * same restrictions. * * 3. Redistributions of The Software in any form must include an unmodified copy of The License, normally in a plain * ASCII text file unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by Netspective. * * 4. The names "Netspective", "Axiom", "Commons", "Junxion", and "Sparx" are trademarks of Netspective and may not be * used to endorse or appear in products derived from The Software without written consent of Netspective. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, * ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. * * NETSPECTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY AS A * RESULT OF USING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL NETSPECTIVE OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.BasicSchema; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.Rows; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.Schema; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.Schemas; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.Table; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.Tables; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.table.BasicTable; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.table.type.EntityVariantRecordTypeTable; import com.netspective.axiom.schema.table.type.EnumerationTable; import; import; import; import com.netspective.commons.text.TextUtils; import com.netspective.commons.value.ValueSource; import com.netspective.commons.value.source.StaticValueSource; import com.netspective.sparx.navigate.NavigationContext; import com.netspective.sparx.panel.AbstractHtmlTabularReportPanel; import; import; import; public class SchemaTablesPanel extends AbstractHtmlTabularReportPanel { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SchemaTablesPanel.class); public static final String REQPARAMNAME_SHOW_DETAIL_TABLE = "schema-table"; private static final HtmlTabularReport structureReport = new BasicHtmlTabularReport(); private static final GeneralColumn schemaTableColumn = new GeneralColumn(); protected static final ValueSource noTableSelected = new StaticValueSource("No table selected."); static { schemaTableColumn.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("SQL Table Name")); //schemaTableColumn.setRedirect(new RedirectValueSource("table?"+ REQPARAMNAME_SHOW_DETAIL_TABLE +"=%{1}")); structureReport.addColumn(schemaTableColumn); GeneralColumn column = new GeneralColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("XML Node Name")); structureReport.addColumn(column); column = new NumericColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Columns")); structureReport.addColumn(column); column = new NumericColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Indexes")); structureReport.addColumn(column); column = new NumericColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Static Rows")); structureReport.addColumn(column); column = new GeneralColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Delete")); structureReport.addColumn(column); column = new GeneralColumn(); column.setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Class")); structureReport.addColumn(column); } protected static class StructureRow { protected int level; protected StructureRow parentRow; protected List ancestors; protected String heading; protected Schema.TableTreeNode tableTreeNode; protected EnumerationTable enumTable; protected EntityVariantRecordTypeTable variantTypeTable; protected StructureRow(int level, StructureRow parentRow, String heading) { this.level = level; this.parentRow = parentRow; this.heading = heading; } protected StructureRow(int level, Schema.TableTreeNode tableTreeNode, List ancestors) { this.level = level; this.parentRow = (StructureRow) ancestors.get(0); this.ancestors = ancestors; this.tableTreeNode = tableTreeNode; } protected StructureRow(int level, EnumerationTable enumTable, List ancestors) { this.level = level; this.parentRow = (StructureRow) ancestors.get(0); this.ancestors = ancestors; this.enumTable = enumTable; } protected StructureRow(int level, EntityVariantRecordTypeTable enumTable, List ancestors) { this.level = level; this.parentRow = (StructureRow) ancestors.get(0); this.ancestors = ancestors; this.variantTypeTable = enumTable; } public StructureRow getParentRow() { return parentRow; } public Table getTable() { if (tableTreeNode != null) return tableTreeNode.getTable(); if (enumTable != null) return enumTable; if (variantTypeTable != null) return variantTypeTable; return null; } public boolean isTable(String schemaAndTableName) { String[] schemaAndTableNameArray = TextUtils.getInstance().split(schemaAndTableName, ".", false); String schemaName = schemaAndTableNameArray[0]; String tableName = schemaAndTableNameArray[1]; if (tableTreeNode != null && tableTreeNode.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && tableTreeNode.getTable().getSchema().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaName)) return true; if (enumTable != null && enumTable.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && enumTable.getSchema().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaName)) return true; if (variantTypeTable != null && variantTypeTable.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && variantTypeTable.getSchema().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaName)) return true; return false; } } private static Map rowsCache = new HashMap(); private SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute view = new SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute( SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute.ALL); public SchemaTablesPanel() { getFrame().setHeading(new StaticValueSource("Overview")); } public static void addStructurRow(List rows, int level, Schema.TableTreeNode treeNode, List ancestors) { StructureRow activeStructureRow = new StructureRow(level, treeNode, ancestors); rows.add(activeStructureRow); List children = treeNode.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (int c = 0; c < children.size(); c++) { List childAncestors = new ArrayList(); childAncestors.add(activeStructureRow); childAncestors.addAll(ancestors); addStructurRow(rows, level + 1, (Schema.TableTreeNode) children.get(c), childAncestors); } } } public static List createStructureRows(Schemas schemas) { List rows = (List) rowsCache.get(schemas); if (rows != null) return rows; rows = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { Schema schema = schemas.get(i); Schema.TableTree tree = schema.getStructure(); StructureRow schemaRow = new StructureRow(0, null, "Schema: '" + schema.getName() + "'"); rows.add(schemaRow); StructureRow appTablesRow = new StructureRow(1, schemaRow, "Application Tables"); rows.add(appTablesRow); List appTableAncestors = new ArrayList(); appTableAncestors.add(schemaRow); appTableAncestors.add(appTablesRow); List children = tree.getChildren(); for (int c = 0; c < children.size(); c++) addStructurRow(rows, 2, (Schema.TableTreeNode) children.get(c), appTableAncestors); StructureRow variantRecTypeTablesRow = new StructureRow(1, schemaRow, "Variant Record Type Tables"); rows.add(variantRecTypeTablesRow); List variantRecTypeTableAncestors = new ArrayList(); variantRecTypeTableAncestors.add(schemaRow); variantRecTypeTableAncestors.add(variantRecTypeTablesRow); Set sortedVariantRecTypeTables = new TreeSet(BasicSchema.TABLE_COMPARATOR); Tables tables = schema.getTables(); for (int c = 0; c < tables.size(); c++) { Table table = tables.get(c); if (table instanceof EntityVariantRecordTypeTable) sortedVariantRecTypeTables.add(table); } for (Iterator iter = sortedVariantRecTypeTables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) rows.add(new StructureRow(2, (EntityVariantRecordTypeTable), variantRecTypeTableAncestors)); StructureRow enumTablesRow = new StructureRow(1, schemaRow, "Enumeration Tables"); rows.add(enumTablesRow); List enumTableAncestors = new ArrayList(); enumTableAncestors.add(schemaRow); enumTableAncestors.add(enumTablesRow); Set sortedEnumTables = new TreeSet(BasicSchema.TABLE_COMPARATOR); tables = schema.getTables(); for (int c = 0; c < tables.size(); c++) { Table table = tables.get(c); if (table instanceof EnumerationTable) sortedEnumTables.add(table); } for (Iterator iter = sortedEnumTables.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) rows.add(new StructureRow(2, (EnumerationTable), enumTableAncestors)); } rowsCache.put(schemas, rows); return rows; } public SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute getView() { return view; } public void setView(SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute view) { this.view = view; } public boolean affectsNavigationContext(NavigationContext nc) { return true; } public TabularReportDataSource createDataSource(NavigationContext nc) { List rows = createStructureRows(nc.getSqlManager().getSchemas()); StructureRow selectedRow = getSelectedStructureRow(nc, rows); if (view.getValueIndex() == SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute.ALL) return new StructureDataSource(createStructureRows(nc.getSqlManager().getSchemas()), selectedRow); else { if (selectedRow == null) return new SimpleMessageDataSource(noTableSelected); else return new StructureDataSource(createStructureRows(nc.getSqlManager().getSchemas()), selectedRow); } } public HtmlTabularReport getReport(NavigationContext nc) { return structureReport; } public static StructureRow getSelectedStructureRow(NavigationContext nc, List structureRows) { String selectedTable = nc.getRequest().getParameter(REQPARAMNAME_SHOW_DETAIL_TABLE); if (selectedTable == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < structureRows.size(); i++) { StructureRow structureRow = (StructureRow) structureRows.get(i); if (structureRow.isTable(selectedTable)) { String abbrev = structureRow.getTable().getAbbrev(); nc.setPageHeading(abbrev.equals(structureRow.getTable().getName()) ? selectedTable : (selectedTable + " (" + abbrev + ")")); return structureRow; } } return null; } protected class StructureDataSource extends AbstractHtmlTabularReportDataSource { protected int row = -1; protected int lastRow; protected StructureRow activeRow; protected StructureRow selectedRow; protected List rows; protected TabularReportDataSource.Hierarchy hierarchy = new ActiveHierarchy(); protected class ActiveHierarchy implements TabularReportDataSource.Hierarchy { public int getColumn() { return 0; } public int getLevel() { return activeRow.level; } public int getParentRow() { return activeRow.getParentRow() != null ? rows.indexOf(activeRow.getParentRow()) : -1; } } public boolean isHierarchical() { return true; } public TabularReportDataSource.Hierarchy getActiveHierarchy() { return hierarchy; } public StructureDataSource(List structureRows, StructureRow selectedRow) { super(); this.rows = structureRows; this.selectedRow = selectedRow; lastRow = structureRows.size() - 1; if (view.getValueIndex() == SchemaTablesPanelViewEnumeratedAttribute.ACTIVE_TABLE) { this.rows = new ArrayList(); if (selectedRow != null) { for (int i = 0; i < structureRows.size(); i++) { StructureRow checkRow = (StructureRow) structureRows.get(i); if (checkRow == selectedRow || selectedRow.ancestors.contains(checkRow) || (checkRow.ancestors != null && checkRow.ancestors.contains(selectedRow))) this.rows.add(structureRows.get(i)); } } lastRow = this.rows.size() - 1; } } public String createTableHref(Table table) { return "<a href=\"table?schema-table=" + table.getSchema().getName() + "." + table.getName() + "\">" + table.getName() + "</a>"; } public Object getActiveRowColumnData(int columnIndex, int flags) { Table activeTable = activeRow.getTable(); switch (columnIndex) { case 0: if (activeTable != null) return createTableHref(activeTable); else return "<b>" + activeRow.heading + "</b>"; case 1: if (activeTable != null) return activeTable.getXmlNodeName(); case 2: if (activeTable != null) return new Integer(activeTable.getColumns().size()); case 3: if (activeTable != null) return new Integer(activeTable.getIndexes().size()); case 4: Rows rows = null; if (activeTable != null) rows = activeTable.getData(); return rows != null ? new Integer(rows.size()) : null; case 5: if (activeTable != null) return activeTable.getRowDeleteType(); case 6: if (activeRow.tableTreeNode != null && (selectedRow == activeRow || activeRow.tableTreeNode.getTable().getClass() != BasicTable.class)) return reportValueContext.getSkin() .constructClassRef(activeRow.tableTreeNode.getTable().getClass()); else if (activeRow.enumTable != null && (selectedRow == activeRow || activeRow.enumTable.getClass() != EnumerationTable.class)) return reportValueContext.getSkin().constructClassRef(activeRow.enumTable.getClass()); else if (activeRow.variantTypeTable != null && (selectedRow == activeRow || activeRow.variantTypeTable.getClass() != EntityVariantRecordTypeTable.class)) return reportValueContext.getSkin().constructClassRef(activeRow.variantTypeTable.getClass()); default: return null; } } public int getTotalRows() { return rows.size(); } public boolean hasMoreRows() { return row < lastRow; } public boolean isScrollable() { return true; } public void setActiveRow(int rowNum) { row = rowNum; activeRow = (StructureRow) rows.get(row); } public boolean next() { if (!hasMoreRows()) return false; setActiveRow(row + 1); return true; } public int getActiveRowNumber() { return row + 1; } public boolean isActiveRowSelected() { return activeRow == selectedRow; } public ValueSource getNoDataFoundMessage() { return noTableSelected; } } }